Jared Taylor on CNN!

May 1, 2006
Bingo Tom Iron. A concept the Negro "Civil Rights" movement learned from the communist was "unified front". In short you pick your allies from anyone who shares your view of the task at hand. So while the blacks had their own politics and power struggles behind the scenes to the public and the media they were all 'united brothers and sisters". The other thing they had was a few charismatic leaders that could get people to take risks for the movement. I am not talking about commiting major crimes I am talking about sit ins, boycotts, public demonstrations circulating and signing petitions and open visible support or non-support for political candidates. This is not rocket science put you do have to have a leader that can motivate large groups of people. and I agree while Mr. Taylor is an excellent Intellectual leader he does not hook me emotinally.


Aug 8, 2006
Interesting points all. I totally agree Jared Taylor is a huge asset for our side. Indeed. But emotions dictate action thus one needs to appeal to emotions to get people fired up.

The intellectual side of the debate is necessary too. But that will only go so far. Fear is the biggest motivator. Which is why very few people vote FOR things, they mostly vote against.

An emotional argument would grip people who normally don't pay any attention to say, "this is crazy. I need to do SOMETHING." And then, and only then, will they publicly support the cause. Once that happens, watch the politicians follow accordingly.

The biggest fear our people have right now is that of being ostracized and banished as a racist or whatever. The perfect example is the Rush Limbaugh issue in regards to McNabb. We need someone who will speak to the fear of losing your society if things don't change.

Lou Dobbs is doing good work there. I never liked him but like what he is doing now. O'Reilly too. Now we need someone to take it to the next level. Not sure who that is but he'll come eventually.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
This thing about Jews. I know Jewish people I like and I know some I don't like. But I don't dislike them as a group. It's my view that if they're with us, fine, if not then I've got no use for them, I mean as indidviduals.

Another point about Jewish people is Zionism. I'm against Zionism. The Zionists (along with the British of course) are the ones who set this whole thing in motion in the mideast in 1917 with their lousy Balfour Declaration. If it wasn't for Zionism and Israel, we wouldn't be up to our eyeballs in this mess in Iraq and Afghanistan and maybe soon in Iran. That bum, Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have attacked us if it wasn't for our support of the Zionists.

God helps those who help themselves.

Tom Iron...


Oct 19, 2004
Tom Iron said:
A man like Jared Taylor is a good man to have on your side. However, he's more of an academic than anything else.

I'm fine with that. Who knows, maybe socially acceptable academics can make our ideas more mainstream, and then charismatic leaders can take those ideas and use them for wider purposes (like election campaigns.)

We shouldn't think in terms of scoring verbal points on some idiotic forum on TV.

But we should want to be on TV! There should be many more of us on TV. What impressed me about his appearance on that idiotic show (and you're right, it was idiotic,) is that he was just another person on the panel. He wasn't referred to as a "Nazi" or "Klansman." We need more of this. We need to become acceptable to a certain extent. We will have zero success if we remain on the fringe. How can we accomplish anything as long as we're outcasts? How can we get political leaders elected? In my opinion, we need a balance between conforming to societal standards, while at the same time influencing the culture to conform to our standards. It's a give and take.

We shouldn't be worrying about who is palatable for us to form alliances with at this time.

We'll agree to disagree on this point. To be palatable is to be able to blend in with the society at large, and we need that.

And as far as repatriation goes, good luck! We can't put down the insurgency in Iraq, how in the world are we going to expel 100-125 million non-whites from this land mass?! It's extremely difficult to imagine. Edited by: JD074