The official religion of the USSA (I love that) is political correctness. Any real Christianity gets you thrown into the lions den, or the fires of the furnace. Christianity is mocked, ridiculed, and slandered around EVEY corner of this fallen nation.
The Bible teaches that if you turn your back on God as a nation that "the ALIEN among you will rise above you". Thats exactly whats happening.
If we would stop making fun of Christianity in the western world maybe we could begin to fix this mess were in, but most people would rather mock than learn. That includes the vast majority of so called Christians.
Professing with your mouth is only half of it. You also have to believe in your heart. Most people believe in their heart that no higher power has the right to tell them what they should, and shouldn't do. THATS the REAL motive behind ALL slander of Christianity. Those three little words "thou shall not" rub people the wrong way.
Pretty well stated WW. We turned our backs on God and Christianity in 1960-63 when the Bible and Prayer were taken out of school. Most here are too young to remember and don't understand, because they've never heard the truth of Christ Jesus.
Taking Bible and prayer out of schools has been very successful for the God hating, non-believing crowd, however, it's only temporary. God will use this as well as other catastrophe's for his glory.
"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." Romans, 16:20.
Right WW, most people are too prideful to admit they have a sin problem. They want to believe what's right for them. To each his own, so they say. Well if that's the case, then nothing's off limits! There's no absolutes, anyone can do anything, and if that's the case, then I'm wasting my time here on CF!
However, that's not the case! There is truth, only one truth and it's found in the Lord Christ Jesus.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6.
According to that statement made by Jesus, there's only two ways to go. Either you go his way, the RIGHT WAY, or by everyone else's, the WRONG WAY! Because, if he's lying, there is no truth, but if he is the truth, then he's the only way.
It seems so simple, and it is, yet very complex for most, however, the Bible states that most will perish!
"Enter through the NARROW gate. For WIDE is the gate and BROAD is the road that leads to DESTRUCTION, and MANY enter through it.. But SMALL is the gate and NARROW is the road that leads to life, and only a FEW find it." Matthew 7:13-14.