Joe Biden's America

This train derailment and the subsequent government instructed burning of the toxic materials might be the worse environmental disaster on American soil since Exxon Valdez and the worst health crisis since the 9/11 aftermath. There is speculation that the entire Ohio river down stream from this area is poisoned. I think the government is clearly downplaying the severity of this mess and the health risk to the folks in the area both short and long term.

With all that said, the only silver lining is that Bootygay’s political aspirations are likely shot now. His incompetence is on full display and I don’t think he can recover from this. A crisis can actually be an easy way to score political points if you do a few basic things, like Trump did. The fact Biden and his token homosexual couldn’t perform this simple layup shows they are equally stupid and evil. Maybe with the rigged elections, they don’t even care to hid their contempt anymore???
This train derailment and the subsequent government instructed burning of the toxic materials might be the worse environmental disaster on American soil since Exxon Valdez and the worst health crisis since the 9/11 aftermath. There is speculation that the entire Ohio river down stream from this area is poisoned. I think the government is clearly downplaying the severity of this mess and the health risk to the folks in the area both short and long term.

With all that said, the only silver lining is that Bootygay’s political aspirations are likely shot now. His incompetence is on full display and I don’t think he can recover from this. A crisis can actually be an easy way to score political points if you do a few basic things, like Trump did. The fact Biden and his token homosexual couldn’t perform this simple layup shows they are equally stupid and evil. Maybe with the rigged elections, they don’t even care to hid their contempt anymore???
Isn't it also true VP Harris has never been to the southern border though she is in charge of the migration problem ?
It’s amazing the level of incompetence at the upper levels of government. You’d think just by accident someone would squeak through that had some brains. These people are all so evil, aren’t evil people clever? How can they be both stupid and evil? I know it’s all about checking boxes and identities but aren’t there some clever queers or woman of color? It’s a big country.

I mean if we have to be ruled over by these spawn of satan couldn’t they at least inspire some admiration for their manipulative skills?
Another lefty speaks out against the madness, in a way, always a good thing:

I was happy to see this as i've always liked him as an actor. Then I heard on a podcasst that his dad was a former c.i.a. guy and who knows it might be staged. Not sure what to believe these days but these agencies use hollywood to constantly push and divide people Hope Woody
did it just because he wanted to tell the truth. I want to beleive that he is being honest. There are a few and very few hollywood stars that
seem to still have a soul. Not many but a few. Hope he is one of the good ones.
Woody Harrelson's father Charles wasn't CIA, he was an organized crime contract killer who did life in prison for murdering a federal judge in Texas in 1979, the first federal judge to be assassinated in the 20th century.
I was happy to see this as i've always liked him as an actor. Then I heard on a podcasst that his dad was a former c.i.a. guy and who knows it might be staged. Not sure what to believe these days but these agencies use hollywood to constantly push and divide people Hope Woody
did it just because he wanted to tell the truth. I want to beleive that he is being honest. There are a few and very few hollywood stars that
seem to still have a soul. Not many but a few. Hope he is one of the good ones.

Do you believe everything (or anything) you "heard on a podcast?"
Do you believe everything (or anything) you "heard on a podcast?"
Did you even read my post? I said I give him the benefit of the doubt. Just sharing what I heard. I didn't say it was 100 percent
true but I did hear it. I warned people about covid. They thought I was crazy. I just share what I hear. Got it?
Joey is back at it embarrassing himself and white people. I’m a whiteboy that understands black history. Smfh
I wonder if he will start fixing his hair in cornrows to try for more black votes. This is a short video of our leader.
Assuming his father told him he "was trained by them," why should we think an organized crime hit man's word is the gospel truth? Such characters will tell any story, usually to make themselves more important than they were.
What do you think this 3 letter group does all around the world? They are highly skilled and trained. Do you really think they don't ever
do it here at home? You stay in your twilight zone. Woody clearly got nervous and changed the subject. Why? Because these are things
your never supposed to talk about. So now I've seen 2 sources including from his mouth. Yet you ignore the elephant in the room. Go
back to sleep. Nothing to see here. Move right along.
Lmao. Even the cue cards can't help the clueless! Best President ever! Thanks Libtards and Snowflakes even though
we all know the fix was in. All you had to do was look at his rallies then and now to see the fix was in. To say he got more
votes than Trump makes your nose grow like Pinnochio just to say it. Hahaha.
Hey Joe. I think alot of people would disagree with you. First off your not a white boy, your an old white geezer. Second on the
stupid part. Hahaha. Joe is doing his best for the black americans who he seems to love most of the time.

What do you think this 3 letter group does all around the world? They are highly skilled and trained. Do you really think they don't ever
do it here at home? You stay in your twilight zone. Woody clearly got nervous and changed the subject. Why? Because these are things
your never supposed to talk about. So now I've seen 2 sources including from his mouth. Yet you ignore the elephant in the room. Go
back to sleep. Nothing to see here. Move right along.
White Lighting, I don't if this is well known or not, but Charles Harrelson was identified as one of the three "tramps" who was photographed the day J.F.K. was assassinated by famed forensic artist Lois Gibson. Their arrests have led to several conspiracy theories about the real murderer of J.F.K.
What do you think this 3 letter group does all around the world? They are highly skilled and trained. Do you really think they don't ever
do it here at home? You stay in your twilight zone. Woody clearly got nervous and changed the subject. Why? Because these are things
your never supposed to talk about. So now I've seen 2 sources including from his mouth. Yet you ignore the elephant in the room. Go
back to sleep. Nothing to see here. Move right along.

So when does a organized crime hitman/career criminal need any training from a not especially efficient organization?
The leftist scum that are replying to her tweet are quite brazen and openly glad for any violence against her since "her speech has consequences" in their opinion. In other words, it's ok to commit violence or near violence and/or threats against those who don't go along with their commie agenda.
And wouldn't ya know it, the media cartel responds in knee jerk fashion with my most hated word the last three years: "baseless". Baseless this, baseless that. Anytime they say something is "baseless" you know they're lying as sure as if you pushed the big red "LIE" button. Good on Woody for being a bur under their pathetic saddle.
Like in the TV Show "Cheers", I toast Woody for shining more light on this issue. So many unneccessary deaths all round the world.
American Freedom News