January 20, 2009- No Television Day

Maple Leaf the pain will continue into Febuary. In case you didn't know, its Black History month here in the USA . The next time I get into a discussion with a black who has an once of intelligence, I will demand that he refer to me and my race as f'ing European American(s)!

My revenge will be in a couple of months the looks on blacks faces, they will realize that BO is not the messiah and their lives will not change, they will need to go to school, learn, work an honest wage and speak proper English. Learn that the "th" is not pronounced like an "f".
It's White outside my house!

Could the GODS be telling us to have more White babies? I think so!
In my school, every class period I was in had the damned inauguration. Most of my class seems to be Republican, at least the guys. Most of the girls were cheering for when Obama was inaugurated.
My school is made up of mostly liberal wana be teachers.

I hope Obama flops horribly, and the congress. We have to go through some hard times to get the Republicans back in control.
Jack Lambert said:
In my school, every class period I was in had the damned inauguration. Most of my class seems to be Republican, at least the guys. Most of the girls were cheering for when Obama was inaugurated.
My school is made up of mostly liberal wana be teachers.

I hope Obama flops horribly, and the congress. We have to go through some hard times to get the Republicans back in control.

Jack, its a sad fact, but a fact nonetheless, that the Republicans aren't going to make things any better. Any future for our people will have to have its start outside both wings of the single anti-white party system in Amerika. Don't aim for bringing them back, or you'll just be in for more disappointment. The lesser of two evils is still evil brother.
Col.Reb - Lowery is a race hustler/pimp who's ridden "Saint MLK's" coat tails the last 40+ years, and Rick Warren is an apostate/false-prophet who's a shill for the Globalist Elite (as a CFR member).

The Purpose Driven Scam
Freethinker said:
I enjoy watching alot of Discovery Channel because there is usually no agenda. My 2 favorite shows are Survivorman and Man vs. Wild. They both feature a bad-ass white man stranded in jungles, mountains, desserts, islands, etc and showing you what to do in these situations. I would def recommend these shows to all of you guys.

I like them both too, but have come to like Survivor Man a lot more. Les is totally by himself, even has to do his own filming from several different angles (not to mention having to drag all that equipment with him wherever he goes).

The more I watch Man vs. Wild the more I'm thinking it's too staged. Bear is always in situations where he's climbing or descending vertical places, which seems to be his specialty. It's like he's showing off too much, though I'll give him props for the array of critters he munches on.
He also has a camera crew and who knows what else with him. His cameramen, who go up and down and everywhere else right beside him while holding a camera with one arm, must be human monkeys when it comes to agility.

Unfortunately, I think Les of Survivor Man is done filming new episodes. Both shows give lots of great information on ways to survive in adverse conditions.
Westside said:
Maple Leaf the pain will continue into Febuary. In case you didn't know, its Black History month here in the USA . The next time I get into a discussion with a black who has an once of intelligence, I will demand that he refer to me and my race as f'ing European American(s)!

My revenge will be in a couple of months the looks on blacks faces, they will realize that BO is not the messiah and their lives will not change, they will need to go to school, learn, work an honest wage and speak proper English. Learn that the "th" is not pronounced like an "f".

What I tell the people I know is that whites should be as race proud as everyone else only we don't need a month set aside to contrive a false celebration because we thought of, designed, and built almost everything around us. We as whites are already the champions because we are born champions of the human race. Everyone else aspires to us. We have been and continue to be brilliant.

You are absolutely correct about Obama. He IS going to fail and it is just a matter of time. He is just the spokesman for a bi-partisan clique that are running the U.S. into the ground and taking everyone they can with them. Soon the distraction and party will be over and real work must begin but more chaos and confusion will continue since it does not matter who is the person reading the teleprompter.Edited by: Maple Leaf
Maple Leaf said:
Soon the distraction and party will be over and real work must begin but more chaos and confusion will continue since it does not matter who is the person reading the teleprompter.

And guess what happens when Obama doesn't have a teleprompter to read?

Menelik said:
White Shogun said:
I am even avoiding reading the posts on this thread, I am so ignoring the inauguration.

Yall can come up for air now; hes the president.

I'm turnin' blue already and I have four more years to go!!
So everybody in Washington D.C. loves Obama, well a few years ago everybody in the state of Washington loved Tyrone Willingham. Now the football program there is in a real mess. Do they still love him? What will America be like in four years?
Will Obama do to America what Willingham did to the Huskies or what Micheal Jackson does to little boys??
Gary said:
So everybody in Washington D.C. loves Obama, well a few years ago everybody in the state of Washington loved Tyrone Willingham. Now the football program there is in a real mess. Do they still love him? What will America be like in four years?
Will Obama do to America what Willingham did to the Huskies or what Micheal Jackson does to little boys??

A sex scandal maybe like Bill "Playboy" Clinton?
Edited by: j41181
I'm thinking in GWB, we've seen the last white, straight, male president. History wasn't made today because some half-breed made president, it was made because the complete and total emasculation of America was realized, given credence and called "progress."
Edited by: Animalmuther0
Animalmuther0 said:
I'm thinking in GWB, we've seen the last white, straight, male president. History wasn't made today because some half-breed made president, it was made because the complete and total emasculation of America was realized, given credence and called "progress."

I agree, G.W. Bush may be the last white and straight male president. If there ever will be another white president, it may be either a woman, or a male HOMO. White guys like us are considered TABOO these days.
Edited by: j41181
Don Wassall said:
Freethinker said:
I enjoy watching alot of Discovery Channel because there is usually no agenda. My 2 favorite shows are Survivorman and Man vs. Wild. They both feature a bad-ass white man stranded in jungles, mountains, desserts, islands, etc and showing you what to do in these situations. I would def recommend these shows to all of you guys.

I like them both too, but have come to like Survivor Man a lot more. Les is totally by himself, even has to do his own filming from several different angles (not to mention having to drag all that equipment with him wherever he goes).

The more I watch Man vs. Wild the more I'm thinking it's too staged. Bear is always in situations where he's climbing or descending vertical places, which seems to be his specialty. It's like he's showing off too much, though I'll give him props for the array of critters he munches on.
He also has a camera crew and who knows what else with him. His cameramen, who go up and down and everywhere else right beside him while holding a camera with one arm, must be human monkeys when it comes to agility.

Unfortunately, I think Les of Survivor Man is done filming new episodes. Both shows give lots of great information on ways to survive in adverse conditions.

I enjoyed Survivorman more than Man vs. Wild as well. Survivorman was much more true to life and I think Les did a lot more than Bear. I hope to get the last season of Survivorman on DVD when it comes out since I missed getting to see it.
Don Wassall said:
Freethinker said:
I enjoy watching alot of Discovery Channel because there is usually no agenda. My 2 favorite shows are Survivorman and Man vs. Wild. They both feature a bad-ass white man stranded in jungles, mountains, desserts, islands, etc and showing you what to do in these situations. I would def recommend these shows to all of you guys.

I like them both too, but have come to like Survivor Man a lot more.  Les is totally by himself, even has to do his own filming from several different angles (not to mention having to drag all that equipment with him wherever he goes).

The more I watch Man vs. Wild the more I'm thinking it's too staged.  Bear is always in situations where he's climbing or descending vertical places, which seems to be his specialty.  It's like he's showing off too much, though I'll give him props for the array of critters he munches on.
 He also has a camera crew and who knows what else with him.  His cameramen, who go up and down and everywhere else right beside him while holding a camera with one arm, must be human monkeys when it comes to agility.

Unfortunately, I think Les of Survivor Man is done filming new episodes.  Both shows give lots of great information on ways to survive in adverse conditions.

i was a fan of Man vs. Wild when it first came out, however Bear has been caught faking his show too many times (see countless YouTube videos for proof) for me to bother paying any attention to it any longer. however, his life is one hell of a true story. take a look at his personal website. the man has done some amazing things.

i now thoroughly prefer Les, aka Survivorman. he is the real deal. sadly, he decided to stop making his show and is now moving on to other projects.

also, someone mentioned the show Sharpe's Rifles earlier in this thread. i watched it on YouTube today. excellent story, despite the low budget production. a tip of my hat to whoever mentioned it.
Animalmuther0 said:
I'm thinking in GWB, we've seen the last white, straight, male president. History wasn't made today because some half-breed made president, it was made because the complete and total emasculation of America was realized, given credence and called "progress."

Dude wasn't straight.

unfortunately Hillary did not win the nomination in order to become America's last white male president.

probably the last white male who was certifiably straight was Ronald Reagan.
I listened to the classical music station in the morning. The theme was patiotic music. Then they broadcast it live.
"Simple Gifts" is one of my favorite songs. Now I will associate ite with BHO. They will probably make us sing it every morning at the labor camp for white people.
What is Aretha Franklin's talent. Her voice is awful! I rather hear Yoko Ono sing. Someone gave an album of here when I was young. I could not get through the first side. She just screaches. She is even in the Rock n Roll hall of fame. She is not a rock singer.
Caught part of Rev Lawry's speech. Who is he? Was he a pimp for MLK?
I also stayed off the internet.
Tomoorow, BHO starts his reign of terror. God help us.
Like what J41181</span> had said, I too will be professional on the whole DAMN thing. Yahoo is going YAHOO over this pimp for a president.

I spent most of the day watching 80's movies, and listening to 80's music, ahhhh the 80's.....to me it's the Golden Age of American history, Ronald Reagan, Back to the Future, Larry Bird, Return of the Jedi, Diehard, The Thing, Arnie, Sly, Chuck....Oh My God...how I miss those days.

Now we got president pimp!!!!

Edited by: indianwhite

This guy is our President now. I don't support him and I know he's going to stink up the house as far as being the chief executive, but don't think the American people will start seeing things our way because obama is a jerk. They will make every excuse for him known to mankind. They will never admit that he's a bum. To do so would mean they'd have to admit they were wrong and that's not going to happen.

Having said that, look on the bright side of things. There is going to be some hilarious stuff going on in the next four years. Things you never thought you'd see coming out of the White House. It's going to be interesting ;istening to all the talking heads make ecuses for obama and michele (especially michele - she's the x factor here - look for some real bombs coming from her).

TV - I advise not just not watching TV for a day. I think everyone here should put it out with the garbage. The thing is a cancer. An ongoing propaganda machine used to dumb down the society. It's everywhere. I took my wife to the doctor the other day and there were two massive TV's in the waiting room. They're in the local donkin donuts, coffee shops, absolutely everywhere. Orwell and Goebells are probably smiling wherever they are.

Tom Iron...
Yesterday was definitely a historic day. No doubt about it for it marked the end of civilization. Not western civilization just plain old civilization. You see I don't call it people being disillusioned or emasculated. I just call it people being plain stupid. Eighty percent of this world are just plain dumb whether they were born that way or whatever the case is that's what they are. The sad thing is that four years from now they probably won't realize that they are stupid because they'll probably put the kenyan born citizen back in office.
darthvader said:
I just call it people being plain stupid. Eighty percent of this world are just plain dumb whether they were born that way or whatever the case is that's what they are.

I hate to agree with such a cynical statement, but its got a lot of truth to it. Throughout history you've got the elite ruling class, the scientists, scholars, thinkers etc and then you've got the rest of the general public. Just look at the number of intelligent posters on this site and compare our small numbers to the enormous number of morons on mainstream sports forums.

Maybe back then it was goat farmers instead of fat guys with six packs, TVs and debt from all the credit cards they can't afford. The thing that hasn't changed however, is that most people are still ignorant to what really goes on and how a small, but smart and organized few, control everything around them.

This is exactly why our founders gave us a Republic (rule of law), instead of a Democracy (people's rule). They knew that majority or mob rule is dangerous since most people are uninformed and easily manipulated. The ObamaMania is a great example of this. They knew a Democracy would eventually bring this country to ruin and now it coming to fruition.Edited by: Freethinker
Freethinker said:
I hate to agree with such a cynical statement, but its got a lot of truth to it. Throughout history you've got the elite ruling class, the scientists, scholars, thinkers etc and then you've got the rest of the general public. Just look at the number of intelligent posters on this site and compare our small numbers to the enormous number of morons on mainstream sports forums.

Maybe back then it was goat farmers instead of fat guys with six packs, TVs and debt from all the credit cards they can't afford. The thing that hasn't changed however, is that most people are still ignorant to what really goes on and how a small, but smart and organized few, control everything around them.

This is exactly why our founders gave us a Republic (rule of law), instead of a Democracy (people's rule). They knew that majority or mob rule is dangerous since most people are uninformed and easily manipulated. The ObamaMania is a great example of this. They knew a Democracy would eventually bring this country to ruin and now it coming to fruition.

Very true and very well put.

If the government and media were pro-white, the DWFs, dittoheads, Christian Zionists and the rest of the deluded one-time "Silent Majority" would be as fervently racially aware as they are now aracial and anti-white. The "intelligent posters on this site" and wherever else have to work together and organize a genuine opposition to the current power structure. It's up to us, because the goat herders and DWFs will always be oblivious followers; but they will also follow real leaders who have their interests at heart. We're the ones who have to come up with a solution to the current extremely anti-white power structure.
Freethinker: your analogy to goat herders is amusing while at the same time a bull's eye. Well said.

Don Wassal: your proposition and acknowledgement to those aware to find the solutions for the goat herders is unquestionably firm and true. Now is a good time to start.

So many whites are gifted with brilliant bodies and brilliant brains. Find out how systems work, educate yourself, and succeed, succeed, succeed like we always do. You are born winners, it is up to you to take the prize. I plan almost every day of my life to complete the ascent. Will you?
I know that here there are mixed feelings about Steve Sailer, but he does provide a good free biography of Obama which reveals a lot about this man's vain self-absorbed character, as well as his racism. It's called "America's Half-blood Prince".

You can read or download it for free at www.vdare.com

Insight into next 4 years?
American Freedom News