James Traficant on Israel, America

There is a wave of attacks on Churches in Israel going on that is getting very little publicity. I stumbled across this on an African news web site...Christian leaders in Israel are up in arms over what they say is a string of relentless attacks on church properties and religious sites. The most recent being the desecration of a historic Protestant cemetery where vandals toppled stone crosses from graves and bludgeoned them to pieces.The attack in the Protestant Cemetery of Mount Zion, one of Jerusalem's most important historic graveyards, has struck a particularly sensitive nerve because some of the damaged graves belong to important figures from the 19th and 20th centuriesThe attack joins a list of high-profile Christian sites that have been vandalised within the past year. They include a Trappist monastery in Latrun, outside Jerusalem, where vandals burned a door and spray-painted "Jesus is a monkey" on the century-old building, a Baptist church in Jerusalem, and other monasteries. Clergymen often speak of being spat at by ultra-Orthodox religious students while walking around Jerusalem's Old City wearing frocks and crosses.Over the past three years, 17 Christian sites in the Holy Land have been reported vandalised, according to Search for Common Ground, a nongovernmental group that monitors press reports of attacks on local holy sites.Researcher Kevin Merkelz said a police detective in charge of Christian affairs told the organisation the numbers are actually higher, but Christian leaders chose not to report many attacks to the press."The Christians who are still here want to keep a low profile when attacked," said Merkelz. He said the group does not include sites in the politically sensitive Old City of Jerusalem in its survey, because many sites are in dispute, and the group does not want to be seen as taking sides in conflicting claims to important properties.from http://www.timeslive.co.za/world/2013/10/09/christian-sites-being-vandalised-in-israel
It's hard to take this Jewess seriously when she's dressed like a slut. My "inferior" eyes couldn't help stare at her "superior" tits. Oh well....
Jim Trafficant was probably the only honest congressman in the entire USSA. The Jews framed him and railroaded him to prison because he dared to defend an innocent man that they had honed in their beady little hate-crazed eyes upon and were intent upon destroying his life, John Demjanjuk.
I am pro-Israel.

Both the Jews and the Arabs are an enemy of all races (not just whites). Since the Jews are spread globally, theres no chance the Arabs can eradicate them.

How ever we can get the Jews to destroy the entire Middle East.
450 Jews died on 9/11. I documented 150 of them. I have their pictures and names. Which lead me to the conclusion that the Arabs did 9/11.

Now how can anyone on Castefootball support the Arabs after killing 3,000 Americans?
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PhillyFanatic, I don't support Arabs. But I do know what the zionists did to them (you should look up the whole zionist conspracy dating back to Theodor Herzl - very interesting how this all played out). So it is for the Arabs to kick them out of Palestine. Otherwise, the whole thing is not our affair.

Its hard for people on here to comprehend this but Arabs are equally as evil as Jews.

Islam's goal is to kill and convert all non-muslims. Its the Arabs plan to enslave the gentiles.

I use the word gentiles because DNA tests show Ashkenazi Jews are Arabs and not Khazars.
450 Jews died on 9/11. I documented 150 of them. I have their pictures and names. Which lead me to the conclusion that the Arabs did 9/11.

Now how can anyone on Castefootball support the Arabs after killing 3,000 Americans?

The only thing that Arabs had to do with 911 was to serve as the set up fall guys, the patsies. Jews were killed on 911, but Israhellis weren't. The Israhellis stayed home that day. And so did Benjamin Netanyahu's close friend and crime partner LUCKY Lawrence Silverstein who just raked in 4.68 BILLION dollars, but he is pissed off because he wants 7 and he intends to get it. Nicepayoff for a little bit of "jewish lighting", no?

Also the execs in Lucky Larry's company didn't show up that day. Nor did his two kids, all of whom worked at the WTC and were there every morning - except that morning. Silverstein was of course never subpoenaed or even questioned about any of this, or about his infamous PULL IT testimony. His "family spokesman" (consigliere) eventually issued a statement saying he "was running late", that's all.

4,000 Israelis who were working "in or near" the WTC on 911 got lucky too as none, zero, died. The Israeli Consul General, Alon Pinkus, said that one Israeli, A VISITOR, died, but he was later found alive. Now they try to say that's nothing but a dirty antisemitic ayrab urban myth - but they are also careful to try to keep the 9/12 edition of the Jerusalem Post disappeared as well as the statements issued by the Israeli embassy in NYC on 911.


"The military knows that Israel did 911. It is 100% certain that 9-11 was a Mossad operation – period."
- Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College
Its hard for people on here to comprehend this but Arabs are equally as evil as Jews.

Islam's goal is to kill and convert all non-muslims. Its the Arabs plan to enslave the gentiles.

I use the word gentiles because DNA tests show Ashkenazi Jews are Arabs and not Khazars.

Bull****. I've got no use for the lot of them, all those narrow minded and cruel monotheistic middle eastern religious fanatics, Mohammedans and Jesus phreakes and, worst of all by far, Talmudists - except I like truly religious and good people whatever they call themselves - ALL ROADS LEAD HOME! - but Moslems venerate Jesus as a prophet whereas Jews teach that he is burning forever in hell in boiling excrement, and Christians and Jews have been allowed to live in peace in Moslem countries for centuries - like the Jews of Iran who Israhell recently tried to bribe to leave but they won't (you can google youtubes etc. of the jewish community in Iran) - and in the Ottoman Empire too - a British newspaper just ran a story on how the Christians and Jews lived in peace and freedom under the Turks.

Everything you wrote there is bull****. It is just the opposite. Ashkenazi Jews ARE Khazars. The Palestinians are actually the descendents of Jesus. And the Sephardic Jews are indistinguishable from the Palestinians.

Also, we never had the slightest problem with any Moslem country since the days of the Barbary pirates - until Israhell came along!


The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv on Wednesday reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.
Muslems have absolutely no influence over the self-destructive policies of white nations. Muslem hate is just a distraction. When has any muslim lobby or muslem money affected any our immigration policies? affirmative action? Pro Gay laws? War? or any destructive anti-white laws/policies? There are a none existent influence. A tool of the Jew - the ones who do set out self-destructive policies.
Muslems have absolutely no influence over the self-destructive policies of white nations. Muslem hate is just a distraction. When has any muslim lobby or muslem money affected any our immigration policies? affirmative action? Pro Gay laws? War? or any destructive anti-white laws/policies? There are a none existent influence. A tool of the Jew - the ones who do set out self-destructive policies.

If they have no influence, is why everyone on here a Muslim apologist?

Why are the Liberals pro-Palestine?

Why is Al Jazeera allowed on American TV.

Why do people believe Jews did 9/11 when it can be debunked easily.
Muslems have absolutely no influence over the self-destructive policies of white nations. Muslem hate is just a distraction. When has any muslim lobby or muslem money affected any our immigration policies? affirmative action? Pro Gay laws? War? or any destructive anti-white laws/policies? There are a none existent influence. A tool of the Jew - the ones who do set out self-destructive policies.
The truth. :thumbsup:

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You muslim apologists dont treat Blacks and Mexicans with the same dignity and respect.

We had several posters today celebrate death of 2 year black child.

But the Arabs who did 9/11, are genetically related to Ashkenazi Jews, invented Islam for world domination are shown respect.
You muslim apologists dont treat Blacks and Mexicans with the same dignity and respect.

We had several posters today celebrate death of 2 year black child.

But the Arabs who did 9/11, are genetically related to Ashkenazi Jews, invented Islam for world domination are shown respect.
Nobody here celebrated the death of a child.
You muslim apologists dont treat Blacks and Mexicans with the same dignity and respect.

We had several posters today celebrate death of 2 year black child.

But the Arabs who did 9/11, are genetically related to Ashkenazi Jews, invented Islam for world domination are shown respect.

Another deranged troll.
On this Sept 11 day, seventeen years after the attacks, why is the US supporting Al-Qaeda in Syria?

Filming of staged chemical attack in Syrian Idlib begins


Because serving the interests of Israel is the #1 priority of the American government. The US sides with Al-Qaeda in Syria to oppose president Assad, who stands up to Israel. Assad protects Christians in Syria from Sunni extremists like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

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