Jared Taylor on CNN!


Oct 19, 2004
There was a show on "racism" on CNN tonight and Jared Taylor was on a discussion panel with Michael Eric Dyson, John McWhorter, some Jewish woman who wrote a book about "White Privilege," and the host, Paula Zahn. Needless to say, I was really surprised that Taylor was on this show!

Meanwhile, today I saw Tucker Carlson and his producer poking fun of David Duke (he made the news for giving a speech at a Holocaust Conference in Iran.) They even joked about him supposedly having plastic surgery.

So here we have utter contempt- if not downright hatred- for Duke on the one hand, and more or less polite treatment for Taylor on the other. Is this a lesson we should learn from? Is Amren-style "racial realism" the way to go to gain at least a semblance of mainstream respectability? And what is it exactly that makes him more acceptable to CNN and Paula Zahn than the "loathsome" Dr. David Duke? No ties to the KKK or any other "extremist" group? The fact that he de-emphasizes Jews? It's not the delivery of the message, because Duke is actually quite restrained and articulate in his writing and speeches (no angry Kramer rants.) Taylor may be showing us the one and only way to gain credibility. Edited by: JD074


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
You can't compare Duke to Taylor. Duke has too much baggage what with the KKK association. Talor is an author and upper class guy while Duke is working class.

Duke came very close to being elected govenor of his state, since then the media has worked relentlessly destroying his reputation among the sheeple.

He is still the face of white racialism for all the good and bad that entails. Taylor is much more obscure.

The main difference really is that one is anti-Jew and the other is not. That sets the media agenda. Respectability for the MSM is all about that.

If that is the "credibility" you want........


jaxvid said:
Duke came very close to being elected govenor of his state, since then the media has worked relentlessly destroying his reputation among the sheeple.

He is still the face of white racialism for all the good and bad that entails. Taylor is much more obscure.

Dude, he's the former head of the KKK. He's been pictgured at national socialist rallies in the past, and everyone sees now that he does not think any differently, he simply is much smarter when it comes to presenting his ideas.

Do you REALLY expect mainstream america to support a guy like that? Naturally, they will ignore him. They don't have to destroy his reputation; it's already gone.


Oct 20, 2006
The vast majority of whites practice Jared Taylor's philosophy of white
separatism every day--they are against affirmative action, live in white
neighborhoods, and try as much as possible to send their kids to schools
with the most white kids in them (I went to al-white schools as a kid, and
it was great!). Some mouth the diversity line, but they don't live it.

The overwhelming majority of whites rightly see Nazism as the hideous
evil that it is. The KKK the same way (although I don't think they
understand that the KKK did a lot of good in the south keeping the blacks
at bay, as violent as their methods were. Quite anumber of the people
they killed were actually guilty of crimes, like most of the people killed in
lynchings by blacks and other groups are guilty. And the KKK killed
whites too. But nobody is in favor of vigilante justice, and the terrorist
tactics of killing innocents is correctly villified and condemned). Most
people want to be left alone, and avoid conflict if they can. I think that
makes sense.

As things get worse here, Taylor will be the voice of reason, and I
basically agree with him and what he stands for--racial separatism. We
will always have the problems we see now with a multi-racial society.
The blacks and hispanics always cry about how evil whites are, but they
never leave--in fact, they always follow whites around because they want
to mooch. Whites keep trying to separate themselves from these groups,
while saying nice things, and the blacks and hispanics keep following us
around, while complaining constantly. Actions speak louder than words.
They love us, but can't be us, so they don't like us. But they can't leave
us, or they will fail. A perpetual nightmare.

The illusion of a multi-racial society worked because the numbers of
non-whites, in the beginning, was small (except for blacks, but that has
never worked, nor will it). A small number will not agitate much, and
more easily assimilates. But when you get a sizable percentage, the
whole thing falls apart. Its becoming more and more apparent that
blacks and hispanics are a different breed of cat, who as a group, cannot
compete, and will then claim racism for all their failures, and ask for
wealth transfers. The white folks are running out of money. The center
cannot hold....

Bet your money on the Taylor method. We will have a much better chance
of convincing others with a non-violent approach.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Futuregohan30 said:
jaxvid said:
Duke came very close to being elected govenor of his state, since then the media has worked relentlessly destroying his reputation among the sheeple.

He is still the face of white racialism for all the good and bad that entails. Taylor is much more obscure.

Dude, he's the former head of the KKK. He's been pictgured at national socialist rallies in the past, and everyone sees now that he does not think any differently, he simply is much smarter when it comes to presenting his ideas.

Do you REALLY expect mainstream america to support a guy like that? Naturally, they will ignore him. They don't have to destroy his reputation; it's already gone.

He's not the former "head" of the KKK (like it's a major national organization), he was just a local leader. He is NO worse, not one iota then Farrakhan, yet Farrakhan is a media darling and can sponsor "million man marches" but Duke is evil incarnate.

Duke doesn't preach that anyone should be killed (unlike Calypso Louie), if you knew anything about him you would know he is an intelligent man that has been unfairly typecast by the media for his strong pro=white views.

BTW Sen. Byrd of West Virginia was a HIGHER ranking member of his local KKK, but he hasn't been typecast by the media as a monster because he now has the RIGHT views about race, i.e. whites are to submit to the self destruction known as "diversity."

Duke was a legitamate candidate in Louisianna and recieved millions of votes from people who new exactly what he stood for, which is the legitimate right of whites to persue their own interests over that of others.

And to Pitbull, linking Duke with the crimes that other people committed a hundred years ago is a ridiculous way to smear a white nationalist, I would expect such inorance from a black high school kid but you are a white man, read up on the guy instead of regurgitating what the MSM feeds you.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
If people would like to know what David Duke believes in and stands for, check out his site. He's posted many articles and has chapters of his books available to read on-line. His book "My Awakening"is very interesting and informative.



Oct 20, 2006
I'm didn't say anything about Duke at all. I don't know that much about
him. But the KKK people know about, including myself. And even if he
were only involved in a local chapter, that's enough to indict him in the
minds of many. I don't think that's the way to go. I'm more concerned
with how we can show the public at large the deleterious effects of these
black and hispanic populations on regular white people that the MSM
covers up and simply ignores. I don't think the populations are really
compatible at all, and if AA and "civil rights" pandering were done away
with, relations amongst the races would be a whole lot worse. I don't
know how we can get out from under that load unless we form
communities or nations where we can keep these people out. And in
order to do that, you need to convince a LOT of people to go along with
you. Moving to a white neighborhood is nice, but it won't stop the
government welfare. Only a separate country will do that. The KKK and
nazis carry way too much negative baggage with them to appeal to a any
but a very few people. Vigilantism and executions are not what people
want to affiliate themselves with. I have no reason why Duke or anybody
would join the KKK, given its reputation, if they want to be taken seriously
by mainstream white America.

I know about Taylor because of the AMREN site, and I admire his
approach. I had no idea about the true interracial crime statistics until I
read his "The Color of Crime". That's enough to make anybody wake up,
I'd think.

As far as the MSM is concerned, anybody who thinks like I do is someone
to be demonized. Duke is especially demonized because of his
popularity, and Taylor less so, because he is not well known. So they
bring him on to make him look like kook, and he is almost always
outnumbered in a debate. But I think he can change minds by being
reasonable and holding his own, and he does that extremely well. Kind of
like a Buchannan, who is always smeared as an anti-semite, but who is
still popular and listened to, as his recent book shows.

As far as those other organizations, no way in hell they sell.


May 6, 2006
Outside North America
David Duke is a great man. I say this from my heart. I have read both of his books and learned more from those two books than I ever have from any 2 other books. Taylor may be more mainstream in America but I'll tell you what, here Australia if you ask a racially conscious white person who Jared Taylor is they will say Jared who? If you ask them if they know David Duke there is a great chance that they'll say "bloody hell yea" "that yank has got some balls". David Duke does not run from the truth in any regard. He hits the truth head on and THAT is why he is denounced in the msm. Besides, everyone has done things in there past that they are not proud of. Dr. Duke I'm sure is no different in that regard however, across Europe, the Middle East, and right here in Australia he is by far and away the most popular advocate of white civil rights.


Nov 26, 2004
It's frustrating they gave so little time to Mr. Taylor. And that the whold production was so slanted, from background videos of 'freedom marchers' being sprayed with water hoses to Vidor, Texas portrayed as the face of racist evil.

The comments of the other guests seemed both vague and highly rehearsed. '...whites are fish in a sea of white privilege...racism is the crack in the foundation of the house of America...'


Aug 10, 2005
Vidor is just a few miles from where I live. It's not even the most racist white town in this area. They have more blacks than Evadale or Lumberton. They've gone soft.


Oct 19, 2004
jaxvid said:
You can't compare Duke to Taylor. Duke has too much baggage what with the KKK association.

That's precisely why they should be compared.

The main difference really is that one is anti-Jew and the other is not. That sets the media agenda. Respectability for the MSM is all about that.

If that is the "credibility" you want........

What's wrong with a little social acceptance? Don't we want to become more mainstream? As I've written before, it's a fine line: how much do we conform to the mainstream, and how much do we try to influence the mainstream? How much do we need to fit in so that we can put ourselves in a position to change our culture? Because as long as we are on the fringe, we are not in a position to change anything.

For the record, I like Duke, and I agree that it's unfair that the media endlessly ridicules him for being in the KKK thirty years ago. But you know what? Life isn't fair. When I see Taylor treated politely, and Duke harangued and ridiculed on the very same channel (he was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN yesterday,) I think that's a lesson for us. Could Taylor become like Buchanan, offensive to the mainstream, but still acceptable to the mainstream? I see Buchanan on MSNBC almost every night. There's not a huge difference between Buchanan and Taylor, but there is a difference, and it's an important one. I would love to see someone like Taylor on MSNBC every night. Of course! Don't we all want that?!

So is that the "credibility" I want? Hell yeah!!Edited by: JD074


Oct 19, 2004
aussieaussie said:
Taylor may be more mainstream in America but I'll tell you what, here Australia if you ask a racially conscious white person who Jared Taylor is they will say Jared who?

First of all, no one said Taylor was mainstream here. That would be great though! Let me make it clear that this thread is NOT about bashing David Duke. I like Duke! This is about developing a real movement that has the potential to become mainstream someday, not a popularity contest between the two.

Besides, everyone has done things in there past that they are not proud of.

Yes, and sometimes our past comes back to bite us in the ass.

Dr. Duke I'm sure is no different in that regard however, across Europe, the Middle East, and right here in Australia he is by far and away the most popular advocate of white civil rights.

That's good! I hope Duke continues to attract a following outside of America. That's fantastic. And while I hope he continues to positively influence White Americans, we need more people like Taylor with less baggage.


Oct 19, 2004
Charlie said:
It's frustrating they gave so little time to Mr. Taylor.

Yes, but at least he was treated well. Maybe my expectations are low, but that's a success in my book. We need much, much more of this. Whenever there's a racially charged issue in the news, or any issue that affects white peope, I would like to see a couple of white "spokesmen" making the rounds on the various news channels a la Al Sharpton or Janet Murguia (president of National Council of La Raza.) Whenever the issue is affirmative action or illegal immigration, they should be there giving our side of the debate. We need a voice.

(For the record, no, I don't want a white Al Sharpton! But I would love to see a WN interviewed on TV as much as he is.)

And that the whold production was so slanted, from background videos of 'freedom marchers' being sprayed with water hoses to Vidor, Texas portrayed as the face of racist evil.

Absolutely. The show sucked.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Let's at least be accurate, whatever our opinions. Futuregohad30 wrote, of David Duke: "He's been pictured at national socialist rallies in the past..."

Actually, there is one set of photos -- not from a "national socialist" rally, but from a short bit of political street theatre performed by Duke in 1970. He picketed commie-activist-lawyer William Kunstler on the campus of Tulane University, carrying a sign which read on one side "Kunstler is a Communist Jew," and on the other "Gas the Chicago Seven," and dressed in a nazi-style uniform with swastika armband.

The fact that Futuregohad30 has this objection is not only legitimate, though, it is instructive. If we are to change people's perceptions, we have to first overcome their objections. It is hard enough for a person with a clean slate to get through to a more conformist colleague or friend on the basis of the subject matter. Having to overcome concerns about baggage and undesirable affiliations is too much work. Like it or not, most people associate the credibility of the message with the degree of credibility they perceive in the messenger.
May 1, 2006
David Duke committed the one crime the MSM will never forgive him for long before he joined either the Kinghts of the Ku Klux Klan of the Nazi. He is a white Souterhn male who is proud of his heritage. Speaks and writes grammaticaaly correct english and does so in well thought out prose defending himself and his brother sisters from the constan attachs of both the MSM press and the entertainment industry. They just cannot stan a Strong Southern White man!


Oct 19, 2004
Duke posted a vid of his interview with Rita Cosby on his site. I don't remember if there was a long, insulting "intro" like there was on Blitzer's show, but Cosby was polite during the interview. So maybe there's hope for us yet. But I still agree with Deus Vult that we have enough disadvantages, and we should reduce our disadvantages whenever it is in our power to do so. He can't do anything about his disadvantages, so he has to simply take it like a man and keep going. The rest of us should know how to approach mainstream society in the most constructive way possible.


Aug 10, 2005
Vidor cancelled its forum with cnn. CNN agreed to allow Vidor 15 people to participate in a panel of 30. Then cnn increased the total invited to 150, including Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Vidor would still only be allowed 15 participants. Vidor decided not to participate. The forum to discuss racism wil be in Beaumont instead. Also, the segment covering Vidor mysteriously blacked out during the 6 minute segment in Vidor. I wonder if the racist attitudes of blacks in Beaumont will be discussed. I wouldn't bet on it. I wonder if there is a way to protest this. There are several members on here who are from Houston. That is about 90 miles away. If we could put something together I'll show up. Anyone interested?
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
KG2422 said:
Vidor cancelled its forum with cnn. CNN agreed to allow Vidor 15 people to participate in a panel of 30. Then cnn increased the total invited to 150, including Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Vidor would still only be allowed 15 participants. Vidor decided not to participate. The forum to discuss racism wil be in Beaumont instead. Also, the segment covering Vidor mysteriously blacked out during the 6 minute segment in Vidor. I wonder if the racist attitudes of blacks in Beaumont will be discussed. I wouldn't bet on it. I wonder if there is a way to protest this. There are several members on here who are from Houston. That is about 90 miles away. If we could put something together I'll show up. Anyone interested?

Normally, I'd be dressed and out the door already for something like this. But, unfortunately, I live in Jersey. Sorry, bro, I wish I could attend.


Jul 27, 2005
United States
David Duke is David Duke, and he should be on TV more than "Leave It To Beaver" reruns.

(Jim Rome reference)


Nov 25, 2004
IMHO, the information that David Duke puts out will do more for our race than anything Jared Taylor has done. No slam on Taylor though. Neither of these guys will ever get elected to office again anyway. The best hope is that someone that reads their information will eventually get elected.

As for Vidor, the MSM has supposedly found one obscure place in the US where blacks are little uncomforable because water wasn't served to them as fast as they would like it to be in there restuarants. So a national debate is started. Apparently they couldn't find any black neighborhoods in the US where whites aren't welcomed.


Aug 8, 2006
I was shocked to see Jared Taylor on CNN. He came to my college, George Mason, about 10 years or so ago and gave a talk on his book, which I am looking at right now, "Paved with Good intentions." A fantastic book by the way. Unfortunately for Taylor, he is not very charismatic and has an odd sounding voice, not forceful enough.

The movement needs someone with charisma, passion, but without the baggage of David Duke. Simple fact is we need someone who we can feel comfortable enough putting bumper stickers on our cars and yardsigns in our yards. Someone we arent' afraid to PUBLICLY support.

While many of us here would support more "controversial" types, the general public won't even if they are sympathetic.

I thought it was funny when Paula Zahn had Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson on to talk about race, with no white guy. Talk about race and only some idiot jew woman, a bunch of blacks and one relatively soft spoken pro-white guy. Apparently blacks can really only have the conversation.


Aug 8, 2006
Times they are achanging though. Was over a family members for Christmas, a big union member Democrat. He and his family have hated the Republicans for a long time. But he is pissed about the Democrats supporting amnesty. (Yes I know bush does too

If any Republican was smart, he'd realize that you appeal to the Hispanic vote at the sacrifice of the white vote. It is a zero sum game. So, you better recognize that for now, there still are a hell of a lot more white voters than Hispanic. A very easy campaign issue that will also appeal to blacks.


Oct 19, 2004
cslewis1 said:
The movement needs someone with charisma, passion, but without the baggage of David Duke. Simple fact is we need someone who we can feel comfortable enough putting bumper stickers on our cars and yardsigns in our yards. Someone we arent' afraid to PUBLICLY support.

Well said.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Interesting comments.

It's my view that we have to define what we want. A man like Jared Taylor is a good man to have on your side. However, he's more of an academic than anything else. He doesn't appear to have a plan of action. He just looks at this situation as some sort of intellectual exercise. For white people, to think in those terms is a definite negative for us. We shouldn't think in terms of scoring verbal points on some idiotic forum on TV. We should be forming different intellectual discussion societies with like minded white people with the idea of action as the outcome of our talk. Of course, we should also be trying to get the ear of our young people. If we can do that, then we'll have a chance to take back this country. We shouldn't be worrying about who is palatable for us to form alliances with at this time. We're talking survival here and if a White man says he's with us then that's fine as long as he'll work as a team player with the goal of repatriating these colored people back to the lands of their origins. Of course, they're not going peacefully. They're going to have to be forced to leave and that hard fact we should understand and take appropriate measures to achieve our goal.

God helps them that help themselves!!!

Tom Iron...


Aug 13, 2006
AmRen and Jared Taylor are, of course, very heroic and vital contributors to our cause. However, AmRen has essentially instituted a "ban" on discussing the role of Jewish influence on the de-racination of the West. Check out their website for an account, starting with the most recent AmRen conference. Obviously one can go overboard in the criticism of Jews, but that is true of any intellectual position! To ignore the reality (see the brilliant work of Kevin MacDonald), esp. by a puported racialist organization, is troublesome.