MLK ESPN Specials

Dec 23, 2009
Anybody elsesee ESPN promoting this whole MLK anniversary thing, which features a wholetown halldiscussion on discrimination in sports? I saw they also had a "Behind the Lines" segment on this whole thing. Something tells me they're not going to be talking about the discrimination and obstacles that Whites face at the taboo positions!
No, but a year ago ESPN did do a special on white players being stereotyped and maybe being drafted lower than if they were the same person but black. They had a few people refute it though.

Yes the MLK stuff ESPN is complete BS. Of all the lies and myths of the socialist spokesman and professional protester who never had a real job, he never was an athlete or ever had anything to do with sports.

That's why it's more important than ever for us here at Caste Football to continue to reach out into the world and grow our influence. You have sports people telling lies with things like college athletes are being treated like slaves, yet they are assuming all college football and basketball players are black or that they really don't care about the white players supposedly being treated like slaves.

From my experience in college sports, athletes are treated from anywhere from well respected at the low end to godlike status at the high end. We need to wake more people up to the white athletes that do exist, let people know about unfair recruiting and scouting services, and push for more great white athletes to get scholarships and get playing time at big time schools!
Electric Slide said:
Yes the MLK stuff ESPN is complete BS. Of all the lies and myths of the socialist spokesman and professional protester who never had a real job, he never was an athlete or ever had anything to do with sports.

I'm not sure that's entirely true. The fictitious organism that is "Michael King"Â￾ does have numerous similarities to modern black athletes. You know; chubby, sweaty, ugly, small, out of shape, loud-mouthed, temperamental, boastful, lustful, woman-beating, drug-addicted, prostitute-using, undeservingly rich, Jew-manipulated, and, of course, entirely unworthy of all praise received by the white "bobble-head"Â￾ populace.

Who would forget his first night in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1964? That night, he and his handlers, as always, were predominantly focused on obtaining prostitutes, hardcore drugs, and liquor so that a proper "group orgy"Â￾ could be achieved. The next morning, "Michael"Â￾ became the youngest man to ever "win"Â￾ the Nobel Peace Prize. A phony award for an absolute charlatan"¦how fitting.Edited by: Thrashen
Remember, the whole Micheal King thing is never about the man himself, obviously the man himself was a deeply flawed human being, it is rather about POWER, the power to force white society and white people to bend over time and time again to this phony myth of a person. Don't be misled by the reason MLK day or the celebration exists. It is a reminder that white society is subservient to the black fronted, jew led, cultural marxist, axis of evil, that rules us.

Too many WN's get caught up in the fact that he was a deviant, that's not the point, in fact it is even more relevent that he was such a pervert. See, they are telling us, we can take a sick demented pervert, who hated you and your people and make all of the other whites worship him and sing his praises and celebrate him. How do you like that?
jaxvid said:
Remember, the whole Micheal King thing is never about the man himself, obviously the man himself was a deeply flawed human being, it is rather about POWER, the power to force white society and white people to bend over time and time again to this phony myth of a person. Don't be misled by the reason MLK day or the celebration exists. It is a reminder that white society is subservient to the black fronted, jew led, cultural marxist, axis of evil, that rules us.

Too many WN's get caught up in the fact that he was a deviant, that's not the point, in fact it is even more relevent that he was such a pervert. See, they are telling us, we can take a sick demented pervert, who hated you and your people and make all of the other whites worship him and sing his praises and celebrate him. How do you like that?

GREAT post. this hits the bullseye dead-center-perfect.
I agree totally Mr. Chitwood. Some awesome posts today for some reason.
jaxvid said:
Remember, the whole Micheal King thing is never about the man himself, obviously the man himself was a deeply flawed human being, it is rather about POWER, the power to force white society and white people to bend over time and time again to this phony myth of a person. Don't be misled by the reason MLK day or the celebration exists. It is a reminder that white society is subservient to the black fronted, jew led, cultural marxist, axis of evil, that rules us.

Too many WN's get caught up in the fact that he was a deviant, that's not the point, in fact it is even more relevent that he was such a pervert. See, they are telling us, we can take a sick demented pervert, who hated you and your people and make all of the other whites worship him and sing his praises and celebrate him. How do you like that?

That King, whose activity occurred over 175 years after the nation's founding, is the only U.S. citizen to have his own national <strike>holi</strike>day emphatically underscores jaxvid's point. Constitution Day (Sept. 17th) is not even a national holiday, but King gets one. That actually explains a lot about this country.
Jaxvid, good points sir. It's all about leveraging the (bogus) propaganda to ensure Whites bow down at the alter of "Saint MLK"...and therefore acquiesce to the cultural marxist doctrine.
jaxvid said:
Too many WN's get caught up in the fact that he was a deviant, that's not the point, in fact it is even more relevent that he was such a pervert. See, they are telling us, we can take a sick demented pervert, who hated you and your people and make all of the other whites worship him and sing his praises and celebrate him. How do you like that?

Exceptional post, as usual.

Indeed, the genesis of this annual gaiety has never been about Michael King himself, but rather, a yearly public exhibition of choreographed white self-revulsion. After all, the vast majority of those "celebrating"Â￾ are white men, women, and children. This completely unnatural "commemoration,"Â￾ as you noted, is "powerful"Â￾ simply because it has been made "popular."Â￾

Stein um stein"¦they wall us inside of our own tombs.
By the way it snowed here on Monday, there's nothing more beautiful then a White Martin Luther King Day!
when i saw the thread forMLK ESPN Specials the other day on CF, a wonderful thought went through my head ...
"Awesome! an hour-long report on the feel-good story of Mashin' Leapin' Kuhn! i'd love to see aspecial onthe all-purpose back for the Packers who can crush opposing defenders like softaluminum cans or jump over them like they were cracks in the sidewalk ... " needless to say, i was waaaaaaaaaaaaay off and very disappointed.

it's too bad, really. my MLK would've made for much more entertaining (and waaaaaaaaaaaaay more honest) storytelling, methinks.