NBA 2012


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Nowitzki is having a very disappointing season thus far. Is it his age? Who knows but last year he was a beast. He should still be a force for a couple more seasons at the very least.

I was worried about Nash at the beginning of the season but at 38 he continues to show that he's the best point guard in the league. Nash is truly a poor man's John Stockton but being that Stockton was the best point guard of all time that's a compliment.


Hall of Famer
May 14, 2006
Stockton had Karl Malone for his entire career.
Nash had Stoudamire for a few seasons, but otherwise, has not had the supporting cast that Stockton had. Certainly no Hall of Famers.
I think that makes Nash's accomplishments all the more amazing.


Nov 13, 2005
I like the Timberwolves winning by one point. They beat the Clippers two weeks ago by one also. Last year and earlier this season they lost a lot of close games. If they can start winning these the team is on the road to the playoffs, or at least playoff contention.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Stockton had Karl Malone for his entire career.
Nash had Stoudamire for a few seasons, but otherwise, has not had the supporting cast that Stockton had. Certainly no Hall of Famers.
I think that makes Nash's accomplishments all the more amazing.

That it true but Stockton was a much better defensive player than Nash. He's the best point guard of all time regardless and Nash certainly is one of the best of all time.


Jul 29, 2008
My boycott of the NBA continues, as I have yet to watch a single game, but I do still check box scores and watch highlights involving White players. The biggest thing at the moment is this kid Jeremy Lin of the Knicks, who apparently has been tearing it up in the 3 games he's played so far. For the record, I fully support him and wish that he has a good, long career.

His situation is a perfect example of the racism and discrimination that non-blacks face at pro sports in the US, especially football and basketball. He obviously had talent to play at a major D1 program, but no one even looked at him because he's not black, pure and simple. I bet if a scout had gone to a plantation master like Calipari or Calhoun and mentioned Lin , he'd get laughed out of the room and possibly lose his job. We know the White kids who continue to get screwed at the HS level, but I'm sure other ethnicities face similar treatments.

My philosophy is consistent with the agenda on this site, and that is to root for White athletes first and foremost. After that, I'll support anyone who'll help expose the myth of black athletic supremacy. In this case, it's a PG of Taiwanese descent who's doing it, and it's fine by me.

BTW, congrats to Nash, Love, Dirk, and Mark Gasol for making the Western All-star team. I believe Ginobili would've made it also if he hadn't gotten hurt because he was playing well at the time. In the East, Whites need not apply, apparently. :thumbdown:

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i don't know if anyone else noticed, but David Lee had a triple-double for Golden State on Tuesday: 25 points, 11 rebounds, and 10 assists. not bad for an after-thought-turned-reject with the Knicks. for the season, Lee is averaging a double-double: 18.4 points-per-game and 10 rebounds. he likely should've been named to the All Star team.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It was a good matchup tonight of the old vs the new. Dirk Nowitzki won this time leading the Mavs to a win with 33 points. Kevin Love scored 32 points and had 12 rebounds but he didn't get enough support from his teammates. It was still a good game.

Lin continues to impress scoring 38 points against the Lakers. He is a big suprise but it is great to see more stereotypes smashed. Black players are not the only ones who can play basketball. We know that here. Now if only the ncaa and nba would realise it. Then we would see alot more Kevin Love types.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Whitening of the Lakers

I have obviously noticed that the Lakers have gotten Whiter with such additions as Kapano. Tonight I saw 4 White players getting big minutes during crunch time. Lakers are a team to route for this season. Yeah that Asian kid has the goods. He almost single handly beat the Lakers to night.
Dec 23, 2009
I don't want to drone on about Jeremy Lin for obvious reasons but just a quick story...this kid may be the best vehicle we've had in a long time to spread our message--allow me to explain:

I visit "message boards" (the comments section after an article, sometimes thousands of people on them at once) often. I always make points that support our cause, I always plug Caste Football." Usually it's an article about Peyton Hillis, Jordy, Woodhead, etc; our guys. Anyway, everytime I make my "racist" comments, I'll get one maybe two thumbs up, one or two guys who agree with me, followed by 5-10 "you're racist" comments and inevitably my comments are removed. Guess what? Not the case with Jeremy Lin. You see, when I defend one of our guys the usual response is along the lines of, "you're White, the athlete is White, you're a jealous racist, blacks are better, get over it." When it comes to Jeremy Lin, they can't make these accusations. I've gotten so much positive feedback, so many "thumbs up"....its incredible! And I still manage to draw the parallels to our guys and drop a Caste Football plug. I'm telling you guys, Lin is a good thing--use him to spread our message.


Feb 11, 2012
Lin doesn't help any cause because he's an anomalous freak show. That's why people are so fascinated by him. China's population is a billion and a half, yet their national basketball team, consisting of the best of their best their country has to offer, and each of whom faced NO discrimination to claw their way to the top of their profession, get destroyed by countries who get destroyed by the US, and everyone knows that.

What he's doing is cute, and may very well be on the precipice of stardom for years to come. However, until theres a second or third Jeremy Lin, his impact doesn't mean squat as far as other races infiltrating the league and dominating. He's a lot like Lemaitre. Until there's ONE other competitive white sprinter, he'll just be seen as an entertaining novelty act.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I'm watching the Twolves vs Knicks. Going into the 4th quarter, the Twolves are winning by 5 points. Kevin Love has 24 points and 16 boards and Peckovic has 21 points/13 rebounds. These guys are both monsters. This is a fun game to watch. Lin is playing good although he has alot of turnovers. I really love watching Minnesota play. One of the only teams I enjoy anymore.
Last edited:

Tim Riggins

Aug 13, 2011
Lin's the ultimate caste buster ... no scholarship offers in high school, undrafted, kicked around by various teams (despite a great performance vs. John Wall in 2010 summer league) and just needed someone to finally give him a fair chance.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I'm happy for Lin although that is not why we are here. He seems like a nice kid and he is a breath of fresh air compared to the usual same teams year after year. He really struggled toinight despite the Knicks winning by two. Lin was only 8 of 24 from the floor and the refs bailed him out countless times on the road. There is no way that the Twolves should have lost this game. They choked plain and simple. Everything went wrong in the last 3-4 minutes and they blew and 8 point lead. Kevin Love had 32 points and 21 rebounds! Incredible performance by the guy. Peckovic was very good to. Rubio is an excellent defender and a great passer. He struggles to score though and he needs to change this if he is going to eventually be an all star. They play off him alot as the opposing teams don't respect his shot that much. They are a young team but they will get better at closing out games. Back to back nights and they lost 2 close games!


Oct 21, 2004
I am rooting for Lin as well, but have to disagree with those who say he's no different than a white player to the Caste System. No white player would ever garner a nickname like "Linsanity" after only 3 games.

Also, when was the last time any white player-even a first round pick-was allowed to throw up 24 shots in a game where he was shooting so poorly? Especially, when it's only his fifth game as a starter. The blacks on the Knicks are clearly treating Lin better than they would a white player.

Again, I'm happy for Lin but the "Linsanity" stuff is getting to be annoying. I'm more concerned with the way Jimmer Fredette is wasting away- yet another white American given millions by a team allegedly devoted to winning, yet simply not permitted to play. Let me know when Jimmer is ever permitted to take 24 shots in a game. If he went 24 for 24 from the field, they'd still call him a ball hog.

There is no place for whites in the NBA.


Oct 3, 2010
Did anyone else notice the considerable number of "Asian-Americans" in the Minnesota T'Wolves audience tonight openly rooting for the New York Nicks Jeremy Lin.....complete with Taiwanese flags. Of course, this was portrayed as a "wonderful thing" by the commentators......bunch of "racisssss"....LMAO at the double/triple standard....


Jul 29, 2008
The Fredette situation could not have worked out any worse for him. Things were initially looking up with Paul Westphal as coach. But then Westphal gets into it with one of several thugs on the team (Cousins) and promptly gets fired. The new black coach doesn't seem too fond of Jimmer, as he's now 3rd on the depth chart behind 60th overall pick Isiah Thomas. Please explain that one to me. When given minutes, he's shown that he can play, plain and simple. I think there was a 4 game stretch recently where he stepped in for some injured players and I believe average something like 17ppg, and then that followed with a couple of DNPs and really a bad stretch of games where he's stuck on the bench. How does this happen?

It must suck for Jimmer, going from BYU to this thug infested team where he's the only White player, and getting erratic playing time. Yet another talented White American is in danger of being tossed aside unless something changes.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Great points gentlemen. I agree that it is a travesty with the way they have treated Jimmer. Also the fact that he would never have the green light to shoot like Lin does. It's amazing that whites can't win no matter what they do in high school or college. Jimmer Fredette is every bit as good and most likely alot better than Lin. He just doesn't have the proper tan so he has to assume his role. Like I said in a previous post, the best thing for Fredette would be to get traded!


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
I'd like to see Jimmer make his way back to the Bucks.. "Star" Point Guard Brandon Jennings as has already stated that he plans to leave town for Milwaukee as a free agent after this season. Bucks can send him to Sac town for Jimmer and a draft pick.. The Bucks should learn from the Brewers and their situation with Prince Fielder.. Black players dont find Milwaukee to be a lucrative enough market.


Dec 13, 2009
Last March Tyler Hansbrough got starting minutes for a couple of weeks and he put up Love type numbers and was compared to Love from the 2 black analysts commentating on NBA's channel, yet this year he can't even crack 20 minutes a game.

JJ Redick also puts up great (Lin like) stats when he's been allowed to start after numerous afflete injuries and yet it's back to the bench for him once the affletes can play again even though they put up inferior stats and play...:dodgy:


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Screw Lin, I hope he bombs. His situation is NOTHING like a white players and he is nothing even close to a "castebuster", in fact it is the exact opposite, another case of misplaced diversity mongering by the media, fans, and league management. He will be given every opportunity to excel helped along by coaches and sympathetic refs. Yes eventually the blacks will turn against him in favor of their tribal loyalties but it will never be like what Jimmer will face day in and day out.

Bigunreal is dead on right, another team spends a high pick on a white player and treats him like crap, thereby essentially throwing away the money they invested in him. It's ridiculous and white fans should rise up and revolt against such absurd racial pandering. Instead its "oh great an asian player!!!" Yippee!!!


Dec 13, 2009
Asians aren't seen as "inferior" athletes at basketball by the caste system. Look at how much praise Yao Ming got and he wasn't any better than Rik Smits (IMHO) who was never considered a great player.

Jimmer (Redick too) would without a doubt put up MUCH better stats than Lin (the dude struggles hitting FT's) if they're ever allowed to shoot 25 shots a game!:icon_mad:


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Whitlock makes a racist comment on Twitter and of course gets away with it. Some were calling for his dismissal but that never happens to a black guy. Whitelock is a scumbag, plain and simple.

[h=1]Jason Whitlock apologizes for his unfunny Jeremy Lin comment on Twitter[/h]

By Kelly Dwyer | Ball Don't Lie – 1 hour 7 minutes ago

Jeremy Lin, prior to Friday's win over the Lakers (Getty Images)
You're an NBA fan. Dissatisfied with the typical online outlets, you're coming to an NBA-obsessive blog on a Monday to read more than what the more orthodox NBA media outlets are giving you. You search and you scour for takes and columns and Tweets and video and you'll do it all again come Tuesday morning. Tell me, have you ever read a Jason Whitlock column on the NBA? Do you even think to go to him when NBA news breaks?
Jason Whitlock knows this. He's also an unfunny boor with a massive ego, and the combination of those factors plus his NBA irrelevancy leads to Twitter comments like this, in the wake of Jeremy Lin's brilliant 38-point performance against the Knicks on Friday night:
"Some lucky lady in NYC is going to feel a couple of inches of pain tonight."

There are funny jokes, and then there are unfunny jokes that mix with needless racial stereotyping and the laziness that comes from not even bothering to look up the fact that the Knicks would be flying to Minneapolis directly after Friday's game.
On Sunday, after much criticism and derision, Whitlock came through with an apology of sorts:
I then gave in to another part of my personality - my immature, sophomoric, comedic nature. It's been with me since birth, a gift from my mother and honed as a child listening to my godmother's Richard Pryor albums. I still want to be a standup comedian.
Don't you dare involve Richard Pryor in this, Jason Whitlock. Maybe your mother makes lame jokes all the time, but do not invoke Pryor's name. His jokes were funny. This was pathetic.
I like dark, weird humor. Michael O'Donoghue remains a steady influence on me, even as I write up posts about Dwight Howard dunking on a fake giraffe. But this, to paraphrase the least-darkest comic of all time in Jerry Seinfeld, offends me more as someone who appreciates humor than it does the ugly and needless stereotyping of a 6-3, 200-pound man. If you're going to go nasty, at least go out being funny.
Whitlock's not going anywhere, though some called for and even expected his dismissal from FOX over the weekend. The Asian American Journalists Association was more than correct in looking past the "not funny" aspect of Whitlock's noise and calling out its blatant stereotyping.
Jeremy Lin, meanwhile, went on to overcome tired legs in his fifth game in seven nights on Saturday, and score 20 points in New York's win over the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Whitlock, per usual, will be dutifully ignored by NBA fans until he says another stupid thing about the league.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
As someone living in the heart of this "Linsanity", let me just say that I will root for and support him. His tale sounds like many White football and basketball players I have read about over the years at caste football. Unrecruited. Pays his way through college. Undrafted. Bench ornament until many negros are hurt or away from the team leading to playing time. Success.
Sure the media is covering this to death, but that's what they do when an "anomaly" in the sports world comes around. They were not "pushing" this kid out of HS or up draft boards like every black athlete. They see his success just like they saw Jimmer's last year in college ball. As a fluke. There will be no push to promote basketball amongst Asian-American youth just like there was no push with Jimmer and White rural youths or maybe Mormon youths. The recruiting boards for HS and college will continue to be as black as ever.
Now onto my other point about the Knicks. Lost in the commotion has been the excellent play of Steve Novak. Lin has averaged 26.8 PPG and +11.2 team net points while on the court in 39 MPG over the 5 game winning streak. In the same run (only played in 4), Novak has 15.5 PPG and a +6.25 in only 25 MPG off the bench. He's also a stellar 52% from behind the arch. Just thought he deserves some credit for the Knicks winning too.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Screw Lin, I hope he bombs. His situation is NOTHING like a white players and he is nothing even close to a "castebuster", in fact it is the exact opposite, another case of misplaced diversity mongering by the media, fans, and league management. He will be given every opportunity to excel helped along by coaches and sympathetic refs. Yes eventually the blacks will turn against him in favor of their tribal loyalties but it will never be like what Jimmer will face day in and day out.

Bigunreal is dead on right, another team spends a high pick on a white player and treats him like crap, thereby essentially throwing away the money they invested in him. It's ridiculous and white fans should rise up and revolt against such absurd racial pandering. Instead its "oh great an asian player!!!" Yippee!!!

Don't know if I would go that far jaxvid, but you do bring up a valid point. Although it's been a long shot for Lin, as he has performed, his minutes have either stayed the same or have increased, unlike most white players, Fredette, Hansborough, Reddick, Budinger, etc., when they perform, they are getting less or inconsistent minutes.

Just this morning on Mad Dog Radio, the white hosts were praising Lin and saying he's a hit because he looks different, he's not the typical NBA look, saying black or white, when what they really meant was ANYTHING BUT WHITE. He's being treated just like any so-called minority, he's Asian, so like jaxvid said he will be given every opportunity to excel.

I watch very little NBA and this will not change anything for me. The only way I will ever watch The NBA is if I see more of what was on during the Knick/T-Wolve game the other evening where I saw I believe atleast 5 white players, 1 Knick, 2 if you count Lin,/4 Wolves on the court at one time.