McNabb nonsense....

McNabb had a poor game today. A tie with the Bengals is a pretty wretched result. Expect the Philly fans to be all over him the next home game if he gets off to his usual bad start. He's been very inconsistent all season. I hope the Eagles trade or release him after this season and go with promising Kevin Kolb next year.
You should see some of the Eagles blogs and message boards. Fans have nothing nice to say about McNabb's uninspired play and Coach Reid's almost laughably predictable playcalling.

I've been saying it, and Don said it too. The Kevin Kolb era is not as far off as some might think. Hell, the sooner the better for my sanity.
What do you think, PhillyBirds? I'd say it's about 75-25 both Reid and McNabb aren't back in '09.
McNabb looked totally uninspired against the Bengals. He really hasn't looked good since the Dallas game in Week 2. This was tough week overall for Black starting QBs: Culpepper, Garrard, and Campbell all lost, McNabb got a tie.
I Just was looking at the Philadelphia Post comments on the game and I'd say the people aren't happy with Reid or McNabb to put it mildly. I'd guess this is McNabb's last year in Phil., but if it was up to me, he'd be on the bench next Sunday and Kolb would be starting. Might as well see what the young QB can do now. I wonder if Andy Reid has it in him to make such a move?

Tom Iron..,.
I've speculated on this, and I seriously doubt it. The two of them came to Philadelphia at the same time, and Reid "built" a team around him. The two of them are too dependent upon one another for Reid to bench Donovan or for Donovan to throw Reid under the bus.

My thoughts are that they both move on next year, as one cannot exist without the other. I'm optimistic about the future with Kolb at the helm. The Donovan Era got us to a Super Bowl, but I think it's wearing a little thin now.

Consistent "success" notwithstanding, Reid and McNabb have not brought a Lombardi trophy to Philadelphia.
Sadly, I watched a good portion of this game (only to watch Kevin Curtis and Brent Celek, of course).

It was perhaps one of the most boring things I've ever seen on TV. The 'tie' was all too fitting for this lame showing by both teams.

This must have been very frustrating sunday for the brain-dead Eagles fans, who normally adore cheering like little girls for their black superhumans.

Both teams were equally horrid. As usual, McDrabb had a very boring, dink-and-dunk afternoon. The Eagles sumo lineman couldnt even move one of the worst defenses in NFL history.

Even the talking media puppets were wondering what was wrong with him.
McNabb not only showed his less than Rhodes scholar mind at work by exclaiming his wonderment that the NFL has ties (the last one was in '02; McNabb has been in the league since '99), he then further speculated on how bad it would be if "a playoff game or the Super Bowl" also ended in a tie after a quarter of overtime.
He came off as so dumb yesterday I'm surprised the media didn't censor his comments.

Reid defends McDrabb's ignorance-I'd laugh if it wasn't so dad blamed sad!

PHILADELPHIA -- Tie? What tie?

Thanks to Donovan McNabb, players around the league now must know there doesn't have to be a winner or loser in every regular-season game. Yes, there are ties in the NFL. They just don't happen too often.
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<DIV style="CLEAR: both"><A href=";campaign=ec0009" target=_blank rel=nofollow name=&amp;;lid=Philadelphia_Eagles_vs._Cincinnati_Bengals target="_blank">

<DIV style="WIDTH: 280px"></A> Video
Watch highlights from the Philadelphia Eagles 13-13 overtime tie with the Cincinnati Bengals, the first tie since 2002.

A day after the Philadelphia Eagles and Cincinnati Bengals played to a 13-13 tie -- the league's first since 2002 -- the focus wasn't on how poorly the teams performed on the field. Instead, everyone wanted to know how it's possible some professional football players, especially a 10-year veteran such as McNabb, don't know simple rules about overtimes games.

"I'm sure there are plenty of rules that guys don't understand, but I don't think that has any factor whatsoever to do with the outcome of this game and how they played in the overtime," Eagles coach Andy Reid said Monday. "I think that's absurd. You play to win in that time, whether you think you have another overtime period or you don't. And you play your heart out to win it in that time, and that's how we approached it and that's how the players approached it."

Reid ignored the point. Whether the players' ignorance about the overtime rule affected the outcome is debatable. It's inconceivable and embarrassing that some of them didn't know a game can end in a tie.

"I'll take the responsibility for that," Reid said.

Reid deserves plenty of blame for the Eagles' struggles this season and their inability to beat the lowly Bengals (1-8-1), but coaches shouldn't have to walk up and down the sideline telling players that overtime is do-or-die.

The Eagles (5-4-1) now have played 12 OT games, including one in the playoffs, since McNabb joined the team in 1999. Yet, the five-time Pro Bowl quarterback didn't know ties were possible until his desperation pass fell incomplete at the end of the fifth quarter.

"I've never been a part of a tie. I never even knew that was in the rule book," McNabb said after the game. "It's part of the rules, and we have to go with it. I was looking forward to getting the opportunity to get out there and try to drive to win the game. But unfortunately, with the rules, we settled with a tie."

<DIV =io style="WIDTH: 240px">
<DIV =clearfix>
<H4 ="io-title stat">Fit To Be Tied</H4>

Here's a list of overtime ties in the NFL since 1974:
<TABLE =left cellSpacing=0>
<TR =io-columners>
<TD>Philadelphia 13, Cincinnati 13</TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>Atlanta 34, Pittsburgh 34 </TD></TR>
<TD>N.Y. Giants 7, Washington 7</TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>Philadelphia 10, Baltimore 10</TD></TR>
<TD>Kansas City 10, Cleveland 10</TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>Kansas City 17, N.Y. Jets 17</TD></TR>
<TD>Denver 17, Green Bay 17 </TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>San Francisco 10, Atlanta 10</TD></TR>
<TD>St. Louis 10, Philadelphia 10 </TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>Philadelphia 23, Detroit 23 </TD></TR>
<TD>N.Y. Giants 20, St. Louis 20 </TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>Green Bay 20, Baltimore 20</TD></TR>
<TD>N.Y. Jets 28, Miami 28 </TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>Green Bay 14, Tampa Bay 14 </TD></TR>
<TD>Minnesota 10, Green Bay 10</TD></TR>
<TR =io-evenRow>
<TD>Los Angeles 10, Minnesota 10 </TD></TR>
<TD>Pittsburgh 35, Denver 35</TD></TR></T></TABLE>

The overtime rule isn't an obscure one. It was adopted fully by the NFL in 1974 and 17 games have since ended tied. The Eagles have been involved in four of those games.

"I guess we're aware of it now," McNabb said. "In college, there are multiple overtimes, and in high school and Pop Warner. I never knew in the professional ranks it would end that way. I hate to see what would happen in the Super Bowl and in the playoffs."

Uh, they keep playing if it's tied in the playoffs or Super Bowl. But McNabb apparently didn't know that, either.

In his defense, McNabb wasn't the only one oblivious to the rules. Several of his teammates were just as clueless.

"Me and Greg Lewis were discussing it on the sideline, so we asked one of our trainers and he told us it ends in a tie," running back Correll Buckhalter said.

"I found out while we were in OT," rookie wideout DeSean Jackson said.

"I thought we kept playing," linebacker Omar Gaither said.

McNabb was unavailable to reporters on Monday. A spokesman for the QB said McNabb told him he wished he knew the rule and wasn't going to make any excuses for not knowing it.

McNabb's comments took some of the heat off a miserable performance. He tied a career high with three interceptions, lost a fumble and completed fewer than half his passes (28-for-58).

Still, the Eagles remain in the NFC's playoff picture, though they hardly look like a team worthy of playing in January. Philadelphia is a half-game behind Washington, Dallas and Atlanta for the final wild-card spot with games against the Redskins and Cowboys the last two weeks.

The schedule doesn't help. Five of the last six opponents have winning records, with a trip to Baltimore (6-4) up next.

"We're going to get it straight is what we are going to do," Reid said. "We're going to work a little harder, up the concentration level, and make sure we do the right thing. I've seen our offense play well, I've seen our defense play well, and I've seen our special teams play well, and I just want to see them do it all together in one game. And when we do, we've got one heck of a football team."

Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press
This is really incredible. Picture the Eagles sideline during the last few minutes of overtime. Is it possible that coach Porky Reid never once alluded to the fact that time was running out on their chances of winning? The fact that multiple Eagles didn't understand such a basic rule speaks volumes for the level of play in today's NFL. It also should cause all of us to be deeply skeptical of all claims about those "huge" and "complex" playbooks these rocket scientists supposedly must commit to memory.

I saw a brief discussion of McNabb's comments on ESPN's "Mike & Mike" this morning. Cris Carter was an on air guest, and you know it's bad when his consistently less than astute comments were the best of the bunch. Odious "Greenie" steered clear of any real criticism of McNabb, and buffoonish Golic quickly changed the focus of the topic to "Well, what about what McNabb said-should there be ties?"

No black celebrity can be criticized for anything in Don King's America, no matter how heinous the crime or, in this case, how stupid the public comments. If Philip Rivers made such an idiotic statement after a game, he'd be torn apart by the jock-sniffers, who'd all refer to him as a stupid country boy or a dumb redneck. They'd also question his leadership, especially after such a woeful performance against one of the league's worst defenses.

Sorry to rant on- I guess I'm just bitter that finely tuned afflete Warren Sapp is tiptoeing his way towards victory on Dancing With The Stars.
Mcnabb's an idiot, has been for a while. But the blame is just not on him but also the coaches who should have made everyone aware.

BTW I don't think a tie is that bad of a deal. I'm a big hockey fan and tie games are common. The method the NHL uses to break ties is exciting and a good idea but they still count it as a tie for one team anyway. In a way it's stupid for two teams to battle it out for longer then regulation and have one walk away with nothing. As a fan I feel a lot better if my team ties then if it loses in overtime.

Although I'm traditional in most things I really like the way the colleges break ties. It's exciting and fair. I don't understand why the NFL refuses to go that way. I remember years ago the NFL didn't have the two point conversion option (while college did) and resisted it for a while, I think because they didn't want it to seem like they were copying from the college game. The two point option adds so much to a game that they eventually added it. I think they'll evenually go to the college method for breaking ties.
In the 1962 AFL Championship game, it went to a 6th quarter when neither the Dallas Texans (next year they became the KC Chiefs) or Houston Oilers scored in the 1st overtime quarter. The Texans won on a field goal in the next period, as they keep playing until someone scores in a playoff or championship game. McNabb did not know this, nor did many of the other players, according to the comments.
Yeah, they didn't know that either, sport historian. It still amazes me, even though by now I guess it shouldn't, at the way that the double standard benefits blacksat every turn. Never any real criticism, only silence or scapegoating (findingsomeone else for apatsy) on the part of the Caste media and coaches.
i like the idea of college overtime in the nfl, but think about it, some of these affletes are so out of shape and overweight they can barely make it to the 4th quarter, imagine grady jackson trying to play in a triple overtime game...but i think this particular game deserves to be tie, pathetic performances, no team deserved to winEdited by: dwid
Well, it was very windy in that game I heard so that could have something to do with the low score and tie.

But I'm surprised that a guy who did fairly well on the Wonderlic (McNabb) didn't know that the NFL had ties. I guess it didn't come up much in team meetings and he never really paid attention. You can bet as Bigunreal said, if Phillip Rivers said this they would blast his intelligence, but to black athletes even to beg the question of their game smarts or intelligence is off limits.
dwid said:
i like the idea of college overtime in the nfl, but think about it, some of these affletes are so out of shape and overweight they can barely make it to the 4th quarter, imagine grady jackson trying to play in a triple overtime game...but i think this particular game deserves to be tie, pathetic performances, no team deserved to win
Most ties are bad games where both offenses bungle overtime drives, or the field goal kickers shank kicks.
A friend told me he heard that Roethlisberger said 50% of the players didn't know there were ties in football. Supposedly Hines Ward claimed he didn't know either. Hard to believebecause he played in a tie game five or six years ago. They are just trying to make McNabb look less stupid.
"A friend told me he heard that Roethlisberger said 50% of the players didn't know there were ties in football. Supposedly Hines Ward claimed he didn't know either. Hard to believe because he played in a tie game five or six years ago. They are just trying to make McNabb look less stupid."

Yeah, some NFL corperate suit probably told both of these "respected NFL guys" to read from a script for damage control.

The only hypocritical piece of the story, which was hilariously overlooked by the script writers, was the fact that Ward once played in a tie game himself.

I'm surprised the media didnt just edit McDrabb's infantile thoughts to sound like the king among men that they always make him out to be.

Hines Ward, one of the "NFL good guys," has always rubbed me the wrong way. Perhaps it's his constant bitching about not being a 1st round pick, his contract holdouts for more money, or maybe it's just his idiotic, room-brightening smile (which never leaves his fat little face). Roethlisberger, one of the few good things about the caste Steelers, is slowly turning into an idiot as well.Edited by: Thrashen
I guess Reid answered my question. He had it in him to sit McNaab down. I guess this is the time for Kolb. Five games left for Kolb to show something.

Tom Iron...
On ESPN radio this afternoon, one of the talking heads was ripping Reid for benching his 'former All-Pro, probable Hall of Fame quarterback,' when his team was down just 10-7 going into the half. It was nauseating.

But surprisingly, his co-talking head pointed out that McNabb has had 9 turnovers in the last four games, that he was like 8-18, 50 or so yards, with 2 INTS in ONE HALF. He said that Reid had probably talked to McNabb about his turnovers and warned him that he'd be benched if it continued.

These two went at if for awhile til they found something they could both agree on - how bad Kolb sucked as Donny's replacement. Said he isn't the future, Reid will probably leave if this McNabb is done, and leave someone else behind to take over the mess they've made of this team, etc.

Then some invited talking head said that the Eagles have no rushing game, they put too much on McNabb's shoulders for them to win games. Well, he's right about one thing - Eagles are ranked like 25th overall in rushing. But they're 9th overall in total yards, and 5th in passing.

Is anyone complaining about the Saint's running game? They're ranked 28th overall in rushing, but 1st in passing and 1st in overall yardage.

Maybe the Saints should bench Brees???
edit: sorry guys i know that was long and irrelevent

Everyone is pointing out that kolb didnt do so hot either
but how many times has kolb really played in an nfl game compared to mcnabb who is supposed to be a future hall of famer? and why not put everything on mcnabbs shoulders? if he is a HOF qb he should be able to handle it, if black qbs win games then the media says it was all the qb winning the game, while when whites win they simply just manage the game and when they lose its all of their faultEdited by: dwid
By the way, just feel I need to point out that I'm not ripping Kolb, I'm relating what the ESPN talking heads had to say about him.

They don't realize it, but when they compare numbers like they are, they're essentially saying the 'former All-Pro, future Hall of Famer' is no better than a guy they consider to be a scrub back.
To judge Kolb after just one half, and against one of the best defenses in the league is typical Caste clown/DWF behavior. The media sluts had to be thrilled that Kolb didn't excel right off the bat. And of course Reid goes right back to starting McNabb. Can't have the best black QB -- which isn't saying much at all these days -- sitting on the bench in front of the entire country on Thanksgiving now can we?

Reid also said that the team's terrible tight end, L. J. Smith, will "probably" also go back in the starting lineup for Thursday's game, ahead of talented second year TE Brent Celek, who started on Sunday. Edited by: Don Wassall
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