Joe Biden's America

have not seen ANY evidence whatsoever the he is a homo and what grifters does he keep around him that are a bad look sort of speak? If you don't agree with his views then i can understand that and respect everyones opinion but to throw out rumors that have no basis are juvenile.
I don't want to derail this thread, but if you haven't seen red flags with Fuentes then you haven't looked very hard. Look it up if you really want to know.
Biden's no-border policy is getting ready to blow up in our faces. Foreign nationals are trying to enter military bases all across the country. While the FBI is too busy arresting people who post hateful comments on Facebook and X Russsian, Chinese, and Jordanians are trying to infiltrate our military bases. Our alphabet government organizations are pathetic.

"Ft Liberty". Good Lord. Time to put out the cat, lock the door, and turn off the lights. This place is toast. All these touchy feely, whining weanies are just coming out of the woodwork. No spines to rent anywhere, just pout and complain about your perceived micro aggressions and go cry because your preferred pronouns weren't spoken. This should have been shut down from the beginning but these strange people are enabled by the media. What a statue toppling extravaganza this country now is.
Yeah its over. Not even a slow rot anymore. Just rapid decaying everyday.
"Ft Liberty". Good Lord. Time to put out the cat, lock the door, and turn off the lights. This place is toast. All these touchy feely, whining weanies are just coming out of the woodwork. No spines to rent anywhere, just pout and complain about your perceived micro aggressions and go cry because your preferred pronouns weren't spoken. This should have been shut down from the beginning but these strange people are enabled by the media. What a statue toppling extravaganza this country now is.
Fort Liberty. What a gross abuse of the English language
The military changed the name of 9 bases that were named after Confederate officers.

When will they change the name of the town of Fort Myers Florida?

Named after a prominent confederate named Abraham Meyers - the “Florida fire eater”.

My guess is not gonna happen
I never thought in a hundred years they would change the name of one of the most famous military bases in the world, but they did. With this administration and this woke world we live in anything is possible.
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Even Alabama is fully infected with the mental illness called "wokeism":

Put me squarely in the accelerationist camp as I believe this is a good thing. Normies have to feel pain every where if they are ever to wake up..

Make the suburban soccer moms, with the BLM signs uncomfortable and frightened.
Put me squarely in the accelerationist camp as I believe this is a good thing. Normies have to feel pain every where if they are ever to wake up..

Make the suburban soccer moms, with the BLM signs uncomfortable and frightened.
Ha ha. Hell yeah. They're the drivers and enablers of a lot of this crap.
Put me squarely in the accelerationist camp as I believe this is a good thing. Normies have to feel pain every where if they are ever to wake up..

Make the suburban soccer moms, with the BLM signs uncomfortable and frightened.
I agree 100% they and their cucked husbands need to feel the pain.
81 million people voted for this man. Biden is getting down with the brothers.

Pelosi finally admits it was her responsibility to provide security at the January 6th event.

81 million people voted for this man. Biden is getting down with the brothers.

The posters here know better than most that 81 million people didn't FOR Biden. They voted AGAINST the mean orange man, White supremacy, Christianity, patriotism, etc..

They are so ideologically gone that they would for a monkey if he was the Dem frontrunner.
The posters here know better than most that 81 million people didn't FOR Biden. They voted AGAINST the mean orange man, White supremacy, Christianity, patriotism, etc..

They are so ideologically gone that they would for a monkey if he was the Dem frontrunner.
Even at that… 81 million people didn’t actually fill in the ballot for Biden. Rampant fraud.
This is the goal of Hollywood, the Communist political class and lib elites.... let's recreate America in the image of the lowest common achiever. They reward each other and are not negatively affected so they don't care.
Communist idiot "comedian" Louis CK thinks the Great Replacement is wonderful:

Louie might look and present himself like an emasculated, White sh1tlib, but as often times is the case, the Early Life tells the full story. Louis Székely:



Louie’s later life ain’t so stellar either. More beta, creepy and frankly jewy behavior:


This jerkoff, and his fellow ilk, are toxic to Americans and this once great nation.
American Freedom News