
I watched a couple of nights ago and he crushed his competition. Nice run though. He can now be the Pete Rose to Jenning’s Joe DiMaggio. The enormous achievement of the 2nd place guy just high lights the incredible mark held by the 1st.

Jonathan Fisher, who knocked off Matt Amodio, has himself now won 10 games in a row. I just looked it up and only ten champions have won at least 11 in a row so Fisher is already moving into elite company.
He violated every rule of handling a gun. Not checking to see if it is loaded, having your finger on the trigger, pointing it at someone you are not going to shoot, and pulling the trigger on a weapon you don't know anything about.
He violated every rule of handling a gun. Not checking to see if it is loaded, having your finger on the trigger, pointing it at someone you are not going to shoot, and pulling the trigger on a weapon you don't know anything about.

Haha exactly. Stick to being a tough guy in movies Alec.

Benito Mussolini's great-grandson was called up to the Series A club's squad. I just assumed that they got rid of all the Mussolini's at end of WW2.

Specifically, he was called up to Lazio, which is historically the most fascist and racist team in Italy (and coincidentally also my top rooting interest).

One of Lazio's top players ever was Paolo Di Canio, who would in passionate moments give the Roman Salute to the "ultri" fans after scoring an important goal in his home stadium.


Di Canio was a trend-setter and actually had a cobbler plate some gold onto his cleats in the late-90's. It was ridiculous at the time: you can't quite say he set the trend, but he was ahead of his time for obnoxious sports shoes. I saved up my money in high school and bought some baby-blue Valsport kangaroo leather soccer cleats for $170, which are still my most expensive shoes ever. Di Canio was a part of my inspiration there.
Thanks for the information Phall. Sounds like a team I could pull for.
My cousin was robbed at gunpoint working a gas station in Northern Illinois about a week ago. Wasn't a fella but rather a Mexican.. He was just looking for a better life. This is America now, shake my ****** head.

I feel for my cousin, but wonder what mental gymnastics a Trump hater has to do in her head to justify what happened to her. In her mind "rich, old, White Men" were the problem. A hard reality check.
My cousin was robbed at gunpoint working a gas station in Northern Illinois about a week ago. Wasn't a fella but rather a Mexican.. He was just looking for a better life. This is America now, shake my ****** head.

I feel for my cousin, but wonder what mental gymnastics a Trump hater has to do in her head to justify what happened to her. In her mind "rich, old, White Men" were the problem. A hard reality check.
Sorry to hear that Bucky, but glad she is ok. Hopefully you can be a voice of reason and comfort to her. I'm not sure if you are a Christian but if so, sometimes I've had numerous positive experiences just by telling someone, "I (We) are pulling for you and praying for you" in the midst of talking to them about whatever they are going through. It's kind of non-invasive and non-intrusive regarding spiritual aspects and most people regardless of faith or no faith appreciate the sentiment nonetheless.

Even in real life experiences folks who lean Left will still deny realities regarding crime, culture, behaviors, statistics, etc., because realities are uncomfortable. Heck, they are uncomfortable for us too. We just can realize that hard facts are just that; hard.
So the "macho" girl gets in the ring with a guy in Poland, and when he wins the media pulls out the "but she's a girl defense" to denounce the winner for winning. Anyway I call fake news as during the short video no one in the crowd is heard booing and the guy doesn't do anything worse than punch her a couple times when she's down. All the article does is the typical stunt of reprinting a couple of tweets from basement dwelling snowflakes that buttress their own slant. Citing tweets is no different than the old "man in the street" interviews that are edited to support a predetermined point of view. Typical feminazi double standards.

But I thought male and denial was interchangeable? I thought we were the same and gender is just a social construct?

All sarcasm aside, I am beyond fed up at the media and politicians (actual and in the medical field) pushing the narrative that men and women are equal in all aspects.
I first met John in 1995, back when he and Mark Koernke were partners in promoting militias and doing a popular shortwave radio show. They went their own ways soon thereafter, and John did yeoman work founding and trying to keep RBN going all these years on the usual shoestring budget all patriotic groups have to try to exist on. John was from the same general neck of the woods as me (Western PA). More an acquaintance than a friend but that's still sad news to learn, especially so because he wasn't an old man, in his late 60s I believe and always full of energy and drive. RIP Don't mean to sound negative but experience says it will be very difficult to keep RBN going after the loss of its founder and prime mover. Unfortunately that's what happens to almost all patriotic groups and publications when the founder retires or passes. Being a truthteller in America means existing on financial crumbs.
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Thanks for the information and input, Don. RBN is about the only daily station of anything I was listening to anymore. Hoping for the best for the network.
This song was just played to close out the show that John Stadtmiller would have hosted tonight if was still with us. I thought it was fitting. RIP John:
I've got a bad feeling about this. I just don't have high hopes for any one of our people in the courts anymore at all. Regardless of how things look and regardless of the evidence and regardless of facts I just believe the fix is in for all of us, guys...
Yeah I think those stupid white people on the jury follow the white pussy script and do what the MSM media is demanding they do
Yeah I think those stupid white people on the jury follow the white pussy script and do what the MSM media is demanding they do
Yes, and have you read about the threats by Blacks towards the jury if the Blacks and CrapLibs don't get the verdicts they want. No investigation into this, no arrests, no outrage. Just yawns and "oh well" from the Jewish media and Leftists or outright ignoring it.
And if this verdict goes against Rittenhouse, which I think it will, then it will set the precedent for what (((they've))) been wanting which is "legal" open season on us and we can't legally defend our own life. ********! Let them come try on me.
Here is a video that Judicial Watch received through FOIA requests from the D.C. Metro Police Department. It has different angles of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

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