

Jun 3, 2014
Any of you guys ever look into this? I don't mean living in a tent somewhere in the woods, but more practical things like decreasing unnecessary bills and getting rid of stuff like old clothes and furniture you don't use. I don't own many material possessions as it is, but I find it very freeing the less I own.

The leftist corporations have gotten us all addicted to having "stuff". Whether it be the newest phone or the brand new pickup truck, people flock to the stores and dealerships to get it. People have closets full of hundreds of pants and shirts they never wear or 50 pairs of shoes. We are bombarded with advertisements subliminally telling us we won't fit in if we don't have the latest and greatest. The new car, the huge house, the boat, the RV, the new 99 inch flat screen 4k tv with all the bells and never ends.

Keeping us endlessly wanting new material possessions is part of the game and they are very good at it. If we are perpetually in debt with no end in sight, it keeps us plugged into the "matrix" and working at our 9-5 slavery jobs. They need us doing that in order for the machine to keep running.

I feel like minimalism is one small way we can fight them. It's also very convenient to own less as you can move anytime you like with ease. Some people have to spend an entire month and thousands of dollars to move.
I agree 100%. I was young and dumb once. Had to have the latest smart phones, clothes, colognes, etc. Then I realised how dumb it was. Always in debt with credit cards and loans. The most fancy car in the world won't make you any happier. We think it will but it won't. In the words of author Dave Ramsey, “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.” That nails it right there and his books and classes are excellent financial advice. Rich Dad Poor Dad is alway a good set of books to read along with many others.

If I was 20 again I would save every penny I had to buy a piece of land in the middle of nowhere, a small house on wheels, solar panels and have a well. You could easily be debt free by 25 if you played your cards right. Freedom to work less and live more happily! :)
I've lived as a minimalist my whole life lol. Sometimes I have to force myself to be more greedy/selfish as I really don't care much for material things. Plus growing up never had extra money to be in over my head with things that are not necessities.
I've been getting rid of a lot of clutter the past few months. It's amazing how much "stuff" accumulates even when you try to keep up with it and you only realize just how much there is when you start preparing to move. I'm trying to make moving a lot easier next time whenever that may be, might be soon after the election depending on the aftermath, or I may stay put for a while as I like the area I live in.
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