Malaysian passenger plane goes down over eastern Ukraine

Yep, one VK page with 100k followers out of country with a population of 160m.

"Breathlessly followed by all Russians."

Now you are misquoting me (I did not say "all Russians"). The "100k followers out of country with a population of 160m" comment is disingenuous, not to mention irrelevant to my point.
Richard Spencer's Radix Journal has switched from being an American Alt Right webzine to being a Russian propaganda site. Over the last day they have been removing all posts that are critical of the Kremlin. (It makes the threads look ridiculous).

Spencer's wife, Nina Kouprianova, is a Russian - on Twitter she's basically a Russian imperialist propagandist. She has been translating Alexander Dugin's work. For those who don't know Dugin is an intellectual with some influence over Putin. He's been begging Putin to launch a full scale invasion of Ukraine. This Dugin believes that Russians are Eurasians, not Europeans and therefore should form an alliance with Asia, especially China, against the West. He has suggested using cultural Marxism against Europe and the United States to destroy those societies from within while making sure there is no cultural Marxism in Russia. (Dugin and Jared Taylor will be speaking at Spencer's next "Congress" in Budapest in October).

In his most recent podcast Spencer even mentioned 'Carlos', the supposed Spanish air traffic controller who has been tweeting anti-Maidan pro-Russian propaganda for the last six months. (Spencer throws in a caution before discussing him just to cover his rear). According to Russia Today and other Kremlin mouthpieces, Carlos was either expelled from Ukraine or had to flee with his family back in May. Yet somehow for the last week he's been tweeting from a Kiev air traffic control booth "proving" that Ukraine shot down MH17, not the Russian separatists. The Russians, and their useful idiots in the West won't explain how this Carlos, having fled or been expelled from Ukraine, managed to sneak back into the country and then back into his supposedly old position as an air traffic controller! Both the Kiev airport where he supposedly works and the Spanish embassy in Kiev have stated they have no evidence Carlos even exists. Russians would believe anything as long as it suits their agenda. That American Alt-Righters are willing to believe such nonsense suggests to me that they've become completely detached from reality and/or they are getting money from Moscow, just like anti-racist and other left wing front groups during the Cold War.
Tell that to the Russian media and the pro-Russian blogs who have been using "Strelkov's Dispatches" (Svodki Strelkova Igora Ivanovicha) at the VKontakte social media site as their main source from the "People's Republic of Donetsk".

OK so these "Dispatches" quoted breathlessly by jingoistic Russians every day in June and then every day in July providing info from either Strelkov himself or his inner circle were accurate right up until Thursday afternoon moments after bragging about shooting down a plane. Then, suddenly, and very conveniently, right after it was discovered it might have been a passenger airline these "Dispatches" were no longer considered accurate info!


Matra, what does Jennifer Lawrence have to do with "Strelkov's Dispatches"?

I am so sick of Johnny come lately's telling us how WN's should think as if they are really concerned about the WN movement. Have they bought Caste Football tee-shirts? Have they donated to the site? Have they participated in Caste Football's fantasy football leagues? I think it's time to put your money where your mouth is. If you want to spout off and brag, spout off about how much you have donated to the site instead of attacking posters.

Pitifully impotent stuff, my "learned friend". So pitiful, in fact, that under normal circumstances it shouldn't even warrant a reply. But as I don't wish to appear to be evading any of Your "arguments", here we go...

If You are implying that I am a Johnny-come-lately perhaps You should familiarise Yourself with the meaning of the term. While You're at it, expand Your vocabulary by looking up "malapropism" (don't be put off by all of those daunting syllables - it's not that hard...). Now, stop fidgeting, sit up straight, and pay attention...

In the context of Caste Football, I've been a member since November 2009 and have made just over 1,200 posts. You don't believe me? Just look to the left of Your screen...

Of infinitely greater pertinence is the fact that I've been "racially aware" for my entire life. Of course, I've stated this before. To be exact, the first time I mentioned it was in response to a similar allegation You made not long after I joined Caste Football when You boorishly drew attention to my then post count of 36 or thereabouts following comments I made about atrocities Your Nazi heroes committed in Poland. But I digress - please accept my apologies for taking something You've said in the past and "using it against You". Awfully unsporting, eh what? Right, back to the current conversation. I'm not an "ex-DWF", "ex-semi-DWF", ex-wigger, ex-liberal, or ex-Neocon and I didn't need David Duke or some other polo-shirt-wearing "deep thinker" to "awaken" me to what's glaringly obvious to anyone with even half a brain. How about You, tough guy?

This is a ****ing forum, therefore people exchange opinions. I'm not telling You how to think. By all means, keep indulging in those profoundly complex meditations of Yours...

Just to satisfy Your curiosity (or - in the "Bizarro world" of Your finely-honed dialectical mind - furnish You with "proof" that You've outed me as a "fake", a "troll", or a "pro-Israel Neocon")...

No, I haven't purchased any caste Football t-shirts because:

(a) I don't wear t-shirts emblazoned with slogans of any kind (yes, I'm aware this is an unusual attitude for a metal-head like me...) and

(b) even if I wished to obtain one, I reside in Australia and don't care to pay the comparatively extortionate international postage costs the USPS charges (I've bought my fair share of US items online, and therefore know the score. Such items are sent to Australia via plane, don't You know. Oh, ****, sorry - I mentioned planes again...)

No, I haven't participated in Caste Football's fantasy football leagues because...(dramatic pause)...I don't follow the NFL. Yes, yes, I know - my lack of interest in fantasy NFL proves beyond even a shadow of a shadow of doubt that I'm not a real salt of the earth "White Nationalist" warrior like You. Guilty as ****ing arraigned...

On the occasions that Don has asked for donations to upgrade or maintain the site I've stumped up some dosh straight away. As I don't have anything to hide nor do I wish to imply that such donations were exceedingly large I'll gladly tell You they each consisted of USD 100. I didn't feel compelled to make posts informing everyone of those sums but Don nevertheless kindly publicly acknowledged my modest contributions in the relevant threads.

For Your information, Mr. Big Mouth, I've contributed financially to "White Nationalist movements" in three countries: Australia, Poland, and England. Unfortunately, it always turned out to be a sadly predictable waste of money as Polish "organisations" invariably orbit around an ultra-fanatical obsession with Catholicism and shaved heads which puts "normal" conservative-leaning people right off while Australian and English "movements" are perennially hamstrung by an overpopulation of brashly opinionated yet hopelessly uninformed, astonishingly blinkered, "I love Freedom therefore I naturally admire guys like Hitler and Putin" self-styled know-it-alls who sport (at best) weakly flickering 5 Watt intellects...

Kaptain said:
So you want me to address all of your misguided "points?" Ok

1) The 2010 plane heading to the memorial of the Katyn Forest crashed. 4 Russian soldiers stole a credit card. The Russian investigation caught them and brought them to justice. What does it have to do with proof of Drunk Russians looting the 2014 crash? Not a damn thing!

2) One can be anti-muslim and anti-Israel? Yep, but you're pro-Israel and side with Israel in this current conflict.

3) "Beaners" are not in charge of our immigration policy. Thus, like arabs, I don't spend time bitching about how they have some sorted conspiracy to take over the world like you do with Muslims. So, why won't you name who exactly is in charge of our immigration policy? Is the illuminati? Liberals? Corportations? Just who is to blame? Can you name the most guilty party please?

I'll bet if we were having this discussion back in April 2010 You would have dismissed as the most scurrilous of propaganda the very idea that noble Russians would ever stoop to looting the dead. But looting did occur, did it not? So what's to say that it didn't also happen this time? But such a line of dispassionate reasoning would simply be too much of a stretch for a fellow like Kaptain Poop (sorry, it's just plain bluff Kaptain now...) who knows absolutely everything and doubtlessly still has the infallible David Duke's "prophetic" statements about Russia being the "key to White survival" ringing in his wax-clogged ears.

Now, how on earth have You convinced Yourself that I'm pro-Israel? Oh, wait! I know! :lightbulb: I am anti-Muslim and don't agree with everything You say so according to Your stupendous powers of logic the clear combination of the aforementioned pair of premises yields the "natural" conclusion that I'm pro-Israel. Well done! It's a ****ing merit star for You! I'm sure Aristotle's shade has just swallowed his spectral copy of Analytica Priora (but not before submitting his NFL fantasy football league trades...).

Here's a little challenge: remind us all of a single pro-Yid statement I have ever made. Go on, give it a go, genius. To use Your own highly original cliche: "put your money where your mouth is". Since You're big on mouth (and no doubt proportionally short on money...) feel free to enlist the aid of our resident Jew-sniffers to rifle through my previous posts. These high-octane Yid-detectors seem to have plenty of time on their hands in addition to possessing previous experience in labelling me Mr. Goldstein, et cetera so I'm sure they'll be glad to help You out...

And so we arrive at the time-honoured ritual of "naming the Jew". Well, I have to chuckle. In spite of the fact that open anti-Semitism has been a bit of a hallmark of my Caste Football "career" some clown is - yet again - actually asking me to prove that I am "Jew wise" (Rebajlo shakes head...).

Many "White Nationalists" seem to be labouring beneath the misapprehension that Putin's Russia is some sort of "Jew-free zone" in which Jews have negligible economic influence and all significant positions of power are safely in White hands.

Even though he doesn't run an NFL franchise I'm sure You must have heard of Roman Abramovich, whose claim to fame outside Russia is his ownership of the English football club Chelsea. How about the Alfa Group Consortium? This is a monstrously large commercial investment group which has it's figurative fingers in virtually every Russian pie. So, who heads this Alfa Group Consortium? Why, that would be the Jews Mikhail Fridman and German Khan. Who was president of Alfa Bank? Jew Pyotr Aven. Another Putin ally, Vyacheslav Kantor, doubles as the president of the European Jewish Congress.

So, is the Jew Victor Vekselberg Russia's richest man? Or is it Alisher Usmanov? The latter is an Uzbek Muslim who - amongst other things - holds a significant stake in English football club Arsenal. Oh, and he just happens to be married to a Jewess...

Finally, let's have a look at Putin's Yid pals Arkady and Boris Rotenberg:

Matra2 has already mentioned Vladimir Solovyov. Yes, Putin really is the absolute antithesis of Jew-friendly "Western" politicians, isn't he...

The Russian Imperialist-fantasist and Orthodox-nutcase Igor Girkin - aka "Strelkov" - is obviously as psychologically well-balanced as he looks (and he looks like a geezer who'd offer to sell You decidedly unorthodox porn starring his sister plus a pair of amphetamine-fuelled donkeys). His claims that the victims' bodies "weren't fresh", et cetera were about as believable as his statement that Polish mercenary units were active in eastern Ukraine.

The "Carlos the air-traffic controller" tweets in which a mystery man on the ground in Kiev immediately "reported" that the Ukrainian military had downed the plane has "disinformation meme" written through it like a stick of rock. The shooting down of a civilian airliner by Ukrainian government forces would be a pop-in-the-pants dream come true for the Russians - yet instead of expeditiously welcoming foreign observers and media to confirm such a blissful turn of events and spread the story to the ends of the earth what did they do? The exact opposite...

Ask Yourself one question: if Israel had acted as the Russians have in this scenario, would You still believe what You believe now? Come on, be honest...
I'll bet if we were having this discussion back in April 2010 You would have dismissed as the most scurrilous of propaganda the very idea that noble Russians would ever stoop to looting the dead. But looting did occur, did it not? So what's to say that it didn't also happen this time?

There have been numerous reports of this happening in so-called Novorossiya.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) journalist Phil Williams, who was at the crash site, said it was clear that the belongings of passengers from the flight had been rummaged through and handbags and wallets had been taken.

"It really does look, I'm afraid to say, as though there has been some sort of looting here because virtually every bag we've seen has been opened," he said. "It looks like it's been rummaged through, and if that's true that's a very distressing element to this whole disaster."

Rebajlo mentioned some of the ridiculous theories the Russians and their sycophants have come up with for the downing of MH17. One that has not been mentioned in this thread but I see every time I go to a paleocon/WNist website is that the Ukrainians were trying to shoot down Putin's plane on the way back from South America because at one point the two planes did cross paths. Sounds ominous. Until that is you realise that they crossed paths near Warsaw, which is as far from the shoot down site as Iowa is from NYC. Putin hasn't been flying over Ukraine since the Crimea fallout.

Speaking of Crimea can you guess which close "friend" of the United States did not go along with the rest of the Western world in condemning Russia's annexation of the peninsula? Israel! It abstained in the UN resolution vote.

If you type into Google "Roman Abramovich" then type the first two letters of the Russian president's name the suggested search term that comes up is "Roman Abramovich Putin's favorite oligarch".

"Vanity Military Selfies Are Spoiling Russia's Attack on Ukraine"

This seems to be a Russian habit from their leaders down to conscripts. First incriminate yourself, then lie about it:

"[R]ebel leader backtracks on Buk missile claim"

Even when Russians have lots of practice at something (in this case lying) they are still no good at it. They must be more Asian than they look.
"Vanity Military Selfies Are Spoiling Russia's Attack on Ukraine"

This seems to be a Russian habit from their leaders down to conscripts. First incriminate yourself, then lie about it:

"[R]ebel leader backtracks on Buk missile claim"

Even when Russians have lots of practice at something (in this case lying) they are still no good at it. They must be more Asian than they look.

What a joke, eh? :lol: There's just no suppressing these chaps' unalloyed genius, is there...

Speaking of the Russian "Facebook equivalent" VKontakte, our members may be interested to know that it is controlled by close Putin allies Alisher Usmanov (that's the Uzbek Muslim married to a Jewess) and Igor Sechin:

All lovers of Freedom and lack of government interference in citizens' lives should heartily approve...

By the way, where's the redoubtable Kaptain? I would have thought he'd effortlessly dug up a whole sackful of my blatantly "pro-Israel" statements by now. :lol:

Guess he was full of **** after all... :doh:
So they post random crap on the internet and claim its propaganda.

Its also a very interesting argument that anyone who disagrees with you is clearly a Russian agent.

They shell Lugansk, including causing a church to burn down and badly damaging another one, they don't report it.

Instead they come with insane conspiracy theories about the empty trucks in the relief convoy, which has already been explained as a precaution for breakdowns. But of course the conspiracy theory is that its needed because they need to truck out Russian military personnel and weapons, because they couldn't just unload the trucks first then load them back up.
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Its also a very interesting argument that anyone who disagrees with you is clearly a Russian agent.

Nothing in my posts (including the one about Radix) suggests that I believe "anyone who disagrees" with me "is clearly a Russian agent". You misquoted me earlier in this thread so it doesn't surprise me that you've now done it again.