Joe Buck

Nov 14, 2004
United States
This Information came from espn.

Joe Buck called Randy Moss's actions after his touchdown a "Disgusting Act" and he was right. Randy pretended to remove his pants and moon the Packer fans before wiggling his butt on the goalpost. So Minnesota Vikings Owner Red McCombs requested the removel of Joe Buck from sundays divisional playoff game. McCombs called Bucks comments "suggested a perjudice that surpassed objective reporting". Now FOX Spokesman Dan Bell said that FOX network has " No Intention Whatsoever" of the removing Joe Buck. He also had this to say "We hope Mr. McCombs enjoys Joe's play-by-play call Sunday, because he will be in the booth. So FOX really just said HELL NO!. I have to say that it is a great day for football when a announcer finally gets some balls and speaks out against a black player and even better when a station like FOX backs they announcer and says that they really dont care what others think because they have made their decision. Thank God For FOX!
The funny thing is I heard black announcer james brown described moss as being classless ignorant and embarrasing to the vikings.
caste_System87 said:
This Information came from espn.

Joe Buck called Randy Moss's actions after his touchdown a "Disgusting Act" and he was right. Randy pretended to remove his pants and moon the Packer fans before wiggling his butt on the goalpost. So Minnesota Vikings Owner Red McCombs requested the removel of Joe Buck from sundays divisional playoff game. McCombs called Bucks comments "suggested a perjudice that surpassed objective reporting". Now FOX Spokesman Dan Bell said that FOX network has " No Intention Whatsoever" of the removing Joe Buck. He also had this to say "We hope Mr. McCombs enjoys Joe's play-by-play call Sunday, because he will be in the booth. So FOX really just said HELL NO!. I have to say that it is a great day for football when a announcer finally gets some balls and speaks out against a black player and even better when a station like FOX backs they announcer and says that they really dont care what others think because they have made their decision. Thank God For FOX!
A man who works for a station that brought us such ''classy'' programs as Who's my daddy Wife swap screw my slut daughter ( i made the last one up ) should shut his piehole.

Strange how nobody is talking about the piss poor game Favre played and Favre cheapshotting a Vikings player starting a brawl ect. but Moss PRETENDING to moon the crowd gets maximum coveragewhat was that naughty negro thinking.
What makes you think he can think he never gives any indication?Lets face it Moss is not a rocket scientist.But at least he knows to wipe his own rear so that's at least something!!
What do you mean by "strange how nobody is talking about the piss poor game Favre played"? The corporate media sure is. The calls for him to retire have begun in earnest, as was mentioned on CF's playoffs thread: tm

Everyone knows Favre played a poor game. So did Green Bay's sorry excuse for a "defense" -- again. Favre has been criticized on this site by some.

As far as Moss, after walking off the field, quitting on his team the week before, one would think he would be a little smarter than to pretend to moon the crowd the very next week. But that's giving him credit for being more than an immature, spoiled boy with the mindset of a junior high school student. Edited by: Don Wassall
The "naughty negro" moss looks like a thug, acts like a thug, and talks like a thug. Don't complain if he's treated like a thug. Farve still has two super bowl rings - Randy Moss will never have one!
Kaptain Poop said:
The "naughty negro" moss looks like a thug, acts like a thug, and talks like a thug. Don't complain if he's treated like a thug. Farve still has two super bowl rings - Randy Moss will never have one!

Actually Moss in his free time volunteers at innercity schools and at childrens hospitals . It is'nt big news because he does'nt feel the need to talk about it.

But in your eyes he's just a thug because he has a scary Afro and looks like a ''menacing'' negro.
Tell us why Moss lost his scholarships to Notre Dame and Florida State if he's such a swell guy?
Do your research Godking. You won't say but I will. Moss lost his ND schlorship because he and another thug nearly beat a one kid (white) to death in high school. The excuse was a something racial was written on a desk. In true black form he needed someone else to help him beat up the lone kid. The kid suffered a concussion and had damage to several internal organs. I believe he lost his spleen.

He got kicked off of florida state's team for smoking pot.

He spent 30 days in jail for beating up the mother of his child.

He ran over a traffic cop in Minnesota.

He has had nearly 50 misdemeanors. But he's not a thug because he made a cameo appearance at a children's hospital.

GK, You're the special type of stupid that makes education an impossible task. Unfortunetly, there are many more like you. We have to concentrate on educating those capable of learning.
People like Moss make me sick. They think they are perfect and do
not need rules, because God blessed them with great athletic
ability. They have no concept of value and work-ethic. I
would like to see Moss at practice, if he ever actually shows. I
bet you he just dances. To beat a kid to death is a terrible
crime. A white kid would have his life wrecked if he beat a black
person that called him Opi or Whitey. But Randy Moss, lets give
him his millions for running pass routes. Also, he thinks he is
good. Go back to the 2000-01 conference championship. Watch
Sehorn cover Moss on ESPN Classic sometime.

The only Americans that should be in Iraq right now are stuck up
Professional Athletes. We should have a stuck up professional
athlete draft.
Sorry for sort of hijacking this thread. I am going to copy my last post onto the "Randy Moss" thread.
I knew this punk Moss kicked the white kid .I'd like to see Moss kick Ken Shamrock-he's white. Moss is a coward!!!
I was surprised when I heard Buck's strong reaction. I had him pegged as a bona fide card carrying member of the caste system club, where it would be urged to understand the act of a simulated mooning on national TV in it's full cultural context, or something like that. Admitted -- I have not seen a whole lot of Buck. I significantly cut back on watching the NFL about the time he became the main play by play announcer for FOX. One can only take so much hyperbole and lavish praise heaped upon the chosen when making a routine, garden variety tackle or catch.

It's good that Buck was so disturbed, though.
Edited by: Quiet Speed
Joe buck is an awful football play by play guy but thats not the point.

What does mooning someone have anything to do with the color of a
guy's skin? Randy Moss is an irreverent selfish guy, but it concerns me
when people stereotype a race because of the actions of one guy.

If you really want change to this stereotyping it needs to be done in a way
that doesnt come off as hatred towards another race. I hope that white
players may attain an "even" playing field for speed positions in various
sports and not have their talent judged by the color of their skin. In the
same way the actions of one guy shouldnt be a comment on an entire
race of people.
Randy Moss is a poster boy for the bad results of the caste system which is a totally race driven problem. Moss is able to disregard his team, his responsibilites, the law, and even common decency, because a system of worship in place that protects him, enables him, and encourages him. It is because he is black. There is no other way to put it.

You cannot say that a person should NOT be judged upon the color of his skin when persons are constantly judged upon the color of their skin in sports. Yes we would like a racially neutral sports world. But it doesn't exist. To criticize someone here for judging a player on his skin color when every white player in the game is discriminated against for just that reason is the height of hypocrasy.

Randy Moss is an example of a race wide behavioral problem. It is perfectly valid to make this claim and we back it up with plenty of information. Peruse the site and see for yourself. We are not making blind racist acusations. We are stating facts that are verifiable by real world examples of which we have many. It would be intellectually dishonest and cowardly to ignore that evidence to appease some desire for a race-neutral society.
Oh trust me, Im not saying judging people by skin color doesnt exist, but
perhaps i'll say I dont subscribe to judging people that way.

If you think that because white athletes are discriminated against, that its
productive to therefore stereotype blacks is totally defeatist. I know
plenty of Black people who dont act like Randy Moss.

I live in New York City, the center of multiculturalism, and I have to say
that this truly is one of the most color neutral areas in the world. But
stereotyping white players is happening today and its wrong.

The vast majority of young blacks today are walking stereotypes; no
white has to stereotype them because they stereotype themselves. It's
funny how we all recognize group traits when it comes to "rednecks,"
for instance. Does that group tend to like to work on cars and let
their pants droop down in the back so that their cracks show? Do they
tend to like beer and Nascar? No one would argue this, and everyone
from standup comedians to anonymous citizens on message boards feels
comfortable stereotyping their behavior. They don't have a powerful
lobby to protest and demand apologies and firings when something
offends them.

I personally find nothing more refreshing than a non-stereotypical
black. On those extremely rare occasions when I encounter one, the old
idealistic side of me perks up and I feel warm inside. However, for
every one of these experiences, there are 99 bad encounters that
completely reinforce every stereotype you bemoan. The sad truth is that
we can still associate poor education and horrible grammar skills, loud
and profane voices, impolite and uncivil behavior in public,poor work
ethic,violent and confrontational tendencies,illegitimate births and
laughable, incomprehensible baby names with african-americans. There is
nothing wrong with discrimminating, when we are trying to avoid
arrogance, ignorance,impoliteness and potential violence. Whether you
like it or not, thinking white people understand that black people
appear predisposed to possess these unpleasant qualities more readily
than white people or any other ethnic group. People who try to be
polite and consider the feelings of others should be applauded, not
chastised for being bigoted and intolerant. The first step to improving
things would be for black "leaders" to recognize the simple truth and
demand better behavior from their own people.
Again, i think that Manhattan may be different and so is my experience.
Perhaps in more rural parts of this country and in more segregated cities
the tension and race struggle is more pronounced.
Lets face it, it is not only dark skinned people that have taken on a
HipHop, irreverent gangsta mentality. It has hit white Suburbia too
especially when you look at the Eminem phenomenon. Or perhaps id say
Jason Williams of the memphis grizzlies?
I think most white people basically capitulated to Cultural Marxism, including its racial aspects, in the mid-'70s. Lost their will to fight in large numbers might be a better way to put it. Until that time there was racial conflict in schools, neighborhoods, cities and entire regions. And before that, from our founding up until the civil rights/Cultural Marxist revolution, there was enough white racial unity to run the country by and for white interests. This country has always had a class structure, but it was also a Western, Christian civilization with high standards of morality and conduct expected of everyone.

Whites used to tee off against blacks in high schools all the time there for a while in the late '60s and early '70s. Now many have adopted the trappings of hip-hop as a mode of survival, others to willingly emulate a culture they believe is superior to their own. Ever since the mid'70s the system has just been fine-tuning things, which of course means always moving in a way that works against white racial awareness and resistance, and now, survival.

The struggle presently is one of raising consciousness rather than overt battles in the schools and streets. Racially aware white people, who are now a distinct minority, are trying to alert other whites as to what the ultimate end results of Cultural Marxism are quite clearly leading to, results which are much different than what the rhetoric and propaganda of the system's promoters have led them to believe.

The way a person looks at sports and race is usually consistent with their overall view of society and what good racial relations should be, not what the actual reality is. Sports is a "feel-good" escape, and many don't wish to have their ingrained, media-formed opinions of sports and the players and teams they root for contradicted or debunked. That's one of the reasons so many can't begin to comprehend the Caste System, but the good news is that more are beginning to become aware that it exists.
Bigunreal,I totally agree about running into a non-stereotypical black.It's cool and gives you hope,but it does not happen too much.As far as black leaders demanding better behaviour from their own,Bill Cosby said as much last year when he lambasted blacks ignorance and lack of verbal expresion among other things he said.I guess you can look at Bill Cosby as somewhat of a leader or at least someone blacks look up to.Having said that,Cosby is now in some legal trouble in a molestation case that has just come up.The blind leading the blind.
One insight by the biased Aikman was really telling. On a screen out
to the flat, center keith Fraley pulled out and made a nice block on a
corner and Aikman offered this: "To be able to even get a body on an
athletic corner like that really says a lot ."

Then quickly covered hiimself by stating that Fraley was very athletic for a
center. hmmmmmEdited by: swampscrapper
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