Merry Christmas!

Amos & Andy Christmas show

A Gosden, Correll, and Schwartz Christmas production (from the credits -no joke). These cabal types have been at this so long they're passing the torch from one generation to another many times by now.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all CF'ers.:xmas:
A Gosden, Correll, and Schwartz Christmas production (from the credits -no joke). These cabal types have been at this so long they're passing the torch from one generation to another many times by now.


Oh yes, of course, but that show was made before the Talmudists started their War On Christmas and all out war on the White race, before Christmas got reduced to Xhannukah/Holiday/Kwanza, and now Ramadan or whatever the hell the Mohamedan invaders celebrate, and also before all negroes on their telavivavision were ordered to be portrayed as gentle honest peaceful nuclear physicists (you know, just like they are in real life) and all white men as effeminate and stupid and evil and white women masculine.
Oh yes, of course, but that show was made before the Talmudists started their War On Christmas and all out war on the White race, before Christmas got reduced to Xhannukah/Holiday/Kwanza, and now Ramadan or whatever the hell the Mohamedan invaders celebrate, and also before all negroes on their telavivavision were ordered to be portrayed as gentle honest peaceful nuclear physicists (you know, just like they are in real life) and all white men as effeminate and stupid and evil and white women masculine.

Yes, i agree with you, but it's a black flip. And that's all i was pointing to (also that Jews making "Christmas programming" started long, long ago). Whites aren't making Hanukkah inversion programming, for if they did it is and always has been tacitly forbidden.
is there anyone here who can explain to me where Christmas came from? I have heard so many different stories as to whom and as to where it came from I have no idea which is true.


I'm sure someone knows the exact date of the birth of Jesus, but the more important question is, is Jesus God and is he the Savior? ....and if he is the one true God, have you trusted in him as your Lord and Savior? There's no in between. Either he is or he isn't. If Jesus isn't God, then there isn't one. Every religion can be wrong, but they can't all be right!
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be SAVED" Acts 4:12
Jesus answered, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Earlier I stated that all religions can be wrong, but they can't all be right. Why, because they all contradict each other. I'm not going to go into every religion, but if you will truly do your own research, you will see that this is true. You should also conclude that if there is indeed a God, it can only be in Jesus.
I'll just say this; I don't consider Christianity a Religion. But if you want to use the term Religion to describe Christianity, then it's the only one that says what God has done for you, not what you have to do for him. I got into a debate a couple of years ago with one our CF veteran posters about where do we get our morals and laws from. He said, he had his own morals. But if he were truly honest, he may have his own morals, but it's impossible to keep them. No one is perfect. We're all flawed. We're all sinners. We've all sinned and broken God's Law. Jesus said, "I have not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill the Law." Matthew 5:17.
Every other Religion has people trying to reach up to God, but in Christianity, God has reached down to us in the form of Jesus. God gave and sent his son that we would be saved through our trust in him! "For God so loved the world that he GAVE his one and only son, that who ever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16.
That is what Christmas is all about. God gave us the greatest gift we could ever receive. His son Jesus. The Bible also says that most will not receive this gift and will reject it, but I hope everyone here will receive the gift of Christ Jesus.
Thank you Don and to all here at CF.
I hope all of you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I’ve never been particularly religious myself but always appreciated (the non bastardized judeo-) Christianity and it’s implicitly white belief and value system. As such it’s always nice to see elite well known athletes take a stand for it and stick it to the coastal Hebrews and obese purple haired eyebrow pierced third wave feminists

Merry Christmas all!

Carson Wentz (@cj_wentz)
12/25/17, 7:50 AM
Over 2000 years ago, a baby was humbly born in a manger. He went on to become the greatest gift & hope to all of mankind. This Christmas & every other day, its not about presents, its all about HIS PRESENCE! He is the only thing worth living for. Thank you Jesus! Merry CHRISTmas!
This year has been great with Trump as President. In many ways, he has been the most conservative President since Reagan. Merry Christmas Everyone here.
A Gosden, Correll, and Schwartz Christmas production (from the credits -no joke). These cabal types have been at this so long they're passing the torch from one generation to another many times by now.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all CF'ers.:xmas:

The Amos & Andy Christmas special was a very nice show. All the Christmas shows back then were. It was a festive and gay (that word hadn't been stolen from our language yet) and beautiful time of the year. Skip to the ending of it when Amos talks to the little girl at least and you will see. Amos & Andy was extremely popular, first on radio and then on tv, and it actually glorified the negro and made them appear lovable. All the negro violence and crime and degredation (even then, tho it was nowhere near to the extent it is now) was left out. That was the 1950's, shortly before they destroyed race relations in the USA by forced integration and then welfare. Gosden and Corell were white and created the original radio show talking in black dialect; Dave Schwartz was a writer for the tv show which featured a very talented comedic negro cast. The tv show holds up great. It's very funny. The Christmas special added a spiritual element.

Anyway, all great posts on this thread. Merry Christmas!

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To each and every one of you my fellow CFers, have the merriest of a Merry Christmas! God's best blessings to all of you!

The King and my family wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!!! God bless you all. Keep the fight against the system :)

"But the Angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, I bring you good news and great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you: he is Christ the LORD." Luke 2 10-11.
Merry Christmas to everyone at CF!
Merry Christmas, gentlemen. May you take the time to appreciate what’s really important today. All my best to you and your families.
Merry Christmas to all my CF brothers! I am not religious but I am thankful for this day bringing families together. Special shout out to all the firefighters, Police officers, medical staffs and of course our Canadian and American Military brothers protecting us from evil!
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