Louis vrs. Schmeling Rigged? Why not?

What happened to all those Louis-lovers? They came all at once and disappeared just as quickly.

I'd like to get an answer to my question about who is checking boxing gloves these days, but apparently there is no answer, because no one is. Even in goofy wrasslin shows the referees used to pretend to feel around the wrasslers' trunks for "foreign objects", but the refs in boxing don't feel around the boxing gloves for "foreign objects", sharp lacing, whatever.

"It would have been great if Schmilng had of done like the negros that
got lucky against the Klitschkos and refused a rematch. saying "I done
beat your boy, don't need to do it again!"
<div>the black fighters gets away with it why not Schmilng?"

I don't know why he accepted a rematch in extremely hostile Bronx, NY, the same place where the first match was held.

Edited by: ww
ww said:
What happened to all those Louis-lovers?  They came all at once and disappeared just as quickly.  It's always like that when you challenge people to defend their politically correct twaddle, either that or they just start cursing and calling names.I'd like to get an answer to my question about who is checking boxing gloves these days, but apparently there is no answer, because no one is.   Even in goofy wrasslin shows the referees used to pretend to feel around the wrasslers' trunks for "foreign objects", but the refs in boxing don't feel around the boxing gloves for "foreign objects", sharp lacing, whatever."It would have been great if Schmilng had of done like the negros that
got lucky against the Klitschkos and refused a rematch.  saying "I done
beat your boy, don't need to do it again!"
<div>the black fighters gets away with it why not Schmilng?"I don't know why he accepted a rematch in extremely hostile Bronx, NY, the same place where the first match was held.  </div>

How did the fix work when Schmeling was KO'd in the first round by Gypsy Daniels in Frankfurt, Germany on February 25, 1928?
sport historian said:
How did the fix work when Schmeling was KO'd in the first round by Gypsy Daniels in Frankfurt, Germany on February 25, 1928?
Schmeling was age 22 and had not entered his prime at that time.

He was only stopped ONCE in his prime before the Louis fight, in a late round by Max Baer, even though he had been fighting top heavyweights.

Why are you posting here if you only support black boxers? There are a lot of people like you on the other sites.
Parody said:
sport historian said:
How did the fix work when Schmeling was KO'd in the first round by Gypsy Daniels in Frankfurt, Germany on February 25, 1928?
Schmeling was age 22 and had not entered his prime at that time.

He was only stopped ONCE in his prime before the Louis fight, in a late round by Max Baer, even though he had been fighting top heavyweights.

Why are you posting here if you only support black boxers? There are a lot of people like you on the other sites.

In 1938, Schmeling was almost 33 and past his prime, which was a factor in losing to Louis in 1938. Louis, by the way, was 22 when he lost to Schmeling in 1936. Would you say he lost to Schmeling because "he had not entered his prime at that time?"

Over a six year period, I've made plenty of posts supporting white boxers.
ww said:
What happened to all those Louis-lovers?  They came all at once and disappeared just as quickly.  I'd like to get an answer to my question about who is checking boxing gloves these days, but apparently there is no answer, because no one is.   Even in goofy wrasslin shows the referees used to pretend to feel around the wrasslers' trunks for "foreign objects", but the refs in boxing don't feel around the boxing gloves for "foreign objects", sharp lacing, whatever."It would have been great if Schmilng had of done like the negros that
got lucky against the Klitschkos and refused a rematch.  saying "I done
beat your boy, don't need to do it again!"
<div>the black fighters gets away with it why not Schmilng?"I don't know why he accepted a rematch in extremely hostile Bronx, NY, the same place where the first match was held.  </div>The money was in NYC. When champions like Carnera had title fights in Europe, their fights were barely covered. Also in a famous glove tampering case in the 80's when the referee felt Luis Resto's gloves after the fight he noticed that they felt flat and hard.
sport historian said:
Parody said:
sport historian said:
How did the fix work when Schmeling was KO'd in the first round by Gypsy Daniels in Frankfurt, Germany on February 25, 1928?
Schmeling was age 22 and had not entered his prime at that time.

He was only stopped ONCE in his prime before the Louis fight, in a late round by Max Baer, even though he had been fighting top heavyweights.

Why are you posting here if you only support black boxers? There are a lot of people like you on the other sites.

In 1938, Schmeling was almost 33 and past his prime, which was a factor in losing to Louis in 1938. Louis, by the way, was 22 when he lost to Schmeling in 1936. Would you say he lost to Schmeling because "he had not entered his prime at that time?"

Over a six year period, I've made plenty of posts supporting white boxers.
Where's your posts supporting white boxers?? I've not seen any.. Edited by: lost
Sportshistorian, I have to agree with everyone else. I only see you come in the boxing forums to argue with the regulars who post here over nonsense that happened over a half century ago.
whiteathlete33 said:
Sportshistorian, I have to agree with everyone else.  I only see you come in the boxing forums to argue with the regulars who post here over nonsense that happened over a half century ago.

I'm not the one posting nonsense. That being said, I won't bother arguing with nonsensical posts anymore.
sport historian said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Sportshistorian, I have to agree with everyone else. I only see you come in the boxing forums to argue with the regulars who post here over nonsense that happened over a half century ago.

I'm not the one posting nonsense. That being said, I won't bother arguing with nonsensical posts anymore.
Good riddanec!!!
It's disappointingto put it mildly to see the piling up on Sport Historian by impugning his motives. We disagree here by not making it personal -- yes, even in the Boxing forum.
Don Wassall said:
It's disappointingto put it mildly to see the piling up on Sport Historian by impugning his motives. We disagree here by not making it personal -- yes, even in the Boxing forum.
In my three years of being on CF i've never seen anyonewho was not a troll
come on a thread in more of a confrontational manner than SH, myself, Wa33, ww, Prody, we all can disagree, but we don't act like Sport Historian.....Edited by: lost
Sport Historian is a strong skeptic when it comes to the claim that certain sports events are/have been rigged. That doesn't make him a troll; it makes him someone who happens to disagree with several of you on this topic. He's been on here from the beginning of the site, imparting lots of knowledge and interesting information,and he is anything but a "troll." Calling someone a troll whohas been a stalwart supporter of this siteis pathetic.
Don Wassall said:
Sport Historian is a strong skeptic when it comes to the claim that certain sports events are/have been rigged. That doesn't make him a troll; it makes him someone who happens to disagree with several of you on this topic. He's been on here from the beginning of the site, imparting lots of knowledge and interesting information,and he is anything but a "troll." Calling someone a troll whohas been a stalwart supporter of this siteis pathetic.
Sorry for any misunderstanding, i didn't mean he was a troll, i was just saying that i have never seen anybody who was not a troll act so inconsiderate....
When we go to a DWF dominated board and everyone disagrees with us, are we supposed to capitulate to the majority, otherwise we have bad motives? If you can't argue without impugning someone's integrity, then don't argue.
Don Wassall said:
When we go to a DWF dominated board and everyone disagrees with us, are we supposed to capitulate to the majority, otherwise we have bad motives? If you can't argue without impugning someone's integrity, then don't argue.
Yes, but we can also be respectful of others...
lost said:
Yes, but we can also be respectful of others...

And that's the real issue here.

It's okay for Sport Historian to disagree with us, but he shouldn't reply sarcastically as if we're idiots because of having suspicions about something shady going on in Schmeling-Louis II.

I don't know whether Louis had loaded gloves that night or not. Nobody will ever know for sure. But given the politics of the time and other facts, we have good reason to be suspicious. Schmeling was easily KOed in round one by the same fighter he had few problems with and stopped in the previous fight.

It was very important to the Jews at that time that Louis defeat Schmeling in the rematch. I think it's very naive to deny the possibility that some shady stuff happened that night.

Schmeling made a mistake in agreeing to come over to the Bronx for the rematch, considering the political situation, and considering he had been denied the mandatory world title shot against Braddock he earned by defeating Louis in their first fight (the Jewish boxing establishment of that time had not been fair to him). He should have expected the worst.Edited by: Parody
sport historian said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Sportshistorian, I have to agree with everyone else. I only see you come in the boxing forums to argue with the regulars who post here over nonsense that happened over a half century ago.

I'm not the one posting nonsense. That being said, I won't bother arguing with nonsensical posts anymore.

What "nonsense" and "nonsensical posts" are you referring to?

You made this assertion: "Schmeling's handlers examined Louis' gloves before the fight and vice versa."

I responded: "What
"handlers"? He was all alone. They wouldn't let Joe Jacobs in the
stadium, and his corner man didn't show up. Schmeling was there in his
locker all alone. Nobody examined Louis' gloves."

You ignored my response and came back talking about a fight he had in 1928 when Gipsy Daniels scored a sensational upset by knocking him out in the first round. Schmeling hadn't lost in 22 fights before that, and he'd previously defeated Daniels (Schmeling didn't seem to have much luck with rematches).

Here's Daniels all dressed up in his gypsy garb, but he wasn't a gypsy at all.


Anyway, precisely what "nonsense" and "nonsensical posts" can't you be bothered with anymore?
Don Wassall said:
Sport Historian is a strong skeptic when it comes to the claim that certain sports events are/have been rigged....

Anyone who thinks that boxing is strictly legit and squeaky clean is pretty silly.
By the way, Negroes did what they do best, they rioted in Harlem when Louis lost, and they rioted again when Louis won.

<t></t><t></t><table><t><tr><td><center>Policemen Hurt

In <b style="color: black;">Harlem
<b style="color: black;">Riots


NEW YORK, Thursday.

More than twelve policemen have been

injured, one of them seriously, in the

rioting in <b style="color: black;">Harlem
which accompanied the

celebration of Louis's victory.

The air was filled with flying milk and

whiskey bottles as the negros held carnival.

Police Commissioner Valentine announced

"Everything is under control. It's their

night. Let 'em have fun. There is nothing

to fear as a result of that knockout."

Negros rushed from their flats shriek-

ing, banging kitchen utensils, blowing

horns- a contrast to the <b style="color: black;">riots[/b] which fol-

lowed Louis's defeat by <b style="color: black;">Schmeling[/b] in 1936.

Many negros jumped on top of cabs

shouting in chorus: "We showed him this


Yorkville New York's German district,

was stunned by Schmeling's defeat.

Revealers expecting to celebrate a Schmel-

ing victory returned home in gloom.-

British United Press and Reuter.

<t></t><table><t><tr><td><center><b style="color: black;">Riots in


CLEVELAND, Thursday.

Police used tear gas to quell a rioting

crowd in the negro section here after the

result of the fight was known. One man

was shot and probably fatally wounded.

Two policemen were stunned by flying

bricks. passengers in a tram were hurt by

stones, and at one bust intersection general

fighting broke out, with men using knifes

and clubs. The hospitals are rapidly filling

up with casualties.-Reuter.</td></tr></t></table>

Edited by: ww
<table ="#ffffcc" border="0"><t><tr><td><center>SCHMELING'S

<table ="#ffffcc" border="0">

<b style="color: black; : rgb153, 255, 153;">Schmeling
is convinced that he was

fouled. Discussing the fight afterwards

he said:

"It was the very first punch that <b style="color: black; : rgb255, 153, 153;">Louis[/b]

landed that beat me. It was a right swing

that caught me on the left kidney. It

absolutely paralyzed me. I could not feel

anything. I could not straighten up, or

even think. It was a foul blow, absolutely."

"It was the worst punch I have ever

received. I did not feel any of the punches

he landed afterwards. I just felt the

kidney punch. Still, I should like to try

again. I still think I could beat him."

<b style="color: black; : rgb153, 255, 153;">Schmeling[/b] held his side all the time. He

was obviously very distressed when he tried

to walk. He kept telling the German

reporters that he had been paralyzed.

his left eye was half closed, but not bleed-

ing. he did not seem badly bruised.</td></tr></t></table>[/b]</font>
<table ="#ffffcc" border="0"><t><tr><td>


Not Another

JACK BLACKBURN, Louis's trainer:

"Joe will not give <b style="color: black; : rgb153, 255, 153;">Schmeling

fight. We are through with him now."

Re above posts stating Schmeling wanted a third fight.
ww said:
Don Wassall said:
Sport Historian is a strong skeptic when it comes to the claim that certain sports events are/have been rigged....

Anyone who thinks that boxing is strictly legit and squeaky clean is pretty silly.

Did Sport Historian claim that? I know I never have. Re-read the first sentence, and note in particular that the word I used is "certain," not "any."
Don Wassall said:
ww said:
Don Wassall said:
Sport Historian is a strong skeptic when it comes to the claim that certain sports events are/have been rigged....

Anyone who thinks that boxing is strictly legit and squeaky clean is pretty silly.
<div>Did Sport Historian claim that? I know I never have. Re-read the first sentence, and note in particular that the word I used is "certain," not "any."</div>

Well, we're talking about a certain sports event right here, so people who think this particular sports event was strictly legit - and I don't know, maybe it was, but I doubt it, and I was just relating my own experiences and impressions relating to it - might address the points of contention instead of ignoring them and then calling names.

Edited by: ww
Sometimesintelligent people just have to agree to disagree. I don't think you're going to convince Sport Historian of your position, and he's not going to persuade those that disagree with his, so let's all shake hands and leave it at that.
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