Malcolm X's KKK connection


Apr 13, 2005
Information is a weapon, particularly in an age when certain inconvenient truths (gee, where have I heard that phrase before?) get swept under the rug or dropped down the Orwellian memory hole.

Take this little historic chestnut for instance: Black Power icon Malcolm X once met with the Ku Klux Klan to discuss, among other things, how the Nation of Islam and the KKK could cooperate in disrupting the "civil rights" movement.

What? But I didn't see THAT in Spike Lee's movie.

On Jan. 28, 1961 Malcolm X along with Jeremiah X, an NOI leader in Atlanta, held a secret meeting with the Ku Klux Klan in Atlanta on Elijah Muhammad's behalf, seeking the Klan's aid in obtaining land for the Nation of Islam to implement its separatist philosophy. They also discussed possible cooperation in disrupting King's efforts at integration. Present at this meeting was a KKK member who was also an undercover FBI informant.

Here is a copy of an FBI memo on the meeting:


I thought Caste regulars might be interested in this. I have used this little gem to disarm multiculturalists, anti-white radicals and a host of others. It forces them into some interesting corners to say the least.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Bronk, you are great at pulling awesome stuff out of the woodwork! Thanks for posting this.


Apr 6, 2007
The Nation of Islam also met with George Lincoln Rockwell:


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Interesting, but it was just a dallianceborne out ofcuriosity rather than a serious prospective alliance or joining of forces. Tom Metzger was invited to and attendedone of Louis Farrakhan's large Nation of Islam meetings circa 1985, when Farrakhan was at the height of his powers, and that was that, there was no follow-up that I'm aware of, though professional alarmists of the SPLC stripe made fundraising hay of it for years afterward.

Farrakhan was viewed as quite the threat in the mid to late '80s. It's easy to forget now all the publicity he generated from the media, almost all of it negative and sometimes bordering on hysteria. Malcolm X was before my political awareness, but Farrakhan seemed to have a larger movement albeit it one without the explicit threat of violence that surrounded Malcolm.
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
Interesting, but it was just a dalliance borne out of curiosity rather than a serious prospective alliance or joining of forces.  Tom Metzger was invited to and attended one of Louis Farrakhan's large Nation of Islam meetings circa 1985, when Farrakhan was at the height of his powers, and that was that, there was no follow-up that I'm aware of, though professional alarmists of the SPLC stripe made fundraising hay of it for years afterward.
<div> </div>
<div>Farrakhan was viewed as quite the threat in the mid to late '80s.  It's easy to forget now all the publicity he generated from the media, almost all of it negative and sometimes bordering on hysteria.  Malcolm X was before my political awareness, but Farrakhan seemed to have a larger movement albeit it one without the explicit threat of violence that surrounded Malcolm.  </div>

During his lifetime, Malcom X didn't get anywhere near the publicity and attention Farrakhan received.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
There is a saying in politics "My enemies enemy is my friend". The Nazi's worked with the Bolsheviks to carve up Poland and the Allies worked with Soviets to defeat the Nazis. So this is a smaller scale version of that.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The NOI was all for segregation (as was the ANP).Per Wikipedia...

"Rockwell's principal message was racial separation and attempted to form friendly associations with the Nation of Islam. He praised Elijah Muhammad as the "Black people's Hitler," and for doing the best job in promoting integrity and pride among his people. Rockwell also admired Malcolm X, seeing him as the next true leader for Black America. However, in 1965, after Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam, he sent Rockwell a telegram while he was on his "Hate Bus" tour of the South, threatening Rockwell with "maximum physical retaliation from those of us who are not hand-cuffed by the disarming philosophy of nonviolence" should Martin Luther King, Jr. or "any other black Americans who are only attempting to enjoy their rights as free human beings" be harmed"


Apr 13, 2005
white is right said:
There is a saying in politics "My enemies enemy is my friend". The Nazi's worked with the Bolsheviks to carve up Poland and the Allies worked with Soviets to defeat the Nazis. So this is a smaller scale version of that.

Yes, this is the same example I have used to illustrate the cooperative relationship between groups that seem to be on opposite sides. The phrase 'politics makes for strange bedfellows' can also apply.

sport historian said:
During his lifetime, Malcom X didn't get anywhere near the publicity and attention Farrakhan received.

I'm not so sure this is so. CBS did a special called The Hate That Hate Produced that featured Malcom X. After that, X was frequently on national and local television and traveled all over the country on speaking tours, often at major universities.
Dec 18, 2004
Bronk said:
white is right said:
There is a saying in politics "My enemies enemy is my friend". The Nazi's worked with the Bolsheviks to carve up Poland and the Allies worked with Soviets to defeat the Nazis. So this is a smaller scale version of that.

Yes, this is the same example I have used to illustrate the cooperative relationship between groups that seem to be on opposite sides. The phrase 'politics makes for strange bedfellows' can also apply.

sport historian said:
During his lifetime, Malcom X didn't get anywhere near the publicity and attention Farrakhan received.

I'm not so sure this is so. CBS did a special called The Hate That Hate Produced that featured Malcom X. After that, X was frequently on national and local television and traveled all over the country on speaking tours, often at major universities.

In 1965, I was 15 years old and kept up with the news. Malcom X was visible, but was not as well known as Farrakhan in recent times.


Apr 13, 2005
sport historian said:
In 1965, I was 15 years old and kept up with the news. Malcom X was visible, but was not as well known as Farrakhan in recent times.

In 1965 I was four-years-old and could barely follow my mother through the store.

Thanks for the correction.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Though theKlan contingent that met with Malcolm was likely very small in number, it's not surprising that one of them was a federal informant, even some 50 years ago. Whatever one thinks of nazis and the Klan, and I've never had any use foreither for a number of reasons,both have been thoroughly infiltrated and neutralized for a long time, in the case of the Klan going back to the 1930s.

It's likely that a majority of active klansmen and NSers these days are feds or spies of one kind or another. There was a KKK cell in North Carolina not too many years back where seven of the eight members turned out to be feds. And many who aren't squeal as soon as some legal heat is applied to them.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I've always felt the the KKK and Nazi groups were just another government agency formed for the express purpose of creating some kind of fear that could convince people that another government agency was needed to deal with it.

Perhaps back in the 1960's it was a little different, there were a few genuine members of those groups that were actually members for what they believed. But as they faded in popularity the gov't had to keep them going as they do with every gov't "agency".

Same is true for the black groups too. History has shown that they were propped up and financed in large part by the FedGov. The NOI, Black Panthers and United Slaves of America, all fall into that catagory.

What a sad commentary on "our" government. How can such an organization ever be fixed or reformed????
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Don Wassall said:
Though the Klan contingent that met with Malcolm was likely very small in number, it's not surprising that one of them was a federal informant, even some 50 years ago.  Whatever one thinks of nazis and the Klan, and I've never had any use for either for a number of reasons, both have been thoroughly infiltrated and neutralized for a long time, in the case of the Klan going back to the 1930s. 
<div> </div>
<div>It's likely that a majority of active klansmen and NSers these days are feds or spies of one kind or another.  There was a KKK cell in North Carolina not too many years back where seven of the eight members turned out to be feds.  And many who aren't squeal as soon as some legal heat is applied to them.  </div>
Do you know of any pro-white organizaion's that you would recommend?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Don & JaxVid, very good points gentlemen. The Klan has been infiltrated since the late 60s & I suspect any Nazi groups have had moles since their inception (post WW2). Some of their members are legit WNs, but there are far too many Feds within those orgs. No doubt the AN, AB/Brand, NLR, etc. are also heavily inundated. I imagine StormFront draws a slew of monitoring and agent provocateurs. In this age of the rising Orwellian police-state, we'll see much more infiltration(s) I'm sure.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Even in this intensely anti-white society, I still find it relatively shocking that the cultural elites manipulating the limp-wristed marionettes within the FBI and CIA would actually waste time and resources on infiltrating super-fringe groups swearing allegiance to Nazi ideals or the laughable KKK. I guess I don't understand the crime that is being "investigated?"Â￾ Other than now-illegal pro-white ideals, that is.

I read a hilariously underwhelming statistic recently"¦.in the last 40 years, pro-white groups have been responsible for the murders of under 50 people (some of which were their own treacherous group members). One murder per decade, those diabolical scoundrels! They should be fully infiltrated and arrested, as obviously, acts of anti-american racial "terrorism"Â￾ are being committed. Meanwhile, the murder rate (from black and latino street gangs) in cities like LA and NY alone exceed 50 total murders within a few days.

I suppose the investigation of pro-white groups (who commit virtually no crimes), whilst ignoring street gangs, drug dealers, pimps, rapists, etc. actually makes a lot of sense within the scope the "master script."Â￾ Hopefully the un-flushable turds running the FBI and CIA (and all of Crapital Shill) are someday completely overrun with black and latino DC street mayhem. What goes around, comes around, "men."Â￾


Apr 13, 2005
Frankly, I agree. White power groups are really not the problem. The average black or mestizo street gang is far more active and violent than what's left of the KKK or the Nazi factions.

However, it's useful to point out the irony to social democrats and multiculturalists.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Bronk said:
Frankly, I agree. White power groups are really not the problem. The average black or mestizo street gang is far more active and violent than what's left of the KKK or the Nazi factions.

However, it's useful to point out the irony to social democrats and multiculturalists.
Yes from what I have read (or maybe I have seen too many cop shows) White fringe groups have worked with street gangs in terms of gun running.


Jul 12, 2007
Don Wassall said:
This article linked by AmRen claims Malcolm was bisexual.  But it should be kept in mind that homosexuals like to claim just about everyone as one of them.
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I don't want to make a new thread for this. This seems as good a place as any.
A little more light shed on the Unbearable Gayness of Malcolm Xâ„¢.
Marable also casts a skeptical eye on the idea that his subject was a loving husband. Malcolm felt forced to marry Betty Sanders for the sake of appearance and the marriage went bad almost immediately. "The main source of our trouble was based on SEX,"Â Malcolm said in a letter:

She placed a great deal more stress upon it than I was physically capable of doing. . . . One day she told me that we were incompatible sexually because I had never given her any real satisfaction. From then on, try as I may, I began to become very cool toward her.

As for the ultimate source of this tension, Marable reports that Malcolm was probably talking about himself when he told a story about an imaginary friend named "Rudy"Â who, while serving as a butler to a rich man in Boston, willingly became a male prostitute who would "undress them both, then pick up the old man like a baby, lay him on his bed, then stand over him, and sprinkle him all over with talcum powder. Rudy said the old man would actually reach his climax from that."Â

There's more in the article about the fraudulent life of Malcolm X. As well as a disgusting anecdote about the completely queer Mahatma Gandhi involving vaseline.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
As I recall, there were several parts in his autobiography where Malcolm tries to paint whites - male and female - as sexual perverts. In fact, this is a huge theme in black nationalist circles.

How ironic if true.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Riddlewire, that Ghandi heathen sure as hell looked like a h0m0s3xual...runnin' in those bedsheets, all limpwristed & favorin an AIDS patient.