Jermain Taylor Interview

Maple Leaf said:
JD1986: are there any threads of white fighters asking for forgiveness from their fans? Are black posters allowed to talk about favouritism to blacks where whites are not? I don't frequent that forum so I'm curious.
Gerry Cooney took the microphone after he lost to Holmes and said he was sorry to his fans(mostly white, but some had to be non white too).
whiteathlete33 said:
Way up on the judges scorecards? What fight were you watching JD. It was close up to that point.

Don't be a jerk. And learn how to read. I'll repeat myself, just for you, and with emphasis added so that perhaps you'll get it this time:

"He fought a good fight for six rounds, and was way up on the judges' scorecards (too much so, but that's another story.)"

I was talking about the judges' scorecards, not my own, and I even mentioned that I disagreed with those scores. So don't ask me what fight I was watching, I know what fight I was watching. It was basically even going into the seventh round. That's my opinion, too. Again, learn how to read, and question your own intelligence before questioning mine. Edited by: JD074
JD1986 said:
However, the biased black boxing judge and Julie Lederman did have Taylor well ahead on their cards after 6 rounds.

Nope, it wasn't just two of the judges, although I guess you only want to blame the "Negro" and the Jew. Actually, all three judges had him "way ahead." According to

judge: Julie Lederman 54-59 | judge: Guido Cavalleri 55-58 | judge: John Stewart 55-58
JD074 said:
Nope, it wasn't just two of the judges, although I guess you only want to blame the "Negro" and the Jew. Actually, all three judges had him "way ahead." According to

judge: Julie Lederman 54-59 | judge: Guido Cavalleri 55-58 | judge: John Stewart 55-58

Julie Lederman had Taylor ahead by FIVE points, and that's worse than the black and the white judges who had him ahead by THREE points. Three is wider than five, right?

I could see why someone might have Taylor up by one point, although I had Pavlik ahead by one. Having Taylor ahead by three points implies that the person is biased, but doesn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. But FIVE points proves beyond any doubt, that judge was biased!

Some boxing fans at the various websites said she is just incompetent, but I see she scored the McCline vs. Peter fight perfectly.

Edited by: JD1986
JD1986 said:
Julie Lederman had Taylor ahead by FIVE points, and that's worse than the black and the white judges who had him ahead by THREE points. Three is wider than five, right?

Well, you make my point for me by pointing out that the black and white judges had the same score. So perhaps it was just Lederman who was biased. And maybe she was, for all we know.

I could see why someone might have Taylor up by one point, although I had Pavlik ahead by one. Having Taylor ahead by three points implies that the person is biased, but doesn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. But FIVE points proves beyond any doubt, that judge was biased!

There was only one round difference between the two scores. Five rounds to one, vs. four rounds to two. I don't think that proves much. It's possible, but we can't really say for sure. They all had Taylor winning. What we can say is that Taylor always seems to get favorable scoring, not only against Pavlik, but also Hopkins (first fight) and Wright. For whatever reason. Edited by: JD074
JD1986 said:
JD074 said:
Nope, it wasn't just two of the judges, although I guess you only want to blame the "Negro" and the Jew. Actually, all three judges had him "way ahead." According to

judge: Julie Lederman 54-59 | judge: Guido Cavalleri 55-58 | judge: John Stewart 55-58

Julie Lederman had Taylor ahead by FIVE points, and that's worse than the black and the white judges who had him ahead by THREE points. Three is wider than five, right?

I could see why someone might have Taylor up by one point, although I had Pavlik ahead by one. Having Taylor ahead by three points implies that the person is biased, but doesn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. But FIVE points proves beyond any doubt, that judge was biased!

Some boxing fans at the various websites said she is just incompetent, but I see she scored the McCline vs. Peter fight perfectly.

JD if that bout was scored that close it looks like Pavlik is going to have to work extra hard to win this fight. How could Taylor have been up by five points or even three? That is ridiculous. I had the fight about even up to that point and Pavlik was starting to come on more in the later rounds. Any idea who the judges for this next fight may be? Or is it too early to know yet?
Not sure what fight the judges were watching.

The announcers in the fight, Larry Merchant, Jim Lampley and even Harold Lederman, who I believe is married to Julie Lederman all had the fight either even or Taylor ahead by one point, before the knockout.

Hopefully, now that Pavlik is the champ, he will be given the same treatment as Taylor from the judges, but I would not hold my breath.
Julie Lederman is the daughter of Harold Lederman. Pt.Guard2 hold your breath, Pavlik will have to out right dominate or KO Taylor.

Sometimes I think these judges have a guilt trip over the supposed suppression of blacks, that they give them unearned points for being negro, just like they do when negros apply to outstanding/prestigous universtities. They get points over whites for being black. When will it ever end?

This is the BS I can't stand and why the Democratic party is a tool the negros and weapon against whites!
Kukulcan, whatever the reason, I think you are correct.

Pavlik should not expect a fair shake from the judges and should do his best to take the decision out of their hands. The good news is that he has the tools to do exactly that.
Maple Leaf wrote:
JD1986: are there any threads of white fighters asking for forgiveness from their fans? Are black posters allowed to talk about favouritism to blacks where whites are not? I don't frequent that forum so I'm curious.

Watch it guys! We'll have "nevada" over here handwringing about our "racist" views
JD1986 said:
Bart said:
Kukulcan said:
I still wonder why Taylor chose to do this and not fight at the 160 lbs. I think he got bad advice and will soon get this a.. handled to him.

He does not care about the weight or stipulations. He is black, and his loss to the - Ghost - Pavlik is killing him. It must be avenged.He is walking around with a bag over his head in the hood.

Yes, there was a thread in the "Non-Stop Boxing" at by a black poster entitled "Taylor let his people down". Taylor came on the boxingscene forum himself and told his fans that he was sorry and would take the rematch option. He later said it would be announced the next day and it was, so it really was him.

He was very humiliated at losing to a white fighter - he desperately needs to win this upcoming fight!

That is solid proof of the caste system right there. Blacks almost always pull for their own, which I don't have a problem with b/c I almost always pull for whites over other races except in hockey where there is no discrimination yet and few black players. However, a fellow poster was deleted if I recall from or something for saying that he pulls for the white guy b/c he is white. If you ever watch a crowd at a boxing match, when it is a mostly white crowd you usually hear more cheers for the white guy against a black, but blacks are allowed to do this and whites are branded racist for it!

The thing that disgusts me though is that blacks feel "completely humiliated" from Taylor losing to a white. Give me a break! Whites have proven to be amazing boxers also, especially recently, so how is it embarrassing. That is racism my friends and belittling of white people.

More proof of how blacks pull for their own over whites is that Barack Obama has gotten "more than 80% of the black vote" over Hilary, the wife of the first black man's President Bill Clinton! Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
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