

Apr 13, 2005
I see a great deal of dissatisfaction with the kind of movies Hollywood is putting out these days. No surprise in that, considering the uncultured apes who run and populate the entire entertainment industry in America today. But good movies can be found by reaching back into the past. Sometimes way, way back.

My favorite film of all time is still The Searchers from 1955. For those of you who don't know it, it's the story of an unrepentant Confederat soldier (John Wayne as Ethan Edwards) whose family is slaughtered by indians except for his young niece who is taken captive. Wayne/Edwards takes off after the indians vowing to kill the chief and kill his captive niece. He cannot stand the idea of his own relative being used by another race. Race is the central theme of this complicated story and Wayne's character is a proud, strong white man. Often Ethan Edwards is assailed by those film commentators of today who look back on the movie, but Wayne himself paid hommage to the character by naming one of his own sons Ethan.

If no one here has ever seen a Buster Keaton film, I strongly urge you to find a video tape or DVD of one and watch it. You may think silent films have nothing to offer but Keaton was truly a genius and you will be amazed at the things this guy did with only rudimentary film technology. I encourage you to pick up a copy of The General or Sherlock Jr. and marvel at his talent. Sherlock is not one of his better known films, but in it Keaton makes a very early statement on technology that is more relevent today than it was in 1926. After seeing Keaton you will fall on the floor laughing at anyone who calls Spike Lee a film-making genius.
Romperstomper is a pretty good movie. Russel Crowe stars in it, from the 90's. I think it was made in Austrailia.
White Mike said:
Romperstomper is a pretty good movie. Russel Crowe stars in it, from the 90's. I think it was made in Austrailia.

So you're a Romper Stomper fan too, huh? lol That movie was great, and so is the music that was used in it. And yeah, it was both filmed and set in Australia. Also, unlike American History X, its a very "un-PC" movie in a lot of ways. For one, they use much more "real racialist" music from real bands in the movie. Second, they display how law enforcement is just another government puppet, protecting the rights of illegal invaders, when the cop shoot a very very young skinhead and kills him (typical of law enforcement....protecting the invaders, while turning on White nationals). Thirdly, there isn't really a "don't be racist" message in the end, like there was in AHX. I mean, their crew fell apart as thew movie progressed, but it wasnt becuase they abandoned their racist beliefs. It was becuase they were either caught or killed. So, at least they went down practicing what they preach. The only thing I didn't like about the story line, was the fact that two of the main characters (Crowe and the other guy) ended up fighting to the death over some junkie chick at the end of the movie. To add insult to injury, it was being watched by a large group of Japanese tourists with cameras, taking pictuers. Being that Asians are Australia's #1 immigrant group, can you say "irony"? lol

All in all, I liked this movie very much. Adolf and Mussolini give it 3 1/2 stars.
Edited by: Ground Fighter
My brothers and I were big fans of Soylent Green when it came out. It was one of two dystopic films Charleton Heston made in the 1970s (typecasting from the Planet of the Apes, I guess) the other being The Omega Man. Heston falls for a black chick in Omega which turned me off even then.Edited by: Bronk
I knew members of a local heavy metal/early alternativeband called Soylent Green in Louisiana in the early 90s.
The first half of American History X is awesome. Then in the second half it turns into a PC fairy tale.
The Indy Jones and James Bond flicks. Harrison Ford, in particular, has usually taken the sort of flawed heroic roles I like watching/can relate to.

Clint Eastwood's spaghetti westerns, and Unforgiven. It might be unpopular here for Morgan Freeman being Eastwood's buddy, but that was just a fantastic film. Edited by: Matt_Bowen_Fan
Hockaday said:
The first half of American History X is awesome. Then in the second half it turns into a PC fairy tale.

That is well put. The idea that a white racist, a NAZI of all things, changes his mind about blacks in prison, of all places, is so ridiculous.

I have no problem with Morgan Freeman. He is a terrific actor
I have met Morgan and disagree with him on a few things, but I like a lot of his acting too. He just gets put into the wise old black guy role too much. One of my all time favorites is The Outlaw Josey Wales. Eastwood's spaghetti westerns were good too. I have several of his movies. I also like Planet of the Apes and the Truman Show. My favorite line from that movie is "most people never question the reality they are presented with." How true.
Ground Fighter said:
Hockaday said:
The first half of American History X is awesome. Then in the second half it turns into a PC fairy tale.

I agree that the change caused by a friendly black man he meets in prison is an unrealistic fairy tale. However, the final message: it is exhausting to hate,has some merit. The character still had pride in himself and his family, but he made a choice not to engage in hate. Plus, his brother is shot over a trival incident that occurs earlier in the film by a young black thug...

Oh, and the first half was definitely the best.
Edited by: Alpha Male
Das Boot. (The boat). The best submarine movie. Only K-19 or Run silent, Run Deep come close.
You have to excuse me, I am in my submarine mode.
Ground Fighter said:
White Mike said:
Romperstomper is a pretty good movie. Russel Crowe stars in it, from the 90's. I think it was made in Austrailia.

All in all, I liked this movie very much. Adolf and Mussolini give it 3 1/2 stars.

Conspiracy Theory (1997) with Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts was on HBO the other night for the first time in a long time. A lot of paranoia and bizarre ideas, but still a good flick and well acted. Enemy of the State (1998) with Gene Hackman and Will Smith is another one that promotes the view of an all-seeing, and quite corrupt, Big Brother government.
When I saw The Searchers as a kid it bothered me. Wasn't sure if I liked John Wayne in that type of role. Now, I see the movie in a different light and have come to understand the motives of the main character and sympathize with him.

I''m curious abouta sci-fi flick starring Roddy Piper.
It's called, They Live. It has gained a cult like status among some WN's. Has anyone seen it?
Bart said:
I'm curious about a sci-fi flick starring Roddy Piper. LOL It's called, They Live. It has gained a cult like status among some WN's. Has anyone seen it?

Great call, Bart! I was actually going to post about They Live in this thread before I read your post. I've seen it and it's a great movie. Check out the wiki entry on it, and then go and rent it. You'll enjoy it.
Dances With Wolves is another movie that has a better first half than second half, roughly speaking. I divide the movie into Pre-Feather and Post-Feather. Pre Feather Dances is very good, a moving story about Costner experiencing the frontier and the Sioux, with some good humor thrown in.

But then Costner puts that feather in his hair and starts talking Indian and dancing around the campfire and taking himself all serious. Then he has to kill a bunch of white people, who are all bad of course, especially since they are in the military. Later he sits around the campfire and says what a good thing it was to kill those awful mean white people. The same tired old message.

No doubt self hating white liberals ate it up. Some of them probably did a Pee Wee Herman in the theatre as they watched it.

I still catch it every now and then on a movie channel. Once Costner sticks that feather in his hair, though, I change the channel.
I have Birth on DVD. Silent films like that are good the first time around, but I have a tough time watching most of them more than once.
I saw the last part of a movie called Seabiscuit. It seemed like a good movie. I'll have to catch the whole thing sometime.
300, Cinderella Man, Passion Of The Christ, Apocalypto, Hacksaw Ridge, El Cid, Ben Hur, The 13th Warrior, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, JFK, Snowden, Alexander are all very good. Also Hoosiers, Miracle, The Natural, The Godfather I and II, the 1978 Superman, and the 1976 King Kong. Lots of Clint Eastwood movies also.
The schools, colleges, tv, and movies, magazines - are training the youth of America to be little bolshevik terrorists. No doubt they are showing them Soviet propaganda movies like Eisenstein's "Battleship Potemkin". Here are two Russian movies that were both made in 1992 after the fall of communism that they should be showing but of course they won't, ever:

"Russia What We Have Lost" - shows how the Bolsheviks mass murder of the the best people of Russia - tens of millions - even diminished the height of the average Russian in 1992 compared with pre 1917 - and for the first time in the Russian mass media the movie revealed that the Bolshevik icon, Vladimir Lenin, was also Jewish and in fact spoke Yiddish at home. This was maximum top secret in the USSR for many years.

Brief bit:

The second movie is another 1992 Russian movie, made after the fall of communism, depicting in brutally stark realism the greatest evil in the history of the world which is communism which exterminated countless tens of millions of people in Russia alone, and they were the finest and bravest and most intelligent and most beautiful and the very best people. You can be sure they will never show this movie in the transgendered bolshevik training academies that they call schools and colleges in the USA, and this bolshevism is just what they are training their rabid 18 year old Antifa terrorists to want to bring here now!.


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I'll definitely be checking this one out.

Sports dramatization about the 1980 marathon Wimbledon match between Borg and McEnroe, coming to theaters on September 22nd.

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Mostly good user reviews for this one that just came out. One user reviewer said that "if you like American History X, you'll like this". At least the White men in it are portrayed as badass and act alpha.

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