This Information came from espn.
Joe Buck called Randy Moss's actions after his touchdown a "Disgusting Act" and he was right. Randy pretended to remove his pants and moon the Packer fans before wiggling his butt on the goalpost. So Minnesota Vikings Owner Red McCombs requested the removel of Joe Buck from sundays divisional playoff game. McCombs called Bucks comments "suggested a perjudice that surpassed objective reporting". Now FOX Spokesman Dan Bell said that FOX network has " No Intention Whatsoever" of the removing Joe Buck. He also had this to say "We hope Mr. McCombs enjoys Joe's play-by-play call Sunday, because he will be in the booth. So FOX really just said HELL NO!. I have to say that it is a great day for football when a announcer finally gets some balls and speaks out against a black player and even better when a station like FOX backs they announcer and says that they really dont care what others think because they have made their decision. Thank God For FOX!
Joe Buck called Randy Moss's actions after his touchdown a "Disgusting Act" and he was right. Randy pretended to remove his pants and moon the Packer fans before wiggling his butt on the goalpost. So Minnesota Vikings Owner Red McCombs requested the removel of Joe Buck from sundays divisional playoff game. McCombs called Bucks comments "suggested a perjudice that surpassed objective reporting". Now FOX Spokesman Dan Bell said that FOX network has " No Intention Whatsoever" of the removing Joe Buck. He also had this to say "We hope Mr. McCombs enjoys Joe's play-by-play call Sunday, because he will be in the booth. So FOX really just said HELL NO!. I have to say that it is a great day for football when a announcer finally gets some balls and speaks out against a black player and even better when a station like FOX backs they announcer and says that they really dont care what others think because they have made their decision. Thank God For FOX!