Lance Armstrong

Are you a meta critic?:tongue:

I thought I was a curmudgeon. I don't understand your use of the term. I guess you don't mean it in the sense of the website called Metacritic and the term metacriticism is defined as "criticism of criticism"; that is, the examination of the principles, methods, and terms of criticism either in general (as in critical theory) or in the study of particular critics or critical debates. The term usually implies a consideration of the principles underlying critical interpretation and judgement.
Was I criticizing criticism? I thought I was just ragging on Lance Armstrong's transparent ploy to get back into the good graces of the MSM and others. Perhaps you meant it differently? Words don't really have meanings anymore so I guess you could be implying anything.
I thought I was a curmudgeon. I don't understand your use of the term. I guess you don't mean it in the sense of the website called Metacritic and the term metacriticism is defined as "criticism of criticism"; that is, the examination of the principles, methods, and terms of criticism either in general (as in critical theory) or in the study of particular critics or critical debates. The term usually implies a consideration of the principles underlying critical interpretation and judgement.
Was I criticizing criticism? I thought I was just ragging on Lance Armstrong's transparent ploy to get back into the good graces of the MSM and others. Perhaps you meant it differently? Words don't really have meanings anymore so I guess you could be implying anything.
I meant did you get an advanced copy of the show(joking). Obviously we have seen so many fallen celebrities do this act before....
As much as I see race in sports as well as all of modern society I would love to support Armstrong in his past endeavors, the man is a fraude and an embarrasment to his race. Its bad enough the spooks get to cheat in events like track now our guy is nothing but a liar and a cheat.
Lance admitted to cheating and doing roids for years, "cause" everyone else was. He admitted with out crying and said it without emotion and as a matter of fact. Glad he did not bring out the tear bucket.

I was wondering why he would admit to his cheating. Then once I found out he was doing it on dOprah, it hit me. He was getting paid substantially. And who better in our CM world especially with women than dOprah asking for his forgiveness. Then maybe start to recieve endorsements later. I don't believe that will happen. Or gain sympathy from the dozens he has accused of doping or lying.

What a let down. I believed once he was the greatest cyclist and top 15 athelet ever. Now he is a fraud to me.
This whole tell-all saga with Armstrong is sad and pathetic. Before this, the ferocity in which the anti-doping agencies went after him was also sad and pathetic.

In my opinion, ALL of the top-tier riders are doping to one degree or another. The superhuman stamina and strength shown by the top riders in the mountain stages leaves no doubt. My only question is why Armstrong was singled out? Why not go after Jamaican sprinters with the same dogged determination?
armstrong would still count as legend if just continued to give two fingers to everyone
like the 100,s of athletes that heavily benefited from various peds through career and now moralise on the evils of them , that is the protocal .
but no came up with this **** ploy .

the problem is not the doping but the fact that is not been made legal yet .
and fannys continue to moralise over it .
could count lifestyle ,technology ,etc as forms of doping .
these people so quick to judge should look alittle deeper

again as last poster mentioned , the sprinters especially yamicans and their androgen receptor peds need to be looked at ,or
why not the few 800m runners and their ppar-delta receptor drugs ,et cetera .
This whole tell-all saga with Armstrong is sad and pathetic. Before this, the ferocity in which the anti-doping agencies went after him was also sad and pathetic.

In my opinion, ALL of the top-tier riders are doping to one degree or another. The superhuman stamina and strength shown by the top riders in the mountain stages leaves no doubt. My only question is why Armstrong was singled out? Why not go after Jamaican sprinters with the same dogged determination?

Armstrong is not only White, which makes him a target for the media, he lives in a first world country where testing is widely available. And anyway he did fail. Plenty of times. The system is just set up to protect itself and it's big names. It's all about money. The Yamaicans (I like that perjorative) are not only big money, they are non-white and non-american. I think any one with any sense knows they are all cheats but refuses to acknowledge it for the same reasons they did not in cycling.
I might regret saying this...but here goes...I'm starting to like Lance. Like Westside I like that he didn't cry and beg for forgiveness. I like it when a white man ignores the baying mob. But what gets me is the hatred directed at him. On my local sports talk radio station the same jocksniffers who were accusing the public of going overboard in their animosity towards Michael Vick (and hinting you-know-what) were screaming for Lance's blood. I don't think I've ever witnessed such grandstanding sanctimony. Yet these same guys idolise the steroid monkeys of the NFL. In fact one of them claimed last year that Serena Williams was possibly the greatest female athlete of all time. Google "Serena panic room" and see what comes up*.

One other thing. I read that of the other 23 riders to finish in the top five during Lance's 7 victories 22 have been found guilty of doping and the one who did not got off on a technicality.

* actually I'll save you the trouble here's the first page:,d.aWc&fp=ed69a43da69b0ec9&biw=1021&bih=520
I've been doing some ancestry research with my (eldest) son, and just found out we're distant kin to Lance (Gunderson) Armstrong via my maternal Grandad's side. I've also found a bit of German ancestry that I wasn't aware of previously.