
I've had discussions with believers in the moon landing hoax conspiracy theory before.

I've noticed that many of the moon hoax believers will engage in an ad hominem argument that "You believe everything the "establishment" tells you!"

I certainly don't. For example, I believe massive non-white immigration into white countries is part of a program to commit genocide against the white race. That ain't what the "establishment" is telling me.

I do believe that the moon landings were legitimate, though.
If the moon landing was a hoax it was started by the Kennedy administration and continued under Johnson. The landing took place in 1969 when Nixon was president.

Why didn't Nixon expose the "Hoax" by his Democratic predecessors instead of continue it? It would have helped him personally and politically. And Nixon was the least-liked president by the establishment until Trump. For that matter Nixon hated the establishment as they hated him.

BTW I loathe the "establishment." I have nothing but contempt for it.
If the moon landing was a hoax it was started by the Kennedy administration and continued under Johnson. The landing took place in 1969 when Nixon was president.

Why didn't Nixon expose the "Hoax" by his Democratic predecessors instead of continue it? It would have helped him personally and politically. And Nixon was the least-liked president by the establishment until Trump. For that matter Nixon hated the establishment as they hated him.

BTW I loathe the "establishment." I have nothing but contempt for it.

There was certainly a legitimate space program all through the 1960s, actually starting in the late '50s. No one denies that, in fact I loved everything about it growing up and accepted the moon landings as portrayed by the media until fairly recently. It was only as a lot of time passed and there were no further attempts made by any country to go to the moon that I started taking a closer look at the moon landings and the technology used and the difficulties that had to be overcome along with what the arguments being made against them were, many of which are compelling.

The timing certainly worked out well. JFK set a goal of men walking on the moon by the end of the decade and that's exactly what supposedly happened, right on schedule, to the everlasting credit of the United States if it did indeed happen. It reflected extremely positively on Nixon as he was the president when it was allegedly accomplished. He had no reason to expose anything, nothing to gain and maybe the loss of his position and possibly worse, and if it was faked he may not even have known it. We're talking about something very compartmentalized on a "need to know" basis. The intel community has often times thought even Presidents had no "need to know." In fact, many people believe JFK was offed by the intelligence community because he was making moves against the CIA following the Bay of Pigs and other incidents.

As far as mirrors, again one has to accept the establishment view at face value as to how they got there. They could have been placed there by a probe. Just because Wikipedia says otherwise is hardly conclusive evidence.
While perusing videos about the moon landing hoax theory I ran across a comment that the reason so much money was spent on the space program was that the actor they hired to play the first man on the moon, Neill Armstrong, insisted it be filmed on location.
I came across Dave McGowan's site just the other day. He wrote extensively about the moon landings not happening, often hilariously. Read this one excerpt with an open mind, especially the second half of it where he gets into all that needed to be crammed into the lunar module -- including for later trips a sizeable dune buggy that supposedly folded up to be no bigger than a large suitcase -- compared to its size and needs and see if he makes any points worth pondering: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie-2/
Is it an out-take from Plan 9 from Outer Space? No, it's the Apollo 17 module allegedly lifting off from the moon, perfectly captured by someone on earth operating a camera despite what should have been at least a several second delay. From there it supposedly located the command module that had been orbiting the moon at 4,000 mph for the previous days and docked without a hitch using that wonderful 1960s technology that has yet to be surpassed or even duplicated. What a feat! And this was supposedly accomplished all six manned lunar missions -- the lunar module separated from the command module and made a flawless soft landing on the moon, then lifted off again and found the command module and docked with it for the flight back to earth.

And notice how there's not a speck of dust on the lunar modules going by the pictures taken on the moon, including the legs or pods that touch the moon's surface. The astronauts' footprints are seen everywhere they stepped but a space ship landed on the surface six different times without stirring up any dirt or dust.
I've had discussions with believers in the moon landing hoax conspiracy theory before.

I've noticed that many of the moon hoax believers will engage in an ad hominem argument that "You believe everything the "establishment" tells you!"

I certainly don't. For example, I believe massive non-white immigration into white countries is part of a program to commit genocide against the white race. That ain't what the "establishment" is telling me.

I do believe that the moon landings were legitimate, though.

That same "establishment" also tells you that 9/11 happened a certain way and not to question it, that the JFK and RFK assassinations happened a certain way and not to question it. It also said the alleged Covid pandemic required certain extreme measures to be taken because "science" dictated it, and more people every day are realizing the monumental amount of lies Americans have been fed on that front just over the past two years. The establishment also says not to question the official story (conspiracy theory) about the moon landings, and you don't, so you're not making a very good point. You see how much they lie on one issue but apparently not many others. Someone with a curious mind who has learned that the government and corporate media lie all the time wouldn't reflexively ignore opposing views from thoughtful people because they don't mesh with those of the establishment.
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Here's a video about the genesis of the moon landing hoax theory. If you don't want to watch the entire video at least watch the video starting at 18:00.

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The idea that because the "establishment" has lied about things many times about the past means they lie about everything is ridiculous.

The argument that because the establishment has lied in the past one should accept that the moon landings were hoaxed is also ridiculous.
Here's a video about the genesis of the moon landing hoax theory.

Again we are all friends and like a second family here. So no disrespect but we've been lied to about everything. They have millions of paid fact checkers to try and claim it's all true. Please read what Don posted with an open mind. I would
much rather wish it were true but I've seen too much evidence from the space station to the cords when they float getting tangled. Even bubbles in so many videos that is supposed to be in space. It's green screens, cgi and swimming pools.
Don't be mad at people for being independent thinkers. This is not an attack on our great culture and traditions. It's just how the elites control the masses through narratives, propaganda and lies. Again your free to believe what you like and
we can agree to disagree. Have a nice day.
The idea that because the "establishment" has lied about things many times about the past means they lie about everything is ridiculous.

The argument that because the establishment has lied in the past one should accept that the moon landings were hoaxed is also ridiculous.

Those two points are irrelevant. I said the establishment lies all the time, not about "everything." And regarding your second sentence, no one has made that point. Please point out where I or anyone else did. You're rebutting two strawmen of your own creation. If you're going to try to argue, try reading what others have written carefully instead of making **** up.
Again we are all friends and like a second family here. So no disrespect but we've been lied to about everything. They have millions of paid fact checkers to try and claim it's all true. Please read what Don posted with an open mind. I would
much rather wish it were true but I've seen too much evidence from the space station to the cords when they float getting tangled. Even bubbles in so many videos that is supposed to be in space. It's green screens, cgi and swimming pools.
Don't be mad at people for being independent thinkers. This is not an attack on our great culture and traditions. It's just how the elites control the masses through narratives, propaganda and lies. Again your free to believe what you like and
we can agree to disagree. Have a nice day.

I agree with that. If people who are sharp enough to perceive and understand the Caste System are completely unwilling to at least consider alternative viewpoints on other issues rather than dismissing them out of hand, well, I tried. All of us as individuals and mankind as a whole need to continue to awaken to what is being done to us, and fast.
The establishment also says not to question the official story (conspiracy theory) about the moon landings, and you don't, so you're not making a very good point.

Sure I have. I examined the claims of the moon hoax theorists and rejected them as untenable.
The Blue Sky Ice from Antartica. This is the Firmament. They used to admit to it in the Encyclopedia Britanica up until around 1958. They even had the measurements of where it started and the curvature of the blue ice firmament. We live
in a Snow Globe. The Firmament was created by God(Creator) and NASA calls it the Van Allen Belt. NASA admits we can't get through it anymore as we lost the technology. What a joke.

It seems to me this discussion of the moon landing hoax theory is starting to turn personal so I will not participate anymore.

I said what I have to say on the subject.
Not only were there Giants(nephilim) that walked the earth but we had trees that reached the skies. The TRUTH has always been well hidden to hide where we really come from.


WL. I was intrigued by this video. I knew that before the flood that the earths landscape was much different, but looking at the size of the dead trees was amazing. Interesting theory that the Rocky Mountains are massive trees.
There's a theory that before the flood there was a massive canopy over the earth like a giant green house. So, every plant continuously grew and everything living thing was gigantic compared to what we see today. Obviously like the dinosaurs. Those big lizards had to have large plants and trees to eat. The Garden of Eden must have been some kind of paradise! Any other videos or links would be nice?
There is a massive canopy above the earth. It's called the Firmament and no man or any technology can get through it. The Simpsons who predict almost everything have even showed this but most people can't think outside the box. We
live in an enclosed system with the antartic ice wall surrounding the earth. There is no edge you can fall off but the earth is not a round ball. The firmament connects many miles beyond the ice wall in all 360 degrees and we basically
live in a snow globe. God created this earth and everything in it yet most christians believe in NASA. Many will perish for their lack of knowledge as it says in the Bible.

Type in Flat Earth Maps on Ebay.com You can buy maps from all over the world even today showing the ice wall around the earth. They decided to start the lies in 1959 with the Antartic Treaty. Every country all around the world mapped out the earth and it's not what NASA tells you it is. Now the map companies go along with the new propaganda to fit the false narrative.

There are so many. Here is one you can buy. They laugh and mock us.

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