McDonalds = "365 Black"

So they are trying to get more black customers I guess. That must have done a market survey and found they were lagging in black customers.
Europe, Mcdonald's is a staple of the black diet. They are not trying to get more black customers. It is simply more propoganda from those scumbags at Mcdonald's.

All this crap from a company that blacks blame for their obesity!!
Somebody is sitting around in an office thinking of this this stupid stuff up. Why can't they just bring back the fries cooked in beef fat? Fries just aren't as good since all these places started cooking in the oil in the 80's.
If anyone here eats fast food a lot, and I pray none of you do, please watch Supersize Me for the benefit of your own health.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I hope mcdonalds stops charging blacks for food.
Colonel_Reb said:
If anyone here eats fast food a lot, and I pray none of you do, please watch Supersize Me for the benefit of your own health.
<a href="" target="_blank"></A>

I watched it a couple of years ago and it's still shown on oneofthe cable movie networks occasionally. Quite an eye opener, and done with humor which makes it fun and educational to watch. I've gone through spells where I've eaten more junk food than I should, mostly because it saves time, but veryrarely do now.
I remember as kid my mom would take me and my brothers to Mickey D's after our yearly visit to the dentist. I would order a big mac, large strawberry shake, apple pie and large fries. The calorie intake must have been over 2000! Luckily as a kid I had a high motablism. But I do remember how good the fries were when deep fried in beef tallow. Man, those were good.

Chad 85 swears by getting his affeletic skills by consuming Mickey D's six days a week. It is hard to argue with him specifically, but usually when black men hit 40 yrs old its down hill pretty quick.
BK and others aren't much better. Burger King's kids oriented TV ads feature the now "standard" bumbling, buffoonish (White) Dad. One ad shows the Dad (childishly) dressed like a GI Joe ninja attempting to repel down a line from a tree...then goofishly falling to the ground, as this kids make light of him. Another ad shows the dad dressed in a "yacht club"/sailing get-up (ala Ted Knight as Judge Smals in CaddyShack), asking his kids to join him on a makeshift johnboat made of newspaper...he starts sinking as this kids make a smart mouth remark. These are just 2 small examples of the (Elite propagated) attempt to make light of traditional family roles & values...under the guise of "comedic" marketing.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
High fat, High fructose corn syrup, fractionated palm kernel oil,sodium, sugar, mono sodium glutamate, artificial color and sweetener,high calorie etc. I say let them have all they want! This stuff causes diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancer and obesity which our black friends are predisposed to anyway. I'm loving it!
I happen to eat fast food every day. There is alot of fast food that is good for you. I eat Subway sandwiches as they are very nutritious. Wendy's also has great choices like baked potatoes and chili.
I avoid Mcd's. Most fast food franchises are custered together, so it is easy to avoid Mcds. Their commercials tend to aimed at the Ghetto black. We are not talking about a black guy in a business suit in a crowd, we are talking ghetto. They usually have a rap soundtrack, and you can never understand what they are saying. Marketing must have determined that most of their customers are in the Hood.
I think it's time to start a "0 Black" campaign. Sadly, by living in the still twitching corpse of America it won't be easy. You'd think they were half the population with the way our Stalinist rulers are constantly forcing their images on us.
Run Stuffing LB said:
You'd think they were half the population with the way our Stalinist rulers are constantly forcing their images on us.

That might be an understatement. I was just watching the Tennis Channel and of course there was a black anchorman in one of the studiosdespite tennis beinga sport in which blacks are significantly less than 1% of top players. The Golf Channel has several black reporters and anchors, though part-black Tiger Woods is the only black out of the top thousand or so male and female pros. Ditto the Hockey Network, reporting on a sport in which blacks are less than 1% of the top players. ESPN and ABC strongly utilize black Canadian John Saunders in their hockey coverage. The MLB Network has a significant number of on-air black personnel despite blacks being only 9% of the players these days.

In basketball and football coverage blacksnow appear to be amajority of reporters, announcers, commentators, etc.,despite their small percentage of the population, presumably (but illogically) because they are a majority of players. But in the above mentioned sports where their presence is embarrassingly minimal, again they are noticeably over-represented compared to their percentage of the population and their percentage in the sport. The Cultural Marxist overkill is omnipresent, absurd,and ever intensifying.Edited by: Don Wassall
Yep, and to question the absurdity, or just point it out, is verboten in most cases. I was talking with a friend Friday night. He and his wife are becoming politically and racially aware, thanks in large part to there being no way to criticize Obama without being called "racist" by the media or his brainwashed supporters. It was really nice to see the light bulb come on when I mentioned so many of the racial double standards to him. Some other whites are starting to wake up and think for themselves from a whites first perspective. I hope it snowballs, quickly!
I detest the NFL and will not watch it's games, however I have taken note of the flood of black talking heads that contribute to the torrent of hype that is NFL football.

Trouble is, I can barely understand a word of what they are saying.
Bronk said:
I detest the NFL and will not watch it's games, however I have taken note of the flood of black talking heads that contribute to the torrent of hype that is NFL football.

Trouble is, I can barely understand a word of what they are saying.

Me either, Bronk. I really miss the Corporate Sports Reports with their ebonic speaking black reporter. Its pretty much the same as when you try to transcribe the actual words of Shannon Sharpe. Those write-ups are filled with "unintelligibles."
Another thing that really bugs me is how often commercials use black males for their voiceovers, especially sports related commercials. The NFL Network's in house promotional spotsin particular specialize in it. They all seem to be done by the same few deep-throated, "dignified" types, the successors to James Earl Jones, who was often blasphemously called the "voice of God" by the media in the '70s and '80s. Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
Another thing that really bugs me is how often commercials use black males for their voiceovers, especially sports related commercials. The NFL Network's in house promotional spotsin particular specialize in it. They all seem to be done by the same few deep-throated, "dignified" types, the successors to James Earl Jones, who was often blasphemously called the "voice of God" by the media in the '70s and '80s.

Oh no doubt one of my pet peeves as well.
Col. Reb I think alot of whites have awaken, and they were in DC protesting the BO administration this past weekend. I have a good feeling more whites will say, "we gave his jig a chance and based on what we have seen in the first 8 months he needs to be put in check as well as the rest of the misguided whites that is the Democratic party." 2010 will be a historic movement to set things right.
Westside said:
2010 will be a historic movement to set things right.

Westside, I agree with everything you said and am hopeful that real change will start to happen.

As for 2010 being historic, not if we continue to support the one party system. Things won't begin to be set right until we start to go through a decent third party. Then maybe we can make some changes in Washington that will help keep us away from the same problems of political monopoly in the future.
As someone who was intimately involved with all aspects of third party organizing, I can tell you from first-hand knowledge and experience that such creatures, if they aretruly "politically incorrect,"can be almost effortlessly infiltrated and factionalized and diverted when they try to be national parties. The political system and its rules are made by the two-party monopoly and enforced by them, the judiciary and the media, all of which are comprised of Dems and Repubs who arecommitted to keeping the two-party charade in perpetuity.

We need numerous non-Republicrat insurgencies, individually, locally and regionally based, on good terms with each other but otherwise separate and autonomous. The grassroots anger we're finally seeing has to be directed at local communities, counties, states and regions. To try to effect change at the national level first through a single third party will only result in more disappointment. By definition such aRepublicrat-regulated organization, if not directly infiltrated and factionalized, will be watered down to the point where it will end up being absorbed into the power structure, or simply sued or harassed out of existence.

Secession, autonomy, independence, and self-reliance have to be the guiding principles. If the focus is kept locally and regionally, Washington will eventually fall from disinterest, illegitimacy and impotence. Of course Washington won't just fade away; it will become ever more jealous and ruthless in protecting its domestic and global empire and no one can predict future events, but the most effective way to weaken it is through a large number of indirect challenges rather than head-on.Edited by: Don Wassall
Good points Don, and I agree with you. I should have said multiple third parties. I agree that change has to come from the ground up. I was thinking more along the lines of voting for another Republican presidential candidate. The groundswell of rebellion needs to be expressed in some non-Republicrat way in the national elections as well and voting for someone we like in a third party (Chuck Baldwin for example) is the only way I know to do it. Of course, if there aren't any national candidates worth voting for in a particular election year, the best thing to do is to not vote on the national level and just vote for people who really represent us on the local and state levels.
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