
Aubrey Huff called Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse a ‘national treasure’
Sounds good to me.
I've been reading about Charles Manson, the hippie cult leader infamous for the Tate - LaBianca murders committed in the summer of 1969. Manson was a violent criminal with a long criminal history, He did just about everything. He was a pimp, a rapist, a murderer, a thief a drug dealer and more.

Yet he was able to convince up to 25 people, mostly young women to do anything he wanted, literally anything, including murder. Not only that some of them were happy to do it and support him to this day.

I assumed his disciples were of low intelligence but that wasn't the case. One example is Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, best known for trying to assassinate President Gerald Ford. She was said to be a brilliant student and was a national honor student. Her father was an aeronautical engineer. Yet to this day she worships Manson. She has said that she was proud to have helped Manson by being a prostitute, which is what Manson made her.

I'm always amazed about how people such as Manson manage to get others under their control. What are they doing and saying to make it happen? I also see a direct parallel to antifa members today, They're like Manson's followers. They'll do anything they're told including murder.
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has filed FOIA requests with the Secret Service for information on an alleged incident involving an agent and V.P. President Biden. It's alleged that an agent pushed Biden after Biden fondle the agent's girlfriend breasts during a photoshoot. This allegedly happen in 2009.
Just wondering. If segregated schools are illegal, how is it segregated boys schools and colleges and segregated girls schools and colleges can still exist? Not all of them are religious.
More mediocre cards in boxing... I August 22nd was a gift in this covid stupor, no noteworthy fights for our guys either. Yordenis Ugas was supposed to fight a Russian but they gave him Abel Ramos.
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More mediocre cards in boxing... I August 22nd was a gift in this covid stupor, no noteworthy fights for our guys either. Yordenis Ugas was supposed to fight a Russian but they gave him Abel Ramos.

The next fight that matters to me is Loma against Lopez on Oct 24th.
I see there is now a movie out called The Trial of the Chicago 7. The Chicago 7 were radicals who came to Chicago in 1968 to start trouble and riots. I'm sure the movie will portray them as noble heroes and as being unfairly prosecuted. In reality they were guilty as sin as Abbie Hoffman admitted in his autobiography.
Povetkin vs Whyte rematch announced for Nov. 21 site has not been chosen.
I agree. I had not been that excited over a ko since Coetzee ko over Michael Dokes in 87.
Matt Drudge has always been very secretive, and truth be told was never very conservative but did have a noticeable pro-Trump tilt in 2016. As the article above mentions, his site may have been sold a year or so ago and he may not even be involved in it anymore. There's no question the Drudge Report moved rapidly to the far left last year and is now "woke" and viciously anti-Trump.
Nearly 20 percent of Millennials, Gen Z in NY believe Jews caused the Holocaust: Survey
The above was in the NY Post today. When people are subjected to massive propaganda like the Gen Zeers and millennials, many people can sense their being BS'd and turn off. That's what happened with these young people. they knew they were being propagandized and just wouldn't listen anymore.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg died last night. But another liberal/commie will be select to take her place on the court. The court has been compromised for many years. Don't think in any way Trump will select a real American for her seat.
My insurance company just sent me a tracking device to put on my car. They want to monitor where my car goes. They claim it's a wonderful thing designed to save me money. Ha!

Has anyone else gotten one of these?
Non-jewish White Females make up the largest group in USA yet not a single representative on the US Supreme Court and imbecile dummy-joe wants to appoint a female africanus-amergroid.
Hopefully lying donnie-joo will appoint a White American.
It seems RBG's seat must be filled by a female. So it's a female seat now. What a bunch of baloney.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg died last night. But another liberal/commie will be select to take her place on the court. The court has been compromised for many years. Don't think in any way Trump will select a real American for her seat.

Even with 6-3 republican judges liberals will still win at least some of the time. Better to win some of the time than none of the time.
American Freedom News