Michael Slager charged with Murder!

I saw the vid. It is damning. As much as I support the police, and I know policing the thugs really tries their patience, a man just can't gun down another man because he doesn't do what he wants him to. Hope better evidence comes through. Hate to see a cop go to prison.
Way too many hair-trigger cops. Over-equipped, trained to think of everyone as their enemy, first reaction is to dramatically over-react in the name of "officer safety."

I support the good cops, but the system has turned too many of them into murderers. The militarization of police in equipment and tactics is part and parcel of this country's descent into a police state/surveillance state where the cops are soldiers protecting the 1% and the bottom 80% are fodder for prisons and worse.
He is bought and paid for. Advice: Plead guilty to a lesser charge of 1st Degree Murder. The copper is toast. Fall on the sword and plead for mercy
This one doesn't have the BS factor that went into the previous "evil cop" manufactured crisis. In the Ferguson and NY cases, and even Zimmerman it was "righteous, good black man/kid murdered by evil white cop/vigilante.

This one has no apparent disagreement. There is no rabble to rouse here. The cop is a murderer (from what I've seen) and he's going to be locked up. There is no "white priviledge" here.
To a certain extent, I can understand Officer Slager’s actions during this routine traffic stop of Walter Scott. Think of yourself in his situation…you’re a white cop who pulls over a 50-year old Negro for a broken tail light. The Negro is driving a Mercedes Benz featuring big, shiny rims like you’d see in a rap music video. Before exiting your patrol car, you look at the license plate, run the numbers, and see that the Negro in the car has been arrested about 10 times in his life. You approach the car, the Negro gives you a problem, and you ask him to exit the vehicle. You exchange words in a relatively secluded, wooded area on a side street adjacent to “Craig Road.†You see that the Negro has a teaser, he drops it and flees. You panic (thinking that he also carrying a gun) and blast him. Sure, in hindsight, it wasn’t the right decision…but there is a very good reason that “routine traffic stops†frequently take a turn for the worst whenever white police officers pull over Negroes. They mouth off, they almost always have drugs/guns/warrants, they usually have a long history of arrest (that the cop can read about before even approaching the vehicle), and they fail to cooperate with instructions.

I’m my 12+ years of driving, I’ve been pulled over by the cops several times. Speeding twice, snow tires on past April 15th, headlight burned out, broken window, lumber sticking out too far from end of a trailer, etc. I was ruthlessly fined for each of these offenses, which angered me to no end. Did the situation escalate? Hell no. That’s the difference between someone with impulse control and someone with none.

"That’s the difference between someone with impulse control and someone with none."

That's the difference between a human and a black african savage. Meanwhile the carefully managed USSA ziomedia meticulously censors the pandemic of negro violent crimes - including attacks on police officers - for instance these two very recent cases:

...forget it. this website is not working properly, at least for me. I can't post quotes and I can't post links. You can google "Boston 'Top Cop' in coma after being shot in face 'point-blank' during traffic stop" and "WyCo deputy shot identified, doctors say he’s showing signs of improvement", though.
The blacks who get shot by White policemen get all the media attention, and they try to make it solely a racial thing, but there's a lot of YouTube videos of cops also needlessly brutalizing and shooting Whites. There are YouTube videos of cops pulling people over on the highway and stealing money from their car, so-called "asset forfeiture."

There's two different issues at play: the alleged brutality of white cops against blacks purely for racial reasons, which happens very rarely if at all anymore; and the militarization of cops in equipment and tactics, which is class-based more than race-based. That's why people like Paul Craig Roberts (wrongfully) sided with Michael Brown, because they've become so anti-police in general.

But the systemic problem is race-based at its heart, because multiculturalism is an artificial, alien construct that can only be enforced by the barrel of a gun, i.e., a police state.
The blacks who get shot by White policemen get all the media attention, and they try to make it solely a racial thing, but there's a lot of YouTube videos of cops also needlessly brutalizing and shooting Whites. There are YouTube videos of cops pulling people over on the highway and stealing money from their car, so-called "asset forfeiture."

There's two different issues at play: the alleged brutality of white cops against blacks purely for racial reasons, which happens very rarely if at all anymore; and the militarization of cops in equipment and tactics, which is class-based more than race-based. That's why people like Paul Craig Roberts (wrongfully) sided with Michael Brown, because they've become so anti-police in general.

But the systemic problem is race-based at its heart, because multiculturalism is an artificial, alien construct that can only be enforced by the barrel of a gun, i.e., a police state.

I'm pro police and anti-police state. The police departments in this country have been infiltrated by the Anti-Defamation League, a branch of the Israhelli Mossad, and they do the training and furnish the training programs and finger what they call "hate" and "terrorist" groups.

Also, unfortunately, the politicians use the police to rake in shekels for them, like for instance when they hide out to try to entrap honest motorists, making some innocent faux pas, like not coming to a full stop at some deserted stop sign, or driving fast but safely, or police state roadblocks to trap people who have maybe had a drink or two but are driving safely...If they want prohibition again than bring back that BS law instead of these sneaky backhanded revenue making tricks...and don't the insurance companies love jacking up some shmoes rates because he got a DWI! What police should be doing is targeting dangerous aggressive drivers and fighting crime, doing real police work, like real police officers, like Officer Darren Wilson.

Which reminds me, f you, Paul Craig Roberts, Mike Rivero, antiwar.com and all the other phony wolf in sheeps' clothing so-called alternate media!

PS This time the quote function worked.
And why am I seeing this latest "unarmed" controlled zog media agirop effort highlighted on here anyway? We know how the media meticulously ignores countless millions of the most savage negro crimes, but always has their beady little eyes peeled for anything they can use to incite the blacks to riot, and now this latest Unarmed Black college bound gentle giant will be all over the news night and day 24/7, and here too?
Shock Study: Cops 25X Less Likely to Shoot Unarmed Blacks Than Whites

Infowars with a good article showing the effects of decades of political correctness and racial preferential pandering.


So Whites commit the least amount of crime per percentage yet we are the ones most likely to get shot by a trigger happy cop. Black criminals get shot and the media defends them. If this goon, Michael Slager, shot a White instead we would have never heard this story.

Again, this must be more of that White Privilege I keep hearing about...
I wonder if his defense could be a form of battle fatigue. While he does work in a small jurisdiction I wonder how many times he has had a weapon of some sort drawn on him or his partner. Also with all of the problems with shootings of minorities that have been justified shootings, one day a White or non Black policeman will utter I was fearful of drawing my pistol because I feared the media backlash for killing a Black suspect and this will cost somebody their life or get someone maimed.
The video looks straight up fake to me, like it was a staged act.

It does seem kinda fishy. The victim was supposedly shot five times in the back yet you don't see any blood coming out of him when he's lying on the ground afterward. And the way he kept running after supposedly being shot five times before finally staggering to the ground was reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator.
Don is correct about the militarization -there is no doubt it is here and now; Thrashen is correct about impulse control or what I would describe as self control (act like a man for God's sake); but, Wolfman is right, we do need peace officers as I'm pro peace officer too. I am always courteous and friendly when I am stopped and I and the officers always part are separate ways in peace whether I get a ticket or not (it's just a piece of paper anyway).

No man is right in killing his fellow man because his fellow does not do what he orders his fellow to do. Ours is a common law land and like it or not -it was settled long ago- all man (not a typo) are equal. Wearing a badge and uniform does not give more rights to a man, rather it restricts his rights, whereas a man's rights are of no limit.
[h=5]TRUTH is the new "hate speech"
[/h]1 hr ·

In 2015, alredy 77 white people killed by blacks ! And nobody cares...
But... even we who live in Europe, have heard on news about that "poor-black-man" who was killed (on April 4, 2015) by a white police officer in South Carolina, USA - while he was trying to run away from the police control !

Another eleven black on white murders
No media frenzy for the thousands of whites murdered by black perpetrators
And the way he kept running after supposedly being shot five times before finally staggering to the ground was reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator.[/QUOTE]

LOL Good one Don!
Another Barry Soetoro-CrisisActors.Org Production, like Sandy Hoax and Boston?
Another Barry Soetoro-CrisisActors.Org Production, like Sandy Hoax and Boston?

Nah, this time WW you are overreaching. That negro is dead as the rat I just pulled from my rat trap in my garage this afternoon. One dead negro by a over zealous copper, whose life is F**ked forever.
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Nah, this time WW you are overreaching. That negro is dead as the rat I just pulled from my rat trap in my garage this afternoon. One dead negro by a over zealous copper, whose life is F**ked forever.

I was just kidding - about this *rehabilitated* negro (not Boston and S Hoax). I didn't even watch this video, and I couldn't even care less, except the enemy controlled media and the fake alternate media and the occupational government are naturally going to milk it as hard as they can to incite the blacks to riot and commit even more violent crimes than they already do, the usual, along with all their little junior bolshevik race traitor helpers.
I couldn't care less... except I'd like to be able to save the officer.
I was just kidding - about this *rehabilitated* negro (not Boston and S Hoax). I didn't even watch this video, and I couldn't even care less, except the enemy controlled media and the fake alternate media and the occupational government are naturally going to milk it as hard as they can to incite the blacks to riot and commit even more violent crimes than they already do, the usual, along with all their little junior bolshevik race traitor helpers.

Yeah if those malcontents come my way it would be better if they just stayed home and got their "purple drank"on. Rather dusted up a White man who is skilled in martial arts and firearms with no threat on the horizon.
I couldn't care less... except I'd like to be able to save the officer.

Yes WW, but the cop ****ed up. Its clear. A White man has to have situational awareness and discipline or he will suffer big conssequense
It does seem kinda fishy. The victim was supposedly shot five times in the back yet you don't see any blood coming out of him when he's lying on the ground afterward. And the way he kept running after supposedly being shot five times before finally staggering to the ground was reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator.

The location of incident surely seems legitimate. Below is the photo of the “crime scene,â€￾ in which you can clearly see the wooded area where the alleged shooting occurred and the chain link fence line in which a random spectator filmed the entire event. The Lat/Long: 32.898124, -80.014509

Scott was struck five times. 3 times in the back, 1 time in the upper buttocks, and 1 time in the ear. He’s wearing dark jeans in the video, so the bullet through his buttocks could be difficult to see. He’s wearing a green t-shirt and there is no blood, no bullet holes, no sign of any trauma whatsoever.
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