Merry Christmas!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i'll be absent from the web for most of the holidays, so i just wanted to wish all my brethren here at Caste Football a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

and may all your Christmases be White.
Merry Christmas to all the great posters and their families.

All I want for Christmas this year is a starting white RB in the NFL! Come on Santa, hook it up!
I will be gone for the next four days as well. Merry Christmas everybody!
I'll be gone from posting for a couple of days, so Merry Christmas to all!
May everybody's Christmas be enjoyable and fun.Edited by: Jack Lambert
Merry Christmas to all y'all!
Merry Christmas and Joy to the World to all. Hope everyone enjoys time with friends and family and get some good gifts!

So what's everyone's favorite Christmas songs and traditions?

I've been digging "Rockin around the Christmas Tree" lately. My favorite tradition has to be doing the lights, decorating a live tree, going to church on Christmas Eve and opening presents Christmas morning!
Merry CHRISTmas & Happy New Years to my CF brethren!

ES, Brenda Lee's one of my favorite gal singers!
We'll be going to Christmas Eve candlelight service & Christmas morning opening presents under the tree & dinner that afternoon.
Merry Christmas Ladies & Gentlemen (I believe there have been a couple of Ladies join lately)

Tom Iron...
StarWars said:
Merry Christmas! I'm sick of hearing Happy Holidays.
Indeed! A very sincere MERRY CHRISTMAS, Happy New Year, and Peace to one and all!

The term started becoming common in the 90's, maybe as a replacement for Season's Greetings. Seemed OK to me at the time....NOT ANYMORE!!!
Edited by: j41181
Merry Christmas to all of the members here and their families. I hope that 2010 will bring us all alot of good spirits, health and happiness.
Merry Christmas to all Casters. I pray you all will be safe and prosperous.
I am dreaming of a White Christmas!!! Anyways wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and Great New Year.

Hopefully 2010 further American eyes will open to the injustices of the castesystem.
<center>Hope Everyone Is Having a</font></font></font></center>


may your christmas be filled with the yuletide spirit!
Merry Christmas to all Caste Footballers. Hope your seasons were able to be joyous and meaningful in these dark times. I ate too much stuffing today and am feeling like an overinflated beach ball, but other than that mine has been good. Caroled in the pouring rain on Tuesday and warmed up with hot wassail which was a blast despite being soaked to the bone and hoping I didn't come down with a nasty cold. Saw family I haven't seen in a while last night, had some good food and good cheer today. Probably the best part of my whole day was seeing how happy and carefree my little girl was when he helped her open her presents. The only thing that would have made it better was if I had gotten my official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time. I don't think a football is a very good Christmas present.
Bear Backer, watched a little too much Christmas Story today? Haha. I enjoyed flipping between that and Christmas Vacation throughout the day. I ended up seeing all of both movies just in pieces throughout the day, haha!
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