Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong, broke his collar bone and will need surgery. That puts his comeback in doubt. Speedy recovery to him.
It's official, the French are very jealous of Lance Armstrong, one of the greatest American athletes ever.

French want Armstrong out

Screw the French!!!!
Edited by: j41181
Armstrong finished the TDF in 3rd place today. A very good finish considering that he has been away from the sport for 3+ years and his competitors were more than 10 years younger than him. Armstrong says that he is going to compete next year with a new team. With a full year of training, I can see him winning more Tours. The guy is an incredible athlete and still shows that he can compete with the top riders in the world. Good luck to him next year.
If there was a list of the TOP 10 athletes of the decade (2000-2009), Lance Armstrong is numero uno, a number 1!!!
Lance Armstrong never failed any of the hundreds of drug tests he was given, but he's been stripped of his seven Tour de France titles along with his legacy and dignity. Apparently ten former teammates were willing to testify against him. Guilty or not, I was watching this sad story on Sports Center, and when it was over they immediately showed a teaser of their next story after the commercials, which was -- who else? -- Tiger Woods. I couldn't help but think of how the circumstantial evidence against Woods when it comes to juicing is considerably stronger than that against Roger Clemens, and how no one in the CM media has ever brought up the subject when it comes to Serena Williams, and how all the black sprinters seem immune from serious scrutiny, but Armstrong was relentlessly pursued for a decade.

One of the few White sporting heroes of the past generation bites the dust.
lance armstrong is a legend i will always remember his races in the french alps because they were the best part of the tour de france and it was also my region


i'm proud to have witnessed this incredible athlete
how no one in the CM media has ever brought up the subject when it comes to Serena Williams

Almost all tennis observers believe Serena is juicing but they will not say so out loud. No one wants a lawsuit, and, of course, no one wants to be accused of racism and lose their cushy commentating job. Mind you, she's not the only top seed tennis player who is under suspicion. Tennis forums are full of wisecracks about Nadal.

I don't know enough about cycling to comment but it's interesting how Armstrong has never been liked. Even when he was on top of the world there always seemed to be hatred for him. He seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way. I've never understood it as he always struck me as a likeable guy.
Almost all tennis observers believe Serena is juicing but they will not say so out loud. No one wants a lawsuit, and, of course, no one wants to be accused of racism and lose their cushy commentating job. Mind you, she's not the only top seed tennis player who is under suspicion. Tennis forums are full of wisecracks about Nadal.

I don't know enough about cycling to comment but it's interesting how Armstrong has never been liked. Even when he was on top of the world there always seemed to be hatred for him. He seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way. I've never understood it as he always struck me as a likeable guy.

Serena Gorilliams is juiced to the gills. Look at the variance in physiques between her and Venus (who's tall and lanky).

As for all the (caste media) "hatred" towards was his utter dominance that detested. It was mostly driven by the castean agenda and insane jealousy.
Serena Gorilliams is juiced to the gills. Look at the variance in physiques between her and Venus (who's tall and lanky).

As for all the (caste media) "hatred" towards was his utter dominance that detested. It was mostly driven by the castean agenda and insane jealousy.

I agree in everything you say!
Actually Lance is not just the greatest American athlete of all time, but a hero who's life and achievements overcome the world of sports, he's a great hero of mankind just like Neil Armstrong (R.I.P) is for his contributions to the human race, regardless nationality or even race, religion and so on!

Of course there are x 100 more black athletes who are juiced, with a great example being Williams brothers in tennis, but I think what's going on in the US or other countries as England and Germany is something like Karma or destiny...........if you see it positively A WAKE UP call for all the white people there, but it seems like they don't get it!

As long as Anglo-Saxons will continue to screw up their fellow whites around the world (on political, militarily, moral, historical and of course economical way) the "chosen" people and rest scums will get more and more power to ruin us all as a whole!

If the white Anglo-Saxon had shown more love to his WHITE KIND during the centuries, we would not be in that sad state we are now as white people! The only way for the white kind to become as dominant as once was, is for the Anglo-Saxon who has lost in most cases control and power even inside his nations, to show love and true support to his white co-citizens on a global lever!
The Anglo-Saxon of today won't have the same rights with Negroes or Mexicans or Pakkis, but he will mock other white nations through the media and FULLY ENJOY IT..............Isn't that Karma of you think about it? If you don't support you own, no one will!

The plain truth that some people (for national patriotic reasons) deny to face, is really simple!

Political correctness, affirmative action, diversity and rest anti-white codes and ''actions" have reached ultimate heights in mostly Anglo-Saxon nations, not so much other white nations. Coincidence? I don't think so........if i am lying God may punish me now ;) hehehe
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I wouldn't consider Lance Armstrong a hero. He was certainly a great competitor. He should be given the benefit of the doubt but it is almost a certainy that he was a complete and absolute cheater. We cannot speak of our obvious suspicion of black runners and then give Armstrong a pass.

He has all of the same markers of a PED user. Plenty of ex teammates to testify against him, close association with noted doctors that have been convicted or strongly implicated in various forms of cheating, and several failed tests that have been ignored or had doubt cast upon them due to an unbelievable series of cirmcumstances or minor errors of the rules concerning handling test samples.

Furthermore nearly everyone close to him admits he was a douche bag of the first degree especially those that "crossed" him. This is all too typical of a great competitor but not a great person. I salute all of the work that he did to make himself a great rider, perhaps he worked harder then anyone else. But he was able to beat other hard workers that have admitted to cheating and so like the Jamaicans how was he able to be clean and be better then all of those guys that cheated? Probable answer-he cheated too.
I agree in everything you say!
Actually Lance is not just the greatest American athlete of all time, but a hero who's life and achievements overcome the world of sports, he's a great hero of mankind just like Neil Armstrong (R.I.P) is for his contributions to the human race, regardless nationality or even race, religion and so on!

Of course there are x 100 more black athletes who are juiced, with a great example being Williams brothers in tennis, but I think what's going on in the US or other countries as England and Germany is something like Karma or destiny...........if you see it positively A WAKE UP call for all the white people there, but it seems like they don't get it!

As long as Anglo-Saxons will continue to screw up their fellow whites around the world (on political, militarily, moral, historical and of course economical way) the "chosen" people and rest scums will get more and more power to ruin us all as a whole!

If the white Anglo-Saxon had shown more love to his WHITE KIND during the centuries, we would not be in that sad state we are now as white people! The only way for the white kind to become as dominant as once was, is for the Anglo-Saxon who has lost in most cases control and power even inside his nations, to show love and true support to his white co-citizens on a global lever!
The Anglo-Saxon of today won't have the same rights with Negroes or Mexicans or Pakkis, but he will mock other white nations through the media and FULLY ENJOY IT..............Isn't that Karma of you think about it? If you don't support you own, no one will!

The plain truth that some people (for national patriotic reasons) deny to face, is really simple!

Political correctness, affirmative action, diversity and rest anti-white codes and ''actions" have reached ultimate heights in mostly Anglo-Saxon nations, not so much other white nations. Coincidence? I don't think so........if i am lying God may punish me now ;) hehehe

This post is WRONG on so many levels.You talking about the US and affirmative action.Well the US is not an 'anglo saxon' country for a start and has not been for a generation well over 50 years at least.The majority of White Americans are of Irish,Italian,Polish,Scottish Greek,Dutch,Swedish aswell as other backgrounds.The last few white presidents have been Irish Clinton,Bush,Reagon etc and the Irish are Celts not Saxons and them presidents turned out to be fairly big race traitors.The Italian and Greek Americans aswell as all the other ethnicities that make up the White power structure are not much better.

The Spanish and Portugese are the biggest race traitors in history LOL.They are.Why do you think former Spanish and Portugese colonies like Brazil,Mexico,Cuba aswell as other latin American countries are such racial cesspits?Its because the Spanish settlers had no qualms about marrying native women.Interracial mixing was even encouraged.This wasnt the case in New Zealand,Australia and Canada where mixing with Indians was forbidden by the largely Anglo settlers.

Another Latin Spanish race traiter is the Cuban president Castro.A marxist and communist who encourages race mixing of White Spanish Cubans and African slave decendents.One of Cuba's great exports is its sports stars to the Olympics and various world championships in varrying sports,a shining example of Cuba's communist system yet all their athletes are Africans.He thinks nothing of sending out African athletes to represent Cuba to the world.Im fairly certain alot of White Spanish Cubans are paseed over in Castros marxist system.What other reason is their for the lack of Spanish athletes?This is a Spanish man,a latin man passing over his own.In fact nearly all the South American countries are run by White Latin race traitor marxists.
This post is WRONG on so many levels.You talking about the US and affirmative action.Well the US is not an 'anglo saxon' country for a start and has not been for a generation well over 50 years at least.The majority of White Americans are of Irish,Italian,Polish,Scottish Greek,Dutch,Swedish aswell as other backgrounds.The last few white presidents have been Irish Clinton,Bush,Reagon etc and the Irish are Celts not Saxons and them presidents turned out to be fairly big race traitors.The Italian and Greek Americans aswell as all the other ethnicities that make up the White power structure are not much better.

The Spanish and Portugese are the biggest race traitors in history LOL.They are.Why do you think former Spanish and Portugese colonies like Brazil,Mexico,Cuba aswell as other latin American countries are such racial cesspits?Its because the Spanish settlers had no qualms about marrying native women.Interracial mixing was even encouraged.This wasnt the case in New Zealand,Australia and Canada where mixing with Indians was forbidden by the largely Anglo settlers.

Another Latin Spanish race traiter is the Cuban president Castro.A marxist and communist who encourages race mixing of White Spanish Cubans and African slave decendents.One of Cuba's great exports is its sports stars to the Olympics and various world championships in varrying sports,a shining example of Cuba's communist system yet all their athletes are Africans.He thinks nothing of sending out African athletes to represent Cuba to the world.Im fairly certain alot of White Spanish Cubans are paseed over in Castros marxist system.What other reason is their for the lack of Spanish athletes?This is a Spanish man,a latin man passing over his own.In fact nearly all the South American countries are run by White Latin race traitor marxists.

I agree in most (if not everything) of the things you are writing here, but I don't want to continue this conversation on this thread, because it's dedicated to Lance and I don't want to be accused of ruining another thread. I will message you later (getting ready for work now) to explain my position! Of course Anglo-Saxons are not the only ones to blame for the whole thing, there are Greek and Italian communists and self loathing Cultural Marxist for example who make any Anglo-Saxon white male look like a saint. I think it's my English that don't let me express myself as good as I want to.

Back to the thread though, there are x100 more black athletes who could have been caught way before Lance, but they didn't.............I expect Michael Phelps to be next in the hit list............To me USA is a lost case already, I hope I am wrong but all these WHITE voters I see in the news of Obama's speeches make me feel ill!
I wouldn't consider Lance Armstrong a hero. He was certainly a great competitor. He should be given the benefit of the doubt but it is almost a certainy that he was a complete and absolute cheater. We cannot speak of our obvious suspicion of black runners and then give Armstrong a pass.

He has all of the same markers of a PED user. Plenty of ex teammates to testify against him, close association with noted doctors that have been convicted or strongly implicated in various forms of cheating, and several failed tests that have been ignored or had doubt cast upon them due to an unbelievable series of cirmcumstances or minor errors of the rules concerning handling test samples.

Furthermore nearly everyone close to him admits he was a douche bag of the first degree especially those that "crossed" him. This is all too typical of a great competitor but not a great person. I salute all of the work that he did to make himself a great rider, perhaps he worked harder then anyone else. But he was able to beat other hard workers that have admitted to cheating and so like the Jamaicans how was he able to be clean and be better then all of those guys that cheated? Probable answer-he cheated too.
I would marry you if I was not heterosexual. Everything you say I agree with. Darn it , those damn moderate Republicans. haha
I wouldn't consider Lance Armstrong a hero. He was certainly a great competitor. He should be given the benefit of the doubt but it is almost a certainy that he was a complete and absolute cheater. We cannot speak of our obvious suspicion of black runners and then give Armstrong a pass.

He has all of the same markers of a PED user. Plenty of ex teammates to testify against him, close association with noted doctors that have been convicted or strongly implicated in various forms of cheating, and several failed tests that have been ignored or had doubt cast upon them due to an unbelievable series of cirmcumstances or minor errors of the rules concerning handling test samples.

Furthermore nearly everyone close to him admits he was a douche bag of the first degree especially those that "crossed" him. This is all too typical of a great competitor but not a great person. I salute all of the work that he did to make himself a great rider, perhaps he worked harder then anyone else. But he was able to beat other hard workers that have admitted to cheating and so like the Jamaicans how was he able to be clean and be better then all of those guys that cheated? Probable answer-he cheated too.

Great post, jaxvid :thumb:

I fully concur. The same criteria of scrutiny should be applied to all athletes, regardless of colour. The main issue here is that of the usual double standard whereby White drug cheats are inevitably unmasked and very publicly humiliated, while the legions of black PED users remain virtually untouched, especially those forming the "elite" echelon of the "iconic" athletics event, the 100 metres.

The very nature of road race cycling - especially stage racing - obviously leaves competitors particularly susceptible to the temptations of doping. The Tour de France has always been plagued by "performance enhancers" ranging from strychnine, cocaine and amphetamines in the early days through steroids, EPO, blood doping, and growth hormones.

Plenty of riders from all eras have confirmed the widespread practice of doping in cycling and many prominent figures have either confessed, been caught or were heavily implicated: for example, Alberto Contador, Marco Pantani, Jan Ullrich, Erik Zabel, Floyd Landis, Franck Schleck, and Bjarne Riis.

I always held the opinion that Lance Armstrong was more than likely doping. Why? The usual reason, of course - because if many of his main competitors were cheating, how did a supposedly "squeaky clean" Armstrong manage to beat them, let alone win seven Tours de France in a row?
it's obvious that armstrong was usig PED, but everyone in cycling does
but i will never tell it because they don't tell it about the jamaicans
there is an obvious double standard and the only guys who are caught while at their best are white athletes like kenteris or armstrong
they will never take carl lewis' medals
Here is the latest in the war on Lance. Aside from his continued denials, the story is mostly yawn-inducing since as frederic38 notes above, all of the cyclists are on some sort of PED or blood-doping regimen.

The report itself looks to be an impressive piece of work. I recommend highly that we have these guys pack their bags and head off to Jamaica. What they would find there would doubtless dwarf anything done by the USPS team.
does this mean wada will turn there attention to the sprints
,yamicans et all .
wont hold my breath . as we all know why .

the simple fact is that there is a test for any sarm or designer steroid
regardless if have any knowledge of it .
test been around since mid 2000's but will never be used as know what this would
mean for the short sprints , decrease in times and popularity .

basically any chemical that invokes a responce in androgen receptor can be tested for
besides endogenous hormones .
and to be useful ,test would have to be used in off season when heavily cycled .

[h=3]NURSA | Detection of designer steroids[/h]
by X Yuan - 2005 - Cited by 7 - Related articles
Detection of designer steroids. Xiaohui Yuan and Barry Marc Forman. Gene Regulation and Drug Discovery Department, The Beckman Research Institute at ...
true rebajlo ,

every dominant cyclist can be linked heavily to peds
just take a look at the most dominant one eddy merckx who is
rarely questioned about use.
merckx dominance happens to occur at same time as steroids are
widely becoming used in different sports late 60's , and obviously one of first cyclists
to benefit from them largely where before pretty basic drugs like
amphetamines etc that more , performance maintainers rather than
enhancers .
We can add him to Jaxvid's "weeping wussies" thread. :tsk:

I never liked Lance Armstrong very much. I respected his achievements but was offput buy his personality. This whole going on Oprah to confess things is really disgusting, but to me, typical of the kind of person he is.

It is in full compliance with the practices of modern Cultural Marxism for a celebrity to act in this manner when some evidence of a violation of protocol is committed. All the tenets of our modern religion of secular PC is at work here. Armstrong will "confess" his sins to an accepted "priest" of our society (Oprah-the anointed black/feminist/gay secular pope), it will be accompanied by the requisite wailing and gnashing as he cries and sobs and begs for his forgiveness. The women watching will cry with him and all those crocodile tears will wash away the stain of his sins (in their minds), so that a newly forgiven Lance Armstrong can be seen as reformed--and thus continue to serve as a spokesman for various products and help feed the consumer goods gods.

As penance for his sins Armstrong will dedicate his life to some nebulous scheme of uncovering cheating in cycling and working with youth, especially minority youth, to teach them about cycling and life and diversity.

There will probably be some accusations thrown at the "culture" that led him to "win at all costs" which will be interpreted as the racist ideas of dying old White men that you need to work hard to succeed. Armstrong will admit that all of his hard work was done in the service of the unfair and wrong idea that "winning" means everything.

As Armstrong and Oprah wipe away the last of their tears to the wild applause of an appreciative audience of fat white women who have never learned to ride a bike, he Lance Armstrong will have wiped clean the stain of his sins and can begin his new life as a reformed celebrity.
I never liked Lance Armstrong very much. I respected his achievements but was offput buy his personality. This whole going on Oprah to confess things is really disgusting, but to me, typical of the kind of person he is.

It is in full compliance with the practices of modern Cultural Marxism for a celebrity to act in this manner when some evidence of a violation of protocol is committed. All the tenets of our modern religion of secular PC is at work here. Armstrong will "confess" his sins to an accepted "priest" of our society (Oprah-the anointed black/feminist/gay secular pope), it will be accompanied by the requisite wailing and gnashing as he cries and sobs and begs for his forgiveness. The women watching will cry with him and all those crocodile tears will wash away the stain of his sins (in their minds), so that a newly forgiven Lance Armstrong can be seen as reformed--and thus continue to serve as a spokesman for various products and help feed the consumer goods gods.

As penance for his sins Armstrong will dedicate his life to some nebulous scheme of uncovering cheating in cycling and working with youth, especially minority youth, to teach them about cycling and life and diversity.

There will probably be some accusations thrown at the "culture" that led him to "win at all costs" which will be interpreted as the racist ideas of dying old White men that you need to work hard to succeed. Armstrong will admit that all of his hard work was done in the service of the unfair and wrong idea that "winning" means everything.

As Armstrong and Oprah wipe away the last of their tears to the wild applause of an appreciative audience of fat white women who have never learned to ride a bike, he Lance Armstrong will have wiped clean the stain of his sins and can begin his new life as a reformed celebrity.
Are you a meta critic?:tongue: