Million Man White Athlete March

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Well, not exactly, but it's only fitting to announce on the day of a great and ground-breaking performanceby Peyton Hillis, that this week Caste Football had its one millionth unique visitor.
1,000,000 and counting have been to this cutting edge outpost of truth. All who have contributed to this achievement have reason to feel proud.
If Peyton Hillis continues his unconditional supremacy, he may be the closest athlete that racially conscious white males have to a "messiah."Â￾

This is the only website on planet earth that believed in Hillis during his time at Arkansas, the Denver Broncos, and the Cleveland Browns.

Don, congratulations on the colossal success of Caste Football. Watching Hillis and so many other white athletes across the globe achieve their rightful place atop the pinnacle of their sport is something that you, of all people, have meticulously earned.

Thank you for everything you've shared with us.
Thanks for putting this site up Don!! I'm sure this season has all of us a bit more positive with Hillis and Woodhead shining. Lemiatre breaking 10 seconds and the white domination of boxing makes up all proud.
Being racially conscious since the third grade, the last ten years have been great in dismantling the myth of black superiority in sports. One, if not the most important changes have occurred in boxing. The K Brothers, Super Joe Calzaghe, Kelly Pavlik, an American White Man winning the undisputed Middleweight Championship in sensational fashion. Now the future looks good with emerging super stars such as Lucian Bute, Tomasz Ademek, and other rising White stars. We now control the majority of belts from super welterweight to heavyweight.

Now the cracks in the castesystem in the major organization that promotes it is cracking with the emergence of Hillis and Woodhead. Its great to see. As mentioned in another thread, MSM sports writers are less afraid to report the truth of Hillis racists treatment by the Broncos. This in of itself is a big story.

CF and Don Wassall continue to be enemies of the MSM, PTB and MCs. F them all. The truth is hard to fight and be kept under a rock.
What a year 2010 has been. Hopefully it is only the tip of the iceburg. As the saying goes, the best is yet to come! I can hear Frank Sinatra singing!
you asked, white lightning ... and i deliver.


andi offer morecongratulations to Don, as well. keep up the great work, boss!
white lightning said:
What a year 2010 has been. Hopefully it is only the tip of the iceburg. As the saying goes, the best is yet to come! I can hear Frank Sinatra singing!

I agree. The best is yet to come.

I have always liked that song. Not a fan of some aspects of Sinatra's personal life, but he was the BEST at singing those big band swing tunes when he was younger, before the cigarettes, booze and carousing took a toll on his voice.

Edited by: Bart
Congratulations Mr. Wassal! No telling how many racially conscious guys that hate football will start watching 'cause of Welker or Hillis or Woodhead...then just a short matter of time before they find this place!
Great news to hear, Don! Every time White athletes do well, I notice an increase in users on the site and it is nice to see that new people are finding the site everyday! For our cause, 2010 has been a very nice year to date and I hope it continues to get better! I know I consider myself personally indebted to Don for putting this website and forum up. I've learned so much from being here and interacting with so many knowledgeable and enthusiastic posters. I don't believe there is a finer internet discussion board than this one, so thanks again Don for making it all possible!
Congratulations Don & CF brethren!
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