Mid Term Elections Tonight!

I'd like to feel "really good" about yesterday's results but I'll only take joy in the Democrats losing. Republicans shouldn't "celebrate" like they won anything. People voted for them not in confidence but in repudiation of the failed Democrats. I don't expect them to change anything for our benefit, in fact they might actually launch another "boots on the ground" war in either Syria or the Ukraine. Yipee.

I will admit it is a good sign that people are fed up. Maybe this anger can lead to action in the streets or at least voting out these RINO / NeoCons and getting in some some Constitutionalists (ex. Rand Paul types or hopefully better) in 2016.

Oh yea, and for God's sake, can these spineless wimps at least stop amnesty and crack down on immigration?
Three things I want to see. No amnesty. Secure the border. Stop the healthcare bill.

Get politicians back in office who actually serve the people and when I say people I'm
talking about american citizens. I know many mexican americans that came here the right
way. They don't like what is going on. If everyone else in the world has to get in line, then
they should too. Just my two cents.
I stopped associating myself with either of the two political parties as I have begun to develop my own political beliefs based upon my personal racial awakening. I despise the leftists as they are hellbent on pushing "diversity" and immigration from third world non-white countries and phasing out European American ancestry. However, I really do not see anything much better from Republicans who skirt around the simmering racial questions and pander to all the other races...

Well said, LeonardFan. It seems the difference between the D's and the R's is Democrats are on board with dispossessing whites; whereas Republicans are scared to even ponder what demographic shift means. D's know damn well what it means.
What I want is energy independence, secured borders, end occupations in muslim countries, end of police state, term limits for politicians, restore bill of rights.
What I want is energy independence, secured borders, end occupations in muslim countries, end of police state, term limits for politicians, restore bill of rights.
You want too much, as do I. We won't get any of these things.

I'm learning that all the new Republicans that won are "very moderate", as in distanced from the Tea Party and the small government, constitutionalists conservatives who were weeded out in the primaries. My excitement for this "victory" is fading by the hour...
You want too much, as do I. We won't get any of these things.

I'm learning that all the new Republicans that won are "very moderate", as in distanced from the Tea Party and the small government, constitutionalists conservatives who were weeded out in the primaries. My excitement for this "victory" is fading by the hour...

The Republicans will be a major let down, as always. Symptomatic of the psychosis of our society and it's bipolar election cycles. It's the only way for a two party system to survive when both are hated by almost everybody. Trade election cycle wins.

I will say this for the R's, they are less likely to push for unisex bathrooms, and mandatory faggotry, and are at least exposed to anti-immigration wrath from their supporters. I hope that each election pushes the R's to becoming the white people party as the D's purge more and more white politicians from their ranks each election. I think I read there are no white D's in the House from any state south of the Mason-Dixon line so the R's are essentially the white people party in the south.
Another very important point that should be brought up is the wall against supreme court judges of the last 3 years. Obummer can not replace Jew socialist Ginsberg with another leftist/closet communist/socialist. Last night was very important, contrary to what seem as irrelevant to some. Look, If could go back to the 50s or instantly create a country I would. Right now the GOP is our last best option to right the ship even in a marginal way. The 3 things I instantly demand is sealing of the borders/no amnesty. 2. Energy independence, i.e. Keystone Pipeline. 3. The start of the Repeal/dismantling of Obummercare.
The main reason I voted on Tuesday was to cast my ballot for Lou Barletta as State Representative. Of course, he won by a landslide over the Demoncrat, Ostrowski.

Barletta is much-beloved in PA’s 11[SUP]th[/SUP] Congressional District and he’s the only mainstream politician with a history of enacting pro-white policies. For those who aren’t aware, Barletta is the former Mayor of the vile city of Hazelton, PA, which once had the fastest-growing “Hispanic” population in the entire United States. As Mayor, Barletta created policies to rid the city of these feral, murdering, raping, thieving, drug-peddling, gang-banging, welfare-sponging bacteria and got him in trouble with the ACLU. From Wiki…

In 2006, Barletta made headlines for his efforts opposing illegal immigration in Hazleton vowing to make the city “one of the toughest places in the United States” for illegal immigrants.[SUP][7][/SUP] Barletta introduced and the city council approved the Illegal Immigration Relief Act.[SUP][8][/SUP] The ordinance allowed the city to deny a business permit to employers who hired illegal immigrants and gave the city authority to fine landlords up to $1,000 for leasing to illegal immigrants.[SUP][7][9][/SUP] The act also made English the official language of Hazleton, prohibiting city employees from translating documents into any language without official authorization.[SUP][10][/SUP] In response, the ACLU and Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund sued in Federal District Court to block the ordinance.[SUP][10][/SUP] In July 2007, District Court Judge James M. Munley ruled that the act was unconstitutional for interfering with Federal immigration laws and violating the due process of individuals, employers and landlords.[SUP][7][/SUP] The ruling was upheld on appeal to the United States Court of Appeals on September 9, 2010.[SUP][11][/SUP] In a public statement shortly after the decision, Barletta vowed to appeal.

Any politician that draws the ire of the ACLU (or any other anti-white group) is A-OK in my book. Barletta’s “Illegal Immigration Relief Act” sounds perfect for institution throughout the entire nation! I’ve been in the same room as Barletta (during a meeting for my job) and he’s a really nice guy. He's a family-man (4 daughters) and was also a great baseball player in his youth, and actually tried out for MLB...


CAPTION: Lou Barletta – Future Governor of PA (Hopefully)
The main reason I voted on Tuesday was to cast my ballot for Lou Barletta as State Representative. Of course, he won by a landslide over the Demoncrat, Ostrowski.

Barletta is much-beloved in PA’s 11[SUP]th[/SUP] Congressional District and he’s the only mainstream politician with a history of enacting pro-white policies. For those who aren’t aware, Barletta is the former Mayor of the vile city of Hazelton, PA, which once had the fastest-growing “Hispanic†population in the entire United States. As Mayor, Barletta created policies to rid the city of these feral, murdering, raping, thieving, drug-peddling, gang-banging, welfare-sponging bacteria and got him in trouble with the ACLU. From Wiki…

Any politician that draws the ire of the ACLU (or any other anti-white group) is A-OK in my book. Barletta’s “Illegal Immigration Relief Act†sounds perfect for institution throughout the entire nation! I’ve been in the same room as Barletta (during a meeting for my job) and he’s a really nice guy. He's a family-man (4 daughters) and was also a great baseball player in his youth, and actually tried out for MLB...


CAPTION: Lou Barletta – Future Governor of PA (Hopefully)

Thrashen that's awesome. Barletta is a beacon of hope. His no nonsense immigration policies should be the norm among politicians. The problem is most politicians don't care about their subjects, just as long as long as they live well off and hold position of power they're cool with it. Spineless bastards if you ask me.