Joe Biden orders airstrikes against Syria

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Or I should say, Joe Biden's handlers got him to order airstrikes against Syria.

What does Joe Biden have in common with Donald Trump? Biden's three children are all married to Jews, just like Donald Trump's 3 adult children are all married to Jews. Biden's cabinet has the highest number of Jews of any American cabinet in history.

So Biden will be at least as much of a puppet of Israel as Trump was, probably even more so.
Or I should say, Joe Biden's handlers got him to order airstrikes against Syria.

What does Joe Biden have in common with Donald Trump? Biden's three children are all married to Jews, just like Donald Trump's 3 adult children are all married to Jews. Biden's cabinet has the highest number of Jews of any American cabinet in history.

So Biden will be at least as much of a puppet of Israel as Trump was, probably even more so.

Exactly why my short time dabbling In politics is over.Once you realize everything is ****** rigged against us what's the use? Obama bombed what 4 or 5 countries during his tenure, I expect Joe and his ((handlers)) to do the same.
Exactly why my short time dabbling In politics is over.Once you realize everything is ****** rigged against us what's the use? Obama bombed what 4 or 5 countries during his tenure, I expect Joe and his ((handlers)) to do the same.
I agree with you Bucky 100%. the next two years look very shakey for America.
Its a great video like usual from the MI6 BoyWonder. Agree with all points except the “ bombing poor brown and black people” crap. It screams Democrats are the real racists, level of mouthbreathing morons. I hate both sides of politics, and believing that its Good VS EVil, instead of Pick Your Poison.
Its a great video like usual from the MI6 BoyWonder. Agree with all points except the “ bombing poor brown and black people” crap. It screams Democrats are the real racists, level of mouthbreathing morons. I hate both sides of politics, and believing that its Good VS EVil, instead of Pick Your Poison.

Haha ya PJW is what he is.. I do agree that bombing third world nations is part of the ploy they use to bring refugees to Western Countries though.. My foreign policy would be like George Washington's, perhaps that's outdated but I'd mind my business and truly put America First = no more pointless wars for you know who.
Anything to kept the brown horde migrant caravans into Europe going...right Joe? Just like Obama destabilized Libya to let blacks cross the Mediterranean and invade Europe.
Disgusting. We all knew Biden would be terrible but it’s shocking how quickly they’ve went right back to the Neo-lib / Neo-con playbook. I’ve been tuned out of politics since the stolen election, but I’d imagine many Democrat voters are unhappy with “their president”.
Disgusting. We all knew Biden would be terrible but it’s shocking how quickly they’ve went right back to the Neo-lib / Neo-con playbook. I’ve been tuned out of politics since the stolen election, but I’d imagine many Democrat voters are unhappy with “their president”.

Just shows how full of **** Trump was too..This is how you get the results you want. A real display of power from Biden and his cronies
I’d have to disagree... Trump wasn’t full of ****, if anything he underestimated the sheer evil of the Left and Globalists. But he was no friend to them...
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