
Now that I had a chance to watch some more TV coverage today, it is really sad what is going on there. So many have died, and are dying. I wish I was back home so I could do something to help.

Mourning for Dixie
It's amazing how efficient the federal government is at confiscating half and more of Americans' income through taxes, but utterly inefficient and corrupt when it comes to everything else. Here's a great thought someone just put on the ANU board:

As one of our founding fathers George Mason said, "As nations cannot be rewarded and punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitible chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities."
There's so much violence going on even the swat team has locked themselves in their building."
A Brisbane man whose 22-year-old son is stranded in New Orleans says 60 foreigners have been moved from a sports stadium for their own protection.
Peter McNeil says the group including 10 Australians is seeking refuge in the lobby of a hotel after racist behaviour in the Superdome towards foreigners.
He says his son John feared for his life and saw people being raped, stabbed and murdered."It's a real racist issue, apparently between the locals, and they were segregated and John said they would stab you as soon as look at you," Mr McNeil said.
"John said he's never been so scared in his life and he just said they had to get out of the dome otherwise another night they would have gone.
He says his son John feared for his life and saw people being raped, stabbed and murdered."It's a real racist issue, apparently between the locals, and they were segregated and John said they would stab you as soon as look at you," Mr McNeil said.

I know the news media has reported that there is violence, but the severity of the situation just doesn't come across as bad as it does in this article.

I wonder why that is?
I didn't realize New Orleans had such a high murder rate before the storm. Gunfire was a common occurrence

<DIV =textTimestamp>Updated: 7:20 p.m. ET Aug. 18, 2005
NEW ORLEANS - Last year, university researchers conducted an experiment in which police fired 700 blank rounds in a New Orleans neighborhood in a single afternoon. No one called to report the gunfire.
It's amazing what people will do to hold on to their belief in pluralism and the "diversity is our strength" mantra. I am quite frustrated with the discussions in my university courses. People are making such creative excuses for this predictable and almost measureable, savage behavior. Most U.S. universities have become nothing more than Marxist indoctrination camps. Facts and reason are useless. Propaganda rules the day. Of course I speak up ,but most who are asleep prefer to remain so. The regurgitation of media catch phrases that I encounter are SO annoying. I'm glad this forum exists because it heartens me to know that there are some people who are somewhat immune to the bombardment of lies that we receive from our media and educational institutions in this country. There are tough times ahead ,and principled, clear thinkers like many of you will be needed.
I have a lot of admiration for these British tourists.The men shieldedtheir women from possible assault.

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=15922236&amp;method =full&amp;siteid=94762&amp;headline=dead-bodies--rape-crack- -gunshots--filth-and-a-sickening-stench-filling-the-thick-ai r--name_page.html
<DIV ="M2FullAStandfirst">TERRIFIED British students tell of dead bodies, rape, crack, gunshots, filth and a sickening stench filling the thick air.
A place of refuge became a terrifying trap, where knives and guns, crack cocaine use, threats of violence and racial abuse were rife. In one diary entry, he said: "A man has been arrested for raping a seven-year-old in the toilet, this place is hell, I feel sick.

At one point, up to 30 British students gathered in the dome were so terrified of attack when the power went down that they set up a makeshift security cordon.

Zoe Smith, 21, from Hull, said: "All us girls sat in the middle while the boys sat on the outside, with chairs as protection.

"We were absolutely terrified, the situation had descended into chaos, people were very hostile and the living conditions were horrendous.

"We had to wash with tiny bottles of water, the sink was blocked and full of gunk. Even when we offered to help with the cleaning, the locals gave us abuse."

Some students said they saw an 18-inch knife confiscated from one man and many others had guns and other weapons.Edited by: Bart
Those are some interesting links, Bart. As usual, the best sources of information, besides the true free press on the Internet, are from outside the U.S. You can bet there are many horrors being perpetrated on whites in New Orleans that will be completely covered up by the "press" here in the "land of the free."
I hate our spineless media. The internet is the best source for uncensored news sources. Last evening I tuned in to a local station for an update. Of course nobody had the guts to cover the atrocities committed against whites. Instead this is what I heard. A man claimed that Negroes were used as sand bags to bolster levees in the 1920's.

http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,574 4,16475278%255E2703,00.html

FRIGHTENED, helpless and hopelessly outnumbered, Australian James Gourlie and 30 fellow New Orleans police officers were trapped in a motel last night as the city descended into rampant lawlessness.

Mr Gourlie, 31, from Melbourne, was holed up at the Hampton Inn, a makeshift police headquarters, powerless to arrest criminals and with nowhere to hold them if they did.

"The criminals are walking around with AK-47s and the police have handguns," his father Rod Gourlie told The Weekend Australian yesterday after talking with his son.

Most of Mr Gourlie's 200 colleagues have either fled or are missing. Another was murdered - shot at close range in the back of the head - as he walked away from looters.

At the nearby convention centre, Mr Gourlie told his family, two people had been killed. A 50-year-old woman was raped before her throat was cut and her body stuffed into an oven. Another man was found murdered in the kitchen. Edited by: Bart
I'm reading now that over two dozen nations have offered aid to assist the United States in recovery from the affects of Katrina. For example, Australia donated $8 million to the American Red Cross.

Japan has generously donated $200,000 to the ARC as well.

And in further news, Mexico offered to send 500,000 guest workers to assist in agricultural and construction operations.

Okay, okay, I was kidding about the last part.

Or was I?
Can you imagine being old and white and treated like thiis? I doubt you will see them displayed on the tube giving their story. They could have died from fear!


As rations were finally doled out here on the day President Bush visited the devastated city, an elderly white woman and her husband collapsed from the heat.

"I had to walk two blocks to get here and I have arthritis and three ruptured discs in my back," said Selma Valenti, 80, as her husband lay beside her, being revived by a policeman in riot gear. The two had eaten nothing since Wednesday.

Valenti and her husband, two of very few white people in the almost exclusively black refugee camp, said she and other whites were threatened with murder on Thursday.

"They hated us. Four young black men told us the buses were going to come last night and pick up the elderly so they were going to kill us," she said, sobbing. "They were plotting to murder us and then they sent the buses away because we would all be killed if the buses came -- that's what the people in charge told us this morning."

Other survivors recounted horrific cases of sexual assault and murder.
Didn't realize thelink found in the post abovecontained the details of the post I had in this space. No need for duplicate posts and information. Edited by: Bart
I would like to know if the countries and continents that we give most of our foreign aid to (Israel and Africa) will now donate some of that money back to help the victims of Katrina. How about the UN? Anybody find information on this? I've seen a couple of reports that certain organizations are donating relief funds that are specific for Jewsand Black victims of Katrina and they are getting postive press. Just wondering.
Why is it the overseas press is the only source for these stories? Has even one of our politicians expressed outrage over these incidents?Blacks and whites are screaming to the high heavens aboutalleged black victimization. Who speaks for whites?

[url]http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/story.jsp?story=66035 8[/url]

Michael Brocken, a BBC presenter, said he was forced to stand guard over his teenage daughter to prevent her being raped by looters as they camped outside the Superdome.

Mr Brocken (50), from Chester, said a US National Guard officer warned him, his wife Christine and 18-year-old daughter Stephanie not to go into the Superdome because it was too dangerous.

The BBC Radio Merseyside presenter said: "We were in severe danger. Many locals were coming towards us and shouting sexual abuse at my daughter.

"I feared they would rape her. If someone had approached Stephanie I would have killed them. I would have done anything to protect her. It was total lawlessness."
I am tired of hearing about the hurricane.
Geez, so am I. I know I'm a cold hearted bastard but I really couldn't give a rip about New Orleans. First of all it's a long way from me in Michigan. I don't really consider it part of America, my America anyway, so what happened there happened there. I would never donate any money or anything because: 1) I have no friggin' connection to the place other then the federal government rules over them and me; and 2) the federal government is going to give billions to them, money they took from me in taxes so I've done my part--unvoluntarily!! and I'll be damned if I send one cent more.

And it sucks having to listen to all of the idiots that contribute more of their hard earned money and time strut about like heroes, to me they're asses.
Jaxvid, I feel the same way. The only money I would ever give would have to be to protect the white victims by putting looters and the like behind bars or underground. Thus far I know of no such charity.
How about nations in Africa taking in some of these blacks from New Orleans? Kenya, The Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Etc. They should welcome there long lost brothers. Of course this will not happen. WHY? Because when your up to your neck in manure you can't help out others who are stuck in the same thing. Africa could no more help these people then they could send a spaceship to Mars. So it's up to those nasty White folks to feed and care for them[as always]!
At our local schools, they are offering the grade, i.e. 6th grade, 7th grade,etc, that donates the most an extra 30 minutes on their lunch period, for the rest of the year. Some of the teachers are offering extra points on grades to kids who donate, based on what they bring in.

Despite the fact that Uncle Sam spends a gazillion dollars to guarantee no child is left behind, with all the kids having to pass exit exams, they still find time to find ways to raise grades without merit and cut back on class room time?

Makes sense to me.
I don't blame y'all for being tired of hearing about NOLA and the hurricane. For those of us in the Houston area, the effects of Katrina will linger for a long time. Thousands of former (black) New Orleans residents are now Houston residents with no intention of leaving.

I would love to know how many of these roaches that have been flooded out from behind the walls of civilized society will now pick up a want ads when they are relocated. If the feds do help relocate them they should give them jobs also. It would be interesting to see how many would refuse help if they had to work to get it. They should also give them free night school or freecomputer school. Any average ten year old white kid could teach it to them. I mean try to teach it to them.
My solution. As the water is being pumped out of NO, bus them back there and have them pick up the mess. Have them pick up the dead bodies, garbage, etc. Have them clean up their own city. FEMA could pay them. As it is now, the motivated ones in Houston are looking for local jobs, but the others are sitting around with nothing to do.
Example number 1,439,679 of how dishonest the media are: I actually
heard a reporter state that some communities may resent the influx of
the New Orleans "evacuees" because they "will be competing for scarce
local jobs." Competing?!? FOR JOBS ?!?!?! These vermin haven't
worked a day in their life -- ever, never, ever. We live in a
bizarre world, in bizarre times. How will history remember the
United States? Ours is the most rapid decline the world has ever
seen. America could have been -- SHOULD have been -- a paradise,
yet our own controllers have crapped it all away in a matter of about 2
decades. Amazing and sad.
Some of the refugees here in Utah are looking for jobs, but most of them are shopping for "new" clothes. I guess they are doing that with their emergency money?
Southern Knight said:
. How will history remember the United States? Ours is the most rapid decline the world has ever seen. America could have been -- SHOULD have been -- a paradise, yet our own controllers have crapped it all away in a matter of about 2 decades. Amazing and sad.

Southern Knight, I agree with you 100%. The decline has been incredibly rapid because it was engineered . This once great country didn't self-destruct or implode by accident. Yes, it should have been a paradise butis well on it's way to becoming another third world slum.
American Freedom News