Manny Pacquiao and Wladimir Klitschko.

As for Asians not refining anything, tell me about it. When was the last time they built a new passenger rail line in the USSA - the USSA where - when it was still a going concern - before it was zio-trashed - had more rail track than the whole rest of the world all combined!
I don't think it's because we (Whites) can't, from a technological perspective. We certainly can, but we don't. Mostly because we are blowing all of our budget dollars on warfare and welfare. This leaves very little of the remaining budget left to spend on infrastructure. Heck, we (Whites) sent men to the moon, so I think we're capable of building a high speed train.

It's also part demographic, especially from a more local perspective. You want high speed rail going from some ghetto to a more affluent area of the city? I remember reading an article on Amren some time ago about some new rail system in St. Louis that went from East St. Louis to an affluent area in St. Louis, where one of the stops was at a high-end mall. After two years, they had to close this mall down because of all of the thugs from East St. Louis going there and causing all kinds of social havoc.

A few years ago, the citizens of Overland Park, KS rejected funding of a similar rail system that would've brought these same miscreants into their neighborhoods. Overland Park is where many Whites escaped to from Kansas City proper in the 80's and 90's to get away from them.

Also, there hasn't been an indoor mall built in the US for over 4 years now. There are malls being built, but they are all outdoor malls, even in cold weather areas. Again, this is to remove the gangbanger element from destroying them.

China, and other Asian countries (including SE Asia) don't have these issues as they are mostly homogenous societies.

But always remember, "Diversity is Our Strength".
I don't think it's because we (Whites) can't, from a technological perspective. We certainly can, but we don't. Mostly because we are blowing all of our budget dollars on warfare and welfare. This leaves very little of the remaining budget left to spend on infrastructure. Heck, we (Whites) sent men to the moon, so I think we're capable of building a high speed train.

It's also part demographic, especially from a more local perspective. You want high speed rail going from some ghetto to a more affluent area of the city? I remember reading an article on Amren some time ago about some new rail system in St. Louis that went from East St. Louis to an affluent area in St. Louis, where one of the stops was at a high-end mall. After two years, they had to close this mall down because of all of the thugs from East St. Louis going there and causing all kinds of social havoc.

A few years ago, the citizens of Overland Park, KS rejected funding of a similar rail system that would've brought these same miscreants into their neighborhoods. Overland Park is where many Whites escaped to from Kansas City proper in the 80's and 90's to get away from them.

Also, there hasn't been an indoor mall built in the US for over 4 years now. There are malls being built, but they are all outdoor malls, even in cold weather areas. Again, this is to remove the gangbanger element from destroying them.

China, and other Asian countries (including SE Asia) don't have these issues as they are mostly homogenous societies.

But always remember, "Diversity is Our Strength".
China has succesion problems in the northwest from the Uyghur people who aren't ethnic Chinese and are genetically Eurasian about 60 percent Caucasoid and 40 percent Mongoloid. They also have problems with Tibetans and have given Mongols semi-autonomous rule in the north. Here is a photo of a typical Uyghur...
Lets hope once you launch the boot in, it does not get stuck. Several things:

Do you think Jeff Feneck was a gnat or flea? I do not think so. He was a great fighter from your neck of the woods.

2nd, I clearly understand that this site is a pro White athlete site, But does that mean we take satisfaction in the demise of a non White, further non negro athlete who loses after winning in the most respectful way numerous times? I am sure Don did not create this site to take glee in a a true sportsman if he fails after taking all comers.

3rd, When Manny fought Ricky Hatton of course I wanted Hatton to win, but when he got clocked by Manny I had to respect Manny's ability on the grand stage.

4h, Regarding PED use, show us proof, then I will lead the charge in condeming him. I await the Marquez PED test by the way, becuase he looked like he was on something.

I wonder if you could have beaten the flea if you fought at 165 lbs against him being at most 145 lbs gnat.?

If Asians were anything like most negros I would clearly see your point, but in America and specifically Southern Ca. they are not. I do not want want to get into a raging flame war with you, I am simply stating facts. And no, I do not need luck when asscociating with Asians, when my back is turned. I suspect at least 50% of the misguided Whites who voted for our closet marxist Barack Obama should be suspected instead. Need I be any more clearer?

Westside -

Surely we can express differences of opinion without engaging in a so-called "flame war". I don't believe that my previous post was aggressive or confrontational, for that wasn't my intention. The phrase "put the boot in" was obviously used in the context of attacking Pacquiao, not You...

I was curious to see if anyone would bring up Jeff Fenech - and You promptly obliged. Truth be told, I never liked Fenech (although I naturally always hoped he'd beat any non-White he came up against) as a key element of his "style" consisted of barging his opponent into the ropes then using his elbows, shoulders and head. In other words, the prick was as dirty as they come - which is hardly a surprise, given his borderline criminal background and subsequent post-boxing "controversies".

Was Fenech a gnat or a flea? Suffice it to say he was scum...

The point I was making, however, was about the media's "handy" hyper-propagation of Pacquiao, despite four of his titles coming in sub 59 kg divisions and none heavier than super welterweight.

Let's compare Pacquiao to some of the other "pound for pound legends". Sugar Ray Robinson started at lightweight, then won world titles at welterweight and middleweight. Roberto Duran likewise commenced his career as a lightweight before moving up to welterweight, super welterweight and middleweight. That arrogant arsehole Sugar Ray Leonard won Olympic gold at super lightweight prior to winning world titles at welterweight, super welterweight, middleweight, super middleweight, and light heavyweight. Thomas "The Hitman" Hearns won titles at welterweight, super welterweight, middleweight, super middleweight, and light heavyweight. "Marvellous" marvin Hagler fought at middleweight.

Now, Pacquiao competed at flyweight until he was something like 21, racking up 26 of his 54 wins (as well as getting knocked out twice) against opponents who weighed less than 51 kg! Therefore, almost half of his professional victories have come in a genuinely "gnat weight" division in which none of the abovementioned "pound for pound" boxers ever fought.

When it comes to steroids, Pacquiao is supposedly (cough) "clean". But, then again, so is Usain Bolt, as was the late Florence Griffith Joyner. People always laughed at me or were awfully offended when I swore that Lance Armstrong was a full-blown drug cheat. After all, the golden boy had "passed every test". Yes, hadn't he just...

Westside said:
I wonder if you could have beaten the flea if you fought at 165 lbs against him being at most 145 lbs gnat.?

And the point of this sage question is...?

Westside said:
And no, I do not need luck when asscociating with Asians, when my back is turned.

The Australian expression "good luck to you" can mean "all the best" or "I wish you success". In this case, I'll admit to loading it with a bit of sarcasm / irony. I endeavour to steer clear of using Australian, English or Welsh vernacular in order to avoid exactly this kind of misunderstanding,..

Just because Asians don't behave like Negroes doesn't mean that they:

(a) do not engage in crime

(b) do not detest Whites

Consider the following question: which group poses the greatest threat to Whites - Negroes or Jews?

If we approach the matter solely along Your tack, the answer would be clear: Negroes are undoubtedly the primary threat as they commit the vast majority of violent crimes, pack prisons to the rafters and eagerly express their hatred of Whites. In short, they are a crude, highly visible menace.

How about the Jews? Surely they pose no danger at all, for they don't prowl around in street gangs shooting, robbing and raping, nor do they sprawl across the cracked pavements of run-down neighbourhoods, drugged up to the eyeballs, all the while receiving welfare payments and whining "da White Nan be rasciss".

Yet as we all know (I hope...), the Jews constitute a greater peril than the Negroes, for the political, financial, and media influence of the former enables the incessant crimes of the latter. If the Jews were, let's say, "excised" from the Western political, educational, judicial, financial and media apparatus I can virtually guarantee that the "Negro problem" would be "solved" far more expeditiously than people imagine.

The Asian (particularly Chinese) danger can generally be classified in a similar category to that of the Jews: political, economic and financial influence for their own gain, to the exclusion of all other groups. This does not mean, however, that Asians do not engage in direct criminal activity - far from it. Permit me to provide one or two examples of Asian illegal "specialities" here in Australia, which may go some way to explaining my apparently inexplicable "distaste" for these groups...

Firstly, Asians (particularly Chinese and Vietnamese) are the major players in the Australian drug trade. Practically all of the biggest drug seizures involve the aforementioned ethnicities - I've posted several examples of such busts in the Happy Hour "Crime Thread", so feel free to read the stories (e.g.: One can only imagine how much money these grubs make from the stuff they successfully smuggle into Australia, yet Asians are invariably described as "hard workers" and nobody seems to question the seemingly endless cavalcade of "miracle stories".

"Mr. Wong arrived penniless in Australia four years ago, yet he now owns three restaurants, five houses, five flats and all of his family drive brand new Mercedes and BMWs. Chinese people certainly work hard, don't they..."

The fact that our notional Mr. Wong couldn't possibly have amassed that wealth legally in a short period (even taking into account the huge profit margins of Asian restaurants which serve rice accompanied by small portions of vegetables and a few shreds of meat) is never mentioned, such is the blind belief in superior Asian intelligence, business acumen and industriousness.

There have been several high-profile cases of so-called Asian-Australian "success stories" that were actually unmasked as drug dealers, but the "myth" endures...

Secondly, we have credit card cloning, which is primarily the province of east Asians (Chinese, Koreans) and Indians.

Thirdly, we have Asian gangs which, in addition to the drug dealing I mentioned earlier, are involved in prostitution (including sex slavery) and protection rackets within their own "communities". In true Asian style, the victims generally refuse to aid the police...

By the way, did You know that Australia's one and only political assassination was perpetrated by...Asians? No? Well, back in 1994 John Newman, the ALP (Australian Labor Party) member for the NSW state parliament seat of Cabramatta was shot on the orders of his bitter political rival (and criminal), Vietnamese-born councillor Phuong Ngo.
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I've been wondering lately what Asians make of Jews. As the Asian's wealth and influence grows, how will they deal with, and how will they perceive the Jews they encounter? Do they see Jews as just another group of white people, or do they recognize them for what they are? And who is the slicker character, the sly Chinese businessman, or the crafty Jew?

Who usually gets the better of the deal when they meet on the field of battle in business?
Asians are to Australians as mexicans are to White Americans. An invading force that is aggressively seeking to destroy the host White society and replace it with the same dysfunction and racial spoils system they have set up in their own countries. For the same reasons they should be sent back to their home countries and in the mean time White people should show rock solid solidarity against them.

Remember this. Asians as a rule HATE White people. In America they voted as strongly for Obama as jews did even though by all measures they are typical republicans. I think that their base racial animosity should be reciprocated.
I've been wondering lately what Asians make of Jews. As the Asian's wealth and influence grows, how will they deal with, and how will they perceive the Jews they encounter? Do they see Jews as just another group of white people, or do they recognize them for what they are? And who is the slicker character, the sly Chinese businessman, or the crafty Jew?

Who usually gets the better of the deal when they meet on the field of battle in business?
The first 30 seconds of this scene from "The Social Network" shows what many Jewish men think (nowadays, at least)
Asians are to Australians as mexicans are to White Americans. An invading force that is aggressively seeking to destroy the host White society and replace it with the same dysfunction and racial spoils system they have set up in their own countries. For the same reasons they should be sent back to their home countries and in the mean time White people should show rock solid solidarity against them.

Remember this. Asians as a rule HATE White people. In America they voted as strongly for Obama as jews did even though by all measures they are typical republicans. I think that their base racial animosity should be reciprocated.

As usual Jaxvid hits the bulls-eye. About five years ago I was walking through the campus of the local U., and up on the time and temperature read-out was an announcement that the campus was 78 percent white. The implication being no doubt that was a bad and unfair fact that needed correcting. They should have said it was 78 percent and falling, as I'm sure it was closer to 98 percent at one time. Fast forward just five short years and the latest applications number are 8,190 Latinos (a polite word for Mexican) and 6,948 white applicants. I never thought it would get this far north this fast. So the comparison to my situation as a Californian with the Mexicans and Rebaljo's as an Australian with the Asians makes sense. No matter how nice and polite some of them are, I still feel threatened. And I think reasonably so.
First of all we need to understand that: being smarter is not always better. In fact, it's actually best to have an average level of intelligence. People who are too intelligent over-think things, tend to lack social and physical skills, and perhaps that explains why Asians lack in creativity and invention but excel in innovation and refinement. Being too intelligent can actually be a bad thing in some ways it absolutely takes away from creativity.

Also, in terms of sex, sexual selection, and evolution, Ive read that it's been shown that males with an average level of intelligence have the most sex with females, and exercise the highest degree of choice within sex and continuing on their genes.

- Ive read quite a few studies which have implied that on the basis on cranial capacity (or the physical size of one's brain), blacks are the least intelligent race, whites in the middle, and east asians superior. Brain size has always been known as being correlated to one's intelligence in all animals.

- Ive also read quite a few (literally there are hundreds, just search google) studies that demonstrate on the basis of IQ, Blacks score less, whites score middle, and Asians score highest.

We should also note there are exceptions to that, these results are to be viewed in terms of averages only. There are plenty of genius white people, and plenty of average Asians!

Another interesting point is that the degree to which Negroes score less than whites, is larger than the degree to which Asians surpass whites.

My understanding is that while Asians have a higher average intelligence, the distribution is much narrower. Whereas with whites, the distribution is broader .i.e we have more morons but also more geniuses per capita.

As it concerns genuine innovative achievement/creativity, I've heard one convincing theory advanced that true achievement occurs most frequently in men who have both the requisite intelligence for solving a problem but also the assertiveness and "boldness" to try something new/take a risk (correlating with testosterone). Hence blacks may have the "boldness" but typically lack the intelligence whereas Asians suffer the opposite deficiency.
Asians having higher intelligence or not is debatable. I heard on the Political Cesspool though that like 88% of the ones that voted in America voted for Obama. Thats a pretty good indication that they hate us as bad as mexicans, and almost as bad as negros. I live in an area where there arent any so I wouldnt know personally.
Asians having higher intelligence or not is debatable. I heard on the Political Cesspool though that like 88% of the ones that voted in America voted for Obama. Thats a pretty good indication that they hate us as bad as mexicans, and almost as bad as negros. I live in an area where there arent any so I wouldnt know personally.

No question that asians hate White people. Even to the point of ignoring their own rational self interest to support blacks, who hate them as much as they hate White people. Why that is, is an interesting question. Some of the stuff I've heard is compelling but not convincing to me. A lot of people who have pondered this question say the issue during the election was religion, and that asians fear, or dislike Christianity so much that it effected their votes.

I don't really buy that. Romney was not a conservative Christian. His mellow brand of Mormonism is not the thing that would scare asians. And I don't know why they would dislike Christians anyway. There is nothing about Christianity that is inherently hostile to asians. A lot of asians convert to Christianity. And they aren't so clueless to see that most of White amerika has moved away from Christianity in a big way. Besides nobody is more Christian in the popular culture then blacks with every black representative being Rev. this or that.

I have also heard that asians see blacks as being on top as black culture for some God forsaken reason dominates in our culture. And I think that's part of it. Really I think asians are just so bee-hive minded that whatever the "popular" culture preaches, they follow. It's how they have managed to survive even when millions of their fellow ethnics live all bunched together, in a way that is unacceptable to White people. They are just herd animals. And we know the media was in the tank for Obama at about 99% with the repukelicans making nary a whimper about it, so to them the social consensus is to support the mullato god-king, and like good drones they follow along.

I know a strict asian woman who would let my kids sleep over her house with her kids but would not let their black friends sleep over. But she probably voted for Obama.

Just another group that needs to be returned to their homeland.
The Asian hostility toward Whites is partly reflecting historic enmities between the two races, but there is also lots of anger among Asians at other Asians based on dating and mating trends. There are many very angry Asian American males who hate the way they are portrayed by the Western media, and also hate how many, probably a majority by now and growing, Asian American females date and marry White men exclusively. Asian women in droves have nothing to do with Asian men, and one can surely understand the tremendous anger and hostility that creates in dateless Asian men and proud Asian men in general. Just imagine if 60 percent of White American women were marrying blacks instead of the very noticeable few percent doing so.

So there is a huge schism between Asian men and women based on dating patterns. I don't know how that reflects voting patterns, but it does indicate that Asian women readily and eagerly assimilate American values (which means many have become typically entitled in attitude and in pickiness).

Asian male actors are pretty negligible in the corporate media, and when they do appear they are often shown unflatteringly as geeky nerds, much as White men often are. Whereas Asian women are much more commonly seen these days then Asian men, exponentially more often than just a decade ago, and are often attractive and also often shown with a White boyfriend or husband, so while the media didn't create the White man/Asian woman thing, they are certainly eagerly promoting it as the fastest way to mass miscegenation.

The large number of Asian women dating Whites is reflective of an interesting effect of feminism when it comes to race: There is a lot of anger and mistrust between White men and women, between black men and women, and between Asian men and women. White men fed up with White American women generally go for brown women from foreign countries or for traditionally seeming Eastern Europeans, White women go for black men, Asian women go for White men, and so do some black females. Asian males are pretty much left out of the dating equation altogether, and many black males also have a tough time as most White, Asian and hispanic women either fear them or are repulsed by them.

White men easily have the highest status and esteem in the eyes of the women of the world -- except from the White women where they live, who often, if not outright hating men, treat them poorly and with thinly veiled contempt. While White American men are seen internationally as kind and respectful husbands, White American women are literally at the bottom of the barrel in the eyes of men who don't live in the Anglosphere. That's why there isn't a single dating site for men from other countries to meet American women, because there is no interest in them, while there are at least hundreds if not thousands of sites where non-American women of all kinds of backgrounds try to interest an American (or Brit or Canadian or Aussie man) in them.

The bottom line is that the all-out contrived gender warfare that has been unleashed since the late 1960s has created a much-needed boost for the one-worlders' dream of a population of racially mixed drones.

My guess is that the White man/Asian woman pairing will become more and more noticeable, dwarfing all other possible racial pairings. I live in an area for the first time where are a large number of Mexicans, and even though some are White looking or nearly so, there is little dating between Whites and Mexicans, far less than among Whites and Asians.

Asians are smart and hard-working, and there's literally billions of them. If the U.S. continues its present Brazilian transformation combined with continued economic decline for the 98% but not fast enough to cause massive civil strife (an option I think remains unlikely despite all the dire warnings of it, because Americans have been methodically stupified into the kind of happy pill popping slaves foreseen by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. Jim Quinn has an excellent new article on this on his site The Burning Platform.

Bottom line: If the Jews don't manage to hang onto to their current monopolistic power position in North America, the Asians will overtake them through intelligence and hard work combined with far bigger numbers. In either situation, Whitey's future looks bleak indeed.

White men fed up with White American women generally go for brown women from foreign countries or for traditionally seeming Eastern Europeans,

Personally, I am a 24 year old white male who has had a good 15 or so different Middle Eastern girlfriends. Most of my girlfriends have been Iranian or Afghan, but Ive also dated Lebanese, Turkish, and Algerian. Ive also dated some white women when I was younger in my teens (Russian, Hungarian) but it wasn't to my liking.

And what you say is true, there are 4 main reasons why I (as a racially conscious white male) don't usually date white women:

1) The vast majority of white women are too feminist and subconsciously hate white men. Why would I subject myself to that? I honestly feel sorry for many white males I see in everyday life who are married to white women. These marriages are crap and usually end in divorce, and certainly a disrespected husband.

2) The divorce rate is much higher with white women than other races. Divorce rate in Canada is 42%. If I had a son, I would specifically instruct him to marry someone from a culture that is unlikely to divorce. 42% divorce rate is abysmal. In Middle Eastern countries the divorce rate is close to 0. Marriage is an investment and marrying a white woman is a risky investment with a good chance to fail.

Sometimes I see white men marrying white women and I wonder what sort of advice the white male has received from his father or parents on the matter. Certainly, his parents have overlooked the rate of divorce, because that statistic alone is significant enough to scare me off marriage with a North American girl.

Parents are doing their child a disservice by not mentioning the rate of divorce. How can you set your child up for failure? A 42% divorce rate means atleast 42% of marriages are unsuccessful and probably more than that which are unhappy but the parenters still stay together. These parents are setting their kids up for failures. If I was a parent I would absolutely instruct my child to marry someone from a culture where there is no divorce.

3) I find Middle Eastern women very good looking, attractive, sexy.

4) *This one is important*, I don't consider myself a "race traitor", because Arabs and Persians are Caucasians and close to white. I don't consider dating Asians or Arabs, Persians to be as bad as dating a Negro. In my opinion, Arabs and Persians are borderline white anyway, and tThey are Caucasian and thats good enough for me. Even East Asian women have a similar skin colour as whites, so I don't find that so bad.

I find dating Middle Easterners and Asians to be much more acceptable than dating a Black person.

A child from a white/Asian or white/middle eastern will come out looking essentially all white, probably could pass as being greek or italian. In fact, the society will generally view such kids as "white".

White men easily have the highest status and esteem in the eyes of the women of the world -- except from the White women where they live, who often, if not outright hating men, treat them poorly and with thinly veiled contempt.

This is entirely factual in my opinion. I would say that white men are the most wanted race of all men, and as a white man, you can literally command interest from any race of female. You have more options than men of other races.

From firsthand experience, as a white male, Ive dated many Middle Eastern females (or olive, brown skinned). These women love white men, and some of these women have a contempt for their own Middle Eastern men (similar to the way white women hate white men in North America, though to a lesser degree).

Ive also noticed many Black women are interested in me and have literally thrown themselves at me to try and date me. Many black women actually want a white boyfriend because theyve experienced abusive relationships with black men in the past. Or they just want to "stand out" and look different. Some of these black women throw themselves at any white man.

Some white women do have an interest in me, but I notice that when they find out my ex girlfriends have been Arab or Persian, some of them stop talking to me. At the same time, some of them still talk to me afterwards, but it certainly changes the conversation when they find out about my ex's. Talking with white women, I always feel white women have an attitude problem and can't deal with me because I am a confident white male. With nonwhite females I am greeted very friendly, but with white women they always have an attitude problem and they treat me like I owe them something, its weird.

Without a doubt, white men should know that they are a wanted commodity by every race of female and truly, as a white man you don't have to put up with contempt as you would with a white woman.

I actually feel sorry for many white men who are married to white women because the woman treats the man like garbage. I live in Canada and of the white married couples I see, I certainly don't want that type of marriage for myself, and I actually feel sorry for the man. The typical white couple here constitutes a supreme female leader and a husband who gets no sex and is treated like dirt.

I'm not interested in that type of marriage.

Granted, there are some conservative, beautiful, and proper-acting white women, and those women make great wives and should be respected. However, these type of women constitute an ever marginalized minority and the standard North American white women literally hates white men these days.

We can blame the Jewish influenced TV, media and popular culture, and absurd divorce law for that!

As a white man, you don't have to put up with a white wife that hates you and treats you like dirt. You have a lot of alternatives and Ive been living that lifestyle for my whole life, dating Arab and Persian girls. I love it and I would recommend it to other white men. Ive even posted pics of me and some of my ex's:

Credit to white men who marry white women, thats their choice, but personally I would massively prefer a Middle Eastern wife. These people are still Caucasian and possibly white depending on your definition, and they have a much healthier, nonfeminist outlook on marriage, gender relations, and mens' rights.
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I occasionally lurk here and there to read what pissed off men of other races are thinking, and feminism and the welfare state have ruined relations between black men and women. You still of course have the ghetto males that plug anything and everything they can and move on, but thinking black men are disgusted by the attitudes and antics of black women, and intelligent black women usually want nothing to do with black men.

Black dysfunction can be blamed for the situation, but feminism and government policies have greatly exacerbated the problems. Pre-"Great Society" the black illegitimacy rate was lower than the current White illegitimacy rate. When you watch interviews with black athletes from the 1970s and earlier, most of them were at least fairly articulate and far more modest in the way they carried themselves. Most of them also had fathers in their lives, unlike the vast majority of black males today.

The same "dynamic duo" of feminism and CM government is similarly ravishing the White man-White woman relationship. Whites today are where blacks were 35 to 40 years ago. And 35 years from now. . . Whites will be even worse off than blacks are today due to out of control non-White immigration and institutionalized hatred of them from the media and government. Feminism is a powerful force encouraging miscegenation because few men and women are intellectually equipped to understand how and why their natural instincts and love for each other have been subverted in service of a diabolical agenda.
I have also heard that asians see blacks as being on top as black culture for some God forsaken reason dominates in our culture. And I think that's part of it. Really I think asians are just so bee-hive minded that whatever the "popular" culture preaches, they follow. It's how they have managed to survive even when millions of their fellow ethnics live all bunched together, in a way that is unacceptable to White people. They are just herd animals. And we know the media was in the tank for Obama at about 99% with the repukelicans making nary a whimper about it, so to them the social consensus is to support the mullato god-king, and like good drones they follow along.

I know a strict asian woman who would let my kids sleep over her house with her kids but would not let their black friends sleep over. But she probably voted for Obama.

Just another group that needs to be returned to their homeland.[/QUOTE]
Jaxvid, not true. I have several Asian friends and associates. Most are college educated, professionals and hard working successfull small business owners. They do not hate Whites, but see them as a viable group to compete against. Regarding blacks, they laugh at, hold contempt towards. In the case of your Asian neigbors smartly bars negroes from sleeping over.

The idea that Asians view negroes on top is absurd. The top of what? American basketball and football? That won't put food on the table or enable one to attain a lavish lifestyle. The Asians I know have the lavish life styles in spades. Which was the consequence of viewing blacks on the top. LOL

Most of the ones I know wanted Romney, mainly for the expansion of the business, small, medium or large. And to curtail the welfare state. To be honest, most Asians I know view negroes like 99% of CFers do.

The teen Asians and young adults form packs of friends of their kind and use it as a support group and later business or professional contacts to succeed later. Yes, you see the couples of White Men and Asian women, but they are accepted into the groups. I knew this one Asian girl who let it be known that no Asian male would get between her and Calvin Klien jeans. When questioned for the reason, never got a coherrent answer.

And yes, I have "dated" a couple of Asian women many years ago, but the ones born here are similar to White women born here. No difference other than appearances.
I agree, Westside. Asians generally have fear and/or contempt for blacks. There is very little socializing and mingling between the two groups, much less dating and marrying. Don't know that I've ever seen a male Asian wearing the ridiculously silly clown "rap" get-up that so many young White guys go for.

Asians come from a background that has no experience with freedom as patriotic Americans know it and yearn to reclaim, which is why so many support the Democrat Party even though it is more hostile to small businesses than the Republican Party.
Asians having higher intelligence or not is debatable.

In terms of IQ (which is based on mathematical, verbal, and spatial intelligence), it is absolutely not up for debate. Asians have consistently scored the highest IQ among all races measured. There are literally hundreds of IQ tests done that would yield this fact (not exaggerating, literally hundreds of IQ tests have concluded this, perhaps even thousands). Another thing that is not up for debate is that blacks have also consistently scored the bottom of the barrel as being the least intelligent race.

It is generally unanimously agreed upon within the scientific community that Asians have higher IQs and Blacks have lower than other races. Whites are in the middle but tend to be "closer" to Asians than blacks.

The debate on race and intelligence exists in explaining, justifying, or hiding that difference and is more concerned with:

A) What role do environmental factors such as nutrition and education play in determining one's IQ, and do IQ scores more accurately reflect these factors or an inherent genetic intelligence difference?

B) The limitations of an IQ test and the thought that many types of intelligences (such as survival or creative thinking) can't be measured on an IQ test, and thus are not taken into account.

C) As jaxvid pointed out, if the sample of Asians in such tests is truly indicative of Asians as a whole. Most of these IQ tests tend to be carried out by Universities in the USA or Britain.

As a final point I would bring up that D) Being more intelligent is not always a favourable genetic trait, and in terms of sexual selection, it's been shown that being extremely intelligent is not something that is seen as "attractive" by females. At some point, it might be better for someone to be less intelligent but more creative, and as noted in this thread, maybe thats why Asians excel at innovation but not invention.

Being smarter isn't necessarily better in terms of achievement, attracting a mate, and so on. Also, there are types of intelligences that are omitted from IQ tests.

Anyone interested in this topic would do well to read J. Philippe Rushton's work "Race, Evolution, and Behaviour" (1995), which contrasts races based on IQ, brain size, rate of violent crime, rate of twin births, age of puberty, and rate of homosexuality as well as other things. That work has been discredited by mainstream (politically correct) scientists due to implying that blacks are mentally deficient. It's a good read though for anyone with an open mind!

Here's a wikipedia page on it, but searching google you can even find a full version:,_Evolution,_and_Behavior

I don't agree with all of the findings, but there is some truth in it and society just can't handle any sort of science or evidence that documents blacks as being inferior, less intelligent, and genetically prone to violent crime. Because of their small brains, lower intelligence, hormonal imbalances, blacks inherently gravitate towards crimes like murder and rape. Blacks are genetically prone to being criminals and that explains why they commit crime at such high rates in USA. That's something that society does not want getting. On the other hand, the work also implies whites as being balanced and Asians as resourceful.
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What is also not up for debate is that Asians dominate as students at least in CA, in the elite institutions of higher learning, ie. UC college system, such as UCLA and UC Irvine and others including Stanford.

Their enrollment and acceptance rivals or in some cases surpass Whites and Jews. What is the explanation for this? I say all of what BS 2 states and others here allude to including me. Smarter and harder working or studying. Really, an Asian student whose second language is English and excells in a rigorous academic enviroment. The reasons are quite obvious.

And then on the opposite side of the specturm you have negroes. The very few exceptions to the rule or TNB and its subsequent consequences in a civil society. The negro population in these elite universities are a trickle. And the majority are granted lower standard admissions requirements ie. academic scores on standardized tests or the affelets who "earned" athletic schalorships. LOL
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I can't say I'm an expert on asians but I will offer this counter to your assertions. Firstly you are viewing asians from your own narrow view of the ones you know. Obviously if all you know is the republican type of asians then you might not be looking at at a big enough sample size. The asians I know seem conservative too. Who then are the ones that voted 70% for Obama and why?

Also, when you talk about testing or academic achievement in school you are talking about another self selected group. I'm not saying they aren't smart and hard working, but you have a situation similar to blacks in sports, where the stereotype is reinforced in amerika by special circumstances.

A friend of mine lives in California and is around asians all of the time. He thinks they are lowlifes because where he lives there are asian gangs and other violent asian groups.

I personally don't think much of their skills from working with them. They're good but not great, not better then White guys anyway. I've also worked with the Hmong. Those people are idiots. Spend some time with them and the "smart" asian stereotype will be seriously damaged.

I'll repeat my earlier statement about IQ tests. Very good for individual predictions and reliable for group assertions, however I still think a lot of the dumber asians are NOT tested and therefore skew the racial results. Do intensive testing on the Hmong, Cambodians, Philippines, as well as rural Chinese. Just like is done on all White people in every corner of the White world. Then let me see the results.

Here is a chart of IQ by nation:

Heh heh, Italy higher then China and Sweden-take that all you Yellow and Nordic supremacists, hmmm Thailand at 40, Philippines at 52, India at 61, pretty shabby!!
I'll repeat my earlier statement about IQ tests. Very good for individual predictions and reliable for group assertions, however I still think a lot of the dumber asians are NOT tested and therefore skew the racial results. Do intensive testing on the Hmong, Cambodians, Philippines, as well as rural Chinese. Just like is done on all White people in every corner of the White world. Then let me see the results.

This is the very big, very obvious point in my opinion.

I understand the reasoning behind admitting that "Asians" have higher IQs than us. Its a great way to debunk the idiots that claim the tests are "culturally bias".

Phil Rustons book is very interesting. I consider him to be a lot like Kevin McDonald, Jared Taylor, and Bob Whitaker in that I agree with most of the points they make, but not all. In fact I have yet to come across ONE person in this world that I absolutely totally agree with on all points.
As usual Jaxvid hits the bulls-eye. About five years ago I was walking through the campus of the local U., and up on the time and temperature read-out was an announcement that the campus was 78 percent white. The implication being no doubt that was a bad and unfair fact that needed correcting. They should have said it was 78 percent and falling, as I'm sure it was closer to 98 percent at one time. Fast forward just five short years and the latest applications number are 8,190 Latinos (a polite word for Mexican) and 6,948 white applicants. I never thought it would get this far north this fast. So the comparison to my situation as a Californian with the Mexicans and Rebaljo's as an Australian with the Asians makes sense. No matter how nice and polite some of them are, I still feel threatened. And I think reasonably so.

The Hock -

The comparison is indeed a valid one, but I view Asians (particularly the Chinese) as a "silent" threat to all White nations...

Yesterday I read a Polish media article which discussed the rapid rise of the Chinese and Vietnamese populations in Piaseczno (just outside the southern outskirts of Warsaw). Funnily enough, the article mentioned that Asian-run "businesses" only employ Asians, as all prospective employees must speak Vietnamese or Mandarin. This is identical to what happens in Australia...

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
Some white women do have an interest in me, but I notice that when they find out my ex girlfriends have been Arab or Persian, some of them stop talking to me. At the same time, some of them still talk to me afterwards, but it certainly changes the conversation when they find out about my ex's.

Well, it appears that you may have encountered a "racially aware" White woman or two. Who'd have thought, eh...

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
As a white man, you don't have to put up with a white wife that hates you and treats you like dirt. You have a lot of alternatives and Ive been living that lifestyle for my whole life, dating Arab and Persian girls. I love it and I would recommend it to other white men.

So what's the point of being "racially aware" or "pro-White" if one is to cohabit with / marry a non-White female? Sort of defeats the "purpose", wouldn't you say?
Well, it appears that you may have encountered a "racially aware" White woman or two. Who'd have thought, eh...

I don't think it's quite that simple, Rebajlo. My ex's are all Arab and Persian, and when white women stop talking to me because of that, I notice that often times these ***same*** white women who stop talking are friends with and sometimes close with other white women who are involved in racemixing. Please explain to me how that makes any sense? So essentially, they're OK with and befriend white women racemixing, they're just not OK with a white man like me who is race mixing with Arabs. I would say about one third of white women I talk to or flirt with, stop talking to me once they realize through Facebook, pictures, or whatever, that Ive dated many Arabs.

Not to mention, as I outlined in my post, I don't consider what I am doing as "race mixing". And I would suggest that some white females who stop talking to me are simply ignorant and uneducated to the precise defintiion of "Caucasian".

Granted this exists also with Arab and Persian men, sometimes I encounter bad feelings from them because I am a white man who dates a lot of their women. In my opinion, such people are ignorant to a larger racial reality of Caucasians.

So what's the point of being "racially aware" or "pro-White" if one is to cohabit with / marry a non-White female? Sort of defeats the "purpose", wouldn't you say?

Please read my Point #4 in my post about reasons why I don't date white (North American, Western European) women, that basically answers this for you.

Further, it depends on your definition of "white". Some people, maybe not you, but some people would in fact consider many Arabs and Persians to be white. In that case, I am not dating outside my race. Regardless, I find it much more acceptable to date Arabs, Persians, than dating East Asians, which in turn I also find more acceptable than dating Negroes. It is erroneous to look at all nonwhite races in the same manner, and I think it's more useful to impose a hierarchy on them.

Also, a child from a white/Arab, white/Persian, white/East Asian will come out looking totally white. In fact, when you really get down to evolution, that's basically what Italians and Greek people are, they are mixtures of Turks, Arabs, and Whites overtime, yet today they are considered "full white". This is also true of many in countries like Romania, Bulgaria, etc. These populations have Turkish or Arab mixture, yet are still considered "full white".

As a final point, let me say I don't mean to push my views on anyone. If you're a white man with a white wife/girlfriend that's totally fine. But I'm just saying I don't want that for myself and that I prescribe more to a larger picture of all Caucasians, and I find the mindset of Middle Easterners to be more healthy for marriage.
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I Don't know that I've ever seen a male Asian wearing the ridiculously silly clown "rap" get-up that so many young White guys go for.

I definitely have. Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are almost never into black culture. Southeast Asians like Filipinos, Vietnamese, Cambodians have a ton of wigger/gang types. They are a whole different breed than Northeast Asians.
I definitely have. Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are almost never into black culture. Southeast Asians like Filipinos, Vietnamese, Cambodians have a ton of wigger/gang types. They are a whole different breed than Northeast Asians.

[h=1]Gangland:Asian Boyz[/h]

Interesting street scenes in the extraordinary movie, "Blade Runner", Los Angeles of the future - Asians and Whites, no blacks. Blacks bad for business. Asians wouldn't put up with them. I don't remember if there was any Mexicans. I don't think so.

I was down on Eldridge Street in lower Manhattan, just before Sandy hit the city. It was looking a lot like a scene from "Blade Runner".
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