Julian Reus 10.01 & 20.29

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Hey guys. Some really fast times in the last race before the olympics in Germany. The Mens 4 x 100 Relay Team broke the German National Record running a 38.02! This is the 3rd fastest time in the world this year after Jamaica and the USA! Wow was that blazing.

Julian Reus scorched his way to a new personal best of 10.09 wind legal. He is only 24 and finally starting to live up to the potential he showed as a junior. This is such a huge breakthrough for him. Way to go Julian! Let's hope he continues his fine form in London!

My girl Verena Sailer ran a wind legal 11.05! Damn is this girl fast as well as incredibly beautiful. I would love to see her, Lalova, and Povh go sub 11 in London. It would be incredible if all three made the final. Verena is the princess of German Sprinting. What a talent.

Here is a quick article about what I just talked about.

In perfect weather, the DLV sprint quartet of men in front of 1400 spectators saw the highlight of the last Olympic test on Friday in Weinheim. Their time of 38.02 seconds in the season breaks the 30-year-old German record by 27 hundredths of undercutting. Earlier, Julian Reus (TV Wattenscheid 01) already with 10.09 seconds over 100 meters caused a sensation. Verena Sailer (MTG Mannheim) conjured outstanding 11.05 seconds at the Weinheim train.

Record broken: Tobias Unger and Julian Reus, who in addition Einzerennen increased by 16 hundredths (Photo: Kiefner)

4x100 meters of 38.29 seconds - at that time, the German sprinter hard nut for years the teeth. The German record had to be only 30 years old - now he is history. Julian Reus, Tobias Unger (VfB Stuttgart), Alexander Kosenkow (TV Wattenscheid 01) and Lucas Jakubczyk (SCC Berlin) undercut this requirement clear in 38.02 seconds, they showed themselves ready for the Olympic Games in London (Great Britain, 3 to 12 August).

Faster than the Germans were so far this year only the U.S. and Jamaica. In the same team as in Weinheim the DLV quartet had at the European Championships in Helsinki (Finland) has taken silver.

Julian Reus sprinting 10.09 seconds

In individual races, there was a bang: Julian Reus, it seemed not even to be able to grasp, as the announcer announced the time of the second run time over 100 meters. Sensational 10.09 seconds had been stopped for him. Thus, the Wattenscheider scraped just three hundredths of a second at the German record of Frank Emmelmann over from the year 1985, is the second fastest in German history.

In light wind assistance (+0.7 m / sec) Julian Reus came quickly from the blocks and was already after the first few meters in front. "So I can not even quite realize it yet. For such a course has to fit just about anything. With a time of 10.20 seconds, I had toyed with, but I can run so fast, I'm surprised themselves, "Now the Wattenscheider can travel with a broad chest to London. In his wake was the doyen Tobias Unger (VfB Stuttgart) strong 10.20 seconds.

In the previous period had run, the German champion over 100 meters Lucas Jakubczyk (SCC Berlin) presented a good 10.25 seconds. After he had incurred during the competition in Dillingen a slight sunstroke and train during the week could hardly, he is satisfied. "I felt good today." “ The time is absolutely okay. "

Fast Arrow Verena Sailer

For the second sprint highlight of the day in a single season saw the newly crowned European champion Verena Sailer (MTG Mannheim). In 11.05 seconds from Mannheim to a personal best magic at the Weinheim train. Incredulous, she was waiting for official confirmation, then the cheers broke out from her and she dropped her coach Valery builders around the neck.

"It came as a surprise," Verena Sailer's initial reaction was. Whether this will change their outlook for the Olympic Games? I would like to offer the season's highlight my best performance. Above all, the legs feel good. "If that's true feelings are always the fastest runs.

The disappointing from their point of view EM is already checked off. "We have analyzed this and then the matter was checked off. The run was expected before the season is no longer an issue. "The Season Title and Verena Sailer Weinheim now give a boost to London. The good feeling when running is back. The 11-second barrier is within reach."I'm ready for London and am looking forward to an animal."

Best time for Anne and Matthias Bühler Cibis

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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Stunning. Looks like they had great weather while peaking to perfection. Let's hope they can keep that form as they set out across the channel.

I see Jared Connaughton did 10.20 at the same meet so he's in good form
Yes nice to see German sprinters running world class times again. It also would be nice to see an East German record being erased.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It's hard to be too bothered by that German 100 Meter National Record of Frank Emmelman when you have wolrd record holders like Flo Jo from the U.S. and most likely Bolt of Jamaica not to mention countless others. Did the East Europeans used to use peds? Yes they did but they were not doing anything that the americans and others were doing as well. Currently, the Yamaicans and Yamericans are even worse in my honest opinion. Not all but many of them.

Back to the performance of Julian Reus. This kid is a gifted sprinter. He has a very nice build similar to Gemeli. He is what I would call medium or of a normal muscular build. His speed endurance is improving as he has run some nice 200 meters times this summer. His specialty may be the 100 but I really think running the 200 can only help Reuss in the shorter sprint. He was so explosive out of the blocks today similar to Gemeli around a month ago in Germany and Julian just kept it going right through the finish line. It almost seems as if the good sprinters never slow down. We know they do but they hold their top speed longer than the average sprinters. They usually hit a little higher top speed to and have the speed endurance to finish well. That comes from relaxing and not tightning up.

I'm so happy that Julian has finally had a good season. Injuries have killed him in the past and they really kept him from reaching his potential.

One last thing. Jared Connaugton ran a 10.20 in one of the races too so he is in nice form heading to London. It's just too bad that JayConn like Lemaitre will only run in the 200 and the 4 x 100 Relay.
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Jun 15, 2006
New York
All great new! looks like Reuss is peaking just in time for the games. hopefully there is another PR for him.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I hope I'm wrong but from what I've heard, Julian Reus won't be allowed to run in the 100 meters in London because he didn't finish high enough at the German Nat'l Champs. If this is true, it would be very sad as he is by far the best sprinter they have at the moment with times of 10.09 and 20.58! I hope this isn't the case. If anyone knows, please post the info.

The German Mens 4 x 100 Relay Squad breaking the German National Record is still amazing to me. Unger and Kosenkow are both in their 30's and they make up half the Relay Squad. Regardless, all of these guys sure can run. Those two will be hard to replace but their are alot of fine young talented sprinters in Germany on the rise. Here is a pic of the Relay Team after setting the all time record and also the 3rd fastest time in the world!

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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It's just as I thought. Julian Reus will only be running with the 4 x 100 Relay Team in London. What a shame considering his fine form. Here
is an interview from yesterday where he talks about his form and some of his plans for the future.

30.07.2012 | Interview | Matthias Haller

"Did you see what is possible"

Julian Reus delivered from this past Friday at the Weinheimer Sepp Herberger Olympic stadium is a perfect dress rehearsal. Within 90 minutes I got the Wattenscheider sprinter in fabulous 10.09 seconds set the second fastest 100m time ever achieved by a German, and then cracked the 4x100 meter relay with the 30-year-old German record.

Julian Reus turned on (photo: Public Address)

Julian Reus, a German record in the relay, the 100 meters just sidestepped it, you already realize these benefits at all?

Julian Reus:

I can not believe it. I think that comes only with time.

How surprising is this explosion of power for you? Did you expect based on your training data with it?

Julian Reus:

Such times can not be expected that they can at most hope. I had flirted with a time of 10.20 seconds in and I knew that I can run in this area. Now I've run under 10.10 seconds, and can not believe it yet. That we can run with the German season record, was aware of us. Predictable is not a record though. The more horny that it worked.

You have now run 10.09 seconds. This would undercut the Olympic standard (10.16 sec) for a single start over 100 meters clear. Unfortunately, the time will come too late, the nomination has already occurred. How much are you annoyed that at this moment?

Julian Reus:

At this moment I'm wasting it no thought, because the joy simply too dominant. Also, I had already the opportunity to run the standard. There were some good races with conditions that have given the chance. Certainly will be in a few days a little sadness there when I look at the 100-meter final look on TV.

Just three hundredths of a second away now even the German record, held by Frank Emmelmann (SC Magdeburg), from the year 1985. By this time you are have advanced into a new dimension to Sprint. Keep it realistic to stabilize this level in the medium term, or had run a positive outlier?

Julian Reus:

I am in this season very stable times he ran 10.30 and also a few times in the range of 10.20 seconds, which is for a violation of year already very good. Then that there comes a blip was also clear. If I can stabilize next year at 10.20 he deep-times, I would be very happy. It would be presumptuous to think that I can now run every year, 10.10 seconds. This has to fit just about anything. The preparation has to be right, I have to stay injury free, the external conditions must be ideal.

To say, the German record for the time being is not a specific goal?

Julian Reus:

All they need to come together too much. I think that's a record just happens. I want to run a fun, relaxed and keep my do not think of any times.

Did your training content to the end of last season fundamentally changed, or is this increase in performance but the result of continuous, long-term planning?

Julian Reus:

Of course, we always order something over the years in training. I would say that we are training now more aware and focused. The entire training philosophy, we have therefore not upset. I knew that if I'm healthy, I can run fast. I am also the last year and a half finally remained injury free.

Only a tenth of a second brief to the magical 10 second barrier! They would be only the second white sprinter after Christopher Lemaitre, the it works out.

Julian Reus remains on the ground (Photo: Kiefner)

Julian Reus:

(Laughs) That's still almost a meter sprint in a world. Furthermore, I'm absolutely no idea.

Now you just have not convinced the individual. The season record had previously overflowed after addition of the individual times [n Tobias Unger 10,20 sec.; Lucas Jakubczyk 10,22 sec.; Alexander Kosenkow 10,31 sec.] Tobias Unger, 10.20 sec, 10.22 sec Jakubczyk Lucas, Alexander Kosenkow 10.31 sec] almost announced. At the end of the old mark was undercut by 27 hundredths of a second. Gives additional motivation for the London and only increases to the pressure?

Julian Reus:

I feel absolutely no pressure. It is rather that we have seen with this huge increase in what we can achieve in the ideal case. If we end up being fifth in 38.15 seconds, which would be as good a performance as to get a medal with 38.05 seconds. What is it then enough, we must see in London. Sure, we get our best performance there is need to venture into this area.

At the European Championships in Helsinki this year, you were already successful with the season on the international stage. With the wind behind the silver medal, it now goes to London. What is the conversion between EM and the Olympics?

Julian Reus:

To walk in front of 60,000 people is definitely something different. As we hear no more commands. By the floodlights, however, very different light conditions, especially in case the change is not always easy. This is not comparable with Helsinki.

August it starts for you and your colleagues Season. Then the 4x100-meter prelims are over on the program. As you prepare to see out there?

Julian Reus:

On Saturday we went to prepare for and Kienbaum on 6 August geht der Flieger. August is the flyer. In London, we have then again a final season training. Then there are anyway just four days before the season, no longer happen where a lot is.

Aleixo-Platini Menga [TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen] has sent you a congratulatory phone. For him, after a cruciate ligament injury in Helsinki ended the season and burst the dream of the Olympics. What does this mean for an athlete?

Julian Reus:

This is of course incredibly bitter for him. It is honorable, as he still supported us from afar, we write messages. We call a lot and I'm sure if someone comes back, then Platini, is the way I got to know him.

Olympia is the highlight of the season and will also be your highlight of the season. What are your plans after that? Leave or re-record chase?

Julian Reus:

The season will continue until ISTAF. Until then I will run for a few events where it can, however, the fun is in the foreground. After London will face the question anyway, as it is with the mental fitness after a year with EM and Olympia.
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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I just wanted to bump this thread for Julian Reus back up to the first page. He was a double national german champion this weekend winning both the 100 and 200 meters in very fast times. His p.b. in the 100 is 10.09 and he might have broken that in the semi final if he didn't coast the last 10 meters. Reus ran a 10.17 earlier in the day and followed it up with a 10.14 in the 100 meter finals. Then the next day he lowered his 200 meters p.b. down to 20.36 into a negative wind which is also an A Qualifying Timer for the 2013 World Championships of Track & Field! So he could run the 100, 200 and 4 x 100 Relay like Lemaitre is if he wanted to.

Julian says he will most likely only do the individual 100 and the 4 x 100 Relay. He predicts that he will smash his p.b in the 100 meters. I really believe he can do it. Here is the video of the 10.14 he ran in the final with no wind and he didn't have a great start. It wasn't bad but nowhere near what he usually does out of the blocks. Reus like Verena Sailer usually has the race won by 50-60 meters as no other teammate can get out of the blocks like he can. I predict he will hit a sub 10.05 by or at the world champs.Give him any wind in this race and a better start and he would have already broke his p.b. despite being tired. Great performance by Julian.

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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The kid wants to run the top time in Europe over the 100 meters soon. So Julian Reus is aiming for a sub 10. He will not be happy with just breaking Frank Emmelmanns German Record. He wants to join Lemaitre in the sub 10 club. Again I tell you guys that with his speed endurance it is possible and I think he just might get it. Give him great conditions and the record could be his.

Here is another interview with him from today. It is translated from German to English.

08.07.2013 | News | dpa / sb
Julian Reus can not be rushing
The German sprinter who once again catapulted past weekend at the national championships in Ulm in the spotlight - especially Julian Reus. The Wattenscheider celebrated a double victory and the championship standards in the 100 and 200 meters. "It was working," he groaned. Of an attack on the German record (10.06 sec), he would have nothing now.

Julian Reus in Ulm dominated the sprint competitions (Photo: DLV)

"Did you have a nice weekend I have. Cup title defense with standard and personal best in 20.36 seconds. Nice!" Julian Reus wrote on Sunday evening his Facebook fans .

Exhausting the weekend for the two-time German champion, however, was also ". Was the best time nor labor in the fifth race over 200 meters to run, but also shows that I'm pretty good load," Julian Reus said.

Comeback in Olympic year

However, his body played in his career with not always. 2007, when he won the 100 meters and relay gold at the U20 European Championship, he was already considered a great talent. Instead of continuing to dart upward, injuries plagued him for years.

Only in the Olympic year, it went up again. With 10.09 seconds he approached the German record of Magdeburgers Frank Emmelmann from 1985 up to three hundredths of a second. In Ulm, he won the 100-meter title with 10.14 seconds ("That was not the perfection").

He not only qualified for the World Championships in Moscow (Russia, August 10 to 18), but also proved himself as a contender for the Emmelmann-time high. "Now I have the standard, then the best time is next target," said Reus. "Only then I can take care of the German record."

"Completely satisfied"

Also, he ran the 200 meters in the eternal German leaderboard forward, more specifically to the fourth place. "This is something you can not. Schedule I knew that I can run 20.50 seconds, now it was faster than expected. I am completely satisfied," the native of Hanau and play station fan rejoiced.

The 200 meter sprinter may be the exception like ("For this I have a good feeling"), but at the World Cup he will probably just start over 100 meters in the relay. "It will probably be tantamount to focus on the 100 meters, because this can be better reconciled with the training squadron," said Reus. "For me, the season is very important. Because we are very well positioned."

One reason for the increasing acceleration is working with the British sprint coach Tony Lester, who once coached top athletes such as Roger Black or Marlon Devonish and the German Athletics Federation (DLV) has undertaken this year as a consultant. So Lester has filed with the German sprinters in training camp in the U.S. on the running technique. "Since a lot has been worked out," said Reus.

Source: German Press Agency (dpa)

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Next weekend will be the last big meet in Germany and probably just about anywhere until the World Champs. Julien Reus is entered in both the 100 & 200 so it will be one really good last test for him to prepare for moscow. If he can get some hot weather and no wind or a positive wind, I predict he will go sub 10.10! He is in shape and ready to go! His 10.16 and 10.14 races came with no help from the wind and he did it running rounds a couple of weeks ago. It's time for him to break his p.b. of 10.09! Next weekend I see it happening. Keeping my fingers crossed for some good weather and a very fast race. It would be another good confindence builder before the world champs!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Tommorow is PBDay in Germany. Haha. I predict a new p.b from Julian Reus. I hope Reus and his teammates put on one last good showing before Moscow. This would be such a good lift of momentum if he can break his record and the german national 100 meter record.

Does anyone else feel that he can do it? Hoping for something special tommorow evening. Come on Julian. Let's do this!:rockon:


Jun 15, 2006
New York
I'm going to predict a 10.06


Jul 19, 2008
low 10.00s definitely , and if he can then anything is possible in moscow...but for me its always a case that the germans have to compete on non german soil against non germans ...regularly ...wonder if reus will get a start in reiti in september....


May 16, 2012
Tommorow is PBDay in Germany. Haha. I predict a new p.b from Julian Reus. I hope Reus and his teammates put on one last good showing before Moscow. This would be such a good lift of momentum if he can break his record and the german national 100 meter record.

Does anyone else feel that he can do it? Hoping for something special tommorow evening. Come on Julian. Let's do this!:rockon:

It's very good weather in Germany: about 35 ° C and Weinheim is a very fast track.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Well it looks like I was right. One of my favorite sprinters broke his p.b. today.

Julian Reus runs a new personal best of 10.08 0.5 wind! I was hoping for a little bit faster but it was still a great time. I told
you guys over a week ago that he would go sub 10.10 and maybe even faster. Reus is in fantastic shape and he can run these
kinds of times with or without the wind. Just think if he could have had a 2.0 wind. That would have probably put him around a
time of 9.99! He is on the verge people.

Last year he ran a 10.09 with almost no wind too but they left him off the London Team in the individual 100 because he ran the
time too late in the year. It was such a shame because he was ready to do something special in London. By the time he race again
several weeks later, it was too late. You can only hold your peak condition for so long!

To top off a great day, Reus led the 4x 100 Relay team to a blazing time of 38.13! What a performance.

I hope some of you guys realise that Reus is a the best european sprinter after Lemaitre at the moment. Let's give
him some more support. Also a big applause for his teammate Martin Keller who ran a p.b. of 10.07 today! Incredible
performance and hopefully a sign of bigger things to come.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Come on guys. Why don't you guys get excited about these german sprinters? Show me who else outside of Christophe is doing anything in the 100 meters at the moment that we root for?

Julian Reus has now run these times in the last year and all but one are wind legal.

10.00 wind





and a personal best of 20.36 over 200 meters!

He has run sub 10.10 three times now and will most likely do it again in Moscow if the conditions are right. My point is that most of you here
at the board pay him zero attention and he deserves better than that. I'm not saying he will ever run 9.80's or 19.90's but he could be
only the second european sprinter to ever go sub 10 electronically wind legal. That would be amazing. Then his teammate Martin Keller ran a 10.07 today. Julian Reus ran a flat 10 second time in Florida(Keller had a 9.99) but there was too much wind. It still shows the rapid turnover ratio that they both have! It's only a matter of time and conditions in my opinion.

With a better wind, we might have seen two germans go sub 10 today wind legal.

Yet most here don't care and that blows my mind! Give these guys some love and respect that they deserve.:becky:
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white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
No but I used to sprint along with playing other sports and I still love to run. Athletics is my favorite sport though after football. I have thought about coaching someday. I think I would really enjoy it. I'm sure I could
find a million kids here in the U.S. that no one thinks are fast and help to improve their speed. You never know.

Yes I love track and especially sprinting. I want Christophe to have some company in the sub 10 club. I have often said if we could get 3 - 5 guys to go sub 10, then the flood gates might start to open more. Most people just believe the stupid stereotypes that whites cannot compete. Yeah because most of the other guys are on peds and also most of our guys play other sports.

I have no doubt in my mind that whites can run and jump just as good as blacks. Never have and I will debate anyone that tries to push that lie. Just like the white boxers rose up despite being told they couldn't fight. Little by little our sprinters will continue to make an impact. I just wish we had many more to root for. The future is very bright though when I look at the junior sprinters world wide currently.

It's a happy day for Reus but I'm sure he would even tell you that he expected to go faster than 10.08. The wind was only 0.5 so he did it all on his own but could and should have went just a tad faster! Watch out for him and Keller in Moscow.
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Hall of Famer
May 14, 2006
Come on guys. Why don't you guys get excited about these german sprinters?

Until these guys run some fast times outside of Weinheim, I can't get too excited.
Julian Reus has run under 10.10 twice - last year 10.09 at Weinheim, and again this year 10.08 again at Weinheim.
Other than at Weinheim he has never been close to 10.10.

Additionally, besides Reus, Martin Keller, Sven Knipphals, and Verena Sailer all set personal bests at yesterday's meet in Weinheim. Lucas Jakubcyzk's time was within 1/100th of his personal best.
That tells me that this is a super fast track.
My opinion (I know I am a tough sell) is that they won't be able to replicate these times elsewhere. But I've been wrong before - I think ;)


Jun 10, 2010
Until these guys run some fast times outside of Weinheim, I can't get too excited.
Julian Reus has run under 10.10 twice - last year 10.09 at Weinheim, and again this year 10.08 again at Weinheim.
Other than at Weinheim he has never been close to 10.10.

Additionally, besides Reus, Martin Keller, Sven Knipphals, and Verena Sailer all set personal bests at yesterday's meet in Weinheim. Lucas Jakubcyzk's time was within 1/100th of his personal best.
That tells me that this is a super fast track.
My opinion (I know I am a tough sell) is that they won't be able to replicate these times elsewhere. But I've been wrong before - I think ;)

Weinheim or not, those are fast times. Besides, Keller and Reus clocked 9.99 and 10.00 respectively in Florida early this season (+3.x wind).

They earn my respect and I hope they do well and get close to PB in Moscow.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Wow we have a double standard by Jacknyc. He likes to post about the asian sprinters who also rarely if ever run fast outside of Japan or China. Then when German Sprinters acheive the same kind of success, he ignores them.

Here is part of what you said Jacknyc.

"Until these guys run some fast times outside of Weinheim, I can't get too excited.
Julian Reus has run under 10.10 twice - last year 10.09 at Weinheim, and again this year 10.08 again at Weinheim.
Other than at Weinheim he has never been close to 10.10".

Julian Reus also ran 10.14 and 10.16 on the same day just two weeks ago to win the national championship in the 100 and then he went
on to win the 200 in another new personal best of 20.36 the very next day. In his 10.16 race, he coasted the final 5 meters so he could
have went sub 10.10 there too. Both races like yesterday had virtually no wind. He doesn't need the wind. So your wrong. I would say that 10.14 is pretty close to 10.08(races not in Weinheim) and that was two weeks ago. You must clearly have something against these guys. I hope not because this
site is to support white athletes.

You always been a great poster but I have to disagree 100% on this subject. I will await your response.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Here is a link to the videos from yesterday including Julian "Lightning Jr" Reus. Haha. I said that because they german athetics site put
lighning speed reus. I love it! If you watch the race closely, Reus appears to have mistimed his steps and finish a little bit. He cost himself
a few hundreths of seconds but I can't complain too much with a p.b. of 10.08! Congrats Mr. Reus.


white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Like I said, Julian Reus was frustrated that he didn't run faster yesterday. He expected to go for a new german record and a potential sub 10 but his start was not right. So with an below average start he still runs 10.08 with almost no wind. Pretty damn good if you ask me.

Here is a very short interview/article and this is what he told the reporters.

Julian Reus increased his personal best 10.08 seconds in the 100m on strong.

These times are quite a champion. The Wattenscheider sprinter Julian Reus has improved the official World Cup competition adoption of the German Athletics Federation (DLV), Weinheim, his personal best again to a hundredth of a second: from 10.09 seconds to 10.08. And with only moderate tailwind of 0.5 meters / second. His Leipzig DLV Sprint colleague Martin Keller had a little more wind support - even for him 10.07 seconds were stopped. So that he may now call the second fastest German of all time, while Julian Reus "fall back" on the third.

But what goes in this crazy season, the international highlight is still before the World Cup in Moscow, which starts on Saturday? Especially since the German double champion from Wattenscheid was not even really satisfied: "I've done it better. In the acceleration phase, I have invested too much and to little attention to the technology. Other races were better. "But this is self-criticism at a high level, Julian Reus admits that now looks forward to the World Championships in Moscow. "There I set my sights a time around 10:10," says the man who presented himself in Weinheim on position three in the 4x100-meter relay of the DLV. In the cast Jakubczyk / Knipphals / Reus / Keller Quartet took 38.13 seconds and sprinted so by world standards to third.


Hall of Famer
May 14, 2006
Here is part of what you said Jacknyc.
"Until these guys run some fast times outside of Weinheim, I can't get too excited.
Julian Reus has run under 10.10 twice - last year 10.09 at Weinheim, and again this year 10.08 again at Weinheim.
Other than at Weinheim he has never been close to 10.10".

... but I have to disagree 100% on this subject. I will await your response.

World Championships Moscow - August 10, 2013
Heat #1
-Martin Keller 10.32 5th place; did not qualify for the semis
Heat #4
-Julian Reus 10.27 5th place; did not qualify for the semis

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