McNair Found Shot Dead


Apr 6, 2007
I had posted this in the crime thread but I don't know if anyone noticed it. by: Menelik
Very sorry to hear that. It has been one crazy month or two with so many famous people dying young. My thoughts go out to his family.
So far I'm hearing that it was a murder suicide. Heres what the girl looked like:

They're posting about this on the 'McNair retires' thread in the Baltimore Ravens forum.
hmm. two gods of multi-culturalism in this one. a black guy and a white woman. how can THEY blame this one on whitey?

McNair is portrayed as a saint but but but he was married and fooling around with a 20 year old?
pistol pete said:
hmm. two gods of multi-culturalism in this one. a black guy and a white woman. how can THEY blame this one on whitey?

Is she a white woman? Or is she some sort of Middle Eastern type?
I think shes Iranian.
I am thinking of a new television show: CSI:NFL!
Each week a black quarterback is killed and the suspect is the white cornerback.
Just more stories torn from the headlines.
pistol pete said:
hmm. two gods of multi-culturalism in this one. a black guy and a white woman. how can THEY blame this one on whitey?

McNair is portrayed as a saint but but but he was married and fooling around with a 20 year old?

Good point Pete. Looks like his "side dish" was Persian.
Pretty good article by Whitlock. I hope the truth about McNair will wake a few drunk whites up. I know more than one who are shocked that "a good man" was committing adultery.
I saw a piece at Bleacher Report wondering if this is what Steve McNair will be remembered for. Some other "bad behaving football players" were mentioned, Lawrence Taylor, O.J. Simpson, Michael Vick, and Donte Stallworth. Tom Brady was put in this group for "running out on his pregnant girlfriend." So it was McNair, Taylor, Brady, Simpson, Vick, and Stallworth. Funny thing, I've seen Tom Brady criticized for being "too perfect." Now he's one of the Bad Behavior boys.
The way the stories are coming out it sounds like she was Roxana to his Alexander. When will these guys learn that have a "gomar" isn't all fun and games.
Thank goodness she wasn't of Aryan bloodlines.
Read today the police think she murdered him in his sleep and bumped herself off afterwards. "The best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep..."
sport historian said:
I saw a piece at Bleacher Report wondering if this is what Steve McNair will be remembered for. Some other "bad behaving football players" were mentioned, Lawrence Taylor, O.J. Simpson, Michael Vick, and Donte Stallworth. Tom Brady was put in this group for "running out on his pregnant girlfriend." So it was McNair, Taylor, Brady, Simpson, Vick, and Stallworth. Funny thing, I've seen Tom Brady criticized for being "too perfect." Now he's one of the Bad Behavior boys.

Including Tom Brady in this list is so absurd that I am literally laughing out loud right now.
Edited by: guest301
Ahh, Tom Brady makes the list...but Leonard Little doesnt. That sounds like the stadanrd logic featured from the loser "writers" on bleecher report.Edited by: Thrashen
McNair gave her a car and expected her to make the payments! No wonder he is dead. That should be a lesson for all.
I should add that real MEN do not do this.Edited by: screamingeagle
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