Mayor Buttplug wants to "Re-populate" Rural Areas with Imigrants

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages

Pete Buttigieg, (snip) proposed Tuesday to repopulate struggling communities by offering special visas to immigrants who agree to move to those towns.

The “community renewal” visas would be targeted to communities that have lost working-age population over the last 10 years as well as smaller cities that are lagging economically. Under the proposal, which is included in a rural policy plan Buttigieg unveiled while campaigning in Iowa, visa holders would be eligible to apply for green cards after living in the targeted community for at least three years.

“We have a plan to help grow jobs, to help grow population, and to help grow infrastructure that’s going to make sure that rural America can actually succeed going forward,” the South Bend, Ind., mayor told reporters during a stop at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines.

Buttigieg said the visa proposal is based on the idea that depressed areas need “not just a job growth strategy but a population--growth strategy.” He emphasized that communities could choose whether or not to participate in the visa program.

Other proposals in Buttigieg’s plan overlap with plans released by former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and others.

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Buttigieg proposes offering financial incentives to farmers to encourage carbon-conserving practices. He also calls for tougher enforcement of antitrust laws to protect farmers from the market power of agribusiness interests, and he proposes steps to expand rural broadband.

Buttigieg wants the Justice Department to investigate the recent mergers in the seed business that combined Dow and DuPont, and Bayer and Monsanto.

“The growing market power of corporations—particularly among processing plants and seed companies—means that the reinvigoration of the rural economy depends on a new era of heightened scrutiny of corporate mergers,”
The problem with conservatism is that it's always playing defense. Never offense. Sure, we can beat these communist freaks at the polls more times than not, but eventually another dem will get in and open the flood gates and by the time another "conservative" is elected it's too late to undo the damage. All those millions of illegals brought in by train under obama were just let loose and bused deep into the country never to be seen again, destroying communities, raping women, making anchor babies, sucking on the public teet. Not even Trump will ship them back. The damage is done and irreversible. Always on defense, never offense.
How about encouraging population growth among the rural whites by addressing all of the government initiatives that have destroyed much of "fly over country" along with the thousands of cities and towns in "Rust Belt"? Why are whites leaving those areas in the first place? Why are non-whites able to have kids without worrying about income or putting a roof over their head? Why not invite the White South Africans who are targets of racial hate and animosity spurred on by their own government? Many of them are farmers. Just another fine example of how the left is doing it's best to eradicate white people.

This is just another form of pandering to the invading and multiplying brown hordes from the south. I will be interested to see when their growth rates start to decline. This turd burglar has no skin in the game as he won't be procreating himself. Being queer is just another way the leftists have attacked the white population in Amerika - divide and conquer.
Bringing in migrants to “keep the population growing” has always been a huge scam. For starters, none of these traitorous politicians ever concern themselves with why the native white population isn’t reproducing at a higher rate anymore. If they actually cared, they would address the issues that have led to such stagnation. Issues such as drug abuse and suicide. But they may not like it when faced with the undeniable fact that white men have been alienated in their own damn country by greedy politicians and rampant feminism through endless policies and media. Instead they cast us aside because we most likely won’t vote for them and instead replace us with brown people who will. White people are going to have to get real proud real fast if we want to survive for generations to come.
How about encouraging population growth among the rural whites by addressing all of the government initiatives that have destroyed much of "fly over country" along with the thousands of cities and towns in "Rust Belt"? Why are whites leaving those areas in the first place? Why are non-whites able to have kids without worrying about income or putting a roof over their head? Why not invite the White South Africans who are targets of racial hate and animosity spurred on by their own government? Many of them are farmers. Just another fine example of how the left is doing it's best to eradicate white people.

This is just another form of pandering to the invading and multiplying brown hordes from the south. I will be interested to see when their growth rates start to decline. This turd burglar has no skin in the game as he won't be procreating himself. Being queer is just another way the leftists have attacked the white population in Amerika - divide and conquer.
Good post! This is White ethnic cleansing plain and simple.

It’s becoming clear, with Warren’s implosion, that Buttplug is now the most dangerous candidate in the democratic field. Not only is he a degenerate pervert, he’s a deep state backed operative who was raised by a hardcore communist father.
The Social Marxist "group" has a plan for the US..........its been in effect for over 75 years and counting.

Its the "oppressed verses the oppressor" first started with social/economic class warfare in the 1800s in Russia with the Bolsheviks ........but then after the industrial revolution created a thriving middle class and the ruling feudal system began to fall by the wayside they had to change the rules of the game to keep people pissed off.......

So they thought......let's see who can we find that is oppressed both in the past and that place whose prosperity threatens the success of our world socialist system and that pointed right to the White Western culture nations.

Well who can they play as the oppressed?

hmmm...............let see now.....


Minorities of color?.............check

Gays and alternative sexually defined preferences?..........check

Non-Christian religious zealots?.............check

People holding a progressive social agenda?............check

Sounds like the voter registration role at your local DNC..........

Okay now let see who can we find as the oppressor?

Hey!!!'s one that fits every in every category above .........Straight White patriotic males of European heritage with bonus points if they are Christian.

Now how do we end all this oppression on the oppressed?

Simple........get rid of the White Males on the planet (all of them because you never know which ones on the left might wake up to what's going on over time too)

How do to that?

Takes time but the plan works.......infiltrate their education system and teach White males to hate themselves..............capture all their entertainment, news and advertising and paint them as morons while elevating the oppressed identity classes. Capture their political systems and change the demographic of the country..............and condition their women to breed them out of existence with race mixing........elevate sex to self indulgence without should know the drill by now because they can see the end is in sight and now they are out in the open with the whole plan these days.

They started slowly and took their time until they raised up a whole generation of White men who hate themselves and are primed for social engineered extinction. You remember the 60's and that whole counter culture revolution against your parents values?.............that was a good threshold for them to reach.

But think about does an identity class of oppressed ever stop the oppression?..............well as long as the oppressor identity class (White male) still exists there is a chance it could happen again. So the only real way to assure that it will never happen again is to eliminate the oppressor.............extinct them for good and while they are busy socially engineering them out of existence to make sure to destroy any of them who notice what is going on by stripping them of their dignity and self worth as humans.....change their history, call them tin hat conspiracy racists Nazi low brows.............get them fired from their jobs and socially destroy them with the media to the brainwashed masses of the oppressed identity groups.

..........and most important of all........the last bastion holding these socialists from taking control of the whole show...........

Get rid of USA guns rights!!........ that 2nd amendment over until those White males can no longer have guns.

And what's so great is they can implement all this with such noble intent as a society that is finally becoming fair and just for all!!!..................and the White male doesn't like this?.........that's because he's evil and need to be eliminated for the benefit of all future humanity.

Whose behind all this?.............................the Social Marxists...................I'll leave that to for you to research but 70 to 80% of the designers of that social system have been crying "Never Again!!" since the end of WW2.

American White males of European are target.

The world will not be manageable for those leading the oppressed against the oppressor........until they get rid of the oppressor once and for all..............

White males are the last thing standing in the way of their world plans and it won't be the kumbaya love fest they've been preaching all along to their oppressed classes once they run the show.
Bringing in migrants to “keep the population growing” has always been a huge scam. For starters, none of these traitorous politicians ever concern themselves with why the native white population isn’t reproducing at a higher rate anymore. If they actually cared, they would address the issues that have led to such stagnation. Issues such as drug abuse and suicide. But they may not like it when faced with the undeniable fact that white men have been alienated in their own damn country by greedy politicians and rampant feminism through endless policies and media. Instead they cast us aside because we most likely won’t vote for them and instead replace us with brown people who will. White people are going to have to get real proud real fast if we want to survive for generations to come.

Spot on. Easier to import more 3rd worlders rather than admit Lower and Middle Class White America has been decimated by suicides and overdoses.
American Freedom News