JD074 said:
Nope, it wasn't just two of the judges, although I guess you only want to blame the "Negro" and the Jew. Actually, all three judges had him "way ahead." According to boxrec.com:
judge: Julie Lederman 54-59 | judge: Guido Cavalleri 55-58 | judge: John Stewart 55-58
Julie Lederman had Taylor ahead by FIVE points, and that's worse than the black and the white judges who had him ahead by THREE points. Three is wider than five, right?
I could see why someone might have Taylor up by one point, although I had Pavlik ahead by one. Having Taylor ahead by three points
implies that the person is biased, but doesn't
prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. But FIVE points proves beyond any doubt, that judge was biased!
Some boxing fans at the various websites said she is just incompetent, but I see she scored the McCline vs. Peter fight perfectly.