
First off Praise God and Jesus. Second I give the jury credit for doing what what right. The verdict should have come days ago but they made the right decision. Thank God. Now
we need to continue to pray for the members of the jury and for the safety of their families. We also need to pray for our country as we could see mass looting and rioting from
these communist regime we have here across this country. So happy for Kyle Rittenhouse. No teenager should have to endure what he did. So brave and strong!
I finally watched the video and what various commentators have said was so biased it's a joke. Under open carry laws he can run around with a firearm and if he isn't trying to intimidate people it's perfectly legal. The video was grainy and dark and was inconclusive about whether his life was in danger so why the prosecution? Thank god he wasn't railroaded, that said If I was an older male relative of his I might have fought him to stop this worst case scenario where his life was in the balance of a possible jury with an agenda.

PS, people have called the militia people rednecks and racist but I saw one Black/Mulatto guy in battle fatigues so this story is false too.
What were the demographics when you guys went to High school? My parents had 4 or 5 black kids in their school of 2k in 80s. Must have been nice. I noticed a lot of the "we're all the same" types had very minimal diversity when they were growing up, but push it onto younger generation and then wonder why they act differently!
What were the demographics when you guys went to High school? My parents had 4 or 5 black kids in their school of 2k in 80s. Must have been nice. I noticed a lot of the "we're all the same" types had very minimal diversity when they were growing up, but push it onto younger generation and then wonder why they act differently!

I was a HS student in the early to mid 80's. I believe we had two black students in my graduating class of 1250. However, I went to the city school that was more outside the city so to speak. The inner city HS was more integrated. I would say it was about 30-35% black in the 80's. When I began the first grade, I was in the inner city school system in the early 70's and they began to bus black students into the all white schools causing massive problems. There was rioting and fights almost every day in the beginning. I got into a fight the first day of the first grade with two black kids that tried to steal my jacket, thus forming my distrust of blacks from a very young age. My parents divorced and I moved with my father out to the more rural city school system where there were fewer blacks. There are still rural county schools in my area that are anywhere from 80- 90% white, however the Mexican population has grown faster than the black population in the inner city. I live in a smaller more conservative part of NC. When you live in the inner parts of the bigger cities such as Charlotte and Raleigh it's gets really bad. Lots of white liberals that have moved here from the north. Because of this NC which was always red conservative could go either way now, but not because of the natives.
I've never understood why northerners leave a crappy area and come down here with their politics and try and ruin the south.
Here we go again with the “cars running through crowds for no reason” hoax psyops.

They probably drove the vehicle through the White crowd because they hate White people.
I was a HS student in the early to mid 80's. I believe we had two black students in my graduating class of 1250. However, I went to the city school that was more outside the city so to speak. The inner city HS was more integrated. I would say it was about 30-35% black in the 80's. When I began the first grade, I was in the inner city school system in the early 70's and they began to bus black students into the all white schools causing massive problems. There was rioting and fights almost every day in the beginning. I got into a fight the first day of the first grade with two black kids that tried to steal my jacket, thus forming my distrust of blacks from a very young age. My parents divorced and I moved with my father out to the more rural city school system where there were fewer blacks. There are still rural county schools in my area that are anywhere from 80- 90% white, however the Mexican population has grown faster than the black population in the inner city. I live in a smaller more conservative part of NC. When you live in the inner parts of the bigger cities such as Charlotte and Raleigh it's gets really bad. Lots of white liberals that have moved here from the north. Because of this NC which was always red conservative could go either way now, but not because of the natives.
I've never understood why northerners leave a crappy area and come down here with their politics and try and ruin the south.

Appreciate your input! As for Northerners coming down trying to change Southern Culture. That makes me sick..As a Yankee always had a deep respect for The South and how they were different and damn proud of it.

I got my bike stolen and was jumped/got in fights couple times in HS. Makes you realize how things are and to fight back. Demographics in my town we're 90% White in 80s. Now it's 60%. If that.
Here we go again with the “cars running through crowds for no reason” hoax psyops.

Los Federales busy in Wisconsin this month. Sad it comes at the expense of innocent White People. Liberals on twatter are claiming the "SUV acted in Self Defense"

Sickening even for demons.
1 Black male (Darrell Brooks Jr.) America's most coddled and he's already out on 1,000 dollars bail... Yes, he's already out for a mere 1,000. We are in a war folks.
EDIT:I may be mistaken about his release on bail. He is likely still in custody. Any input is appreciated.

A terrorist attack in Waukesha Wisconsin. A van runs down 30+ people in a Christmas parade of mainly White people.

Initial reports are that it was 3 black males.

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He was out on $1000 bail from earlier in the week.
Yes, correct. Probably part of Trump's dumbass pandering of "Prison Reform" idiocy thinking that if they just let Black criminals out early on their sentences then they'll all vote Rebulicrat. Dumbass fool. Even Breitbart (supposedly Right-wing) withheld this murderer's name well into the morning and the comment section was loaded for hours with the commenters giving the name and links to the scum's criminal record and Breitbart finally relented and posted a new link saying "Suspect ID'd!"...What a joke are any of these sites that are run by or controlled by Jews in one way or another.

Where will this story go??!! He intentionally murdered White people in mass! His videos are filled with anti-White rhetoric going back for a couple years on several platforms. The anti-White media just stirred up the racial tensions and spewed more racial crap especially after the Rittenhouse verdict. But Whites are the haters, correct?
Jonathan Fisher, who knocked off Matt Amodio, has himself now won 10 games in a row. I just looked it up and only ten champions have won at least 11 in a row so Fisher is already moving into elite company.
The defending champion on Jeopardy now is a transgender person named Amy Schneider. I don't know if she? is the first transgender person on the show or not but, has won 3 times.
The defending champion on Jeopardy now is a transgender person named Amy Schneider. I don't know if she? is the first transgender person on the show or not but, has won 3 times.
A distraction even though freakish, but still a distraction supplied opportunistically by the demon media away from the mass murder in Waukesha. Steering away from the mass murder and injury of innocent Whites who were celebrating in a CHRISTMAS Parade. The antichrists love these things.
Amy Schneider began winning last week, before the Waukesha tragedy. Which btw is getting lots of publicity, the issue is whether the obvious BLM/racial angle will be ignored or greatly downplayed or not. The smart money is on the former.
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Los Federales busy in Wisconsin this month. Sad it comes at the expense of innocent White People. Liberals on twatter are claiming the "SUV acted in Self Defense"

Sickening even for demons.

Democratic Party official, Mary Lemanski (cough cough as Mike King would say) mocks the massacre of White people at the Christmas parade by a black, saying that "it was probably self defense".

Places like twitter and faceberg are making a good public case for why Germany and 1300 other towns and nations expelled these rat bastards.
Democratic Party official, Mary Lemanski (cough cough as Mike King would say) mocks the massacre of White people at the Christmas parade by a black, saying that "it was probably self defense".

That article is disturbing but not surprising in today's climate. They really are openly showing their true feelings about us. And no apologies; just digging in, even though the woman resigned after the backlash. I'm actually glad that they are doing this out in the open instead of covertly. It helps people wake up to the true feelings of these types. This is the positive side we can be grateful for.
Via some soy boys Twitter. The fraud Elon Musk replied so it came up on my timeline. Celebrate Indians taking over technology! USA is ******!

Google, Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, Palo Alto Networks, and now Twitter run by CEOs who grew up in India. Wonderful to watch the amazing success of Indians in the technology world and a good reminder of the opportunity America offers to immigrants.
The defending champion on Jeopardy now is a transgender person named Amy Schneider. I don't know if she? is the first transgender person on the show or not but, has won 3 times.

Amy Schneider has now won 12 Jeopardy games in a row, tied for the fifth most ever, and around half a million bucks.
Amy Schneider has now won 12 Jeopardy games in a row, tied for the fifth most ever, and around half a million bucks.
So the most successful “woman” of all time on Jeopardy is a man?! Hahahaha, I wonder how this makes all of the radical feminists feel….gurl power.
Julia Collins won 20 games in a row in 2014, which ranks as the fourth longest winning streak. She's the only woman in the top 12 other than "Amy."
American Freedom News