
How about fix the levee system, tear down all the housing projects/ slums/ whatever, make all the property expensive enough that only the middle and upper classes can afford it, and turn it into a predominantly white city? It will never happen, but it's a nice thought. Imagine the fit that Jesse Jackson would have. That would be reason enough to do it, just to see his head explode!
with all the blame going to the federal govt.'s lack of foresight with regard to funding in N'awlins, i found this to be very interesting...

Army's engineers spent millions on Louisiana projects labeled as pork
Michael Grunwald, Washington Post
September 8, 2005 CORPS0908

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Before Hurricane Katrina breached a levee on the New Orleans Industrial Canal, the Army Corps of Engineers had launched a $748 million construction project at that very location. But the project had nothing to do with flood control. The Corps was building a massive new lock for the canal, an effort to accommodate steadily increasing barge traffic.

Except barge traffic on the canal has been steadily decreasing.

In Katrina's wake, Louisiana politicians and other critics have complained about paltry funding for the Army Corps in general and Louisiana projects in particular. But over the five years of President Bush's administration, Louisiana has received far more money for Corps civil works projects than any other state, about $1.9 billion; California was a distant second with less than $1.4 billion, even though its population is more than seven times larger.

Much of that Louisiana money was spent to try to keep low-lying New Orleans dry. But hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to unrelated water projects demanded by the state's congressional delegation and approved by the Corps, often after economic analyses that turned out to be inaccurate. Despite a series of independent investigations criticizing Army Corps construction projects as wasteful pork-barrel spending, Louisiana's representatives have kept bringing home the bacon.

For example, after a $194 million deepening project for the Port of Iberia flunked a Corps cost-benefit analysis, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., tucked language into an emergency Iraq spending bill ordering the agency to redo its calculations. The Corps also spends tens of millions of dollars a year dredging little-used waterways like the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, the Atchafalaya River and the Red River -- now known as the J. Bennett Johnston Waterway, in honor of the project's congressional godfather -- for barge traffic that turns out to be less than forecast.

Most controversial

The Industrial Canal lock is one of the agency's most controversial projects, sued by residents of a New Orleans low-income black neighborhood and cited by an alliance of environmentalists and taxpayer advocates as the fifth-worst current Corps boondoggle. In 1998, the Corps justified its plan to build a new lock -- rather than fix the old lock for a tiny fraction of the cost -- by predicting huge increases in barge traffic.

In fact, barge traffic on the canal had been plummeting since 1994, but the Corps left that data out of its study. And barges have continued to avoid the canal since the study was finished, even though they are visiting the port in increased numbers.

Pam Dashiell, president of the Holy Cross Neighborhood Association, remembers holding a protest against the lock four years ago -- right where the levee broke last week. Now she's holed up with her family in a St. Louis hotel, and her neighborhood is underwater. "Our politicians never cared half as much about protecting us as they cared about pork," she said.

Wednesday, congressional defenders of the Corps said they hoped the fallout from Hurricane Katrina would pave the way for billions of dollars of additional spending on water projects. Steve Ellis, a Corps critic with Taxpayers for Common Sense, called their push "the legislative equivalent of looting."

Louisiana's politicians have requested much more money for New Orleans hurricane protection than the Bush administration has proposed or Congress has provided. In the last budget bill, Louisiana's delegation requested $27.1 million for shoring up levees around Lake Pontchartrain, the full amount the Corps had declared as its "project capability." Bush suggested $3.9 million, and Congress agreed to spend $5.7 million.

Administration officials also scaled back a long-term project to restore Louisiana's disappearing coastal marshes, which once provided a measure of natural hurricane protection for New Orleans. They ordered the Corps to stop work on a $14 billion plan and devise a $2 billion plan instead.

Levees only so strong

But overall, the Bush administration's funding requests for the key New Orleans flood-control projects for the past five years were slightly higher than the Clinton administration's for its past five years. Lt. Gen. Carl Strock, the chief of the Corps, has said that in any event, more money would not have prevented the drowning of the city, since its levees were only designed to protect against a Category 3 storm. Strock also has said the marsh restoration project would not have done much to diminish Katrina's storm surge, which passed east of the coastal wetlands.

"The project manager for the Great Pyramids probably put in a request for 100 million shekels and only got 50 million," said John Paul Woodley Jr., the Bush administration official overseeing the Corps. "Flood protection is always a work in progress; on any given day, if you ask whether any community has all the protection it needs, the answer is almost always: Maybe, but maybe not."

The Corps had been studying the possibility of upgrading the New Orleans levees for a higher level of protection before Katrina hit, but Woodley said that study would not have been finished for years. Still, liberal bloggers, Democratic politicians and some Republican defenders of the Corps have linked the catastrophe to the underfunding of the agency.

"We've been hollering about funding for years, but everyone would say: There goes Louisiana again, asking for more money," said former Democratic senator John Breaux. "We've had some powerful people in powerful places, but we never got what we needed."
The town I grew up in was virtually all white. Recently, Katrina refugees have been shipped in. A sell out (white) lawyer has paid for approximately 50 families' rent, furniture, etc. They have taken up residence at one of the nicest apartment complexes there. My hometown is a white flight suburb that borders a majority black city. The Ku Klux Klan was quite active there up until the 80's. There was a Vietnamese family that had their home burned down when they tried to move in during the 80's. Now there are a few Asians there without much conflict ,but there have been threats made toward these new blacks. The police are keeping at least one patrol car at the apartment complex where they reside at all times. A customer came into my mother's salon and was livid because her brother gave a ride to some "evacuees" and they hit him over the head with a crowbar and stole his truck and his wallet. I asked her if they said anything racial about him being white while they did it and she said her brother said they did. Then she started saying that the police wouldn't charge them with a hate crime if they were found. She was saying racial slurs pretty loud in public if you know what I mean. I started to try to tell her about American Renaissance, the BNP, and Caste Football but she was just too irate. Maybe I can next time I see her. At any rate, I just wanted to relay to you what was going on in my neck of the woods.
All day long during NFL games, appeals were made to send contributions to the "BushClintonKatrina.org" relief fund. Don't you love how the system absorbs the worst governmental calamities and turns them into exhortations of patriotism? The federal government is destroying America, the Iraq war of aggression and the New Orleans levee fiasco and follow-up being exhibits 1 and 2, all while sucking up trillions of dollars each year from the sheeple -- and now we're supposed to donate generously from what we have left after the same government is done plundering us.

Make those checks out to: The Bush Crime Family. Keep 'em coming sheeple.
White people are targeted for murder in Zimbabwe and South Africa
today. There is on going genocide going on right now and people don't

N.O. is a glimpse into the dark future of urban cities in America when white civilization is ended.
Trainer, white civilization is not going to be ended by the curren crowd in
charge, or the ongoing designed collapse of the US. White civilization has
been temporarily derailed by the aliens in control of government and
media. It is going to backfire on them, but it is going to get worse before
the tide turns. We will see this happen. All around us we can see the
cracks starting to spread. I worry, but I don't worry.
Lets just face it where blacks are a lot of poor people are because they are poor. They feel the white man owes them. It is the minority of blacks that are like the ones you see in New Orleans. Most are just people who just want to get ahead.
okra63 said:
It is the minority of blacks that are like the ones you see in New Orleans. Most are just people who just want to get ahead.

Okra, it is not a minority of blacks who commit crimes. Did you have a chance to read the - Color of Crime - report ? http://www.amren.com/store/colorcrime.htm

major Findings:
Crime Rates
- Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
- When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
- Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
- The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
Interracial Crime
- Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
- Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
- Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
- Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
- Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
- Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
- Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
- Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.

They live better in prison than they do on the
streets in general. Crime has no real meaning to them. Once
they go to the NFL and make millions, they still act this way because
that's how they were raised I guess. Raise blacks in regular
environments they won't turn out this way. It's an inner city
thing. The Italians and Irish used to be like that too when they
were in the inner cities.
American said:
they still act this way because that's how they were raised I guess. Raise blacks in regular environments they won't turn out this way.

Dear Lord,what's it going to take to wake people up? lI am really starting to think it's bleeping hopeless!

American wrote:The Italians and Irish used to be like that too when they were in the inner cities.

Oh yeah sure, Irish and Italians were JUST like that. Not a dimes worth of difference between them I suppose. All immigrants probably acted just like Negroes. You've been watching too many Soprano episodes. I grew up with many Irish and Italian friends and I will tell you for a fact. No @#$%* way theyact just like blacks.
this is a little bit outdated, but i got this forwarded to me and thought i'd share...it gave me quite a laugh.

Things I have learned from watching the news on TV during the last eight days:
>> 1. The hurricane only hit black family's property.
>> 2. New Orleans was devastated and no other city was affected by the hurricane.
>> 3. Mississippi is reported to have a tree blown down.
>> 4. New Orleans has no white people.
>> 5. The hurricane blew a limb off a tree in the yard of an Alabama resident.
>> 6. When you are hungry after a hurricane steal a big screen TV.
>> 7. The hurricane did 23 billion dollars in improvements to New Orleans:now the city is welfare, looters and gang free and they are in your city.
>> 8. White folks don't make good news stories.
>> 9. Don't give thanks to the thousands that came to help rescue you, instead bitch because the government hasn't given you a debit card yet.
>> 10.Only black family members got separated in the hurricane rescue efforts.
>> 11.Ignore warnings to evacuate and the white folks will come get you and give you money for being stupid.
More news on the after effects of Katrina:

Texan hosts arm against crime wave
By Philip Sherwell in Houston
(Filed: 27/08/2006)

Hurricane Katrina may not have pounded Houston, but a year later the city is reeling from an ugly aftermath of the storm - a surging crime wave.

The murder rate in the Texan city has soared by almost 20 per cent since 150,000 Katrina evacuees arrived in August last year. According to police statistics, they are involved - as victim or killer - in one of every five homicides.

In the gun stores and on the shooting ranges of America's oil industry capital, business is booming as fearful locals take their defence into their own hands and buy concealed weapons licences that allow them to travel armed.

Full article

Interesting that this article is from the UK.
Another interesting article about Katrina. It seems a couple of sisters working for State Farm helped compile a case against their employer for fraudulently denying claims from victims of Katrina.

The only thing is, as I read between the lines in this article, it seems that only those so denied were the residents of Mississippi.

Sisters blew whistle on Katrina claims
It's a solemn day on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It's been a year since Katrina left a wake of destruction that no words can describe. My thoughts are with the people who lost friends and family, especially a friend who lost a family member.

So many people's lives have been uprooted, and people who have worked hard all their lives have lost everything.

You could go on and on about this community that looked like it was carpet bombed or another that was obliterated. The amount of water that the storm pushed was shocking.

The volunteers from all over the country who just jumped in and started helping people rebuild there homes and lives are part of the story. The Red Cross got some criticism, but they were a vital lifeline providing meals, water and relief money.

It will take time but the coast is moving forward and will recover just as it did after Camille.Edited by: Quiet Speed
American Freedom News