More acceptance for gay players

Oct 22, 2011
The "gay agenda" rolls on. :nono:

The NFL has never had an openly gay player. While former players have shared their sexual orientation after hanging up the cleats, the NFL locker room doesn't historically make the list of welcome havens for gay athletes.

Perceptions might be changing on that front. interviewed a dozen rookies and former stars from a variety of teams at last week's NFLPA Rookie Premiere in Los Angeles.

Their support for gay athletes was unanimous, according to the website.

Former defensive end Jevon Kearse said he would have welcomed a gay teammate during his days with the Tennessee Titans and Philadelphia Eagles.

"In the game of football, it's like a war out there," Kearse told the site. "Once you get out on the field, all that stuff is to the side. You're on my side. I played in the NFL for 11 years, I'm sure there were at least one or two guys along the line that were gay."

Rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III said he would have no issues with a gay athlete on the Washington Redskins. He reflected on a high school teammates who left football after telling his friends he was gay.

"When he came out, he stopped playing," Griffin told the site. "He might have stopped playing because of the negative feedback he might have gotten from being that on the football team. So, I think that's probably why he ended up quitting."

RG3 continued: "Just because (a player is) gay doesn't mean they're hitting on you."


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
The "gay agenda" rolls on. :nono:

The NFL has never had an openly gay player. While former players have shared their sexual orientation after hanging up the cleats, the NFL locker room doesn't historically make the list of welcome havens for gay athletes.

Perceptions might be changing on that front. interviewed a dozen rookies and former stars from a variety of teams at last week's NFLPA Rookie Premiere in Los Angeles.

Their support for gay athletes was unanimous, according to the website.

Former defensive end Jevon Kearse said he would have welcomed a gay teammate during his days with the Tennessee Titans and Philadelphia Eagles.

"In the game of football, it's like a war out there," Kearse told the site. "Once you get out on the field, all that stuff is to the side. You're on my side. I played in the NFL for 11 years, I'm sure there were at least one or two guys along the line that were gay."

Rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III said he would have no issues with a gay athlete on the Washington Redskins. He reflected on a high school teammates who left football after telling his friends he was gay.

"When he came out, he stopped playing," Griffin told the site. "He might have stopped playing because of the negative feedback he might have gotten from being that on the football team. So, I think that's probably why he ended up quitting."

RG3 continued: "Just because (a player is) gay doesn't mean they're hitting on you."
I believe this would be mostly among black athletes. As I have mentioned before, before I was married to my wife I had to take an Aids test (as well as other std tests because she knew of my past), well the place that did it was free was pretty much run by ****. They had a sports magazine all about gay athletes. Michael Strahan was in there and it was pretty much noted that he was a homosexual, there was a text message uncovered that he sent Ronde Barber saying that Strahan knew he was on the dl (down low, which is the code word for a black person acting straight, wife/gf but still having sex with dudes) and that they should hook up.
Oct 22, 2011
I believe this would be mostly among black athletes. As I have mentioned before, before I was married to my wife I had to take an Aids test (as well as other std tests because she knew of my past), well the place that did it was free was pretty much run by ****. They had a sports magazine all about gay athletes. Michael Strahan was in there and it was pretty much noted that he was a homosexual, there was a text message uncovered that he sent Ronde Barber saying that Strahan knew he was on the dl (down low, which is the code word for a black person acting straight, wife/gf but still having sex with dudes) and that they should hook up.

While Strahan separated from his wife he moved in with another guy. I know divorce takes a financial toll on people, but this did not pass the sniff test. I think he could afford his own place.
He probably has some down low bro's over at ESPN. ---- Stephen Smiff????

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The "gay agenda" rolls on. :nono:

The NFL has never had an openly gay player. While former players have shared their sexual orientation after hanging up the cleats, the NFL locker room doesn't historically make the list of welcome havens for gay athletes.

Perceptions might be changing on that front. interviewed a dozen rookies and former stars from a variety of teams at last week's NFLPA Rookie Premiere in Los Angeles.

Their support for gay athletes was unanimous, according to the website.

Former defensive end Jevon Kearse said he would have welcomed a gay teammate during his days with the Tennessee Titans and Philadelphia Eagles.

"In the game of football, it's like a war out there," Kearse told the site. "Once you get out on the field, all that stuff is to the side. You're on my side. I played in the NFL for 11 years, I'm sure there were at least one or two guys along the line that were gay."

Rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III said he would have no issues with a gay athlete on the Washington Redskins. He reflected on a high school teammates who left football after telling his friends he was gay.

"When he came out, he stopped playing," Griffin told the site. "He might have stopped playing because of the negative feedback he might have gotten from being that on the football team. So, I think that's probably why he ended up quitting."

RG3 continued: "Just because (a player is) gay doesn't mean they're hitting on you."

Black athletes have finally realized that like White ones they have to say all the "politically correct" things about homosexuals after some of them have been attacked nationally in recent years for using the word ***.

50 years ago not a single athlete would have said the positive things they say now about homosexuals and homosexuality. It's forced indoctrination and heretics pay a heavy price.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
It's amazing how powerful the gay agenda is amongst the elites and a lot of young people. I used to think you had to have a Soviet style repressive govt with KGB and gulags to impose an unwanted philosophy on people, who knew all you needed was the internet and celebrity support?

Amongst the headlines of the last two days:

"Airforce Acadamy graduates first openly gay cadets" yay! although they could not actually find any openly gay cadets they were sure there were some and I am sure there are.

and "DC Comics to announce the coming out of a major Hero"...apparently they are keeping it a secret for now but the betting money is on Batman. I think it will be Superman, he was once the ultimate symbol of US strength in comics so he would be the best to destroy.

I also found out that DC already has an openly gay chararcter-the latest incarnation of Batwoman, a marginal chararcter that they turned homo a few years back. She has a girlfriend and everything. No lesbo love shown yet but give it about two years. Ironically she was thought up in the 50's to give Batman a love interest to counteract the ambiguously gay duo he had going with his "ward" Robin.

Gay marriage is 0 for 30 in public elections but batting 1000 amongst the elite.

I wish I was older and had less (potential) time on this mortal coil. I cant stand the site of interracial couples and now this is going to be everywhere?

On a side note there was this gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous white woman at the airport today and she was checking in with her dog ugly black lesbo lover who bossed her around like a pimp does a whore. It was physically revolting and they knew it bugged people so they made as much of a scene as they could doing what 'normal' people do without any hassle.

The future is going to be one ugly place.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Jaxvid, very well stated sir. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments.

The s0d0m1te syndicate has been pushing (no pun intended) on the America populace with full empowerment of the PTB for decades now. The juden controlled sheepletainment industry endlessly serves up their propaganda trying to normalize that deviant, vile behavior. All the while, globalist corporations including these sickos under their (cultmarx) quote/AA system. This sinful, wicked world is on a crash course for the Tribulation.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Both Ronde and Tiki seem like they are a light in the loafers. I remember when Strahan was going through his messy divorce the NY Post had a headline of the wife stating that she caught Strahan in bed with another man. Of course he could always argue he was only like these guys.....:biggrin:

'sup bro?

Aug 18, 2011
New York State
my neighbors 'sports illustrated' subscription was accidentally delivered to me today. one of the articles is on the plight of transgender athletes. it also has 2 black guys on the cover acting gay. when you see it you'll understand how gay, but it's very gay.

i often tell my coworkers that i've abandoned following professional sports. quite often the response is to stare at me with complete disbelief.

sometimes in the break room the men will be talking about some stupid issue going on and they might ask me for my 2 cents... i usually respond with "i could not care less about the nfl".

the'll respond to me by saying "well i find it entertaining" without a thought about how pro sports is destroying western civilization.
Oct 22, 2011
I don't care how many white RB's or WR's populate the league. If or when the NFL starts promoting the sodomite cause, I am finished. It will give me a good reason to finally cancel cable. What is more interesting, is there is nothing on this on or even in the gay friendly Startribune, (Kris Kluwe's hometown paper.) I suspect the PTB in the NFL are looking at public reactions on blogs etc.. before taking a side on the issue.

Two NFL Players Became 'Honorary Gays' And Join The Fight For Same-Sex Marriage

The NFL currently has no openly gay players. That hasn't stopped two straight players from becoming gay rights activists and even asking the nation's highest court to reject California's ban on same-sex marriage. Last week the players filed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to reject Proposition 8, a voter-approved ban on gay marriage in California. The case has drawn a long and varied list of gay marriage supporters, from prominent Republicans to the libertarian Cato Institute to the Obama administration. However, the amicus brief filed on behalf of Minnesota Vikings player Chris Kluwe and the Baltimore Ravens' Brendon Ayanbadejo has enormous symbolic importance — especially given how much influence pro sports players have on Americans.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
More Cultural Marxist craziness:

N.Y. attorney general turns up heat on NFL

BOULDER, Colo. – Nick Kasa started a storm with his post-combine revelation that he was asked about his relationship status by an NFL team. He wishes the whole controversy would go away.

But that's not likely, especially now that the New York Attorney General's Office has officially contacted the NFL to look into whether the league – via its teams – has broken employment laws by asking prospective draft picks about their relationship status or sexuality.

full article:
Jun 30, 2012
More Cultural Marxist craziness:

N.Y. attorney general turns up heat on NFL

BOULDER, Colo. – Nick Kasa started a storm with his post-combine revelation that he was asked about his relationship status by an NFL team. He wishes the whole controversy would go away.

But that's not likely, especially now that the New York Attorney General's Office has officially contacted the NFL to look into whether the league – via its teams – has broken employment laws by asking prospective draft picks about their relationship status or sexuality.

full article:

This will be something to watch very closely. The Cultural Marxists will have a problem on their hands: one of their mascot classes doesn't like another one of their mascot classes very much. While a large number of black NFL players have always been "on the down low" as they say, publicly, it's not going to fly. It will be interesting to see which grievance group wins. They cannot push gays into the NFL without black players saying very uncomfortable things, which has already happened.
Jun 18, 2011
This will be something to watch very closely. The Cultural Marxists will have a problem on their hands: one of their mascot classes doesn't like another one of their mascot classes very much. While a large number of black NFL players have always been "on the down low" as they say, publicly, it's not going to fly. It will be interesting to see which grievance group wins. They cannot push gays into the NFL without black players saying very uncomfortable things, which has already happened.

I agree. I remember a prominent basketball player making some anti gay comments years ago. I believe it was Tim Hardaway. Anyways, it never became a big issue. But things have changed a lot in the recent years and homosexuals now are feeling comfortable asserting themselves in all facets of society. It will be funny to watch the MSM and cultural Marxists grovel when these thug affletes start making comments about their distaste for gays!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Another day, another article drooling over the prospect of an NFL player "coming out" as homosexual. The author praises the likes of Scott Fujita as "courageous" for working to create a supportive atmosphere for homosexual players, but of course that doesn't take courage at all. What takes courage is for a public figure in the USSA to oppose the party line on anything pertaining to homosexuals, blacks, Jews and feminists.

Some believe atmosphere is safe for gay NFL player to come out

Former NFL player Scott Fujita has seen enough. He's tired of the bigotry. He wants it to end. He's not alone.

Players like Fujita, along with a coalition of current and former NFL players, and NFL team owners, a music mogul and others, are working diligently to create a safe atmosphere for the day history will happen: when an openly gay man will be a member of an NFL club. People like Fujita -- brave people -- are attempting to make the issue a non-issue for when that day comes.

And there are serious indications that day may come sooner than later. While I've long believed I would not see an openly gay NFL player for decades, that might be wrong.
Based on interviews over the past several weeks with current and former players, I'm told that a current gay NFL player is strongly considering coming out publicly within the next few months -- and after doing so, the player would attempt to continue his career.

full article:


Sep 19, 2012
World of ****
This reminds me of one of Steve Sailer's statistics-minded observations, which somehow has escaped the thought processes of every single mainstream journalist everywhere.

Let's look at the numbers: About 3,000 roster spots exist on major league teams in baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. There are also several hundred de facto big leaguers in individual sports like golf and tennis. So, the total number of top tier North American male athletes, current and retired, must be somewhere around 20,000. Nobody believes the old canard anymore about gays being 10% of the population, but even if we use a more realistic 2.5% estimate, that still would suggest that there should be 500 current or retired current big leaguers who are gay.

Clearly, however, there are far fewer. How do I know? Look at the AIDS rates, which are almost negligible among major league athletes. A couple of years ago the L.A. Times ran a huge investigative report on AIDS In Athletics, but they could only find, on average, one AIDS victim per sport. The two sports with multiple AIDS cases were boxing (where a tragic number turn to heroin to relieve the pain) and, of course figure skating (e.g, both male Olympic gold medalists from the Seventies died of AIDS). Figure skating and the handful of other dance-oriented sports (e.g., diving) are the obvious exceptions that prove the rule: sports are fundamentally tests of masculinity, and gay men tend to be less interested in sports because they tend to be less masculine. In women sports, the mirror image is seen: lesbians are heavily overrepresented. For example, the outstanding lesbian sportswriter Mariah Burton Nelson estimates that 30% of the women touring pros in golf and tennis are homosexual.

This should be common sense: competitive, professional team sports will attract different mental temperaments than theater and the fashion industry. We are being primed to expect a gay messiah to open the floodgates for the next underprivileged minority athlete, but homosexuals will always be more 'black swans' than 'Negro League'.

Of course, for diversity's sake, the eventual initiative will be to bring openly gay participants in sports up to their demographic percentage - a queer Title IX. Richard Lapchick will someday publish his findings that the WNBA is the least bigoted sports league, employing an impressive 75% non-heterosexual workforce, and that the rest of us have plenty of catching up to do.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This reminds me of one of Steve Sailer's statistics-minded observations, which somehow has escaped the thought processes of every single mainstream journalist everywhere.

This should be common sense: competitive, professional team sports will attract different mental temperaments than theater and the fashion industry. We are being primed to expect a gay messiah to open the floodgates for the next underprivileged minority athlete, but homosexuals will always be more 'black swans' than 'Negro League'.

Of course, for diversity's sake, the eventual initiative will be to bring openly gay participants in sports up to their demographic percentage - a queer Title IX. Richard Lapchick will someday publish his findings that the WNBA is the least bigoted sports league, employing an impressive 75% non-heterosexual workforce, and that the rest of us have plenty of catching up to do.
Well here is one openly gay fictional athlete he must have been modeled after Carl Lewis.....
Jun 18, 2011
One interesting thing to consider with all this would be if a gay player came out who happened to be white and a cornerback. You would have a bunch of DWF/brainwashed/cult Marxist/lib-tard buffoons split right down the middle. However....I'm sure the "a white guy can't play corner" stigma would take a backseat to the "OMG a gay football player! We have to see him play!" stigma and we would see a white cornerback playing on Sundays. Now if this does happen, it would absolutely prove that there is a caste system entrenched...but then again I don't expect many DWFs would realize it.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006


Jan 7, 2013
Personally, I could care less what adults do in the privacy of their own homes, but the gay agenda has gained steam over the years to the point where the leash has been loosened. This is how is all starts. First it's one thing and then they want to go further and further. I think it's time someone put their foot down and say enough is enough before we come to the point of no return. The final nail in the coffin is when it has reached our children in the school system and try to teach that the gay gene exist and it's ok for children to experiment. If that were to happen I would hold every gay person accountable for a hand in it. I just wish some billionaire like Donald Trump would give it another go and try creating a league for whites free of gays etc. The xfl was a failure, but eventually this will have to happen again. The nfl has become a joke. The dwf's and their marxist philosophy have soiled this once great league.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
I have mixed feelings on this issue to be honest. On one hand I don't think gay athletes should face discrimination. I certainly don't have a problem with gays unless they are shoving their queerness in my face. On the other hand though, I see this as part of the Cultural Marxist agenda in which the powers that be are using to marginalize people like us who believe in a more traditional, normal lifestyle. I wish someone out there (maybe a player or former player) would make an issue of the discrimination whites face in the NFL. Of course, no one will do that because they will be branded as a 'rayciss' for doing so.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I have mixed feelings on this issue to be honest. On one hand I don't think gay athletes should face discrimination. I certainly don't have a problem with gays unless they are shoving their queerness in my face. On the other hand though, I see this as part of the Cultural Marxist agenda in which the powers that be are using to marginalize people like us who believe in a more traditional, normal lifestyle. I wish someone out there (maybe a player or former player) would make an issue of the discrimination whites face in the NFL. Of course, no one will do that because they will be branded as a 'rayciss' for doing so.

Hey boy...what kinda commie mess is that?!! :wink:

Just messin' with you hombre. While I believe the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination, I also know the Lord gives us all free will. I'm not for persecution of the s0d0mites, but believe their 'activity' should never be accepted as normal or decent.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The problem with some elements of our society is that they can't remain neutral about anything. People are not happy with compromise or even disinterested acceptance. They have to have total and complete surrender to their point of view. You can't just "live and let live" you have to totally and completely support the gay agenda. It's a weird form of liberal fascism.

If you were to say to the average gay supporter something like, 'I don't care what other people do in their private lives and would oppose any kind of legal sanctions but I find the idea of it disgusting'. That person would not hear, or care that you were okay with letting them do what they do, the fact that you don't completely support it would still make you a hater and 'homophobe'.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
That person would not hear, or care that you were okay with letting them do what they do, the fact that you don't completely support it would still make you a hater and 'homophobe'.
This is what I have a problem with. Its not the cause itself that bothers me, its the fact that they think that anyone who has an opposing viewpoint by labeling those who believe in only traditional marriage as a "bigot" that pisses me off. As someone who believes in the Bible, it openly says that homosexuality is wrong. Why do Christians need to change their beliefs just to appease some 1% minority? These groups like the "It Gets Better Project" need to realize that you can't reinvent the wheel so to speak and no amount of indoctrination will ever make people change their views. Its not just Christians either. Most cultures are vehemently against homosexuality. Us Christians are probably the most tolerant people in the world towards them, yet they attack us more than anyone.
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