King of Pop is no more!

I get it now....multi-millionare QB Steve McNair dies while cheating on his wife (with whom he has 4 kids) with a high school chick, and you guys are writing "God Bless Your Soul, Steve!" and "RIP, My Love!" on that thread.

However, the alien known as Michael Jackson dies, and we're suddenly permitted to insult and mock the dead? Why isnt anyone "praying for his soul" on this thread? I guess it's OK to belittle him post-mordom....because the media / tabloid weirdos have given you permission via their two decades of mostly fictionary stories?

I guess I'm not computing the McNair situation correctly. You guys do realize that his wife knew nothing about the young girl who shot him, and then herself? Thus, he was cheating on her.

Why is what McNair did somehow any better than what Jackson did? Michael Jackson has never been convicted of anything (assuming the court system did their job correctly). I'm not defending him...because I could care less that he's dead, either.

I just want super-pitchman Billy Mays back!
Edited by: Thrashen
Good point Thrashen. I think what McNair did was bad too. The truth came out about him and everyone is shocked. I don't like talking about dead people, but if you sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Colonel_Reb said:
Good point Thrashen. I think what McNair did was bad too. The truth came out about him and everyone is shocked. I don't like talking about dead people, but if you sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind.

Col. Reb for what its worth I agree with you 100%.
what pisses me off is that we have troops over in foreign countries and people seem to be more concerned about michael jackson's funeral or the jonas brothers or that the actor from harry potter who had swine flu. i can remember when cnn posted "breaking news" saying that adam lambert came out of the closet. where are our priorities?
While I don't mind negative commentary about McNair I also don't think his marital indiscretion ranks up with Jocko's child molestation. It's an issue of consenting adults. I also don't think "sowing" your wild oats should "reap" a bullet to the head.
jaxvid said:
While I don't mind negative commentary about McNair I also don't think his marital indiscretion ranks up with Jocko's child molestation. It's an issue of consenting adults. I also don't think "sowing" your wild oats should "reap" a bullet to the head.

Ditto here Jaxvid. A baby-raper trumps a cheater on the scumbag scale. I could care less about either one of those 2, but it's the non-stop praise & lionization of Wacko Jacko that is troubling. To see how many White (castrated) sheeple adore that vermin is quite disturbing.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I am not surprised by the coverage. CNN and the news channels have 24 hours to fill. Nobody knows individual soldiers that have died. And didn't the Bush Admin keep the media from showing the coffins when they arrived back in the US because people would want to end the war if they saw that?
When JFK jr died ,ABC interupted the British Open and showed coverage of the search, when we could see the coverage on CNN if we wanted to. All ABc did was speculate and show some boats going around in a circle all day, instead of the Open. I still can't understand that one. Why interrupt a once a year event, when people could see the search on other channels.

Adam Lambert announcing he's gay is like Shaq announcing he's tall.
Col Reb, your post stating your amazement in white adulation of MJs memorial amazes me. How many DWFs show up on Sunday and pay good money, watch ESPN's endless replays and analysis adnausem over the overhyped/medicore affelets in the NFL! The majority of these f..ks don't know how whites are being discriminated against. You do. To me its the same thing. Whites going/emotional ape sh.t over a somewhat talented, albeit overhyped singer/dancer. To me it par for the course. Whites getting fooled by the media to think affelets and black entertainers are the best thing since Elvis, Sinatra, Joe Montana....etc. Col Reb you should have known that alot of whites would feel this way. Like I have said whites are aiding in the race's demise and actually feeling bad for MJs death. Shoot, alot of whites will feel that whites aided in his death. Without cuase!

The thing that gets me is the exercise in mass hysteria that we're seeing. I wonder why we're not affected by it? Does anybody have any ideas about why we're not affected like so many other White people?

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

The thing that gets me is the exercise in mass hysteria that we're seeing. I wonder why we're not affected by it? Does anybody have any ideas about why we're not affected like so many other White people?

Tom Iron...

Almost everyone I talk to is dismissive of the whole Jackson circus. I just think there are enough wierd people to enable the media to make it look like it's more popular then it is. There are 300 million people in this country and a lot of them are stupid.

It's all mindless entertainment anyway, a brief article to peruse before moving onto the next media created frenzy.
"the media to make it look like it's more popular then it is."

Jax, that's very well said. Everyone I know also mocks the media circus over the death of freak-boy (and most other hand-picked media topics). Obviously, the TV media is a business, and with the emergence of the internet....their time in the sun is quickly coming to a close. Thank god for that.
Westside, I agree with you. I was just a little taken back by the sheer numbers of whites I've run into who think its a tragedy and who watched the media coverage of it all. I'm not shocked that it happened, just the scale. Like jaxvid said, a lot of the 300 million people in this country are stupid.
Did anyone see the speech by his little daughter? HOw can that possibly his daughter. I know the woman he had the kid with was white but the girl looks 100 % white.
whiteathlete33 said:
Did anyone see the speech by his little daughter? HOw can that possibly his daughter. I know the woman he had the kid with was white but the girl looks 100 % white.

It's a freakin' shame, those poor white kids have been ABDUCTED, the situation is basically that a gay pedophile used his money to grow white kids from donated sperm and eggs for his future pleasure. Now that he has died the kids will be "owned" by his anti-white family and used to further their purposes. It is nothing but high tech white slavery.
To have his white "daughter" say in front of thousands of people how much she loved her father made me sick. Not only that but Al Sharpton speaking was the icing on the cake.
Three hundred million people in the country. A lot of them are stupid. Add that to you can't fix stupid. That does explain a lot.

And Jackson got away with that "having children" scam. Can you imagine if some creepy white entertainer with a cloud of pedophelia about him (maybe a Pee Wee Herman?) had used technology to create black "offspring" for himself? Blacks would have raised hell, and rightly so. They still know how to stand up for themselves.

White passivity in non action again.
I seriously doubt Wacko Jacko even had the ability to sire offspring. He never appeared to have surpassed puberty with that soprano voice of his. He paid off the Debbie whatever-her-name is woman to buy-off those kids. I think one even had green eyes. The contrived love-fest over Wacko Jacko is repulsive.
The Hock said:
Three hundred million people in the country. A lot of them are stupid. Add that to you can't fix stupid. That does explain a lot.

Why all the adulation for Jackson and all things Black? The Political Cesspool links to an article written by a crafty spin meister. The beguilers never quit, let up, or miss an opportunity.

Yep, that's what this classic piece of Jewish garbage disguised as journalism claims. Not just Michael Jackson, but also Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Tiger Woods, and Barack Obama. They, and only they, "explain America to the world"Â￾, as an earlier version of the sub-headline claimed. To Jews, white American are not only beneath contempt, they might as well not even exist.
Los Angeles is asking for money to defray the costs of this funeral/show. I think I will send thema a dollar, which is a dollar more than Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson will give.Edited by: screamingeagle
whiteathlete33 said:
To have his white "daughter" say in front of thousands of people how much she loved her father made me sick. Not only that but Al Sharpton speaking was the icing on the cake.

Did anyone catch charlatan Al Sharpton's Spin Zonecontention that Michael Jackson was a civil right's hero in the same vein as Jackie Robinson? Anything black is celebrated in upside down America 2009; although, O'Reiley at least challeged him.

Jaime Fox and Puff Daddy speak at the BET awards about Micahel Jackson and his "blackness." Warning: Video may induce vommiting. by: Alpha Male
Fox & (meat)Puff Daddy are panty-wafers just like Jacko. MJ was a creampuff of the highest order, not one to be celebrated as a true champion of a race!Sheeshz! You'd think these untermenschen would find a better individual to fawn over!
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