Long time reader


May 25, 2013
Hello gentleman. My name is Alex, I am 23 years old and am of Cuban and Scottish descent. I have been visiting these forums for about 7 or 8 years. I first heard of this website from a commenter on a youtube video. I too always wondered why it seems there is a double standard when it comes to white athletes, specifically in football. Being a former wide receiver that got "converted" to a full time left tackle on my high school team, I have experienced this double standard. This website has a ton of great research and examples of how white athletes have been over looked over the years.

I propose a new direction for the awareness castefootball is trying to spread. If we want to reach more people and spread the awareness we need to simply PROMOTE the white athlete. I notice sometimes we resort to calling the other races derogatory names. This may turn people away who may want to join the community and help raise awareness. The less we mention other races and the more we simply promote the white athlete, I think the stronger a community we will be and the more people we will reach. I would even go as far as to say a new website should be built, and only articles that support the white athlete without referring to other races should be posted. It may give us a better chance to interview current white athletes and get them to join the community.

Just my .02,

Edit: I'd like to add, if we are able to reach more people and continue to build our community and spread awareness, would a scholarship for Caucasian athletes be out of the question?
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Jan 28, 2012
Hello gentleman. My name is Alex, I am 23 years old and am of Cuban and Scottish descent. I have been visiting these forums for about 7 or 8 years. I first heard of this website from a commenter on a youtube video. I too always wondered why it seems there is a double standard when it comes to white athletes, specifically in football. Being a former wide receiver that got "converted" to a full time left tackle on my high school team, I have experienced this double standard. This website has a ton of great research and examples of how white athletes have been over looked over the years.

I propose a new direction for the awareness castefootball is trying to spread. If we want to reach more people and spread the awareness we need to simply PROMOTE the white athlete. I notice sometimes we resort to calling the other races derogatory names. This may turn people away who may want to join the community and help raise awareness. The less we mention other races and the more we simply promote the white athlete, I think the stronger a community we will be and the more people we will reach. I would even go as far as to say a new website should be built, and only articles that support the white athlete without referring to other races should be posted. It may give us a better chance to interview current white athletes and get them to join the community.

Just my .02,

Being a Cuban/Spanish descendant myself, it is satisfying to see that there are other Cuban descendants who are racially aware of the caste system. I believe that now makes it 4 (Cuban descendants) who have registered to and have posted on this website. Hey, maybe south Florida is not so bad after all.......Contrary to popular belief, maybe we are not full of people who are programmed to say "Si maestro."


May 25, 2013
Being a Cuban/Spanish descendant myself, it is satisfying to see that there are other Cuban descendants who are racially aware of the caste system. I believe that now makes it 4 (Cuban descendants) who have registered to and have posted on this website. Hey, maybe south Florida is not so bad after all.......Contrary to popular belief, maybe we are not full of people who are programmed to say "Si maestro."

Yes sir. A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them that I am half Cuban. I have blonde hair and I'm 6'3 with a Scottish last name lol. I've lived in Tampa my whole life. Cubans are hard working, respectful people, most of them conservative. Cuban business owners put Tampa on the map.

On a side note, I'm hoping Kiko Alonso has a good rookie year for the Bills.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Hello gentleman.

I would even go as far as to say a new website should be built, and only articles that support the white athlete without referring to other races should be posted.

Hear, hear!

As a black jewish mexican transgender, I agree that this site should be deleted so that we can reach more people with our message! We must tiptoe around any racial differences so that we do not offend anyone. Through this noble appeal to sensibility, we can finally overthrow the status quo. "Pro-Whites" should remember that appeasing minorities is always our primary goal. I myself wake up every day and pledge fealty to multiculturalism, and you should too! If we can convince the fringe outliers of the black, hispanic, aborigine, "Native American", gay/lesbian, and zombie communities to abandon their personal stake and support our cause instead, there's no telling how far the pro-White ideology can rise!


Aug 22, 2012
Hardly ever do you see a racial slur on Caste Football. We won't stop talking about black athletes either, you can hardly talk about the plight of the white RB without also talking about how terrible some black starting RBs are.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
There are several pro black websites that discuss sports, and athletes. Castefootball is a sewing circle when compared to the anti white venom spewed on those websites. Non whites absolutely despise us, and its not because of anything weve done to them. Its basically an inferiority complex. They all know deep down that we are better than them in most every way.


May 25, 2013
Let's not get our panties in a bunch here fellas. All I am saying is if we really want to spread awareness maybe we should focus on promoting white athletes. Why should we stoop to the level of these so called "caste whores"? Do you honestly think that a white pro/college athlete would ever register on these forums and support our cause? There are a lot of good posters here that post quality things and leave other races out of it. But there is a lot of mocking other races, conspiracy theories, and the like that are going to keep others away from this site. I'm not saying oh yeah while we are promoting white athletes lets also support other groups of people, but do we need to include them in posts and articles? Our goal should be spreading awareness at all levels of sports. I find that a lot of posters here try to promote white athletes by pointing out how bad black athletes are. Instead of oh yeah this white o-lineman is better than this gorilla looking sumo it should be this white o-lineman is a great prospect that should be given a shot because he scored high on the wonderlic, faced good competition in college has ideal size and is a great athlete. Leave black quarterbacks and sumos out of it. ****, I post two things and some of you are already ****ting bricks.


May 25, 2013
There are several pro black websites that discuss sports, and athletes. Castefootball is a sewing circle when compared to the anti white venom spewed on those websites. Non whites absolutely despise us, and its not because of anything weve done to them. Its basically an inferiority complex. They all know deep down that we are better than them in most every way.

Do you think say Sam McGuffie or Peyton Hillis would agree to being interviewed or register on this site with this post on these forums? Let's be realistic. You can feel that way but you hurt our cause with **** like this. And who gives a flying **** about other websites? Shouldn't we be different?


May 25, 2013
Hardly ever do you see a racial slur on Caste Football. We won't stop talking about black athletes either, you can hardly talk about the plight of the white RB without also talking about how terrible some black starting RBs are.

Although not so many racial slurs are thrown here, mocking the other races is rampant. And yes you can support white athletes without talking about black athletes. Are you in ****ing 1st grade?


May 25, 2013
Hear, hear!

As a black jewish mexican transgender, I agree that this site should be deleted so that we can reach more people with our message! We must tiptoe around any racial differences so that we do not offend anyone. Through this noble appeal to sensibility, we can finally overthrow the status quo. "Pro-Whites" should remember that appeasing minorities is always our primary goal. I myself wake up every day and pledge fealty to multiculturalism, and you should too! If we can convince the fringe outliers of the black, hispanic, aborigine, "Native American", gay/lesbian, and zombie communities to abandon their personal stake and support our cause instead, there's no telling how far the pro-White ideology can rise!

This was unnecessary. Posts like this hurt the cause.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
This was unnecessary. Posts like this hurt the cause.

If the sentiment of your message is even slightly askew of the cultural Marxist narrative you will be branded as an evil White Supremacist heretic anyway so why pussyfoot around?

Keep it real!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This was unnecessary. Posts like this hurt the cause.

I don't there is anything wrong with this site. Some members do use racial slurs at times out of anger but Don does a good job of keeping it in check. You've sure made a great start for yourself here aggravating quite a few members. I'm pretty sure no one will take your advise and start a new site just because you think it's warranted. Just my 2 cents.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
This was unnecessary. Posts like this hurt the cause.

This is a pretty good troll, although slightly overdone. I would rate it 6/10.

To recap: you have been reading at this site for 7-8 years, since your high school coach switched your position. You have finally decided to break your silence today, not to promote some white athlete, but to instruct on how to better promote white athletes. Your suggestion is to be more tolerant and self-restrained. Also, you are apparently half-Cuban, which could be construed as a bit "off-white", although it's nebulous. This is a convenient pedigree to call for widening the umbrella to collect more allies.

I like the soft touch of organically discovering this forum through a Youtube video (it must have been one of the first-ever uploads!) rather than through some evil website link. Ultimately though, too much effort was spent establishing your "bona fides" as a fence-sitter who might be wooed if only we fellow whites would reform our hateful ways. In the future, I suggest you go for a more unique set of traits, like that Lebanese guy who dates only Arab girls and is a pro-Muslim atheist.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Hello gentleman. My name is Alex, I am 23 years old and am of Cuban and Scottish descent. I have been visiting these forums for about 7 or 8 years. I first heard of this website from a commenter on a youtube video. I too always wondered why it seems there is a double standard when it comes to white athletes, specifically in football. Being a former wide receiver that got "converted" to a full time left tackle on my high school team, I have experienced this double standard. This website has a ton of great research and examples of how white athletes have been over looked over the years.

I propose a new direction for the awareness castefootball is trying to spread. If we want to reach more people and spread the awareness we need to simply PROMOTE the white athlete. I notice sometimes we resort to calling the other races derogatory names. This may turn people away who may want to join the community and help raise awareness. The less we mention other races and the more we simply promote the white athlete, I think the stronger a community we will be and the more people we will reach. I would even go as far as to say a new website should be built, and only articles that support the white athlete without referring to other races should be posted. It may give us a better chance to interview current white athletes and get them to join the community.

Just my .02,

Edit: I'd like to add, if we are able to reach more people and continue to build our community and spread awareness, would a scholarship for Caucasian athletes be out of the question?

When I originally joined the site it was my thinking that I wanted a place where only White athletes were followed and discussed as apart from the heavy coverage given to non-white athletes. That kind of thing is hard to do for a few reasons. Most discussion in sports is compare and contrast. Inevitably when discussing the skill of a player you end up comparing them to other players, many or most of whom are black.

Also eventually you have to discuss other things. You can't spend 8 years talking about how good some guys are without other subjects creeping up. And the target audience for this type of discussion is racially aware or partly aware White guys, and let's face it, we got plenty to bitch about in the world today.

I think the fact that the website never degenerated to a profanity loaded, hate filled, forum is something to be proud of. Honest discussion in a adult manner is never something to be ashamed of. Go to nearly any other discussion forum of sports and the level of stupidity and immaturity is so high as to be almost impossible to endure, unless you enjoy that type of discussion.

Bascially any fan website for a white athlete is just what you are talking about and those become so boring that they are hard to follow for any length of time. Your suggestion, if genuine, is so utopian as to be unworkable. But you are certainly welcome to start something and see how it goes.


Sep 2, 2012
One of the best things about this site imo is its fairness. Posters usually give credit where credit is due. London Fletcher seems to be a favorite around here and I have never heard a poster disparage AP's ability. In fact, a major talking point is how white wr's are always compared to other white wr's. Whereas a jordy nelson/victor cruz comparison makes more sense than a nelson/welker comparison. I think most posters on here would recognize that a fair number of black nfl players belong to be there. The problem is that hundreds of whites that belong in the nfl aren't.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
One of the best things about this site imo is its fairness. Posters usually give credit where credit is due. London Fletcher seems to be a favorite around here and I have never heard a poster disparage AP's ability. In fact, a major talking point is how white wr's are always compared to other white wr's. Whereas a jordy nelson/victor cruz comparison makes more sense than a nelson/welker comparison. I think most posters on here would recognize that a fair number of black nfl players belong to be there. The problem is that hundreds of whites that belong in the nfl aren't.

Good summarization scroat. I'll admit...although I don't like nor pull for AP, Lebron, Jon Jones, etc....they are indeed world class athletes. However, our cause here is to support White athletes (only) and call out/expose the caste system (whilst educating other Whites as to such).

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Do you think say Sam McGuffie or Peyton Hillis would agree to being interviewed or register on this site with this post on these forums? Let's be realistic. You can feel that way but you hurt our cause with **** like this. And who gives a flying **** about other websites? Shouldn't we be different?

Those guys would never join CF anyway. Hell they wont even speak up for themselves. They are good boys that refuse to buck the system. No, those guys will forever accept their role as token white players, and get paid quite well to sit on the bench behind less qualified blacks. They have been trained to be aww shucks good boys. Your dreaming if you think that ANY white person of even the slightest fame, and wealth is going to join up to CF. They fear being called racist more than they fear torture, and death.
Dec 10, 2012
I propose a new direction for the awareness castefootball is trying to spread...Just my .02,

Alex, hey brother.. welcome to the forum.

You can always post positive, informative topics on White athletes here.. but, if you wanna' vent on other cultural, racial trends.. you're usually free to do that as well. I think this site is well moderated,.. bcuz we can be candid in either respect.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
...would a scholarship for Caucasian athletes be out of the question?

Yes because the occupational government would declare it illegal.

The great W. C. Fields made out the bulk of his will to "The W. C. Fields College for White Orphan Boys and Girls". His heirs, along with the crooked U.S. courts, overturned it.

As for Latin Americans and Cubans, white people there tend to be much more race conscious than the stupid gringos up north. Even Castro's communist regime has always been almost entirely white. Cuban boxers are all black but the government is all white.


Oct 26, 2008
Yes because the occupational government would declare it illegal.

The great W. C. Fields made out the bulk of his will to "The W. C. Fields College for White Orphan Boys and Girls". His heirs, along with the crooked U.S. courts, overturned it.

As for Latin Americans and Cubans, white people there tend to be much more race conscious than the stupid gringos up north. Even Castro's communist regime has always been almost entirely white. Cuban boxers are all black but the government is all white.
I think you could do it. Aren't there various scholarships given by foundations to people of certain ethnic groups.

I believe Bill Gate's Foundation doesn't give scholarships to whites. I don't know if true, but I read that.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Alex said:
I propose a new direction for the awareness castefootball is trying to spread. If we want to reach more people and spread the awareness we need to simply PROMOTE the white athlete. I notice sometimes we resort to calling the other races derogatory names. This may turn people away who may want to join the community and help raise awareness. The less we mention other races and the more we simply promote the white athlete, I think the stronger a community we will be and the more people we will reach. I would even go as far as to say a new website should be built, and only articles that support the white athlete without referring to other races should be posted. It may give us a better chance to interview current white athletes and get them to join the community.

You posted eight “We’s” and one “Us” in your maiden voyage. Since you most certainly are not a member of this community, both of these flippant pronouns are being embarrassingly misused. But you were already cognizant of that, right, “Alex?”

Alex said:
Leave black quarterbacks and sumos out of it. ****, I post two things and some of you are already ****ting bricks.

Alex said:
You can feel that way but you hurt our cause with **** like this. And who gives a flying **** about other websites?

Alex said:
Are you in ****ing 1st grade?

In your six wholeheartedly-unconvincing, grammatically-ignoble, holier-than-thou posts, you’ve managed to curse on five different occasions. This brand of sheer sophistication will serve you well when you “re-create” your vision of the Caste Football website. But hey, at least you didn’t refer to a black lineman as a “Sumo,” a black quarterback a “black quarterback,” or use any other harmless racial slur that would “embarrass” a website that you’ve purportedly been reading religiously for 7-8 years…but only decided to join a few days ago…but only for the purpose of lecturing existing members about their genuinely-infrequent utilization of jingoistic (in the Judeo-Marxist sense of the term) racial verbiage.

The proverbial “lead balloon” is soaring majestically overhead.

This fatuous thread, penned by a socially-insensate, not-so-clever troll reminds me of the one linked below, which was started by the poster “formerwhitecornerback” (who was never banned, by the way) a few months back. Under the façade of an expedient backstory, that particular “character” (a guy named “Greg” who was allegedly a former Division I cornerback at the University of Idaho) utilized his own personal experience at the position to “educate” Caste Football posters as to the racial reality of the white cornerback drought. After some gentle questioning of this tall tale, it was revealed that this poster had completely fabricated his oh-so convenient past…


Since there are literally throngs of cerebrally-diseased white males (littering all white, Western nations) convinced that black males are superior athletes, lovers, fighters, artists, and leaders, I’m not necessarily inferring that “Alex” and “formerwhitecornerback” are one in the same.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I've always been one to give the benefit of the doubt in regards to a new poster, and my thoughts on this are similar to those posted by jaxvid above.
However, to think that if we were to create a pristine, pure, anti-inflammatory “pro white†website that would somehow overcome all racial bias, is naïve to the extreme. Just the mere fact that this is/the “new†website would be a pro-white site is enough to make it a hate-filled, bigoted rant site in the minds of your targeted audience. Regardless of the flowerey avoidance of all things supposedly racially unacceptable.
True, there are the occasional posts that I’ll come upon that refer to alleged simian qualities of black athletes, but those are the exception. This site is squeaky clean compared to most sports forums that I’ve been to. The original Caste Football site separated the Happy Hour section from the general sports sections so that there was also a tangible mental separation of the two. I still think that was the best arrangement, but don’t think it’s possible with this engine.
Hats off to Wes Woodhead, werewolf, scroat, et al for the poignant posts. A white athlete that would openly post to a pro-white site, however pure-as-the-wind-driven-snow clean it was, would be pilloried in the media as a bigoted, sexist, homophobe, RAYYYYYYYCISSSS miscreant, and would be forced to apologize and pay reparations lest they be kicked out of society forever.


Sep 2, 2012
Good summarization scroat. I'll admit...although I don't like nor pull for AP, Lebron, Jon Jones, etc....they are indeed world class athletes. However, our cause here is to support White athletes (only) and call out/expose the caste system (whilst educating other Whites as to such).
