Malaysian passenger plane goes down over eastern Ukraine

Kaptain - Do you ever think for yourself?

Every post you make indicates that you just watch cable news, get the gist of their leanings then take the opposite view.:wacko: I don't have CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC. The only cable news I see is when I'm in Prague each winter or visiting relatives in the UK and it is usually Russia Today (the 24 hours 7 days a week anti-Nazi channel). My comment about looting was based on impressions from my personal experiences with Russians, not on MSM reports. Virtually everything I know about the disaster itself comes from aeroplane enthusiasts such as relatives who are pilots and aircraft engineers and a couple of online sites such as (including some pathetic attempts to prove a conspiracy*). Turn off CNN/FOX/MSNBC and get real news sources.

Russia has some legitimate concerns. There is little doubt that the West's rulers would love to replay the asset-stripping 1990s. The whole gay thing typifies just how ridiculous the West has become. NATO expansion is not a good idea. But none of that changes the facts about Russia. I have very bad news for Putin-worshipping WNists. He imprisons actual Russian nationalists - not to be confused with Russian imperialists and Eurasianists. His "surrogate father" was Jewish. He has the support of Jewish oligarchs - just different ones from those closely connected to American Jews like Khodorkovsky. Jews in the Russian media, such as Vladimir Soloviev, have been leading the propaganda campaign against "Nazi" Ukraine. Putin is not King Billy on a white horse (I suspect only Scots, Ulstermen, and elderly Canadians will get that reference) coming to our rescue. Just because the mainstream left don't like Russia doesn't mean Russia is always right. That's the kind of knee-jerk reactionary thinking that gets the right a very well-deserved reputation for anti-intellectualism.

Anyway, I told Don the other night I would try to ignore certain posters to avoid conflict so I'll leave it at that.

* You don't need to speak German to understand how laughable this is:
Kaptain - Do you ever think for yourself?

Every post you make indicates that you just watch cable news, get the gist of their leanings then take the opposite view.:wacko: I don't have CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC. The only cable news I see is when I'm in Prague each winter or visiting relatives in the UK and it is usually Russia Today (the 24 hours 7 days a week anti-Nazi channel). My comment about looting was based on impressions from my personal experiences with Russians, not on MSM reports. Virtually everything I know about the disaster itself comes from aeroplane enthusiasts such as relatives who are pilots and aircraft engineers and a couple of online sites such as (including some pathetic attempts to prove a conspiracy*). Turn off CNN/FOX/MSNBC and get real news sources.

Russia has some legitimate concerns. There is little doubt that the West's rulers would love to replay the asset-stripping 1990s. The whole gay thing typifies just how ridiculous the West has become. NATO expansion is not a good idea. But none of that changes the facts about Russia. I have very bad news for Putin-worshipping WNists. He imprisons actual Russian nationalists - not to be confused with Russian imperialists and Eurasianists. His "surrogate father" was Jewish. He has the support of Jewish oligarchs - just different ones from those closely connected to American Jews like Khodorkovsky. Jews in the Russian media, such as Vladimir Soloviev, have been leading the propaganda campaign against "Nazi" Ukraine. Putin is not King Billy on a white horse (I suspect only Scots, Ulstermen, and elderly Canadians will get that reference) coming to our rescue. Just because the mainstream left don't like Russia doesn't mean Russia is always right. That's the kind of knee-jerk reactionary thinking that gets the right a very well-deserved reputation for anti-intellectualism.

Anyway, I told Don the other night I would try to ignore certain posters to avoid conflict so I'll leave it at that.

* You don't need to speak German to understand how laughable this is:

Post away on this and anything else. . . you have a perspective that all should respect. I do my best every day to separate the wheat from the chaff to try to find the truth or something as reasonably close to it as possible, but it's as difficult as ever, despite/because of the internet.
I live in the United States. No one who checked in on that flight used a US passport. It is an unfortunate incident, like a landslide in India, but I fail to see how the act of some random misguided military stupidity or intentional terrorist instigation warrants any significant response by the govt. I am forced to pay taxes to.
Kaptain - Do you ever think for yourself?

Every post you make indicates that you just watch cable news, get the gist of their leanings then take the opposite view.:wacko: I don't have CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC. The only cable news I see is when I'm in Prague each winter or visiting relatives in the UK and it is usually Russia Today (the 24 hours 7 days a week anti-Nazi channel). My comment about looting was based on impressions from my personal experiences with Russians, not on MSM reports. Virtually everything I know about the disaster itself comes from aeroplane enthusiasts such as relatives who are pilots and aircraft engineers and a couple of online sites such as (including some pathetic attempts to prove a conspiracy*). Turn off CNN/FOX/MSNBC and get real news sources.

Russia has some legitimate concerns. There is little doubt that the West's rulers would love to replay the asset-stripping 1990s. The whole gay thing typifies just how ridiculous the West has become. NATO expansion is not a good idea. But none of that changes the facts about Russia. I have very bad news for Putin-worshipping WNists. He imprisons actual Russian nationalists - not to be confused with Russian imperialists and Eurasianists. His "surrogate father" was Jewish. He has the support of Jewish oligarchs - just different ones from those closely connected to American Jews like Khodorkovsky. Jews in the Russian media, such as Vladimir Soloviev, have been leading the propaganda campaign against "Nazi" Ukraine. Putin is not King Billy on a white horse (I suspect only Scots, Ulstermen, and elderly Canadians will get that reference) coming to our rescue. Just because the mainstream left don't like Russia doesn't mean Russia is always right. That's the kind of knee-jerk reactionary thinking that gets the right a very well-deserved reputation for anti-intellectualism.

Anyway, I told Don the other night I would try to ignore certain posters to avoid conflict so I'll leave it at that.

* You don't need to speak German to understand how laughable this is:

Matra 2 -

Great post,mate! I'm surprised (well, You know, not really...:icon_wink:) that many White Nationalists view Putin as some sort of saviour.

Here's the modern King Billy - but he's nowhere near the Boyne... :lol:


Can You imagine the ceaseless ridicule if that grinning dope George W(itling) Bush - or anyone else, for that matter - put on such a ridiculously choreographed exhibition?

Kaptain said:
What a coincidence. I laughed out loud this morning when News informed me that the Ukrainian coup government was concerned about the drunkRussians interfering with the investigation and now, of course, looting the dead Dutch children. Cause we all know how common looting dead people is for those evil drunk white Russians. Reminded me of all those drunk Nazis in Hollyweird films. We know how undisciplined the Nazis were after all.

Kaptain -

You obviously fancy Yourself as some sort of razor-sharp, preternaturally perspicacious "analyst" who instantly slices through the crap to unerringly hit the bullseye of "the Truth". The crap, of course, conveniently encompasses anything You don't wish to believe because such things would compromise the childishly-naive, black-and-white, Manichean worldview that You (and many other supposedly "well-informed" White Nationalists) tenaciously cling to whilst sneeringly deriding the gullible "sheeple".

You are forever jumping in to dismissively castigate anyone who actually takes the time to weigh up information from disparate sources and thereby reaches a conclusion at odds - God forbid! - with the official "Kaptain Line": "CNN said X so I instantly believe the exact opposite. Damn, I'm an intelligent guy! There's no fooling me!" I'm guessing You wear a rain coat during a searing heatwave as You don't quite trust the weather forecast and David Duke hasn't released a video telling You that it's 40C in the shade...

Your quote above is a case in point. Surely a highly "knowledgeable" repository of facts like Yourself is aware that in 2010 several Russian servicemen were charged with using credit cards they had looted from the site of the wreckage of the plane crash which killed Polish president Lech Kaczynski and 95 other people. Yes? No? Well, just to make things nice and easy for You here are some handy links:

Yeah, those "evil drunk white Russians" have never looted "dead people"". There's no need to thank me - I'm glad to have been of service.

If anyone is cranking out "knee-jerk stupid" posts in this thread, it's You...
Hey, is this pile on Kaptain week or just posters who are so above it all and so smart, and are making a point to disparage veteran posters? I believe this could have be done in a more tactful way, or maybe PM him if one needs to lay into and throw rocks at him. For the record I think the Ukrainian separatists accidentally launched a SAM at the passenger plane, believing it was a Ukrainian military cargo plane or jet fighter. A simple blunder, clouded by men who wanted props to show the Russians who want Ukrain back. Simple as black and white. No Jew conspiracy or Putin genius move to benefit him or embarrass fedgov. A simple f*ck up by ex Ukrainian military operatives. Who drinks vodka incessantly and bangs sheep in the hills when no one is looking, according to Stalin. LMFAO.
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Hey, is this pile on Kaptain week or just posters who are so above it all and so smart, and are making a point to disparage veteran posters? I believe this could have be done in a more tactful way, or maybe PM him if one needs to lay into and throw rocks at him.

Westside -

Kaptain quickly engaged in his customary "disparagement" of anyone who doesn't agree with his "reasoning" by rubbishing Matra2's first post and labelling his second "knee-jerk stupid". Yeah, this bloke's post count and "veteran" status should definitely guarantee him immunity from criticism...

Given he once stated that he had boarded a plane for only the first (or was it second..?) time in his life at the age of 40 or thereabouts I'll wager Kaptain has never set foot in Ukraine, Russia, or anywhere outside the United States or Canada, yet he instantly dismisses chaps who have first-hand experience of the peoples and countries he brashly opines about from the comfort of his - doubtlessly overstuffed - chair somewhere in Minnesota.

For example, in the original 2014 World Cup Finals thread (which Don eventually locked due to its excessive length) Kaptain started running his mouth about Muslims to (of all people) frederic38 - a Frenchman whose country is literally being swamped by the bastards. Kaptain crapped out the following memorable lines:

Kaptain said:
So you don't want to root for whites you just want to high-jack this thread into something that sounds like John McCain's foreign policy stance?

Kaptain said:
You're the one constantly bringing up Islam in this thread. You need to read the forum guidelines on supporting white players. Put your Neocon garbage on a happy hour thread.

It's almost funny: Kaptain actually had the nerve to accuse frederic38 - the poster who makes the greatest contribution to the soccer section - of hijacking a soccer thread. He also revealed his utter inability to distinguish between the American and European socio-political milieus by referring to "Neocon garbage" and "John McCain's foreign policy stance".

If Kaptain is "racially aware" and has access to the internet yet still manages to imply that an anti-Muslim Frenchman is a "Neocon", well...
Westside -

Kaptain quickly engaged in his customary "disparagement" of anyone who doesn't agree with his "reasoning" by rubbishing Matra2's first post and labelling his second "knee-jerk stupid". Yeah, this bloke's post count and "veteran" status should definitely guarantee him immunity from criticism...

Given he once stated that he had boarded a plane for only the first (or was it second..?) time in his life at the age of 40 or thereabouts I'll wager Kaptain has never set foot in Ukraine, Russia, or anywhere outside the United States or Canada, yet he instantly dismisses chaps who have first-hand experience of the peoples and countries he brashly opines about from the comfort of his - doubtlessly overstuffed - chair somewhere in Minnesota.

For example, in the original 2014 World Cup Finals thread (which Don eventually locked due to its excessive length) Kaptain started running his mouth about Muslims to (of all people) frederic38 - a Frenchman whose country is literally being swamped by the bastards. Kaptain crapped out the following memorable lines:

It's almost funny: Kaptain actually had the nerve to accuse frederic38 - the poster who makes the greatest contribution to the soccer section - of hijacking a soccer thread. He also revealed his utter inability to distinguish between the American and European socio-political milieus by referring to "Neocon garbage" and "John McCain's foreign policy stance".

If Kaptain is "racially aware" and has access to the internet yet still manages to imply that an anti-Muslim Frenchman is a "Neocon", well...

Well that was the most child-like attack post I've seen on Caste Football. Congratulations Rebajo. You're right, I don't fly planes often. Barack Obama and Putin have flown more planes and been more places then you so I guess you should support both of them.

Let's face it. At Caste Football there have been a gang of posters who go straight into attack mode usually involving childish personal attacks of anyone who doesn't agree with there vehemently anti-muslim pro-Israel stance. Personal attacks such as how much someone has flown or (gasp) how old someone is. Real mature.

But please continue you are just making yourself look silly.

IE - Does anyone really believe that "Muslims" are in charge of France's or America's immigration policy?
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I am so sick of Johnny come lately's telling us how WN's should think as if they are really concerned about the WN movement. Have they bought Caste Football tee-shirts? Have they donated to the site? Have they participated in Caste Football's fantasy football leagues? I think it's time to put your money where your mouth is. If you want to spout off and brag, spout off about how much you have donated to the site instead of attacking posters.
I am so sick of Johnny come lately's telling us how WN's should think as if they are really concerned about the WN movement. Have they bought Caste Football tee-shirts? Have they donated to the site? Have they participated in Caste Football's fantasy football leagues? I think it's time to put your money where your mouth is. If you want to spout off and brag, spout off about how much you have donated to the site instead of attacking posters.

I've thought about donating but why should I? Everytime I post the same old childish remarks are thrown at me from the "usual" posters. I started this thread but it was hijacked and it appears that its no big deal. Donate indeed....
Well that was the most child-like attack post I've seen on Caste Football. Congratulations Rebajo. You're right, I don't fly planes often. Barack Obama and Putin have been flown more planes and been more places then you so I guess you should support both of them.

Let's face it. At Caste Football there have been a gang of posters who go straight into attack mode usually involving childish personal attacks of anyone who doesn't agree with there vehemently anti-muslim pro-Israel stance. Personal attacks such as how much someone has flown or (gasp) how old someone is. Real mature.

But please continue you are just making yourself look silly.

IE - Does anyone really believe that "Muslims" are in charge of France's or America's immigration policy?

Ah, so You decided to almost exclusively focus on my comment about Your lack of frequent flyer points in an effort to portray my posts as purely unsporting personal attacks. Yes, that figures. I certainly wasn't having a go at Your age - but, of course, You knew that, didn't You...

In case You are wondering, I'd say we are virtually the same age, give or take a few months...

I notice You decided not to address the point I made about the Russian servicemen pilfering credit cards from the site of the 2010 Smolensk air disaster. Funny that...

Guess what? One can be anti-Muslim and anti-Israel. :lightbulb: How revolutionary is that! Who would have imagined it, eh? Seriously, You really need to expand Your intellectual horizons a tad...

To answer Your profoundly mind-bending question, nobody here believes that Muslims are ultimately "in charge" of the immigration policies of France or the United States. But - unlike You apparently - the so-called gang of posters You referred to (which, of course includes me) are more than familiar with both European history and Muslims themselves so we are logically anti-Muslim.

Are beaners ultimately "in charge" of the "immigration policy" of the United States? No. But I'll bet You still hate them and don't want them in Your country...
Wow, I heard that recently there was a Malaysian Airlines jet that was shot down/fell out of the sky above Ukraine. Anybody know anything about that? Or are we just going to sling barbs about posters predilections about Russians, Jews, Muslims and Beaners??
I am so sick of Johnny come lately's telling us how WN's should think as if they are really concerned about the WN movement. Have they bought Caste Football tee-shirts? Have they donated to the site? Have they participated in Caste Football's fantasy football leagues? I think it's time to put your money where your mouth is. If you want to spout off and brag, spout off about how much you have donated to the site instead of attacking posters.
I've noticed there are a few trolls here, who are disrespectful toward long-time respected posters like yourself, Kaptain.

I'm fairly sure they are Zionists who signed up here for the purpose of causing divisions and ruining the site.

Why else would they insult and attack you? Anyone can disagree without resorting to personal insults. I've noticed on other sites, The Chosen Ones always do a lot of insulting in discussions and have no respect for anyone who disagrees with them.
Ah, so You decided to almost exclusively focus on my comment about Your lack of frequent flyer points in an effort to portray my posts as purely unsporting personal attacks. Yes, that figures. I certainly wasn't having a go at Your age - but, of course, You knew that, didn't You...

In case You are wondering, I'd say we are virtually the same age, give or take a few months...

I notice You decided not to address the point I made about the Russian servicemen pilfering credit cards from the site of the 2010 Smolensk air disaster. Funny that...

Guess what? One can be anti-Muslim and anti-Israel. :lightbulb: How revolutionary is that! Who would have imagined it, eh? Seriously, You really need to expand Your intellectual horizons a tad...

To answer Your profoundly mind-bending question, nobody here believes that Muslims are ultimately "in charge" of the immigration policies of France or the United States. But - unlike You apparently - the so-called gang of posters You referred to (which, of course includes me) are more than familiar with both European history and Muslims themselves so we are logically anti-Muslim.

Are beaners ultimately "in charge" of the "immigration policy" of the United States? No. But I'll bet You still hate them and don't want them in Your country...

So you want me to address all of your misguided "points?" Ok

1) The 2010 plane heading to the memorial of the Katyn Forest crashed. 4 Russian soldiers stole a credit card. The Russian investigation caught them and brought them to justice. What does it have to do with proof of Drunk Russians looting the 2014 crash? Not a damn thing!

2) One can be anti-muslim and anti-Israel? Yep, but you're pro-Israel and side with Israel in this current conflict.

3) "Beaners" are not in charge of our immigration policy. Thus, like arabs, I don't spend time bitching about how they have some sorted conspiracy to take over the world like you do with Muslims. So, why won't you name who exactly is in charge of our immigration policy? Is the illuminati? Liberals? Corportations? Just who is to blame? Can you name the most guilty party please?

4) Buy hey, you say you have flown an airplane more than you me so you must know it all.
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I've noticed there are a few trolls here, who are disrespectful toward long-time respected posters like yourself, Kaptain.

I'm fairly sure they are Zionists who signed up here for the purpose of causing divisions and ruining the site.

Why else would they insult and attack you? Anyone can disagree without resorting to personal insults. I've noticed on other sites, The Chosen Ones always do a lot of insulting in discussions and have no respect for anyone who disagrees with them.

I've dealt with them before. They'll take personal information that you gave several years ago and futilely try to use it as some childish personal attack. I don't know that they are all Zionists or if any of them are. They could just be more of the neocon leaning folks that I generally agree with on 95% of their racial views but not unlike myself will argue hard core when you disagree. I've argued hard core with a lot of long time posters that I respect but occasionally disagree with but there is no reason get excessively rude or personal. People's opinion's change over time. I remember Mr. Wassall himself a long time ago arguing with me about Muslims - I was very anti-muslim at the time. My views have changed. I'm not pro or anti-muslim. I want to be around my own kind - white and preferably Christian but religion doesn't matter to me as much. That's about it.
I've noticed there are a few trolls here, who are disrespectful toward long-time respected posters like yourself, Kaptain.

I'm fairly sure they are Zionists who signed up here for the purpose of causing divisions and ruining the site.

Why else would they insult and attack you? Anyone can disagree without resorting to personal insults. I've noticed on other sites, The Chosen Ones always do a lot of insulting in discussions and have no respect for anyone who disagrees with them.

And you sir are the main one doing this.
I don't think any of the quarreling posters are "trolls." All are quite knowledgeable on various sports and the White athletes in them, which is what this site is about. Is it really that surprising that everyone doesn't agree on politics? The issue as I see it is the knee-jerk name-calling that erupts -- including calling others trolls -- instead of well thought out rebuttal, thus making disagreements personal when they shouldn't be.
Westside -

Kaptain quickly engaged in his customary "disparagement" of anyone who doesn't agree with his "reasoning" by rubbishing Matra2's first post and labelling his second "knee-jerk stupid". Yeah, this bloke's post count and "veteran" status should definitely guarantee him immunity from criticism...

Given he once stated that he had boarded a plane for only the first (or was it second..?) time in his life at the age of 40 or thereabouts I'll wager Kaptain has never set foot in Ukraine, Russia, or anywhere outside the United States or Canada, yet he instantly dismisses chaps who have first-hand experience of the peoples and countries he brashly opines about from the comfort of his - doubtlessly overstuffed - chair somewhere in Minnesota.

For example, in the original 2014 World Cup Finals thread (which Don eventually locked due to its excessive length) Kaptain started running his mouth about Muslims to (of all people) frederic38 - a Frenchman whose country is literally being swamped by the bastards. Kaptain crapped out the following memorable lines:

It's almost funny: Kaptain actually had the nerve to accuse frederic38 - the poster who makes the greatest contribution to the soccer section - of hijacking a soccer thread. He also revealed his utter inability to distinguish between the American and European socio-political milieus by referring to "Neocon garbage" and "John McCain's foreign policy stance".

If Kaptain is "racially aware" and has access to the internet yet still manages to imply that an anti-Muslim Frenchman is a "Neocon", well...
Points taken. Humorous post BTW.

Now western media is pushing this image out and citing "aviation experts," saying this damage is consistent with that of a SA-11.

When a anti-air missile explodes, it sends millions of balls towards the fuselage. Some of the fragments will break up and go molten, upon hitting the fuselage they will cause superficial damage to the paint. Of course you can see none here and you can also see some birdshot sized dents...
Well, that was an entertaining read.:popcorn:

We don't know what happened but if the Russians actually believed their own story about the Ukrainians shooting the plane down then you'd think they'd have moved heaven and earth to get the international investigators on the scene before the evidence was contaminated. After all that would be of massive geopolitical importance, almost certainly dooming the Ukrainian cause. Instead it was separatist gunmen in the Russian-held areas that blocked the OSCE monitors even firing over their heads at one point.

I forgot to mention earlier the nonsense that Igor "Strelkov", the real Russian rebel leader said the other day. He said the passengers were already dead BEFORE the plane was hit. How did he come to that conclusion? He said their passports, mostly Dutch, were too new looking! Russian media jumped on board saying the passports all looked brand new thus making them suspicious to Russians who use their own dog-eared passports a lot for identification purposes. But in most countries national ID cards are used for that so our passports are only ever used when leaving the country. In the case of the Netherlands they don't even need their passport if leaving the country for Germany, Belgium, or any other country signed up to the Schengen Agreement. For that reason Western European passports can look brand new even after a decade because they are rarely ever used.

This doesn't prove anything but it tells us that the Russian rebels initially didn't want us to believe that the passengers died from the plane being shot down (I guess the CIA killed them back in Amsterdam:icon_eek:), after all they'd already bragged publicly about shooting down a plane that day. (It also tells us that "Strelkov", like Russia Today, is hopelessly parochial when it comes to what they think the outside world will believe).
Well, that was an entertaining read.:popcorn:

We don't know what happened but if the Russians actually believed their own story about the Ukrainians shooting the plane down then you'd think they'd have moved heaven and earth to get the international investigators on the scene before the evidence was contaminated. After all that would be of massive geopolitical importance, almost certainly dooming the Ukrainian cause. Instead it was separatist gunmen in the Russian-held areas that blocked the OSCE monitors even firing over their heads at one point.

I forgot to mention earlier the nonsense that Igor "Strelkov", the real Russian rebel leader said the other day. He said the passengers were already dead BEFORE the plane was hit. How did he come to that conclusion? He said their passports, mostly Dutch, were too new looking! Russian media jumped on board saying the passports all looked brand new thus making them suspicious to Russians who use their own dog-eared passports a lot for identification purposes. But in most countries national ID cards are used for that so our passports are only ever used when leaving the country. In the case of the Netherlands they don't even need their passport if leaving the country for Germany, Belgium, or any other country signed up to the Schengen Agreement. For that reason Western European passports can look brand new even after a decade because they are rarely ever used.

This doesn't prove anything but it tells us that the Russian rebels initially didn't want us to believe that the passengers died from the plane being shot down (I guess the CIA killed them back in Amsterdam:icon_eek:), after all they'd already bragged publicly about shooting down a plane that day. (It also tells us that "Strelkov", like Russia Today, is hopelessly parochial when it comes to what they think the outside world will believe).

Stop spreading stupid propaganda. Igor Strelkov has made no official statements, he is not on social media.
"We got the narrative within minutes and, just a coincidence I'm sure, our narrative was exactly right as proven by the evidence we will never be allowed to see. "

Exactly like on 911, and Sandy Hoax and Boston and all their other false flags.

Their multiracial multisexual army has got their butts kicked everyplace from Grenada to Somalia to Afghanistan, and now the puppetmasters in Washington and the media that pull the strings of the dim-witted homosexual figurehead presidentess, Barry, and her tranny wife, and smirking little Joey Biden et al, are foaming at the mouth to start a war with Russia and China!? Are you f'ing kidding me? How do they plan to fight a war with China? Almost everything in the USSA is now made in China, including the shoes that their gay army swishes on and the flags they have the canon fodder attach to the back of their pickup trucks! And Russia? Russia isn't Iraq? Russia kicks ass!

Paul Craig Roberts, cutting through the zio-bs, as always:

What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner? — Paul Craig Roberts

"Washington’s propaganda machine is in such high gear that we are in danger of losing the facts that we do have. One fact is that the separatists do not have the expensive Buk anti-aircraft missile system or the trained personnel to operate it. Another fact is that the separatists have no incentive to shoot down an airliner and neither does Russia. Anyone can tell the difference between low-flying attack aircraft and an airliner at 33,000 feet. The Ukrainians do have Buk anti-aircraft missile systems, and a Buk battery was operational in the region and deployed at a site from which it could have fired a missile at the airliner.
Just as the separatists and the Russian government have no incentive to shoot down an airliner, neither does the Ukrainian government nor, one would think, even the crazed extreme Ukrainian nationalists who have formed militias to take the fight against the separatists that the Ukrainian army is not keen to undertake–unless there was a plan to frame Russia. ..."
Another great article by Roberts. Whenever any big political event happens, his articles are always a good place to start when seeking the truth.

Now western media is pushing this image out and citing "aviation experts," saying this damage is consistent with that of a SA-11.

When a anti-air missile explodes, it sends millions of balls towards the fuselage. Some of the fragments will break up and go molten, upon hitting the fuselage they will cause superficial damage to the paint. Of course you can see none here and you can also see some birdshot sized dents...

You cant prove anything conclusively off of ONE piece of debris.
Stop spreading stupid propaganda. Igor Strelkov has made no official statements, he is not on social media.

Tell that to the Russian media and the pro-Russian blogs who have been using "Strelkov's Dispatches" (Svodki Strelkova Igora Ivanovicha) at the VKontakte social media site as their main source from the "People's Republic of Donetsk".

OK so these "Dispatches" quoted breathlessly by jingoistic Russians every day in June and then every day in July providing info from either Strelkov himself or his inner circle were accurate right up until Thursday afternoon moments after bragging about shooting down a plane. Then, suddenly, and very conveniently, right after it was discovered it might have been a passenger airline these "Dispatches" were no longer considered accurate info!

Tell that to the Russian media and the pro-Russian blogs who have been using "Strelkov's Dispatches" (Svodki Strelkova Igora Ivanovicha) at the VKontakte social media site as their main source from the "People's Republic of Donetsk".

OK so these "Dispatches" quoted breathlessly by jingoistic Russians every day in June and then every day in July providing info from either Strelkov himself or his inner circle were accurate right up until Thursday afternoon moments after bragging about shooting down a plane. Then, suddenly, and very conveniently, right after it was discovered it might have been a passenger airline these "Dispatches" were no longer considered accurate info!


Yep, one VK page with 100k followers out of country with a population of 160m.

"Breathlessly followed by all Russians."