Lyakhovich-Ruiz next week

Nice to read that Lyakhovich's going to be back in action, but is he in good enough shape to fight Ruiz? The "Hugman" is very strong - he's never been an easy opponent for anyone.

This may be televised on HBO "Boxing after Dark" because it's on the undercard of the HBO scheduled Diaz vs. Diaz fight in Chicago on Oct 13.

Only problem is, Max Kellerman, the worst sports commentator I've ever heard, does "Boxing After Dark" so he'll be discrediting and ridiculing Lyakhovich.

Speaking of Max's tribe, did you know that they consider us to be "animals on two legs"? Check the word 'goyim' on wikipedia. Then do a search on google for the words 'goyim' and 'Talmud'.
It never ceases to amaze me how racist Jewish people can be. Or rather, I kind of expect them to be really racist. It only disappoints me, not amazes me.

I can only shudder to think what their take is on asians.

They are among the least tolerant groups I know of, yet if you don't tolerate -- nay, celebrate their every move -- it makes you some kind of bigoted freak in their view.

I live in a huge nest of them so I know this.
JD1986 said:
Nice to read that Lyakhovich's going to be back in action, but is he in good enough shape to fight Ruiz? The "Hugman" is very strong - he's never been an easy opponent for anyone.

This may be televised on HBO "Boxing after Dark" because it's on the undercard of the HBO scheduled Diaz vs. Diaz fight in Chicago on Oct 13.

Only problem is, Max Kellerman, the worst sports commentator I've ever heard, does "Boxing After Dark" so he'll be discrediting and ridiculing Lyakhovich.

Speaking of Max's tribe, did you know that they consider us to be "animals on two legs"? Check the word 'goyim' on wikipedia. Then do a search on google for the words 'goyim' and 'Talmud'.

Golota beat him and he is my countryman. He may have not won the fight on the cards but he won. Everyone knows that. The russian should have NO problem
whiteathlete33 said:
Golota beat him and he is my countryman. He may have not won the fight on the cards but he won. Everyone knows that. The russian should have NO problem

I hope you're right. It would be great if Lyakhovich wins, because it would put him right back up among the top heavyweight contenders.

But I'm not confident...Serguei's had only two fights in 3 1/2 years, he may not be sharp and fit enough. I have a bad feeling about this one.
JD1986 said:
Nice to read that Lyakhovich's going to be back in action, but is he in good enough shape to fight Ruiz? The "Hugman" is very strong - he's never been an easy opponent for anyone.

This may be televised on HBO "Boxing after Dark" because it's on the undercard of the HBO scheduled Diaz vs. Diaz fight in Chicago on Oct 13.

Only problem is, Max Kellerman, the worst sports commentator I've ever heard, does "Boxing After Dark" so he'll be discrediting and ridiculing Lyakhovich.

Speaking of Max's tribe, did you know that they consider us to be "animals on two legs"? Check the word 'goyim' on wikipedia. Then do a search on google for the words 'goyim' and 'Talmud'.

I think Max Kellerman's liberalism and black athlete nut-hugging has more to do with his views than his Jewish race. Almost all liberal sports columnists and commentators talk this way whether they are Jewish or not. By dropping all members of "Max's tribe" under the bus, you are guilty of the same racism you accuse them of doing. I know I am definitely swimming upstream around here with a 100 pound rucksack on my back but it needed to be said.
Lyakhovich disappointed in that fight against Briggs. Briggs has power but is slow. Lyakhovich was afraid of Briggs I think because he wasnt throwing any punches.
Lyak. did not look like himself vs. Briggs. It was almost as though he was was deliberately trying to get himself knocked out. Not the "Russian" (actually Jewish) Mafiya again, I hope. I think they made Maskaev take a dive or two as well- the Polish branch of the family Golota. Sergei Kobozev they just killed.

The mobsters they like the boxing matches, see. The mobsters they like to bet on the boxing matches. They don't like to lose. It's easier to see to it that your man loses than wins, see.


Edited by: werewolf
"Speaking of Max's tribe, did you know that they consider us to be "animals on two legs"?"

Yep. Goyim (that's us!) means cattle.

almost all jews are atheist or secular so they dont even pay attention to the talumd
moose said:
almost all jews are atheist or secular so they dont even pay attention to the talmud

Back in my pro boxing days, I dated a few Jewish women, and learned something about them.

Even if they're athiest, they are still influenced by the Talmud passages about being a superior people, and how we gentiles are "animals in human form", created by God to serve them. It's a deeply ingrained part of their culture. The Talmud is more than a religious book, it is a series of about 40 books that defines and interprets their history, philosophy and Jewish identity. It teaches them at an early age how to thrive among gentiles and use and manipulate us like we're their livestock. For most Jews, the Talmud replaced their genuinely religious book, the Torah, some 1200 years ago, although some (i.e., Ethiopian and the genuinely Semitic Middle Eastern Jews) still believe in the Torah.

There is a certain unmistakable "we're superior" attitude toward white gentiles in most, but not all, Jews. The Talmud teaches them to try to be personable and friendly toward gentiles, and to not show their underlying negative feelings about us.

Although they regard blacks as inferior as well, they're seen as non-threatening and harmless, so there's no anger toward them. You'll never find a Jew that cheers for a white gentile over a black boxer in a boxing match (unless he's the white guy's promoter), because of their deep-rooted jealousy and hatred of white gentiles.

Anyway, this will be my last post here where I mention Jews, since it makes some people uncomfortable. In future, I will focus only on facts and opinions about white boxers.
I think Ruiz might be the one who is out of shape for this fight as he was preparing for a cannon fodder opponent and looked quite heavy in promo photos for his fight in Puerto Rico. The Wolf that beat Brewster easily beats Ruiz. I just don't know if that was lighting in a bottle for him or he can routinely do that though.....
JD1986 said:


Only problem is, Max Kellerman, the worst sports commentator I've ever heard, does "Boxing After Dark" so he'll be discrediting and ridiculing Lyakhovich.

That's so funny, I may add "the worst sports commentator ever"
I must admit I was sold on the white wolf when I seen the Brewster fight. I was really pissed off when he lost to Briggs. Sergei is still my favorite Heavyweight after Wlad and the New Zealander Shane "THE MOUNTAIN WARRIOR" Cameron 19-0 17 Knockouts. However Sergei is one of the most inactive boxers I have ever followed. He simply doesn't fight for huge periods of time. Frustrating for me because I am a fan of his. Plus, I think he has alot of room for improvement and could become a major player in the Heavyweight division.
Anyway, I see him beating the sh*t out of Ruiz. Since the fight is in Puerto Rico the score cards will be close. If a Judge had Taylor up by 6 POINTS in the Pavlik fight(I thought it was about even) who can say what the judges will do in the Ruiz fight coming up.
"Although they regard blacks as inferior as well, they're seen as non-threatening and harmless, so there's no anger toward them."

Actually, in private they'll tell you they hate schwartzes - but then who doesn't, except for the most degenerate and depraved? - but schwartzs are ever so useful in trashing the host civilizations in the USA, Europe, South Africa - that they hate so much.

And my usual disclaimer - God bless the righteous Jews! If I could I'd make Vanunu and Shamir co presidents of the UN - a REAL UN instead of that Z o g-USA puppet thing they got in Manhattan!

guest301 said:
JD1986 said:
Nice to read that Lyakhovich's going to be back in action, but is he in good enough shape to fight Ruiz? The "Hugman" is very strong - he's never been an easy opponent for anyone.

This may be televised on HBO "Boxing after Dark" because it's on the undercard of the HBO scheduled Diaz vs. Diaz fight in Chicago on Oct 13.

Only problem is, Max Kellerman, the worst sports commentator I've ever heard, does "Boxing After Dark" so he'll be discrediting and ridiculing Lyakhovich.

Speaking of Max's tribe, did you know that they consider us to be "animals on two legs"? Check the word 'goyim' on wikipedia. Then do a search on google for the words 'goyim' and 'Talmud'.

I think Max Kellerman's liberalism and black athlete nut-hugging has more to do with his views than his Jewish race. Almost all liberal sports columnists and commentators talk this way whether they are Jewish or not. By dropping all members of "Max's tribe" under the bus, you are guilty of the same racism you accuse them of doing. I know I am definitely swimming upstream around here with a 100 pound rucksack on my back but it needed to be said.

First, it is good to throw in some "Jew talk" in these threads as the average lurker who is checking out this site will more quickly pick up on what is happening in the real world. Then again, if every other post is "Jew talk" then the site becomes less efficient as a means of waking up other whites through sports.

Second, where possible and feasible we should all happily proclaim ourselves to be racist and this is why.

Their Only Weapon

A correspondent on Lawrence Auster's site, commenting on republican Arkansas Governor Huckabee's feeling that racism is fueling the anti-immigration sentiment, wrote:
"All he has to do is stand up there, give one inane comment after another and use the word that puts trembling in the hearts of the American people and shut them down. Racist."

A cartoon I saw recently showed a Mexican-flag-waving illegal snarling at a white man, saying something like "Let me into your prosperous country, you damned racist xenophobe." It captured perfectly the dynamic involved in the immigration debate: people who have no leverage other than guilt are using it to control us.

What are they going to do the day that white people stop running from that word, "racist"?

I have begun, among my white friends, to acknowledge that I am a racist. I say, "If by racist, you mean that I think there are actual differences, genetic differences, between racial groups that have real consequences, then yes I am a racist. If you mean that I feel more of an affinity for people of my ethnic group, that I feel more comfortable and at home with them, then yes I am a racist. If you mean I put the interests of my people, my ethnic group, ahead of the interests of others just as I put my family's interests over others, then yes I am a racist. But if by "racist" you mean someone who believes in genocide or slavery or hatred or oppression of other ethnic groups, then no, I am not a racist."

I sense that many white people have had enough of being bullied with the "racist" label. But there are two ways of handling that accusation. One is to claim that you're not actually a racist. This is the approach most whites take right now, but it hands all of the power over to the non-white person, who can then act as judge and jury on the evidence to decide whether the white person is a racist or not. The other approach is to say, "yeah, I'm a racist; so what?" There is no answer to that. If you prefer your own people and put their interests ahead of others' without engaging in hatred or violence, what's it to them?

Perhaps the non-whites and liberals are flinging the "racist" accusation with such vehemence because they sense that the white majority is losing patience. Their one tool, their one way of controlling white people, is losing its efficacy, so they ramp up the volume and the bitterness to try to keep the upper hand. Their worst nightmare is that white people stop flinching at the word because that will be the day that anti-whites (both non-whites and whites who scorn whiteness) lose their only weapon.

But while we need to assert that we, like every other healthy people on earth, are indeed "racists", what we want to avoid this time is letting the pendulum swing back the other way into hatred. We don't want another Hitler. We don't want burning crosses. We don't want oppression and injustice. We just want to assert our right to survive as a distinct people and to separate ourselves physically and politically from those who threaten our safety, prosperity, and unique identity.
The word "racist" wasn't even invented until the 1930's. Another word, "Racialist", first showed up in the English language in 1915, according to Webster's Collegiate. The word "racist" was invented by the Judeo-Bolshevik Frans Boas crowd which including the celebrated huckster Margaret Mead. They've gotten a hell of a lot of mileage out of their word. They are the masters of mind control.

It's "racist" to say that there is any difference between, say an a Congo pygmy or a Bush-woman and a Japanese or a Norwegian or a Jew from Brooklyn - or between say Doctor Klitschko and one of the chest pounding boxing monkeys - except for the insignificant difference of the tincture of the skin they try to tell us!

werewolf said:
The word "racist" wasn't even invented until the 1930's.  Another word, "Racialist", first showed up in the English language in 1915, according to Webster's Collegiate.  The word "racist" was invented by the Judeo-Bolshevik Frans Boas crowd which including the celebrated huckster Margaret Mead.  They've gotten a hell of a  lot of mileage out of their word.  They are the masters of mind control.It's "racist" to say that there is any difference between, say an a Congo pygmy or a Bush-woman and a Japanese or a Norwegian or a Jew from Brooklyn - or between say Doctor Klitschko and one of the chest pounding boxing monkeys - except for the insignificant difference of the tincture of the skin they try to tell us!ww

"Racism" is a Marxist term used to silence white people into accepting their own displacement and eventual genocide. When dealing with "respectable conservatives" who accuse you of being racist, say just that and ask them why they subscribe to Marxist ideas.
I'm guessing that The Wolf has to be hungry before he gets into the ring. He fights, makes a nice pile of cash, then he spends it down before he starts thinking about fighting again. Hence the long time between bouts.

I just hope he doesn't turn out to be another Corrie Sanders, with years between fights. And Lyakovich is even more talented.

Edited by: Hockaday said:
werewolf said:
The word "racist" wasn't even invented until the 1930's.  Another word, "Racialist", first showed up in the English language in 1915, according to Webster's Collegiate.  The word "racist" was invented by the Judeo-Bolshevik Frans Boas crowd which including the celebrated huckster Margaret Mead.  They've gotten a hell of a  lot of mileage out of their word.  They are the masters of mind control.It's "racist" to say that there is any difference between, say an a Congo pygmy or a Bush-woman and a Japanese or a Norwegian or a Jew from Brooklyn - or between say Doctor Klitschko and one of the chest pounding boxing monkeys - except for the insignificant difference of the tincture of the skin they try to tell us!ww

"Racism" is a Marxist term used to silence white people into accepting their own displacement and eventual genocide. When dealing with "respectable conservatives" who accuse you of being racist, say just that and ask them why they subscribe to Marxist ideas.

Here's a perfect example. le=1

Ex-Mexico Prez: Racists Stop Immigration

NEW YORK (AP) - Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said Monday that the United States is letting racism dictate its policies, especially when it comes to immigration.

"The xenophobics, the racists, those who feel they are a superior race ... they are deciding the future of this nation," he said, without naming names, in an interview with The Associated Press.

So the bottom line is that any white person who doesn't bend over to whatever the darkies want is a racist. The proper response is "Yeah, I'm a racist now get the hell out of my country."

What is even more galling is that Mexican immigration is one of the most strict in the world. They would never willingly allow millions of racial aliens flood their country. As for illegal immigration (which they get from their southern border) they are just as tough if not more. said:
The proper response is "Yeah, I'm a racist now get the hell out of my country."

Or how about, Get out of my country I support MY la raza!
This fight's off. Lyak is supposed to fight Valuev next - but he's been inactive a long time now and he looked too strange vs. Briggs.
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