know your history

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
this post was inspired by several other threads wherein CFers admit to not knowing enough about what led up to situation XYZ...

i stumbled across this column by Alan Stang earlier today. i'll c/p it below, since i found it very, VERY insightful.

i hope you guys do, as well.


by Alan Stang
January 5, 2009

Recently, I received a complaint from a now happily departed reader. He took issue with a recent piece in which I recalled the history of our centuries-long conflict with Islam. The reader said he has no interest in history. He is only interested in "now." Specifically, he wants to hear about the Jews, nothing else. Happily, he announced that he is no longer with us, so there is no chance that these modest comments could offend his belligerent ignorance.

In one of his books, Czech novelist Milan Kundera has a character explain that when the Communists impose their version of Socialism on a country, they always destroy its history. They stop teaching it in the schools. They don't talk about it in the media. They delete and pervert it in the movies. After a while, nobody knows it. Why do the Communists do that?

They do it because if you don't know your history, you don't know what you are; you don't know who you are. Personally, if you don't know your history, you have amnesia. Nationally, if you don't know it, you are no longer a nation. You are people milling about in a wide spot in the road. You have no cohesion. You are disunited and easily conquered.

Now look at the people Jay Leno interviews on his "Jaywalks." Look at the recent You Tube interview of people who had just voted for Senator Also Known As. They love Sarah Palin and thought she was his running mate. They can't identify Nancy Peelousy. They have no idea what Also Known As would do. Jay's people don't know whom we fought in World War II or when or who won.

Remarkably, they know they are ignorant, but their ignorance does not trouble them. On the contrary, when Jay's questions expose it, they laugh, pleased with themselves, so they will do nothing to abate it. Their ignorance is "cool," which, where I come from, has always meant, "not so hot." They are potential slaves, waiting for some dictator to corral them. They will still be giggling inanely about how, like, cool it is, man, as they are put aboard the cattle cars.

Look with me at just one chapter in our history. Since millions of young, putative Americans - who stalk among us and vote - apparently know little if anything about World War II, my guess is that only a pitiful remnant has even heard of the siege of Malta in 1565, or could even find that historic island on a map.

In 1565, Islam is again threatening Europe. Muslim slavers are raiding the nations all along the Mediterranean, depopulating villages, taking white - white - white slaves. Indeed, the Muslims took white slaves as far away as Iceland. Imagine! Today you are in Reykjavik, blond, blue-eyed, enjoying the ice; a few days later you wake up with a knot on your head, the grandmother of all migraines, and you are a white slave in Morocco, eaten up with envy of the free blacks in the Congo.

More than two centuries later, the fledgling United States will fight its first war against these Muslim slavers and pirates. But now we are at Malta, it is 1565, and our host for this expedition is Michael Davies, who told the story at the 2002 Dietrich von Hildebrand Institute Symposia in New York. You could also consult The Great Siege, by Ernle Bradford (New York, Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962).

Malta, in the western Mediterranean, was Christian, like the Holy Land, which the Muslims had raped, robbed and conquered after almost seven centuries of hegemony by worshippers of Jesus. Its strategic location endangered the lucrative Muslim piracy and slavery racket. Maltese vessels were harrying Ottoman Empire piracy routes.

Suleiman the Magnificent - Vice-Regent of God on Earth, Lord of the Lords of East and West, and Possessor of Men's Necks, et cetera and so on - ruled Islam at the time and commanded the most awesome military force in the world. He sent 200 ships, 40,000 troops plus innumerable thousands of slaves and more than 6,000 elite Janissaries, the "Invincible Ones."

Beside them were the drug-crazed Iayalars who wore the skins of wild beasts and whose raison d'etre was to reach paradise through death by slitting Christian throats in battle. Suleiman's vengeance would be sweet and easy. Only 9,000 Christians waited to confront him, including 5,000 Maltese irregulars and 500 galley slaves. He would roll over them like the tide in the Bosporus, crush them; drown them in the sea.

Overcome by hubris, he may have overlooked the 700 knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem among them. Maybe he didn't know about their leader, Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Valette, who had survived a year as a galley slave himself, sometimes rowing twenty hours a day stark naked in the bowels of a Muslim ship. De la Valette's people hailed from Toulouse, which means he was French. What? Yes, French!

De la Valette told his Christian warriors this: "It is the great battle of the Cross and the Koran which is now to be fought. A formidable army of infidels are on the point of invading our island. We, for our part, are the chosen soldiers of the Cross, and if Heaven requires the sacrifice of our lives, there can be no better occasion than this. Let us hasten then, my brothers, to the sacred altar. There we will renew our vows and obtain by our faith in the sacred Sacraments, that contempt for death which alone can render us invincible."

In May 1565, the Muslims arrived and assaulted Fort. St. Elmo, at the tip of what is now the Maltese capital Valletta on the north shore of Grand Harbor. The Muslims expected to take it in three days. It took thirty five. Every day the knights at St. Elmo held out gave the defenders at St. Angelo, the main base across the harbor, more time to prepare. At night, Valette sent reinforcements. Aware they were heading to certain death, they were grateful for the honor of dying there.

Word arrived that the help the Christians expected from Don Garcia de Toledo, Viceroy of nearby Sicily, would not come in time, if at all. On May 31, La Valette read this dispatch to his Council:

"We now know that we cannot look to others for our deliverance! It is only upon God and our own swords that we must rely. Yet this is no reason to be disheartened. Rather the opposite, for it is better to know the truth of one's situation than be deceived by specious hopes. Our faith and the honor of our Order are in our own hands. We shall not fail."

The invaders pounded the walls to dust. Then they attacked, endless waves of screaming Muslims, trampling the bodies of their slain, across the moat into which the walls of St Elmo had slid. Each time the diminishing band of defenders fought them off, with pikes and battle-axes, firing muskets and dropping blocks of stone, throwing fire-hoops and cauldrons of boiling pitch that set the flowing robes of the Muslims ablaze and burned them to death like human torches. Michael Davies comments: "The pork-like odor of burning flesh filled the air." Burning Muslims who smelled like pork?

Knight Rafael Salvage and Captain de Miranda arrived from Sicily with Viceroy Don Garcia's latest message to La Valette. Here is what they saw at St. Elmo: "The insupportable fatigues increasing, chiefly the whole night, and the burying in the parapets of bowels and limbs of men all torn to pieces and pounded by the hostile cannon, to such a pass had the hapless besieged been reduced; never stirring from their posts, but sleeping there and eating; with all other human functions; in arms always, and prepared for combat; . . . they had got so disfigured that they hardly knew each other any more. Ashamed of retiring for wounds not manifestly quite dangerous or almost mortal, those with the smaller bones dislocated or shattered, and livid faces bruised with frightful sores, or extremely lame and limping woefully; these miserably bandaged round the head, arms in slings, strange contortionsâ€â€￾such figures were frequent and nearly general, and to be taken for spectres rather than living forms."

On the 18th of June, La Valette called for volunteers to reinforce. Thirty knights along with 300 soldiers came forward, offering themselves for certain death. The original garrison of St. Elmo numbered 1,500. On Friday, June 22, 1565, a few hundred survivors remained. They sang hymns, prayed, defiantly tolled their chapel bell and prepared to meet Jesus. Those who could no longer stand were seated in chairs, fully armed. Incredibly, they managed to fight on for some hours. The Muslims had finally won the outpost but had lost precious time and thousands of their best troops.

Then the Muslim commander, Mustapha Pasha, made a fatal mistake. Raging at Christian impertinence, he decapitated the knights, raised their heads on spikes, crucified their officers to mock Jesus and floated their headless bodies across the harbor to Fort St. Angelo, where they washed up next morning. De La Valette responded with cannon.

It did little damage, but the Mohammedans were horrified when they saw what he was using for balls. They may have even recognized some of them. When his crucified knights washed up on shore, De La Valette decapitated the Muslim prisoners he was holding, threw their corpses into the sea and armed the cannon with their heads. Mustapha and his Mohammedans were enormously offended. Some of those missiles had belonged to friends.

De la Valette told his men to take no prisoners. Every day until the end of the siege they hanged one Turkish prisoner upon the walls of Medina. Aghast at the enormity of his losses to take so small a prize, Mustapha offered safe passage to the Knights if they would only surrender the island and leave. They refused.

The Grand Master told the knights this: "I will tell you now openly, my brethren, that there is no hope to be looked for except in the succor of Almighty God - the only true help. He who has looked after us until now, will not forsake us, nor will he deliver us into the hands of the enemies of the Holy Faith. We are soldiers and we shall die fighting. If, by any evil chance, the enemy should prevail, we can expect no better treatment than our brethren who were in St. Elmo. . . . Let no man think that there can be any question of receiving honorable treatment, or escaping with his life. If we are beaten, we shall all be killed. It would be better to die in battle than terribly and ignominiously at the hands of the conqueror."

The siege continued, the target now St. Angelo, the fortified enclave of the knights on the southern side of Grand Harbor. No one anywhere has ever fought a battle more ferocious. The Mohammedans tunneled beneath the Christian defenses to bury a mine and blow the knights up. When the Muslims ignited it, on August 18th, the head of the mine was finally under the Bastion of Castile. It destroyed a vast section of the main wall. Muslim troops swarmed through the breach.

La Valette seized a pike and rushed from his post of command in Birgu towards the Bastion of Castile. About to give way, his soldiers saw the Grand Master at the head of some knights running towards the danger. They forgot their fear and stopped the invading Muslims.

A grenade injured La Valette in the leg. Men shouted, "The Grand Master is in danger!" From every side knights and soldiers came rushing to his aid. The Muslims staggered and fell back. "Withdraw, Sire, to a place of safety!" a knight shouted. "The enemy is already in retreat!" Limping, la Valette continued up the slope. "As long as their banners still wave in the wind," he said, "I will not withdraw."

Not until the Christians reoccupied the whole bastion and repaired the defenses did he agree to have his wound dressed. At dawn, when the Muslims finally withdrew, both fortresses were still in Christian hands. By the way, Grand Master Jean de la Valette was not only French; when he commanded Christian defenders at the siege of Malta he was seventy one years old. Are you striplings in your sixties embarrassed yet?

The siege lasted 112 days. More than 40,000 Muslims had arrived. Only some 10,000 returned to formerly Christian Constantinople. Almost 250 knights of the Order had been killed; the survivors were badly wounded or crippled for life. Of the original 9,000, barely 600 still could bear arms.

Michael Davies says this: "The Maltese were one with the Knights, determined, whatever the cost, to be rid of the Turkish invader, though of the nobles there is barely a word in contemporary records; presumably they sat it out in their palaces in Medina." In other words, they were irrelevant. See my recent piece entitled, "Innocent Bystanders."

All this happened in 1565, not long ago, a mere four hundred some years. Look at the map and you will see that the Christian triumph at Malta was one of the hallowed few that saved Western civilization. Another was the battle of Tours, where Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel, "the Hammer," commanded the French knights who stopped the Muslim advance in 732.

There was the battle of Lepanto, in 1571, where the Christian fleet commanded by Don John of Austria defeated the Muslims. Miguel de Cervantes, wounded in that battle, would go home to write one of the greatest books of all time. And the next time you explain how many Polaks you need to screw in a light bulb, remember that without the Poles you would now be speaking Arabic. The Polish hussars commanded by King John Sobieski saved the West in 1683, when they stopped the advancing Muslims at the gates of Vienna.

Are you a Christian? Are you a man of the West? All of this is your history. Without it, you are what the conspiracy for world government wants. You are a Jay Leno interviewee, a giggling ignoramus, reveling in your ignorance, a parasite ripe for extortion and conquest, brainwashed to be exactly that in the nation's communist government schools. You don't know who and what you are; so you are nothing.

What are you in possession of your history? I chose one example to narrate. As you read it did you not feel something elemental struggle to erupt? Did you not feel the feminism and political correctness and multiculturalism and affirmative action, the "religion of peace," pansy preachers and make nice slough off? Notice that in the siege of Malta the knights saw no need to let bull dykes play games. Does your history not overwhelm all of that with righteous, masculine, inexhaustible Christian power?

The couple of years to come will require Christian warriors like Jean Parisot de la Valette and his knights. You are very fortunate because you just happen to be here right now. You have the chance to fight and maybe even to die in the same cause. History will make you the envy of Christendom.

Men of the West! Stand and fight!

[Announcement: Alan Stang's radio show, The Sting of Stang, airs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central, M-F, via Republic Broadcasting Network. Call him on the air at (800) 313-9443. To listen, go to and click on Listen Live. If you can't listen at that time, do so via the archives, which are free. I'll be talking about the various manifestations of the conspiracy for world government, its tactics, such as the illegal alien invasion, its purposes and its players, from Jorge W. Boosh on down.]

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I happen topersonally know the personreferenced in the first paragraph.
Stang is a hard-hitting JBS type, a Jew who converted to Catholicism. A lot of his articles are worthwhile. One area he won't touch though is Zionist power in the U.S. government and media.

Knowing Muslim history is fine, but the reality is that if we minded our own business they and the Arabs would pose no more of a threat to the U.S than Black Africa. They are for the most part a primitive Third World people.

The U.S. had no enemies in the Middle East until after the founding of Israel. The fedgov and the media have it back asswards -- we should keep the Arabs and Muslims out of our country, and keep out of their business. Instead we let them in here by the millions while also enabling Israel's expansionist agenda. Our Israel First government and media have made the Arabs and Muslims into enemies and as a result the United States is now fighting a perpetual "war on terror" with all that it entails -- namely permanent war abroad and a police state at home. In the name of "friendship" with Israel, we are becoming the same type of oppressive garrison state.
Jul 14, 2007
Jimmy Chitwood, thanks for posting this incredible story! This would make for a great Hollywood blockbuster, as long as the part of Jean Parisot de la Valette was cast to Will Smith, some woman was important to the victory, and in summation the realized they didn't need to battle, just to understand each other better.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don Wassall said:
Knowing Muslim history is fine, but the reality is that if we minded our own business they and the Arabs would pose no more of a threat to the U.S than Black Africa. They are for the most part a primitive Third World people.

The U.S. had no enemies in the Middle East until after the founding of Israel. The fedgov and the media have it back asswards -- we should keep the Arabs and Muslims out of our country, and keep out of their business. Instead we let them in here by the millions while also enabling Israel's expansionist agenda.

Yes, that describes the situation in a nutshell.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Don, i agree.

it wasn't learning about the muslim aspect of the story that was impactful to me. rather, the vividness of history, the REAL struggle and conflict that had to be decided by REAL men who knew that violent death were likely to result even if they made the right decisions, that hit me so hard.

history should be everyone's favorite subject because of the literally thousands of stories like this one. however, the dumbed down, politically correct horse doo doo that we're spoon fed in school makes most everyone abhor history.

the old maxim says that if we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. and so far, that's held true. it's a shame so few "educated" and "enlightened" Americans care to make the effort to learn from the past and not make the same mistakes that have destroyed countless nations, civilizations, cultures, etc. throughout history.

i guess it's more important to talk about Britney Spears' latest haircut or who won Dancing with the Stars or who got voted off Survivor.
Oct 24, 2005
There was a movie planned on the siege of Malta. Anthony Hopkins was signed to play DeVallete and Robert DeNiro as the moslem bad guy. Strangely, this movie was cancelled after 9/11.
I am greatful that I was raised as a Catholic. We were taught about all the great leaders like Vallette, Charles Martel, John Sobieski and others. Most protestants never heard of them. Edited by: screamingeagle


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great article Jimmy, and thanks for posting it. I agree with your take on why it is a great read.


Apr 13, 2005
As someone who just made a career shift to history teacher I cannot agree more, KNOW YOUR HISTORY. What is past is prologue.Edited by: Bronk

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i stumbled across this video on YouTube today. it is a very succinct description of how governments work, and why our Founding Fathers formed America into a Republic; not a democracy as most folks have been indoctrinated into believing.

What is America's true form of government?


Jan 8, 2005
FANTASTIC article. Brought tears to my eyes.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
screamingeagle said:
There was a movie planned on the siege of Malta. Anthony Hopkins was signed to play DeVallete and Robert DeNiro as the moslem bad guy. Strangely, this movie was cancelled after 9/11.
I am greatful that I was raised as a Catholic. We were taught about all the great leaders like Vallette, Charles Martel, John Sobieski and others. Most protestants never heard of them.

Sadly, today's Catholics are only taught about Pope John Paul II, Peter Claver and Edith Stein. All of the great European and American Catholics of history have been thrown down the memory hole.
Oct 24, 2005
Mr. Wassell: Our first foreign war was against the moslem Barbary pirates.
I do agree with you on throwing out the moslems. If we kicked them out, we would not need the Patriot act and other laws like that.
Dec 10, 2008
Outside North America
The Jews and Muslims are all the same to me, a bunch of ethnic and religious racists</span>! The Jews after all did crucify</span> Jesus Christ, and they were founders of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism!

The Muslims only care about Muslims, why they would even suicide bomb each other for all I care, and we Christians (Americans) would still get the blame for their misery. The Muslims are completely blind with religion alone, religious nutcases.

I wonder why those stinking liberals</span> and atheists</span> of America and Europe don't see the growing threat of Islam and the Jews? They keep always preaching for gun control</span> and human rights</span> bullsh*ts!!!

Nuke 'em for all I care!!!!!

Edited by: indianwhite

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i don't know who mentioned it, but i watched the documentary "Islam: What the West Needs to Know" yesterday.

it is very well done! thanks to whoever recommened it. being a man who has begun studying islam to see what the hell is really going on, i found it to be very accurate containing a large amount of factual information placed in easily understood context. it should be a MUST-WATCH for any CFers who want to understand another massive threat we're up against.

Islam: What the West Needs to Know


Nov 25, 2004
Sorry, no interest in that video. Violent lines can be found in every religious book. I don't think we have to go into any detail to convince anyone of that.

The fact is we have problems with Islamics not because of what is in their book, but because we meddle in their affairs for Israel's book. Besides foreign policy, our domestic policy of open borders puts us in natural conflict with virtually everyone who is immigrating because they are nearly all NON-Whites. Their religion doesn't matter - catholic Mexicans will lead to our destruction just as fast as masses of Islamic Arabs. Islam has never been much of lobbying force for open-borders. Not even today. But, guess which group, who also reads a different violent book, has influenced our immigration policy.

Sorry, the video looks like it's contrived for pro-war/pro-Israel propaganda. I don't need to listen to a bunch of Jewish "foreign affairs" experts tell me how bad the muslims are.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
indianwhite said:
The Jews and Muslims are all the same to me, &lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;a bunch of ethnic and religious racists&lt;/span&gt;! The Jews after all did &lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;crucify&lt;/span&gt; Jesus Christ, and they were founders of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism! The Muslims only care about Muslims, why they would even suicide bomb each other for all I care, and we Christians (Americans) would still get the blame for their misery. The Muslims are completely blind with religion alone, religious nutcases.I wonder why those stinking &lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;liberals&lt;/span&gt; and &lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;atheists&lt;/span&gt; of America and Europe don't see the growing threat of Islam and the Jews? They keep always preaching for &lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;gun control&lt;/span&gt; and &lt;span style="font-weight: bold;"&gt;human rights&lt;/span&gt; bullsh*ts!!! Nuke 'em for all I care!!!!!
because its the jews that are the liberals and promoting "liberalism" along with gun control. No change is going to come about with Obama like so mnay people think. There will still be war. He hired Joe Lieberman for christ sake. While he may be a liberal he is a jew and believes in going to war with any muslim nation that thinks negatively of Israel.

and btw, that video is probably israeli propaganda
edit: already beat to it
in reality, israel and the jews are our biggest threat. Muslims are the enemy to them and it seems proud White males are the enemy of jews. jews own the media and are trying to erase the White man's identity and make us ashame of who we are. They promote multi cultural ideas but yet they dont mix with other races. If we mix with other races and dont have any cultural identity it will be much easier for them to have control of us. How easy is it to conquer a race who is not proud to be themselves and doesnt stick together?
At this rate we will be outnumbered in the future. You think jews are scared of blacks? If they were they wouldnt be promoting them and saying how great they are all the time. In reality they know blacks are not a threat to take power away from them.
so muslims are technically our friend. The enemy of our enemy. We would not have to worry about them if it werent for Israel. They have no concern about controlling Whites. They just want the land they have over their in the middle east. Let them have it. I dont want it. They can do whatever they want to themselves over there, as long as we are not involved.Edited by: dwid

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
KP and dwid,

the video doesn't mention jews, isreal, or zionism at all except for a historical reference to the Crusades (re. fighting in Jerusalem).

while you are both correct in that some of the muslim hatred for the US is because of America's support of Isreal, that is far from the whole truth. Islam demands that all muslims spread the rule of allah throughout the world by subjugating ALL who don't worship allah... by the sword if the non-muslims don't submit/convert peacefully.

Islam and muslims won't "just get along" with America if we leave them alone. their god, holy books, and so on don't allow for peace treaties, negotiating, or live and let live. according to the muslim world view, the world is divided into two parts: the house of Islam and the house of War.

that's pretty clear cut, mates. you should watch the documentary.


Dec 15, 2005
I'm addicted to the Happy Hour forum here for some reason right now. Don't know if that's good or bad.

Jimmy, I sort of agree with what you're saying, except that I think a lot of those fundamentalist Muslims just use the Quran as an excuse to retaliate against the west and Israel.

Before the Wahabi movement, which was a like a revival of fundamentalist Islam, the Middle East was relatively peaceful. It was the British Imperial presence that set off the Wahabi movement imo.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
the muslims have been causing conflict/warfare in the Middle East since the 7th century. the only times that have been relatively peaceful are when they've been defeated soundly enough to significantly weaken them. during these periods, they quietly bide their time and lick their wounds until they can strike out again on their world-wide jihad.

i am an anti-Zionist. however, that doesn't mean the muslims are right, either.

i've been studying this intently for better than a year now. and while i'm still certainly not an expert, i do know enough to understand the basics. one of which is this:

muslims will not stop until either they are defeated or until the whole world is under the rule of Islam. there is no middle ground with them.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'm not a big Muslim supporter, in fact I don't give a rat's ass about them, but let me share some perspective. I live near Detroit, This area has the second largest Arab population in the world (behind Bagdad). The city of Dearborn (home of Henry Ford and Ford Motor Co.) is nearly commpletely Arab.

You may or may not know this but one thing is for sure there is no terrorism or any kind of significant anti-American activity in this HUGE Arab population. I visit there frequently and I will say this about Arabs. They work, they take care of their houses, do a decent job of raising their kids, and most importantly of all, keep to themselves.

There are whole neighborhoods that are nearly completely Arab. Their kids fill the football teams, play with pride and behave as the white teams of the suburbs. In many ways they embrace the American Dream. Like my relatives that came over here and formed in neighborhoods of their own with their disctinctive cultures so do these people.

They basically see themselves as white, many of them run the businesses in the ghettos since even though blacks have lived in those areas for a hundred years they still can't seem to ever get to the point of owning a business. Make no mistake when I deal with these people they feel as if we are the same or at least similar, the contrast with blacks and us is stark.

How bad can Muslims be if as a distinct presence in the heart of a major population center in the US, in neighborhoods where every store sign is in thier native scribble and the call to face Mecca goes out 5 times a day, there is no terrorism? I have never met a Muslim that wanted me to convert to Islam. But nearly every week a Mormon or a Jahovah's witness comes to my door.

What is the fear of these people? Are they going to attack churchs with scimatars? Personally I don't much care for them being here. And it would be nice if they went back. But they have no intention of taking over the banking system, no intention of remaking America into a PC paradise. They hate affirmative action, welfare, blacks, and liberals.

And there is another city a few miles away from Dearborn. Southfield, majority Jewish. There are no acts of violence between the two areas although they are as close as Israel and Iraq. Why is that? America was once a place where ethnic enclaves could peacefully co-exist under the iron rule of white European law. The law that sprung from our forefathers and the Enlightenment era. There are problems here and elsewhere in the world because the rules made by our ancestors have been subverted and perverted. And you know by who. Return to white law and justice and everyone will be able to get along just fine.
Dec 10, 2008
Outside North America
jaxvid</span>, your last post was an eye opener</span> for me. The cities of Dearborn (Muslim) and Southfield (Jews), are just a few miles apart, yet there is no antagonism between the two major ethnic populations. They are indeed well-behaved as any typical White American and European. European law does indeed play a significant role in making a near-utopian atmosphere and evironment for people.

If you look in the case of Zimbawe, the people are greatly suffering, becuase of that stupid and idiotic RACIST </span>dictator Robert Mugabe. His anti-white and foreign policy is whta's driving that country to oblivion. When it comes to governing a land, nation, or country, White people are the best</span>. Let's see if BHO has any of that sense of White European Law. There has never been a great Black head of state in world history</span> as of yet, if your saying it's Nelson Mandela or Robert Mugabe, you have to be joking.

If the Muslims want their lands back then, I'm OK with it, but they have to practice foreign culture and religious tolerance. The same thing goes for the Jews. White Law and Justice is indeed the best, because every White-Majority county in the world is well developed</span>.

Edited by: indianwhite
Oct 24, 2005
Some people have complained that they have not been taught about the Reconstruction. Another Black Hole in our history is that we have not been taught the whites have been enslaved by Moslems from Africa.
Two books I recommend on this subject.
White Slaves, African Masters by Paul Baepler
The Stolen Village by Des Ekin
The last book is about a village in Ireland the was kidnapped in by Moslems in 1631.
There are other books on the subject but these were the ones close at hand.


Apr 6, 2007
screamingeagle said:
Another Black Hole in our history is that we have not been taught the whites have been enslaved by Moslems from Africa.

Sack of Baltimore

As a history teacher I try to generate interest in the past among my students. Afraid to say that it is a losing battle.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005

you make an excellent point when you mention that there are certain obvious aspects of muslim neighborhoods that are positive. i agree completely with you in that regard! in fact, if you travel to wholly muslim nations, their cities are almost completely devoid of violent crime and are incredibly clean. however, pointing out the good points of muslim living is like pointing out a negro who has never been to jail: sure that's nice, but it is hardly something to brag about.

i also know numerous muslims, have studied their holy book with them, and have discussed politics and various other subject matters in very frank ways. as a rule, they seem like nice folks. but thinking that all muslims are just like you and me because they currently portray a nice, peaceful life in America is over-simplifying the issue. let me explain, if i may.

there are peaceful muslims who live in harmony with their neighbors and aren't waging war, but they are either ignorant of what the Koran demands (it shouldn't be a surprise that many muslims are as ignorant of their holy scriptures as catholics are of theirs) or have consciously rejected its message.

there may be peaceful muslims, but there is no peaceful Islam.

currently, barring our "President," muslims don't have a population in the USA to make up a viable political unit large enough to move current policy in a direction that favors their belief structure. they don't have enough bullets for their gun, so to speak. that being the case, they are keeping their heads low and showing a face to the American public that is moderate, likeable, even open and sympathetic to American ideals. they are smart enough to not start a fight until they think they can win.

as Serge Trifkovic in the film points out, muslim spokesmen in the West know how to play the game, presenting a face that is regarded not only as acceptable but also reasonable, using our own system of human and civil rights, freedom of religion, and so forth, in order to establish a foothold. they do this knowing full well that if they had power to do so they would abolish said institutions and rights to us. the face muslims show to outsiders (us!) is far different than when they are amongst themselves.

take a look at what is going on in the Netherlands, England, Sweden, France, and so on if you don't believe things will change when their numbers grow. hell, in England muslims have demanded (and received!) Sharia law to supercede English tort law!

this brings up the third possibility for explaining peaceful muslims' behavior. it's an Islamic policy directly from the Koran called al-Taqiyya.

Taqiyya (found in the Koran in 3:28 and 16:106 and in numerous Hadiths) is a conscious deception intending to mislead Westerners in accordance with Islamic teachings to protect Islam when muslims are threatened or not in power. Literally, Taqiyyah is defined as: "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of imminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury." A one-word translation would be "dissimulation."

This is smart, of course, because no one wants to start a fight they know they'll lose. And as is held by muslims:
Sahih Al-Bujhari
Vol 4, Bk 52, Hadith 269

The Prophet said, "War is deceit."

furthermore, as I've noted before, muslims break the world down into two parts (kind of like the jews, actually): the House of Islam and the House of War. there is no middle ground!

the all-important Islamic traditions have it that Surrah 9 is the last revealed. therefore it is Allah's last word. it also contains the infamous "Verse of the Sword" which made null and void all the peaceful verses! of course, there are only a bare handful of those to begin with.
the Noble Koran

Then when the Sacred Months (the 1st, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (un-believers) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (the Islamic prayers) and Zakat (alms), then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

kill them (that's us!) whenever you see them, wherever you find them. that's pretty plain.

the Noble Koran

Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and (fight against) those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e., Islam) among the People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah (the poll tax) with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.

Sahih Al--Bukhari
Vol 4, Bk 52, Hadith 196

Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' ..."

furthermore, there is only one thing that GUARANTEES a muslim will get in to Heaven: dying as a martyr.

the Noble Koran

Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. they fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. that is the supreme success.

the expert lady in the film puts it far clearer than i could, the muslims see jihad as a war liberating the infidels from their infidelity. it's a privilege for the non-believers to become muslims and abandon their wrong belief. jihad is seen as a favor that is given to the infidel population (that's us!) in order to change their ways and convert to the true religion: Islam.

there are only three options for non-believers, as muslims see things. 1) conversion, 2) submission (subjugation as 2nd class citizens), or 3) destruction.

there can be no peace treaties. there can be no live-and-let-live agreements. there can be but one conclusion as they see it: fight until the whole world is subjugated under the rule of Allah. everything else is just biding their time until such a fight can begin successfully on a new front.

p.s. i hope i'm not getting too deep into this subject matter and distract from the main thread topic. it's just that i've been diving deep into studying Islam lately.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
So we got the jews that are subverting us by using their intelligence to infiltrate our social systems and create havoc in our culture and then we have the muslims that are going to outbreed us and then cut our throats?

I want to move to Montana.