
I'm a Svengoolie fan. He often shows older horror movies.
Sword of Vengeance (2015)

I liked this one, it has a poor rating by the critics because it broke the Cultural Marxist rule of never portray Anglo-Saxons in a sympathetic light. A few old movies like the 1930s Robin Hood and the 1960's Becket are sympathetic to Anglo-Saxons, but I've seen no movie since 1965 where the English are the good guys.

William the Conqueror and his Norman followers killed (directly or indirectly) some 20% of the people in England, according to various sources including Churchill's Birth of Britain. The Bastard granted lands to his ruthless mercenaries from many different countries, and they built castles to protect themselves from the Saxons' vengeance after their atrocities. William's homosexual son William II continued the ruthless treatment of Anglo-Saxons until he was finally murdered by his own men in a hunting "accident". This is one of history's genocides that is very rarely mentioned nowadays.
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I'll definitely be checking this one out.

Sports dramatization about the 1980 marathon Wimbledon match between Borg and McEnroe, coming to theaters on September 22nd.

Scumbag (((Shia Labeouf))) plays McEnroe; I'll be rooting extra hard for Borg in this one. ;)
Sword of Vengeance (2015)

I liked this one, it has a poor rating by the critics because it broke the Cultural Marxist rule of never portray Anglo-Saxons in a sympathetic light. A few old movies like the 1930s Robin Hood and the 1960's Becket are sympathetic to Anglo-Saxons, but I've seen no movie since 1965 where the English are the good guys.

Please see every single film centered around WW2 ever made, of which there are many dozens.

If you or anyone else can name a single film in which Germans are portrayed as "good guys" (during any era, no just 1940's WW2), please reply. You'd have a better chance of seeing white South Africans or whites from the Confederacy portrayed in a positive light.
Please see every single film centered around WW2 ever made, of which there are many dozens.

If you or anyone else can name a single film in which Germans are portrayed as "good guys" (during any era, no just 1940's WW2), please reply. You'd have a better chance of seeing white South Africans or whites from the Confederacy portrayed in a positive light.
Yes, the Germans have been vilified in movies, as have white people from the southern USA. There is one movie, The Last Confederate, that portrays the south in a more positive light, but the critics attacked it. And of course white South Africans are always portrayed as evil by the Cultural Marxists.

But in movies since 1965, the English have been cast in a negative light: rotten-toothed, evil, obese, and/or homosexual. An obvious one is Braveheart (1995) which lies about history to degrade the English and their great king Edward I.

Other examples: The Last of the Mohicans (1992), The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968), Timeline (2003), The Patriot (2000), In the Name of the Father (1993), The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999) and The Four Feathers (2002).

In Gallipoli (1981), they changed the real historical Australian general who made a terrible mistake into an Englishman. And Breaker Morant (1980) lies and smears one of Britain's greatest military leaders, namely Kitchener.

Even British TV portrays the English in a negative way. For example, in the Sharpe series of the 1990s and 2000s, something like 17 of the 20 or so villains are Englishmen. The Last Kingdom, written by the same author, portrays courageous Englishmen like St Edmund of East Anglia and Alfred the Great in a degrading way.

The Canadian series Vikings makes Alfred the Great out to be a bastard son of a monk. It is extremely degrading in it's portrayal of Alfred's grandfather Egbert and unfair in it's depiction of Alfred's real historical father Æthelwulf.
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The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T was a pretty good movie. It came out in 1953 and is in color. It was made by Dr. Seuss, the children's writer.

The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T was a commercial and critical failure when it came out but it shouldn't have been based on merit.

It's a fantasy movie. I think the words weird, surreal and imaginative describe it. If you like fantasy type movies this is a good one to watch.
Mel Gibson to make sequel to The Passion of the Christ.

"There are things that I cannot say that will shock the audience," said Caviezel, who also said he was inspired by Gibson. "It’s great. Stay tuned."

I hope Gibson is sincere about this because he seemed sincere on his "Vikings" movie but that never materialized.
Mel Gibson to make sequel to The Passion of the Christ.

"There are things that I cannot say that will shock the audience," said Caviezel, who also said he was inspired by Gibson. "It’s great. Stay tuned."

I hope Gibson is sincere about this because he seemed sincere on his "Vikings" movie but that never materialized.

Gibson should still make that Vikings movie. It would surely be a classic.
"Don't make the black 'kids' angry"

Rotten Tomatoes gives the new all-black (thus, 100% diverse) "Black Panther" movie a 98% rating and are "going after" (from an article in Business Insider) the 2% that gave it a rotten score. Forget the script or story, character development, acting, you support "diversity" or not? All's fair in love and war in the good old USSA. Will those 2% be sent off to "Siberia" to contemplate their actions against the state-run entertainment/media complex?

Also, another all-black (or close to it) TV show, "Black Lightning", that Rotten Tomatoes gave a 100% rating to (compared with the "rotten" score of 56% by the audience).

Nothing to see here, please move along...
"Don't make the black 'kids' angry"

Rotten Tomatoes gives the new all-black (thus, 100% diverse) "Black Panther" movie a 98% rating and are "going after" (from an article in Business Insider) the 2% that gave it a rotten score. Forget the script or story, character development, acting, you support "diversity" or not? All's fair in love and war in the good old USSA. Will those 2% be sent off to "Siberia" to contemplate their actions against the state-run entertainment/media complex?

Also, another all-black (or close to it) TV show, "Black Lightning", that Rotten Tomatoes gave a 100% rating to (compared with the "rotten" score of 56% by the audience).

Nothing to see here, please move along...


Heap effusive praise upon We Wuz Kangz the Movie or be shipped off to the diversity gulag. Your choice, bigot.
Rotten Tomatoes will ban you if you give anti-white movies a low rating. It happened to me a couple of years ago.
"Don't make the black 'kids' angry"

Rotten Tomatoes gives the new all-black (thus, 100% diverse) "Black Panther" movie a 98% rating and are "going after" (from an article in Business Insider) the 2% that gave it a rotten score. Forget the script or story, character development, acting, you support "diversity" or not? All's fair in love and war in the good old USSA. Will those 2% be sent off to "Siberia" to contemplate their actions against the state-run entertainment/media complex?

Also, another all-black (or close to it) TV show, "Black Lightning", that Rotten Tomatoes gave a 100% rating to (compared with the "rotten" score of 56% by the audience).

Nothing to see here, please move along...
Written unironically by some liberal critic cuck:

“Black Panther is a story we haven't seen told before in popular cinema - a story about black people completely untouched by colonialism, who exist entirely outside the global systems of institutionalized racism.”

Are liberals really this stupid or are they disingenuous to their rotten core? Anyone with any knowledge of history and a shred of honesty knows that colonialism was the best thing that ever happened to Africa. Also, what’s this mess about “global systems of institutionalized racism”? Is this negrophile really implying that there is a global conspiracy by all the races to hold blacks down. Yes, I guess everyone is just picking on these poor, innocent black folks for no reason at all.
Written unironically by some liberal critic cuck:

“Black Panther is a story we haven't seen told before in popular cinema - a story about black people completely untouched by colonialism, who exist entirely outside the global systems of institutionalized racism.”

Are liberals really this stupid or are they disingenuous to their rotten core? Anyone with any knowledge of history and a shred of honesty knows that colonialism was the best thing that ever happened to Africa. Also, what’s this mess about “global systems of institutionalized racism”? Is this negrophile really implying that there is a global conspiracy by all the races to hold blacks down. Yes, I guess everyone is just picking on these poor, innocent black folks for no reason at all.

Mixture of both I'd say for LibTards! So in a way Black Panther is pro segregation yet Black Power? Lol.
“Untouched by colonialism “! Last I looked, these places are real. Blacks still running around in loincloths, living in mud lean-to’s and eating bugs.
Actually, I'm perfectly OK with an all-black "Black Panther" long as there's an all-White "Thor" cast.

Oh, wait..."Heimdall, the Whitest of the White (Norse) Gods".

“Untouched by colonialism “! Last I looked, these places are real. Blacks still running around in loincloths, living in mud lean-to’s and eating bugs.

CNN - 'Black Panther' is outselling every previous superhero film in advance ticket sales
'Black Panther' is outselling every previous superhero film in advance ticket sales, February 14, 2018
'Black Panther' is outselling every previous superhero film in advance ticket sales - Feb. 2, 2018

"The film has already amassed rave reviews from fans on social media following Monday's world premiere. Box office success would simply reinforce the superhero genre as one of the most bankable in Hollywood."

(From a post on Stormfront)
Actually, I'm perfectly OK with an all-black "Black Panther" long as there's an all-White "Thor" cast.

Oh, wait..."Heimdall, the Whitest of the White (Norse) Gods".


No words.

A great Jew, Israel Shahak, said: "The media is not just a business, it is the lifeblood of the nation."
I like "The Town" . About a Boston bank heist crew. A lot of Boston irish accents and personality. I like it.
I like "The Town" . About a Boston bank heist crew. A lot of Boston irish accents and personality. I like it.

Hell ya love that movie.

" Black Mass" and "Gone Baby Gone" are good as well, if youre sticking with Southie theme. Couple of months back I watched "Miller's Crossing" enjoyed that one as well!
Hell ya love that movie.

" Black Mass" and "Gone Baby Gone" are good as well, if youre sticking with Southie theme. Couple of months back I watched "Miller's Crossing" enjoyed that one as well!
Yeah, both "The Town" and "Gone Baby Gone" were great. Will have to check out those other two.

Great scene (from many greats scenes) from GBG:
Dances With Wolves is another movie that has a better first half than second half, roughly speaking. I divide the movie into Pre-Feather and Post-Feather. Pre Feather Dances is very good, a moving story about Costner experiencing the frontier and the Sioux, with some good humor thrown in.

But then Costner puts that feather in his hair and starts talking Indian and dancing around the campfire and taking himself all serious. Then he has to kill a bunch of white people, who are all bad of course, especially since they are in the military. Later he sits around the campfire and says what a good thing it was to kill those awful mean white people. The same tired old message.

No doubt self hating white liberals ate it up. Some of them probably did a Pee Wee Herman in the theatre as they watched it.

I still catch it every now and then on a movie channel. Once Costner sticks that feather in his hair, though, I change the channel.

Good review of another pos i walked out on. A superb and ultra realistic movie about the American Indians in the northeast (who were really descendents of very ancient Europeans, very different racially frrom the Asiatic indians who came across the old Siberian land bridge) - "Black Robe". (And a magnificent movie about Siberia, filmed on location, and one tribal native of Siberia, the great Kurosawa's joint Japanese-Russian film, "Dersu Uzala", a true story.
Greatest movie of all time...Birth of a Nation!!!
For those who've not seen this masterpiece,check it out... q=birth+of+a+nation

That movie revolutionized film. It played across the country to long lines, and there was even a private showingfor the president in the white house. It was three hours long at a time when most movies were 15 minutes long. I am a fan of silent movies. In some ways they were superior to the talkies.
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