NAACP calls Tea Party Racist


Apr 6, 2007
Ok instead of trying to prove a negative, tea party leaders like Palin need to call the NAACP on their ******** claim and double standards.


Jul 12, 2007
The irony seems to completely evade the liberal media.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons is calling some other entity racist.
This is an organization whose intent as stated in their very name is the exclusionary promotion of groups along racial lines. That is the very definition of racism.


Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Ok instead of trying to prove a negative, tea party leaders like Palin need to call the NAACP on their ******** claim and double standards.

That's what I told them at our last meeting. Don't back down on this stuff. Tie everything to taxes and attack.

Tom Iron...


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
This is just blacks trying to save their affirmative action government jobs from the limited government folks. I really don't think the Tea Party ought to dignify this with much of a direct response. Perhaps they should tactfully suggest that the Tea Party is unconcerned with the NAACP's victimization fantasies and that the Tea Party has more important tasks at hand than responding to the politically motivated accusations of every useless pedant in the country.


Oct 31, 2009
The NAACP needs a foe to find to stay relevant...because they have less & less clout as the days go by; they need to spark a little conroversy! Even the educated black folks are saying the NAACP is losing credibility...

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Riddlewire completely nails it ... the double standard is so blatantly obvious, yet completely uncommented upon by the lapdogs in the media.

Riddlewire said:
The irony seems to completely evade the liberal media.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons is calling some other entity racist.
This is an organization whose intent as stated in their very name is the exclusionary promotion of groups along racial lines.

and has been mentioned, the Tea Party's response was pathetic: "We're not racists; we have lots of black friends."


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div>and has been mentioned, the Tea Party's response was pathetic: "We're not racists; we have lots of black friends." </div>

Can't say I didn't see that one coming from a mile away. Of course the Tea Party doesn't really have any black support other than maybe a Sowell type who has an all-white following. Blacks don't believe in limited constitutional government. They might not even be capable of it as Somalia is probably the pinnacle of black libertarianism. Black organizations will forever work against the Tea Party, black leaders will forever accuse them of racism, and blacks in general will forever vote against Tea Party positions. There will never be more than scant token black participation in the Tea Party and because whiteness equals racism the Tea Party will forever be labeled as racist. Really the Tea Party has two choices: go away or be called racist. I don't think even selling out will deflect much of the criticism at this time as the point will need to be made for whites not to try this sort of thing again.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Well the (TEA Party) is going not away and let the allegations of racism flow.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
James Edwards over at the Political Cesspool has an awesome column on this whole charade.

i'll post the first few paragraphs below, but go to the link and read the whole thing. it's well worth it.

The Great Tea Party/NAACP Racism Fiasco

Oh, man"¦if only they had read my book! All of this unpleasantness could've been avoided. This thing is such a mess I don't even know where to start, and it's pathetic and hilarious at the same time. I wanted to write about it last week, but I was just swamped, and now things have gotten even crazier with the whole NAACP/Tea Party brouhaha, so I might as well go for it.

Well, let's just start at the beginning. Last week, the NAACP passed a resolution condemning the "racism"Â￾ of the Tea Party movement, and demanding that the movement purge itself of those hideous "racists"Â￾ in their grass roots movement. Yes, the very same mental midgets who just a few weeks ago were condemning a Hallmark greeting card with an outer space theme because they think "black holes"Â￾ means "black hos"Â￾, an organization which is explicitly organized for the exclusive benefit of one race of people, and whose name contains the words "Colored People"Â￾, actually had the gall to pass this resolution.

This was a great opportunity for the Tea Party movement to show some backbone by laughing in the face of the imbeciles at the NAACP. But did they? Of course not. Predictably, they responded in the same tired, pusillanimous manner with which they always respond to these never ending accusations. Instead of replying with a loud BWAHAHAHA! or a "Yeah? What's your point?"Â￾ or "So what?"Â￾ or "Of course we're racists -we're white people. That's what "racist"Â￾ means"Â￾ or "Can any of you race hustlers even spell "racist"Â￾?"Â￾, they predictably went into their usual bend over and grab their ankles mode. They protested that oh no, we're not racists at all, we don't tolerate racists at our rallies which are really huge rainbow coalitions, and it's the NAACP and the liberals who are the real racists, etc., etc. You know, the lame "Bull Connor was a Democrat!"Â￾ defense. It never works, but they just keep trotting it out like some lucky charm in the vain hope that this time it will work. But, as always, it never does. They also pointed out the "hypocrisy"Â￾ of a race based group like the NAACP calling another group racist, proving yet again that they haven't got a clue. Favoring the black race over the white race isn't "racist"Â￾; being white is racist. I guess they think that the NAACP and the media just never realized that the NAACP is a race based organization, and if they point it out, they'll all slap their heads and realize their mistake, and the NAACP will disband, and the media will start treating all race based groups as racist, not just white ones.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Racist means white person. Period. Until the Tea Partiers get that through their heads, nothing's going to change, and they're never going to be an effective political force. They really, really need to read Racism, Schmacism.