"From what I have read the accused was obviously mentally ill - just like the Colorado shooter and the CT shooter."
I don't know about the Colorado shooter. I didn't follow that story much. But the Connecticut shooter, the fictitious "Adam Lanza", was a staged hoax.
I don't know what this one is all about, whether it's some mind controlled patsy, or just a weird crime by a mental case who was probably on government mandated prescribed psychoactive drugs, like Ritalin, like all the real school shooters were, as are something like 20% of all boys in the USSA's schools - that they - the ziomedia and the occupational government - are going to milk for all its worth, as you already see scum like Hillary, and Barryetta and his callboy Joey, doing, demanding that honest people all be disarmed.
I don't know what those flags are either, but they'll probably try to spin it that he's a "white supremacist", and yes they look photoshopped on.