Manny Pacquiao and Wladimir Klitschko.

Westside -

Just to put the boot in, I'm of the opinion that Pacquiao is a steroid user who has been given a free pass by the Jews (sorry - boxing authorities), whose motives for doing so are glaringly obvious. If the heavyweight division was black-dominated, nobody would give a **** about Pacquiao for the technical reasons I have outlined above. He'd be derisively written off as an Asian flea that would be knocked straight through the roof by the "real" boxers in the "real" divisions. Besides, he wouldn't have been allowed to get away with the PED use which enabled him to move all the way up to the vertiginous heights of the big bad super welterweight division, which has a crushing upper limit of just under 70 kg...

I didn't think that my distaste for Asians (which I've explained often enough) would raise eyebrows on a pro-White site. You're from southern California, which has its fair share of Asians - if You like them, then good luck to You...
Lets hope once you launch the boot in, it does not get stuck. Several things:

Do you think Jeff Feneck was a gnat or flea? I do not think so. He was a great fighter from your neck of the woods.

2nd, I clearly understand that this site is a pro White athlete site, But does that mean we take satisfaction in the demise of a non White, further non negro athlete who loses after winning in the most respectful way numerous times? I am sure Don did not create this site to take glee in a a true sportsman if he fails after taking all comers.

3rd, When Manny fought Ricky Hatton of course I wanted Hatton to win, but when he got clocked by Manny I had to respect Manny's ability on the grand stage.

4h, Regarding PED use, show us proof, then I will lead the charge in condeming him. I await the Marquez PED test by the way, becuase he looked like he was on something.

I wonder if you could have beaten the flea if you fought at 165 lbs against him being at most 145 lbs gnat.?

If Asians were anything like most negros I would clearly see your point, but in America and specifically Southern Ca. they are not. I do not want want to get into a raging flame war with you, I am simply stating facts. And no, I do not need luck when asscociating with Asians, when my back is turned. I suspect at least 50% of the misguided Whites who voted for our closet marxist Barack Obama should be suspected instead. Need I be any more clearer?
The word "racist" was only invented in the 1930's (re Webster's Collegiate). It was introduced into the language by the Jewish anthropologist Franz Boas whose "anti-racist crowd was almost entirely Jewish too. The word has been utilized as a bludgeon to destroy the hated white goyim.


Exactly! I largely ignore or sneer when I hear that (grossly misused & misapplied) buzzword thrown about.
Lets hope once you launch the boot in, it does not get stuck. Several things:

Do you think Jeff Feneck was a gnat or flea? I do not think so. He was a great fighter from your neck of the woods.

2nd, I clearly understand that this site is a pro White athlete site, But does that mean we take satisfaction in the demise of a non White, further non negro athlete who loses after winning in the most respectful way numerous times? I am sure Don did not create this site to take glee in a a true sportsman if he fails after taking all comers.

3rd, When Manny fought Ricky Hatton of course I wanted Hatton to win, but when he got clocked by Manny I had to respect Manny's ability on the grand stage.

4h, Regarding PED use, show us proof, then I will lead the charge in condeming him. I await the Marquez PED test by the way, becuase he looked like he was on something.

I wonder if you could have beaten the flea if you fought at 165 lbs against him being at most 145 lbs gnat.?

If Asians were anything like most negros I would clearly see your point, but in America and specifically Southern Ca. they are not. I do not want want to get into a raging flame war with you, I am simply stating facts. And no, I do not need luck when asscociating with Asians, when my back is turned. I suspect at least 50% of the misguided Whites who voted for our closet marxist Barack Obama should be suspected instead. Need I be any more clearer?

Westside, I don't know where Rebaljo's hatred of Asians comes from, but I respect his opinion. Asians for the most part are hard working individuals and even commit crime at a lower rate than whites. That doesn't mean, however, that we have to live and integrate with them. Whites deserve to live around other whites.\

As far as Pacquaio, i have no problem with him. Sure he was over hyped by the media because he's Asian but so what? Just about every negro athlete is as well. I'd much rather root for a Pacquiao than a Mayweather or Broner.
Lets hope once you launch the boot in, it does not get stuck. Several things:

Do you think Jeff Feneck was a gnat or flea? I do not think so. He was a great fighter from your neck of the woods.

2nd, I clearly understand that this site is a pro White athlete site, But does that mean we take satisfaction in the demise of a non White, further non negro athlete who loses after winning in the most respectful way numerous times? I am sure Don did not create this site to take glee in a a true sportsman if he fails after taking all comers.

3rd, When Manny fought Ricky Hatton of course I wanted Hatton to win, but when he got clocked by Manny I had to respect Manny's ability on the grand stage.

4h, Regarding PED use, show us proof, then I will lead the charge in condeming him. I await the Marquez PED test by the way, becuase he looked like he was on something.

I wonder if you could have beaten the flea if you fought at 165 lbs against him being at most 145 lbs gnat.?

If Asians were anything like most negros I would clearly see your point, but in America and specifically Southern Ca. they are not. I do not want want to get into a raging flame war with you, I am simply stating facts. And no, I do not need luck when asscociating with Asians, when my back is turned. I suspect at least 50% of the misguided Whites who voted for our closet marxist Barack Obama should be suspected instead. Need I be any more clearer?

+1, agree with all your sentiments here (especially the part I bolded).

I support all European and white boxers. Generally, I am indifferent to Asian or Hispanic boxers, some I support, and some I dislike depending on their skills/personality etc.

I don't consider myself a fan of Manny at all, but at the same time, I certainly don't root against Manny and I don't get some sort of satisfaction out of seeing him lose. You are correct in bringing up his personality, he behaves like a gentleman and always shows respect. That deserves some credit.

I also agree with Rebajlo in the sense that the Jews in charge at HBO (in the past, notably Ross Greenburg) have effectively stolen the spotlight from the Klitschko's and directed that onto Pacquiao, but that's not Pacquiao's fault and he himself shouldn't be blamed for that. Jews don't want to showcase powerful, dominating white athletes and thats why there is a Klitschko censorship. Moreover, this bias extends onto other white fighters such as Jason Litzau and Kelly Pavlik (both fighters initially matched to lose VS Negroes on HBO, they became HBO "fixtures" by pulling off upsets in fights they werent supposed to win), and even Sergio Martinez who after brutally KOing Paul Williams was matched against exclusively mediocre white fighters (HBO didn't want to show him KOing anymore Negroes).

Fortunately, I take satisfaction in knowing that all over Europe, Klitschko's are celebrities to a degree that surpasses any Negro boxer in the States, that is rest assured! Klitschko's regularly sell out 50,000+ arenas and absolutely no Negro in the States comes anywhere close to that, the truth is, Negroes like Bernard Hopkins quite literally have had trouble to sell over 2,000 tickets in the past (I'm actually not even joking about that, he recently had a fight with only 2,000 in attendance, out of an arena which seated 10,000 or so, I believe it was either his rematch with RJJ, fight with Tarver, or his first fight with Dawson). The stardom of the Klitschko's in Europe is unprecedented, and we can take comfort in that. Other European fighters such as Mikkel Kessler, Ricky Hatton, Joe Calzaghe have also become mega stars. The truth is, boxing is simply bigger in Europe than in the USA, and the celebrity level of European boxers is much greater than American Negroes in this context. Klitschko's are Europe-wide known, quite literally, they would be amongst Europe's best known athletes. Kessler, Hatton, and Calzaghe are all region-wide stars. The truth is in the States, the only really well known boxer is Mayweather Jr., and personally I don't think his audience in the USA is as large as the Klitschko's in Europe...

I'd much rather root for a Pacquiao than a Mayweather or Broner.

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Me, I am pro Asian. I think that Whites and Asians work well together and each race has complementary skills. Whites are good at inventing, Asians at refining. Asians are much more resistant to the world-parasite's "celebrate diversity" propaganda that has found such fertile ground in the gullible White countries.
Westside, I don't know where Rebaljo's hatred of Asians comes from, but I respect his opinion. Asians for the most part are hard working individuals and even commit crime at a lower rate than whites. That doesn't mean, however, that we have to live and integrate with them. Whites deserve to live around other whites.\

Agreed 100%
+1, agree with all your sentiments here (especially the part I bolded).

I support all European and white boxers. Generally, I am indifferent to Asian or Hispanic boxers, some I support, and some I dislike depending on their skills/personality etc.

I don't consider myself a fan of Manny at all, but at the same time, I certainly don't root against Manny and I don't get some sort of satisfaction out of seeing him lose. You are correct in bringing up his personality, he behaves like a gentleman and always shows respect. That deserves some credit.

I also agree with Rebajlo in the sense that the Jews in charge at HBO (in the past, notably Ross Greenburg) have effectively stolen the spotlight from the Klitschko's and directed that onto Pacquiao, but that's not Pacquiao's fault and he himself shouldn't be blamed for that. Jews don't want to showcase powerful, dominating white athletes and thats why there is a Klitschko censorship. Moreover, this bias extends onto other white fighters such as Jason Litzau and Kelly Pavlik (both fighters initially matched to lose VS Negroes on HBO, they became HBO "fixtures" by pulling off upsets in fights they werent supposed to win), and even Sergio Martinez who after brutally KOing Paul Williams was matched against exclusively mediocre white fighters (HBO didn't want to show him KOing anymore Negroes).

Fortunately, I take satisfaction in knowing that all over Europe, Klitschko's are celebrities to a degree that surpasses any Negro boxer in the States, that is rest assured! Klitschko's regularly sell out 50,000+ arenas and absolutely no Negro in the States comes anywhere close to that, the truth is, Negroes like Bernard Hopkins quite literally have had trouble to sell over 2,000 tickets in the past (I'm actually not even joking about that, he recently had a fight with only 2,000 in attendance, out of an arena which seated 10,000 or so, I believe it was either his rematch with RJJ, fight with Tarver, or his first fight with Dawson). The stardom of the Klitschko's in Europe is unprecedented, and we can take comfort in that. Other European fighters such as Mikkel Kessler, Ricky Hatton, Joe Calzaghe have also become mega stars. The truth is, boxing is simply bigger in Europe than in the USA, and the celebrity level of European boxers is much greater than American Negroes in this context. Klitschko's are Europe-wide known, quite literally, they would be amongst Europe's best known athletes. Kessler, Hatton, and Calzaghe are all region-wide stars. The truth is in the States, the only really well known boxer is Mayweather Jr., and personally I don't think his audience in the USA is as large as the Klitschko's in Europe...

The only reason why "Gayfeather" makes more money than any boxer in the world is because the US boxing consumer has been brainwashed into buying ppv. In German they tried ppv and it was a colossal failure(in England it's had a limited success). Otherwise there is no way Gayfeather could make the money he does. He only fights in the equivalent of hockey arenas, while the K brothers and usually fight in football stadiums.

PPV is also the only reason purses for fights have risen above the inflation rate. I remember in the early 80's when Leonard fought Duran and that was a record, then Leonard fought Hearns and that was the new record, then Holmes fought Cooney and that record lasted until Tyson vs Spinks. Tyson vs Spinks broke the Holmes vs Cooney record because PPV was in the initial phases and close circuit broadcasts were better than in the early 80's.
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Me, I am pro Asian. I think that Whites and Asians work well together and each race has complementary skills. Whites are good at inventing, Asians at refining. Asians are much more resistant to the world-parasite's "celebrate diversity" propaganda that has found such fertile ground in the gullible White countries.
Obviously joking here but if you only know Asian culture through this song you might think that the Pacman-Dan Hill duet was one of the pop hits of all time up there! with Unchained Melodies...:tongue:
Me, I am pro Asian. I think that Whites and Asians work well together and each race has complementary skills. Whites are good at inventing, Asians at refining. Asians are much more resistant to the world-parasite's "celebrate diversity" propaganda that has found such fertile ground in the gullible White countries.

I think that's just a bunch of BS and that's only East Asians anyawy, of which Manny is not a member. And what have they ever "refined" that's better than Western equivalents? Japs in particular are good at making durable stuff that's cheap. That's about it.
The only reason why "Gayfeather" makes more money than any boxer in the world is because the US boxing consumer has been brainwashed into buy ppv. In German they tried ppv and it was a collosal failure(in England it's had a limited sucess). Otherwise there is no way Gayfeather could make the money he does. He only fights in the equivalent of hockey arenas, while the K brothers and usually fight in football stadiums.

PPV is also the only reason purses for fights have risen above the inflation rate. I remember in the early 80's when Leonard fought Duran and that was record, then Leonard fought Hearns and that was the new record, then Holmes fought Cooney and that record lasted until Tyson vs Spinks. Tyson vs Spinks broke the Holmes vs Cooney record because PPV was in the initial phases and close circuit broadcasts were better than in the early 80's.

Forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong, but aren't virtually of all the Klitschko fights in Europe on European ppv. I watch every fight online through the streams that members provide here but I was sure they are ppv bouts.
Forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong, but aren't virtually of all the Klitschko fights in Europe on European ppv. I watch every fight online through the streams that members provide here but I was sure they are ppv bouts.
All the Klitschko fights are on free TV:

IHTEP (Ukraine's national TV station)
Russia 2
RTL in Germany

The fights with Wach and Adamek were PPV in Poland, and the fight with Haye was PPV in the UK.

Most of their fights are on free TV in Romania, Poland, UK, Kazakhstan, Hungary and many other countries around the world.
Forgive my ignorance if I'm wrong, but aren't virtually of all the Klitschko fights in Europe on European ppv. I watch every fight online through the streams that members provide here but I was sure they are ppv bouts.
No the main networks in Europe are German and PPV bombed colossally in Germany. In Eastern Europe the average consumer is too poor to buy a fight for 20 Euros or so. I think only England has PPV boxing and only fights in European time zones are broadcast on PPV.
I think that's just a bunch of BS and that's only East Asians anyawy, of which Manny is not a member. And what have they ever "refined" that's better than Western equivalents?
Most electronic equipment, including TV's, receivers, computer monitors, DVDs, gaming systems, appliances, and some power tools. Also other things like automobiles and motorcycles.

Although I wonder how much of this is due to them not having to abide by affirmative action laws and other burdensome business regulations and taxes we have here that they don't have to worry about, thereby allowing them to be more productive and efficient.
Most electronic equipment, including TV's, receivers, computer monitors, DVDs, gaming systems, appliances, and some power tools. Also other things like automobiles and motorcycles.

Although I wonder how much of this is due to them not having to abide by affirmative action laws and other burdensome business regulations and taxes we have here that they don't have to worry about, thereby allowing them to be more productive and efficient.

I think you missed the qualifier "better than Western equivalents," because their computers and cars for damn sure aren't better than Western equivalents and I didn't ask what they produce. Maybe their OEMs are as good as stuff like Gateway and Dell, but for individual parts there are no Asian CPU makers on par with Intel or even AMD, not anywhere near par I couldn't even name one. Their car makers aren't making better family cars than VW and they for damn sure aren't making anything rivaling something like Ferrari. Maybe they make better TVs, I don't know as I haven't owned one in years. Asian intelligence is hyped and exaggerated even more so than black athleticism.
I think that's just a bunch of BS and that's only East Asians anyawy, of which Manny is not a member. And what have they ever "refined" that's better than Western equivalents? Japs in particular are good at making durable stuff that's cheap. That's about it.

A better question would be what haven't they refined that's better? In case you haven't noticed almost everything in this country is now made overseas, mostly in Asia, including American flags and the army's shoes. Look up the bridges of China; look up the China-Tibet railway; look at how China can put up a 15 story hotel and have it ready for business in about two weeks. It would take longer than that to put up a misspelled Future Construction Pland Here In This Here Sight sign in what's left of the diversity-celebrating affirmative action USSA. They haven't built a bridge in and around NYC for 50 years. Have you seen Detroit lately? And by the way, your Intel and AMD are manufactured in Asia too.

This is pretty off topic.

Most electronic equipment, including TV's, receivers, computer monitors, DVDs, gaming systems, appliances, and some power tools. Also other things like automobiles and motorcycles.

Although I wonder how much of this is due to them not having to abide by affirmative action laws and other burdensome business regulations and taxes we have here that they don't have to worry about, thereby allowing them to be more productive and efficient.

They have a corrupt and brutal government in China, but at least it is pro-China, and not totally 100% corrupt and bought and paid for and treasonous like here.
A better question would be what haven't they refined that's better? In case you haven't noticed almost everything in this country is now made overseas, mostly in Asia, including American flags and the army's shoes. Look up the bridges of China; look up the China-Tibet railway; look at how China can put up a 15 story hotel and have it ready for business in about two weeks. It would take longer than that to put up a misspelled Future Construction Pland Here In This Here Sight sign in what's left of the diversity-celebrating affirmative action USSA. They haven't built a bridge in and around NYC for 50 years. Have you seen Detroit lately? And by the way, your Intel and AMD are manufactured in Asia too.

This is pretty off topic.


They make stuff overseas, but that isn't making it better. That's not refining it, you said Asians and Whites have complementary skills because "we" invent and they refine.

Whether Intel has manufacturing factories in Asia is irrelevant. It's not the Asians that are "refining" anything. They're working on assembly lines, or operating machines engineered by Westerners. East Asians are the most eusocial variety of human but I don't know if that's worth complimenting.
Although I wonder how much of this is due to them not having to abide by affirmative action laws and other burdensome business regulations and taxes we have here that they don't have to worry about, thereby allowing them to be more productive and efficient.

Id bet this is THE reason why. Anything they can do we can do too. The fact is that EVERY white country, and ONLY white countries are suffering from forced diversity.
I have worked around and with asians in the manufacturing sector all my life. I have met few who were as good as the average White guy engineer. Yes they know math, yes they have a good work ethic, yes they are even fun to hangout with because they behave alot like White people. But I am amazed whenever I hear they have "higher avarage IQ" then Whites. That floors me because I have never seen it myself in a lot of real world experience.

I know they do good in school because I've seen it with my kids. All the well behaved asian kids studying furiously and getting good grades. Well I went to school with a lot of black people in Detroit and there were a couple of them that were the same way, usually girls, quiet, studied very hard, did good on tests. And sure they were probably smarter then some of the lumphead White guys I knew, but overall?? Not a chance. The idea of superior asian IQ is cut from the same BS cloth as black athletic supremecy. Selective testing of highly motivated sub groups. That's all it is. You can see it in the relative acheivement of the various groups.

They do have one big advantage. They do not have amongst them, a subversive sub group of high achievers that see themselves as the "other", plotting continuously to destroy the culture and people they live with. So they got that going for them.
Yeah, I would say that east Asians in the USA definitely have a higher average IQ than what's left of the white race here. I would also say that it is a narrower range than the white race, that is encompassing less genius, but also fewer retards. That narrower range must surely help them work together well, as they so famously do, because I've got nothing in common with some dumbed down politically corrected tv-watching white People of Walmart fat slob and don't work or play well with such creatures.

As for Asians not refining anything, tell me about it. When was the last time they built a new passenger rail line in the USSA - the USSA where - when it was still a going concern - before it was zio-trashed - had more rail track than the whole rest of the world all combined!


The amazing China-Tibet train, the Lhasa Express "Sky Train"
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"Well I went to school with a lot of black people in Detroit"

My condolences.

"The idea of superior asian IQ is cut from the same BS cloth as black athletic supremecy."

No, not really. There is such a thing as IQ testing, though they had to do away with routine mass testing because no matter how they tried "adjusting" the tests they couldn't get their precious Negroes up to the level of the higher races.

"I have met few who were as good as the average White guy engineer."

Engineers = upper strata, not peopleofwalmart. More whites in upper IQ strata. Narrower IQ range in Asians.

And Negroes do have inherent advantages in certain sports, like sprinting, or like boxing where their thicker skin and protruding muzzles and receding chin and forehead and smaller and more simply constructed brains and thicker skulls give them an advantage over humans, but then a full blooded gorilla would have similar advantages, so I think that it is racist not to allow gorillas and orangs and baboons not to be allowed to compete in boxing along with Negroes.

Thank you.


PS This thread is off on a terrible tangent, and I know I am not helping matters any...
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In short, I am pro White-Asian cooperation, and I see no reason why the two great races should dislike one another. I'm afraid that the real question right now, with the ascendancy of Asia and the decline of the west, is whether they still really want us for pals any more.

"The idea of superior asian IQ is cut from the same BS cloth as black athletic supremecy."

No, not really. There is such a thing as IQ testing, though they had to do away with routine mass testing because no matter how they tried "adjusting" the tests they couldn't get their precious Negroes up to the level of the higher races.

Yes really. IQ testing is done in one way or another for all White people from the children of professors in the rich neighborhoods to the morons in trailer parks. IQ testing for asians typically omits the southern species of asian and cannot possible reach into every nook and cranny of rural China, Korea, Tibet, Laos, Viet Nam and etc. Hence the bias of the test is towards the asians in developed areas. An unfair advantage.
First of all we need to understand that: being smarter is not always better. In fact, it's actually best to have an average level of intelligence. People who are too intelligent over-think things, tend to lack social and physical skills, and perhaps that explains why Asians lack in creativity and invention but excel in innovation and refinement. Being too intelligent can actually be a bad thing in some ways it absolutely takes away from creativity.

Also, in terms of sex, sexual selection, and evolution, Ive read that it's been shown that males with an average level of intelligence have the most sex with females, and exercise the highest degree of choice within sex and continuing on their genes.

- Ive read quite a few studies which have implied that on the basis on cranial capacity (or the physical size of one's brain), blacks are the least intelligent race, whites in the middle, and east asians superior. Brain size has always been known as being correlated to one's intelligence in all animals.

- Ive also read quite a few (literally there are hundreds, just search google) studies that demonstrate on the basis of IQ, Blacks score less, whites score middle, and Asians score highest.

We should also note there are exceptions to that, these results are to be viewed in terms of averages only. There are plenty of genius white people, and plenty of average Asians!

Another interesting point is that the degree to which Negroes score less than whites, is larger than the degree to which Asians surpass whites.
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IQ testing for asians typically omits the southern species of asian and cannot possible reach into every nook and cranny of rural China, Korea, Tibet, Laos, Viet Nam and etc. Hence the bias of the test is towards the asians in developed areas. An unfair advantage.

Good point and I think there's a lot of truth to that!

In short, I am pro White-Asian cooperation,

Fully agreed, So am I!

I can cooperate with any people provided they are peaceful and law-abiding! Asians (for the most part) are much more peaceful, law abiding, and hard working than Negroes.
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