Mikkel Kessler


Nov 23, 2008


Dec 17, 2005
Parody said:
As far as I know, the referee Jack Reiss is Jewish - that worries me. He'll probably let Ward get away with all the holding and headbutting he wants to do. Ward holds his opponent's arms a lot, and has used headbutts to the cheekbones and eyeridge to open cuts in the past. And watch out for a too-quick stoppage after a flurry of punches by Ward, and watch for Weiss protecting Ward by giving him extra time to recover if he's hurt.

The commentators Bernstein and Farhood hate White Gentiles, so if anything shady is done that favors Ward, they won't mention it. And they'll score all the rounds they can for Ward in their commentary, unless Kessler dominates so much their bias will seem too obvious. If Kessler is robbed, Bernstein and Farhood will be supportive of the decision.

Basically everything you predicted happened. This is a cheap BS loss. I hope Abraham or even Froch puts and end to Andre WardEdited by: Guest
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fight sucks. To me, Mikkell seemed out of the fight from the opening bell onward. What surprised me was just how bad Ward made Kessler look. Big surprise for me in that regard. Hopefully Kessler can recover from this loss and move on. Mabye the result would be different if Kess fought Ward on home ground.In my opinion though, it looked like two different classes of fighters were squaring off today. Completely outclassed, outsped, outpunched. I don't see Kessler ever beating Ward to be honest. Anyway, let the insults come. LOL

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Kessler was complaining in the PF interview that Ward head butted him intentionally and claimed that was why he lost the fight. Truth is he just looked outclassed from the get-go. He was flat as hell, not sharp at all, and he couldn't afford such an off night against a top flight boxer like Ward. I quit watching after eight rounds.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I am by no means a boxing expert, but I think the cut that Kessler endured in the early round really handicapped him the rest of the fight. Now granted, Ward was dominating the action before that and Kessler looked out of sync in every facet of his game.

In my opinion if you take away the headbutts, Kessler would have had a chance to find his rhythm and mount a comeback. He could not see out of one eye the rest of the fight and we all know the result.

Ward fought a great fight but he relied heavily on holds ala Hopkins. Is this how all the black boxers "fight"? I'm asking seriously as I do not get to watch most boxers, just the big names. I can see why MMA has surpassed boxing in terms of popularity because of all the boring and/or dirty black boxers.
Nov 22, 2009
Hello everyone.

I've been a long time reader of Caste Football and after the sorry fight tonight I felt it was finally time to post on here.....

This is the first fight I actually got pissed off watching since the Froch-Dirrell fight!

It is true that Kessler was having somewhat of an off night early on, but this fight definitely was not helped by the poor/ corrupt refereeing.

I mean come on. Ward looked like a freaking billy goat in there sometimes! The ref has to stop that. This is exactly how Bernard Hopkins has been fighting for years. He is quick enough- as is Ward- to charge in close ( with head down)and sneak in a quick punch and basically mug the opposite fighter without being hit in return.

The only effective way to beat that style is if the ref puts a stop to it or the other boxer is slick enough himself to sneak in some punches like Calzaghe was able to do against Hopkins.

This fight stunk. I know that Kessler is way more talented than Froch and I am a huge fan of both, but I could not see Froch taking that type of fighting from Ward.

I honestly think that even though he is an excellent boxer, Kesslar doesn't have that arrogant fighting psyche that Vitali Klitschko or Calzaghe have/had.

I also really HATE that Froch and Kessler fight each other in the next round...

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Excellent post WISENHEIMER 81, I agree with every word.

As I posted he would before the fight, the Jewish referee Jack Reiss allowed Ward to get away with all the headbutting, holding and other cheating he wanted. The dirty fighting prevented Kessler from getting into his rhythm.

There were also some mind games played on Kessler before the fight, with Ward's team complaining about the wrappings.

A fight between Kessler and Ward with a fair referee would have been competitive, and I have a feeling Mikkel would have eventually knocked him out.

Sauerland should NEVER have agreed to let Reiss work the fight. With a neutral ref, Ward might have been disqualified for that last, OBVIOUSLY deliberate head butt. The Super Six contract clearly states that all refs should be from neutral countries.
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Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Man waking up I am feeling kinda melonchaly. Toby Gerhart has kickass game, but Stanford loses. Then shortly thereafter, Mikkel loses! I thought Mikkel would dominate, not get dominated.

Oh well, white fighters have had a great run and will continue to win most fights. However, we have to be realistic, we can not win every fight. There are some good black fighters out there but more white ones. Sometimes we will be disappointed. Congrats to Ward for his well deserved win.

I now have recalculate my picks in the Super Six. King Aurther beating Ward for the whole bag of beans and Frochy beating Kessler for third.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Ward fought very dirty. He was punching when they were clinching and those headbutts were intentional. Even so Kessler just looked terrible. I just can't explain it.
Nov 22, 2009
I agree with you whiteathlete.

Here is part of a good post from the East Side Boxing forum:

Ward did anything he could, and Kessler didn't. As simple as that. If your opponent fights dirty, YOU fight dirty, and not this whining trash from Kessler "owee he fought durteeee". If you get headbutted, you headbutt yourself. If your opponent holds, wrestles you aruond from holding, and strikes to the back of the head in clinches, what do you do ? Right, throw lowblows, headbutt, elbow, f--- the guy up, throw him out of the ring. But not WHINE that he does that and wait for the hometown ref to do something about it. Kessler also seems to age heavily, being on the bench for so long, courtesy of his sh*tty promoter, wasn't good for him.

Like I mentioned in my previouspost , even though Froch is more limited than Kessler in the skills department, I could see him elbowing Ward and slinging him around the ring if he tried any of that dirty stuff he did last night.

Of course white boxers aren't going to win every singlefight, but I was not impressed with Ward at all last night. Yes, he has good speed but he kind of reminded me of Bernard Hopkins and that's not a good thing.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Funny though the Jewish ref allowed this headbutting. I saw the headbutts on replays and the annoucers were saying it was "accidental." What a crock of s--t. Having Tarver and Gus Johnson as annoucers you know who they wanted to win. Kessler didn't look like himself last night. It was almost as it he was drugged or something. He was totally flat. I wouldn't be surprised if some bruva put something in his water.

Blue Devils

Feb 27, 2008
Like I mentioned in my previous post , even though Froch is more limited than Kessler in the skills department, I could see him elbowing Ward and slinging him around the ring if he tried any of that dirty stuff he did last night.

Of course white boxers aren't going to win every single fight, but I was not impressed with Ward at all last night.  Yes, he has good speed but he kind of reminded me of Bernard Hopkins and that's not a good thing.]
Good post. I was going to post pretty much the same thing.

Kessler fought way too passive on the inside. Froch & Abraham wouldn't let Ward get away with holding & hitting. They're rougher than Kessler. When Dirrell tried the same crap against Carl he got thrown around like a ragdoll.

Styles make fights. Even though Froch & Abraham aren't as skilled as Mikkel I think they would both beat Ward. They have more variety in their offense whereas Kessler is a little too predictable. I wouldn't count Mikkel out just yet. He has Froch up next then Taylor. Those are two fights he should win, although Froch could be catching Kessler at the right time.


Dec 9, 2004
I think Kessler will recover from this loss and make it into the semi-finals and that means he will probably face Ward again.By that time I expect Kessler to have made some "secound half adjustments" and we shall see some fireworks.


Oct 19, 2004
whiteathlete33 said:
The fight doesn't make sense.  There is no way Ward is as good as Clazaghe and Kessler fought fairly well against him.

Styles make fights. Calzaghe is more open defensively, so Kessler landed some great shots. That doesn't make Ward better than Calzaghe. Against Ward, Calzaghe would throw all those punches in bunches, before clinches, during clinches, after clinches. Ward doesn't have enough pop to back up Calzaghe, so Joe would be all over him all night long. I just can't see Ward out-working him.

Alworth No.19

Oct 19, 2009
whiteathlete33 said:
Ward fought very dirty. He was punching when they were clinching and those headbutts were intentional. Even so Kessler just looked terrible. I just can't explain it.

Kessler's loss to Calzaghe seems to have really done a number on his confidence. Calzaghe just mentally overpowered Kessler in that fight, and Kessler said afterwards that he was crushed. Some guys never bounce back from that first crushing loss, and it looks like Kessler may be one of them. I was backing Kessler in the Calzaghe fight, as I thought Kessler was as good a boxer I had seen in a long time. He mechanics were superb, and he really sat down on his punches. I had him winning several of the early rounds against Calzaghe, but Joe just psyched him out. It reminded me a lot of Cooney/Holmes. Cooney could have won that fight - Holmes said as much many times - but mentally Cooney just couldn't handle the pressure, and he was never the same after that loss. I think Kessler may be the same kind of boxer, which is a shame. What it does emphasize is just how tough Calzaghe is mentally. Beyond his physical gifts, Calzaghe is just a tough dude, who isn't oveawed by any opponent or situation. One is either born with the kind of mental toughness or one isn't, and it looks like Kessler isn't. Too bad.

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
I thought Kessler hadn't been active enough between the Calzaghe fight and this fight. He was somewhat rusty and it showed. He really started to come alive in the ninth and tenth and fight with more spirit, but it was too late.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
lost said:
DID kessler say something about A "hometown ref" In the post fight interview???

He talked about the referee allowing Ward to head butt and hold as much as he wanted without even warning him.
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The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Yeah, he wasn't too happy in the interview. He blamed the ref a lot for his poor performance. He could have helped himself somewhere along the line by learning how to fight on the inside. All Kessler did in close was grab and hold, but he seemed not to know how to short punch while he was at it. That's part of the pro game, and Kessler has limited himself by not learning how to do that. Welcome to America.

I think Victor Borge could have been the ref and it wouldn't have made much difference.

Kessler also didn't sound too enthusiastic about fighting Froch, something about seeing "if I still have it."

All in all, a crappy night for Kessler and his fans.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Dimitri Sartison is also listed as champion along with Andre Ward. He won the vacant title yesterday. All in all things aren't that bad. 3 out of the 4 junior middleweight champs are now white. Senchenko is a beast at welterweight. I also will be rooting for Dmitry Salita.
Edited by: whiteathlete33


Aug 9, 2005
Mikkel Kessler: "I will bounce back"

kesslerMikkel Kessler has vowed to bounce back stronger than ever after his 11th round technical decision defeat against Andre Ward. The Viking Warrior was trailing on all three scorecards when the fight was stopped due to a cut caused by an unintentional headbutt. "I have lost the world title once and won it straight back so I know how to do it,"Â￾ Kessler said. "With the support of my home fans in Denmark I will beat Carl Froch and become world champion again. That is why this tournament is great â€" I have the chance to make amends immediately."Â￾

Kessler admitted it was tough to fight Ward. "He was very fast and very good. He ruined my style,"Â￾ he said. "It was not my day. Now I will go home, watch the tape and then bounce back stronger than ever."Â￾

Said Wilfried Sauerland: "Congratulations to Andre Ward, he fought a great fight and deserved to win. I was impressed by his speed and his technical abilities. However, the referee should have stopped the holding and headbutting, but we do not want to take anything away from his performance and his victory. Mikkel will come back and do very well in this tournament, no doubt about that.."Â￾

Added Kalle Sauerland: "Ward proved today that he belongs into this tournament and that he is a great fighter with a golden future. The great thing about the Super Six World Boxing Classic is that Mikkel can take revenge soon as their paths might cross again. Mikkel and his team will analyse the fight closely and draw the right conclusions. I have no doubts that the Viking Warrior will come back stronger than ever and we will see an exciting fight against Carl Froch. That fight will be massive."Â￾


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
On Nov 21st Parody said...

Parody said:
As far as I know, the referee Jack Reiss is Jewish - that worries me. He'll probably let Ward get away with all the holding and headbutting he wants to do. Ward holds his opponent's arms a lot, and has used headbutts to the cheekbones and eyeridge to open cuts in the past. And watch out for a too-quick stoppage after a flurry of punches by Ward, and watch for Weiss protecting Ward by giving him extra time to recover if he's hurt.

The commentators Bernstein and Farhood hate White Gentiles, so if anything shady is done that favors Ward, they won't mention it. And they'll score all the rounds they can for Ward in their commentary, unless Kessler dominates so much their bias will seem too obvious. If Kessler is robbed, Bernstein and Farhood will be supportive of the decision.

On Nov 22nd Kesseler and his promotor said

"He threw a lot of elbows and there were a lot of head butts. He never got any warnings. I don't want to sit here and complain all the time, but I wasn't happy with the referee."

Kessler's camp was upset even before the fight about the selection of California-based referee Jack Reiss, asking for an official from a "neutral territory", as mandated in the Super Six contracts.

After the fight, Kessler and his camp criticised Reiss for allowing too much holding and inside fighting, leading to head clashes.

"Without taking anything away from his win, the referee helped him from the first minute," said Wilfried Sauerland, Kessler's promoter.

"He used his head, he used his elbow, and he didn't even get a warning. That was a bit much."
Parody called it exactly right. He must have some kind of time machine, or a great awareness of how things work.