Michael Slager charged with Murder!

Hoax, 100%.

I'm not a hoax/conspiracy type person most of the time, but this just seems really strange. Every time the white policeman has shot a black thug they were legitimate reasons and were cleared, recently. Now, we have a white policeman shooting a black man in the back running away? It just seems too obvious! They had to have a white cop finally legitimize what the black supremacist were saying all along as to somehow even the playing field. Again, seems too obvious.

If this is real, Slager is really, really stupid given what's happened over the last year or so.
Watch the full video (youtube) and notice how the cop pays no attention to the guy filming him. At one point, the guy with the phone camera is only about 15 or 20 feet away behind the chain link fence yet the cops don't even look at him or say anything to him.
Watch the full video (youtube) and notice how the cop pays no attention to the guy filming him. At one point, the guy with the phone camera is only about 15 or 20 feet away behind the chain link fence yet the cops don't even look at him or say anything to him.

That's another detail I noticed also. You would think that just after shooting at a black man eight times and with all that adrenaline pumping, Slager would at least give the black guy filming so close by a good lookover to make sure he wasn't brandishing a weapon rather than a cellphone. . .
That's another detail I noticed also. You would think that just after shooting at a black man eight times and with all that adrenaline pumping, Slager would at least give the black guy filming so close by a good lookover to make sure he wasn't brandishing a weapon rather than a cellphone. . .

Was thinking the same thing myself. Officers usually get really uptight when obviously being filmed, and, if the video is real, Slager, if he is not acting, is a shoot-first-ask-questions-later type. That type of cop isn't likely to just stand there and talk with another cop over a dead body he just made while ignoring the video taper would he??? Mighty strange.
Video of Slager making the traffic stop before Scott took off on foot and Slager copped a feel of his pistol and gunned down Scott for not stopping, standing at attention, and remaining motionless.

I watched it. There's got to be a lot more to the story than what you see on that video. He probably tried to kill the officer and then ran away.
Infowars with a good article showing the effects of decades of political correctness and racial preferential pandering.


So Whites commit the least amount of crime per percentage yet we are the ones most likely to get shot by a trigger happy cop. Black criminals get shot and the media defends them. If this goon, Michael Slager, shot a White instead we would have never heard this story.

Again, this must be more of that White Privilege I keep hearing about...

if this study is real, it's revoltig but it's the logical consequence of what the media are doing, with killings of innocent whites by thugs being another logical consequence, because whites are evil racists that kill innocent blacks

in a normal country, these journalists would be in prison
if this study is real, it's revoltig but it's the logical consequence of what the media are doing, with killings of innocent whites by thugs being another logical consequence, because whites are evil racists that kill innocent blacks

in a normal country, these journalists would be in prison

You can't explain this to blacks. They are so ignorant and racist that when they see a video like this they assume it's the same case every time. Now the black buffoon is calling for some federal police laws. This country is getting sicker and more polluted by the day.
if this study is real, it's revolting but it's the logical consequence of what the media are doing, with killings of innocent whites by thugs being another logical consequence, because whites are evil racists that kill innocent blacks

in a normal country, these journalists would be in prison

Allowing the hate-crazed Talmud cult to buy up our mass media was our fatal mistake.

As for the shooting of the fleeing black, the question is what happened in the interim, between the traffic stop and the denouement. From the truncated parts that we did see, it doesn't look so good for the officer so far, as such apprehension of fleeing suspect techniques are not currently recommended by the latest progressive authorities on social work.
In the dash camera video it shows the misdemeanor suspect running from the car. Slager gave chase with him yelling "taser taser taser" then gun shots. Which was not captured on video. Like said, Slager has no defense to what is the video. He was not in a immediate defense of life situation (IDOL). He just got caught up in the moment. If I was him plead out to a lower charge. Get 15 yrs and carry on with the rest of your life.
In the dash camera video it shows the misdemeanor suspect running from the car. Slager gave chase with him yelling "taser taser taser" then gun shots. Which was not captured on video. Like said, Slager has no defense to what is the video. He was not in a immediate defense of life situation (IDOL). He just got caught up in the moment. If I was him plead out to a lower charge. Get 15 yrs and carry on with the rest of your life.

Westside, no prosecutor is going to offer him 15 years for this! Look at the video! Sharpton and his cronies will be inciting riots for ever if he doesn't get life at the minimum.
Westside, no prosecutor is going to offer him 15 years for this! Look at the video! Sharpton and his cronies will be inciting riots for ever if he doesn't get life at the minimum.

Mayb not, but he has to plea for something less than 30 yrs! Damn, I could not fathom being locked up for 5 yrs.
Hoax, 100%.

People on here aren't the only ones raising questions. I just read this comment:

"Whatever it is that he [Slager] threw [dropped] next to the man it looks like he picks it up at the 1:55 mark and puts it back on his belt. I don't know, it all still seems like a fishy story. Where is the blood?"

Maybe I was right in the first place, before I even watched it, and it is yet another Barry Soetoro-Crisisactors.org production. The way it's presented it doesn't make sense. Why would the officer, behaving perfectly normally from what we can see before, go into a shooting range stance and pump off bullets into the man? It looks more like some sort of training film. Also, if that video is "raw and unedited" wtf is it doing with a musical background?

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They used the same Crisis Actress in Sandy Hoax and Boston. She's not the one who took this video, is she?
30 years seems about right. Second degree murder. No way he gets off in 15.

There are now reports that a witness saw both scuffle over a taser. This is important. It may enable the cop to plead to manslaughter. If I was him do it. Get it over with. If SC tries him for murder and manslaugther, he will get a hung jury on the murder(hard to prove pre-mediation) but he will go down for the manslaughter. That verdict will be 2 years away. Just plead to it and start earning the time and maybe get out in 15 yrs. Hell negroes are convicted of murder and get out on similar time.
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People on here aren't the only ones raising questions. I just read this comment:

"Whatever it is that he [Slager] threw [dropped] next to the man it looks like he picks it up at the 1:55 mark and puts it back on his belt. I don't know, it all still seems like a fishy story. Where is the blood?"

Maybe I was right in the first place, before I even watched it, and it is yet another Barry Soetoro-Crisisactors.org production. The way it's presented it doesn't make sense. Why would the officer, behaving perfectly normally from what we can see before, go into a shooting range stance and pump off bullets into the man? It looks more like some sort of training film. Also, if that video is "raw and unedited" wtf is it doing with a musical background?

WW, come on. the stance is what Officers do monthly at the shooting range,muscle memory etc. The music was being played from Slager's IPhone inside the police car. Sure he wants music to break up the monotony of negroes committing crimes throughout his shift. LOL
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This kind of disgusting criminality is why so many people have turned on the police. For every black beaten or shot, how many Whites are brutalized by psycho cops who almost always get away with it?


That area is approx 40 miles north east of me. Those deputies will most likely be fired or demoted. Yeah they went too far in hitting that horse theft. Like all occupations there is always that 5% that should not be in that field.
WW, come on. the stance is what Officers do monthly at the shooting range,muscle memory etc. The music was being played from Slager's IPhone inside the police car. Sure he wants music to break up the monotony of negroes committing crimes throughout his shift. LOL

Officers practice various shooting stances. The Weaver stance there is just the most methodical and accurate. So in the middle of a chase he assumes it and fires off 8 shots like he's at the range? Why? Then I think he says, I f'd up, but the way he said it it sounds like he meant that he f'd up the script in a training exercise. And that video has nothing to do with Slager's iPhone or the inside of his patrol car. It was supposed to have been made by a witness. Besides now in the newer versions of it they have eliminated the musical background.
Also the second black cop seems totally calm. He doesn't say anything like, wtf happened! Or, why the hell did you shoot him, or anything like that. He was right there. He must have seen the whole thing.

Also they were lying when they said the officer planted something on the allegedly dead negro. What happened was he dropped something and then picked it back up.
American Freedom News